Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 154 One-word Soul-Severing Knife

Su Yu saw the message Zhao Qiang sent to him and thought that if he wanted to completely take over the Shanghai Steel Union tomorrow, the funds in his hand might not be enough. He couldn't help but replied: "Brother Zhao, if you believe me, tomorrow Just help me pick up the Shanghai Steel Union. As long as you can pick it up tomorrow, you will naturally understand the market trend when it comes out."

"Of course I believe you."

Zhao Qiang saw that Su Yu did not answer directly, nor did he reveal his specific thoughts and reasons. He paused for a while and continued: "How to pick up? How many do you need me to pick up?"

"If possible... take it at the limit." Su Yu replied, "As for how much, Brother Zhao can do whatever he can, but... you have to listen to me when it comes to taking action. I guarantee that you can make a profit on this check. It’s all about money.”

"Okay!" Zhao Qiang still trusted Su Yu very much, so he responded without asking any more questions.

Next, amid the continuous discussions and emotional fermentation in the market... July 30 arrives, and the stock market ushered in the second trading day of the week.

After everything is ready...

When 9:15 arrived, it was under the spotlight and the eyes of countless investors.

Shanghai Steel Union's stock price flickered at yesterday's closing price of 36.83 yuan, and then jumped directly to 33.15 yuan, a drop of 10%, with a limit of 15,000 orders closed; while Huake Financial opened 7% lower, and the stock price was reported at 29.43 yuan, a penny. It fell below the 30 yuan mark without resistance.

"What the hell, nuclear button, one word down?"

Seeing the price of Shanghai Steel Union's initial call auction, the entire market and investors paying attention to this stock were shocked.

"It's fake, it must be fake!"

"Impossible, how can it drop the limit in one word? It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all!"

“It didn’t hit the limit yesterday, so why did it hit the limit today?”

"I was chasing after the market opening yesterday. If it hits the limit, it will be more than 20 points. I'm going to die. Damn it..."

Everyone was in shock.

9:16, 9:17, 9:18...

There is still no change on the market of Shanghai Steel Union. The stock price is still down to the limit, and orders are closed at the limit. From the initial 15,000 lots, it has gradually increased to 21,000 lots.

At this time, everyone realized that this check really hit the limit.

"One word soul-cutting knife!" In the Yuhang Hot Money internal group where Su Yu was, Sun Yu was also very shocked when he saw such a terrifying opening scene. He couldn't help but sigh in the group, "Where did Mr. Xu appear?" , this classic harvesting technique really goes hand in hand.”

"I really didn't expect it to be a trend of soul-breaking in one word!"

"Director Xu pushed the 'nuclear button' too far, right? Can he play safely?"

"When he is emotionally depressed, if he doesn't press the button, someone will press him."

"The 480 million funds that changed hands yesterday were all buried. It's really scary. Fortunately, I didn't take it yesterday. By the way, Brother Su still has a lot of chips in the market, right? This market... is really unreasonable. Brother Su's path to wealth With the blessing of the two major seats, Jiefang South Road, headed by Mr. Xu, can’t pull it off.”

"With the 'Three Musketeers of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange', the rat turds that smashed the market overnight, I am in a weak mood and I can't stop it. I think so... It is really reasonable and reasonable for the Shanghai Steel Federation to be criticized today."

"The guillotine fell, and the Shanghai Steel Federation was really hopeless."

"Hey, I was also cored, but fortunately there were only 1,000 hands."

"At 9:20, the order was not cancelled. It seems to be the 'real button'. In this situation...does anyone dare to pry the board?"

"Yesterday, the transaction volume was 480 million. It's a historic amount. Such a large amount has been verified. With the current mood, who dares to pry? Doesn't it feel like the money in your hand is too hot?"

Everyone was extremely shocked...

Zhao Qiang stared at the board of Shanghai Steel Union and was also shocked.

At this moment, in the Shenzhen market, the "Three Musketeers" who bought a lot yesterday and wanted to speculate on the leader's return, also had their eyes widened in disbelief, their hearts were cold, and they were all scolding Xu Xiang on Jiefang South Road.

After all, everyone knows that the one-word soul-cutting knife is Xu Xiang's famous skill.


At this moment, in the magic city, inside 'Zexi Investment', Xu Xiang stared at the Shanghai Steel Union market, which had been sealed by the daily limit, and the limit had been extended to 100,000 lots. His heart was shocked and full of anger.

The entire market, and the investors who were locked in the Shanghai Steel Federation at this moment, were scolding him.

But only he knew that at 9:15, he had no orders at all. The 15,000 hands of chips that seized the channel, broke the mood, and sealed the limit, were not his handiwork at all. Besides...the total amount of chips in his hand The number of chips is not as many as 15,000 hands.

In fact, he didn't even think of it...

The trading skills he invented will one day be used by others to kill him.

Not only that, but what made him even more angry was that while the other party was harvesting him, he was also subjected to infamy. This was simply... bullying too much!

"Yuhang Fortune Road, 'Yuhang Investment' Su Yu..."

Xu Xiang frowned deeply, suppressing the anger in his heart. He held the mouse with his fingers, moved the cursor to the buy button on the computer interface several times, and gave up several times.

He knew that Yuhang Fortune Road was holding the pressure.

Only the main funds that have been deeply involved in the Shanghai Steel Union before, have such a large amount of chips, and do not mind the cost and losses, can push the market to this point, causing a trend of one word limit.

But he still couldn't see clearly the other party's motives, let alone whether the other party wanted to leave the field quickly.

Still want to shake the warehouse to the extreme.

But no matter what the motivation is, if he continues to buy rashly at this moment, he may continue to be harvested by the other party.

After all, if the other party wants to leave the market quickly and he uses a large amount of funds to pry it off, he will just get what the other party wants and help the other party escape. If the other party wants to shake the position to the limit, he is not sure how many chips the opponent still has. Under such circumstances, once the other party notices his motives and continues to lower the price, he may face even greater losses. After all... the market sentiment at this time is indeed not good. Even if he eats the 100,000 lots on the market, No matter what, it is difficult to guarantee that the mood can be reversed instantly.

In other words, he was already in a passive situation.

If you can't control the