Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 149: Above new highs, daily limit!

Arrive at the hospital and walk into the ward.

Su Yu saw Shi Yuling reading quietly on the hospital bed and asked with a smile, "How are you doing? Does the fractured calf still hurt?"

"The pain has stopped for a long time." Shi Yuling looked up and saw Su Yu arriving, and was very happy. "The doctor said that I can be discharged from the hospital after I stay for a few more days, but..."

Shi Yulin paused, his bright eyes showing some self-blame.

He continued: "Nana hasn't woken up yet. The doctor said that Nana's physical indicators have recovered very well, but she just can't wake up. He also said that if she can find her familiar relatives and talk to her, maybe there will be a cure. As a result, Nana only has one sister, and she got separated a long time ago."

"It's okay." Su Yu said with a smile, "As long as her body is recovering, she will wake up sooner or later."

"Oh, right……"

Su Yu paused and then said: "After you are discharged from the hospital, if you don't want to live in the company dormitory, I will find you a house and arrange a nanny for you to take care of you for a while. "Hundred Days," if you don't recover well, you won't be able to do many of the things you want to do in the future."

"No need." Shi Yuling replied, "When I am discharged from the hospital, I will be able to take care of myself."

"Discharge from the hospital does not mean recovery." Su Yu insisted, "I have asked Mr. Li to turn off all your work in the next few months and asked him to give you three months of leave. You will be fine in these few months. Rest, read a book or watch TV when you have free time, don’t worry about anything else.”

"Yeah!" Shi Yuling saw Su Yu's face becoming stern, and responded softly, then agreed.

"Recently..." Su Yu paused for a while and then said, "Is that guy Yang Hao still coming here every day?"

In the past few days, he had to deal with a lot of things, so he didn't come to visit Shi Yuling every day, so he didn't know if Yang Hao had ever been to the hospital.

"He came here yesterday," Shi Yuling recalled. "He asked me a lot about sister Nana."

Su Yu said in surprise: "Didn't he ask before?"

Shi Yuling replied: "I don't know either. Maybe he thinks I missed something. In fact, I don't know much at first. They were all told to me by Nana when I chatted with her occasionally, and I can remember them." , I have told this Young Master Yang a long time ago, I don’t know why he asks every time he comes.”

"By the way, brother Su Yu..."

"The car accident Nana and I had this time had something to do with Nana's sister, right?"

"It doesn't matter." Su Yu replied, "Don't think blindly. This matter has passed. Please rest in peace and recover. I will handle everything."

"Yeah." Shi Yuling thought for a while and continued to answer without asking any more questions.

Afterwards, the two continued to talk for a while and had dinner together. It was not until nine o'clock in the evening that Su Yu left.

When he got home, before he could take a shower, Lin Antu called him again.

"Mr. Su, Chen Qingnian from Leishen Security Company has gone home now." Lin Antu said, "It seems that nothing happened."

Su Yu smiled and said softly: "As expected!"

In his opinion, without solid evidence, it is simply impossible to move such a person.

"But I heard that his capable subordinate, General Manager Wang of Raytheon Security Company, has admitted that he was the mastermind behind the '6·28 car accident.'" Lin Antu continued, "I think the investigation has reached this point. The police I probably won’t delve into it any further.”

When Su Yu heard this, he was surprised and continued to ask: "Has General Manager Wang said his motive for doing this?"

Lin Antu replied: "According to the police's internal case report, General Manager Wang said that it was because Miss Yvonne was having an affair with him while flirting with Liu Zilin, and he felt that he was being cheated on. So in a fit of rage, he had someone hit Yvonne, and blamed the entire incident on Liu Zilin. The police also determined the motive for this incident as an 'attempted murder' caused by a relationship dispute. event."

"This is outrageous." Su Yu was shocked when he heard the news that Lin Antu found out.

"I also think it's outrageous." Lin Antu chuckled and continued, "But the police investigated various surveillance records and found that Miss Ivana did have a lot of contact with General Manager Wang, and according to some witness testimony, it seems that the two The relationship between people is indeed quite ambiguous, and according to what General Manager Wang said, the whole incident can be deduced logically."

Su Yu thought for a while and guessed that Ivanna must have accidentally discovered that her sister's disappearance was related to the Thunder God Security Company, so she used the same tactics she used when contacting Liu Zilin and hooked up with the Thunder God Security Company. The general manager of the company is just...

General Manager Wang of Leishen Security Company is by no means a timid and fearful person like Liu Zilin.

So after she got certain clues, something unexpected happened.

"I'm not a fool. If I want to put on a show, I must do a complete set." Su Yu replied, and then said with emotion, "What a trick to give up the car to save the handsome man!"

Lin Antu said: "It does seem a bit like trying to hide something."

"It's a pity that the person involved doesn't know when he will wake up, so he can't prove his innocence." Su Yu said, "You should continue to follow this matter and see what more outrageous things happen next. Oh, by the way... Last time I asked you to investigate the identity of the person who took the secret photos and revealed that Chairman Yang was raising an illegitimate child in the United States, did you find out?"

Lin Antu replied: "No, that guy only appeared once and then disappeared completely. I couldn't contact him if I tried to contact him later."

"It seems that this matter is indeed strange!" Su Yu said with emotion.

In his understanding, the interests represented by Kumho Group Chairman Yang Jincheng have been integrated with the Chen family, and they will definitely not expose themselves and cause division within Kumho Group; and the interest groups headed by Yang Hao, if they had known about Yang Jincheng earlier The matter with Chen Huizhu, and a pair of twins about seven years old, must have been exposed long ago, forcing Yang Jincheng to abdicate, and he would not have waited until the current embarrassing situation.

Therefore, Su Yu thought for a long time.

I realized that the person who leaked this secret was anything but ordinary.

"Analyzing from the perspective of interests, Pengyuan Real Estate should benefit the most from the revelation of Chairman Yang's scandal of Kumho Group." Lin Antu said, "Will it be Pengyuan Real Estate, a third-party competitor, that exposes this secret? After all, when this scandal breaks out, the internal divisions and interest disputes within Kumho Group will become more and more serious. For the time being, we are simply unable to compete with them for some core projects."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Su Yu said, "But that candid photo is too clear and the angle is too tricky. Is there such a coincidence in the world...?"

He originally thought that he could at least roughly see clearly the murky waters of Kumho Group with the advantage of his reborn memory.


There were some changes that he couldn't figure out, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence." Lin Antu couldn't think of any other reason and replied.

Su Yu continued to ponder for a while and said: "Since we can't find that person, let's put this matter aside for the time being and let others have a headache. You first return your focus to stock market intelligence information, especially about the Shanghai stock market. News, as well as the news about the company ‘Zexi Investment’.”

"Zexi?" Lin Antu said in surprise, "Mr. Su wants to attack this private equity fund?"

"The size of their fund has exceeded tens of billions. At this stage, I am not qualified to attack." Su Yu said, "I just want to understand the investment trajectory of this private equity institution at the current stage."

Jiefang South Road suddenly entered the Shanghai Steel Union, giving him a not-so-good signal.

He was worried that Zexi Investment, a top domestic private equity institution, was also following the hidden main line of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone.

And if that's the case...

Then he will have to change his current investment strategy.

"Oh!" Lin Antu responded and said, "Okay, I'll try to find out more."

After saying that, the two continued to exchange a few words briefly, then hung up the phone. Immediately afterwards, Su Yu went to sleep, and before he knew it, it was the next day.

Thursday, July 25th.

Su Yu came to the company. Although the external trends and macro news were still calm, after a short meeting, he was waiting for the opening of the market.

"Mr. Su..." At 9:02, in the company's fund trading room, Li Meng stared at all the fund's positions and the net worth of over 2.1, and said to Su Yu, "All the domestic private equity funds of our fund that have exceeded 100 million. In the ranking, both net worth and scale have begun to be at the forefront, and the recent attention has begun to increase sharply. Although many institutions and individual investors in the entire market do not know about our 'Yuhang No. 1' Fund It has nothing to do with your personal seat on Yuhang Fortune Road, but the following effect has already arisen."

"I think it is for the better growth of the net value of our fund."

"In order to protect the interests of investors who invest in our funds, it is time for us to start hiding the position data, and there is no need to publish the net value every week."

Su Yu listened to Li Meng's suggestion and said with a smile: "When the fund was first established, the reason why the position data was disclosed and the net value was announced every week was to win the trust of investors and make them feel at ease. Now...the net value of the fund has increased by leaps and bounds in the early stage. It is already greater than 2.0, investors are already confident, and there is really no need to do this anymore.”

"Okay, just as you said..."

"Starting from today, we will hide the position data and fund net value, close all permissions, and conduct hidden and fully closed operations."

"Lest the attention of our fund become overheated in the short term and suffer too many followers."

After saying that, Su Yu opened his mailbox and sent an email to the 162 investors holding shares of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund, expressing this view.

In just one month, profits doubled.

The 162 investors who hold shares of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund have complete trust in Su Yu, the fund manager, and naturally have no objections.

Later, when Su Yu finished sending the email, he turned his attention to the two markets again.

9:15 has arrived.

The core stock he paid attention to, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union, instantly changed from yesterday's closing price of 31.71 yuan to 34.88 yuan, an increase of 10%. The price limit matched 312 trading orders, and 52,000 orders were closed. The main capital rush was obvious. , and the mood is very consistent.

“It’s daily limit in one word!”

At the beginning of the Shanghai Steel Federation's collective bidding, when the daily limit showed a trend, someone in Su Yu's main hot money group said with emotion: "There should be no suspense today."

"Brother Su's Fortune Road, Chief Xu's Jiefang South Road, plus Brother Sun's Qingchun Road, the three big guys' lock-in chips on this check have exceeded 100 million, which is equivalent to the Shanghai Steel Federation's The circulating market has temporarily lost 100 million. Under such a situation, as long as the three people do not hit it and the market opens at the daily limit, there is no suspense at all. Alas... It's a pity. Yesterday was a violent shock. I knew it was an emotional turning point, but I actually I only bought more than 4 million chips."

"Me too. Compared to Brother Su and Brother Sun in the group, we people still have less money and less courage after all!"

"Human weaknesses in trading are always difficult to overcome."

"As soon as the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation's Dragon and Tiger List came out yesterday, I knew that today would definitely be a one-word daily limit trend."

"New high breakthrough, coupled with the support of two top seats, Brother Su's Fortune Road and President Xu's Jiefang South Road, if there is no word under this situation, it will be lower than expected."

"Indeed, Shanghai Steel Federation is destined to shrink its sales today, so don't look at it."

"A feast for shareholders!"

"If you win the game, there should be a premium. This is normal."

"The breakthrough trend of this check really perfectly illustrates the trading technique of 'buying on the divergence'."

"When the opportunity is clearly in front of everyone, many people may not take action even if they notice it. But when the opportunity is missed, they regret, regret, or even chase the high price to raise funds, but it is almost 100%. This may be the reaction of trading. Let’s be human, very few people can avoid it.”

"Normally, if most people can avoid it, then the logic of market transactions will probably change in the opposite direction."

"To put it bluntly, the market itself has always been such that only a few people can make money."

"It's essentially a game, that's right..."

"Okay, let's not discuss these 'technical' things for now. Let's talk about practical things. Today, the Shanghai Steel Federation has a huge concept of one-word daily limit. There is no chance to participate. If we follow the trend in the future, what do you think? Which one has the most potential?"

"Tianyu Information, Yinjie Shares, or..."

"Tianyu Information, this check is the leading one in the early stage, and the circulation is not large. It requires performance, concepts, and expectations... It is still the Su Brothers' 'Fortune Road' concept stock. As long as it ignites, retail investors will follow suit. , has been very high, and has been fluctuating with the Shanghai Steel Federation recently, so it is very suitable to be the second dragon."

"Tianyu's information was okay before, but in the past two days on the Dragon and Tiger List, an organization entered the check, and the chips were not clean. I think it can be ruled out now."

"Yinjie shares feel..."

Just when everyone is discussing which stock in the same sector and concept as Shanghai Steel Union can absorb the overflow funds that cannot buy Shanghai Steel Union.

Su Yu's eyes suddenly focused on Huake Jincai, who had not performed well before.

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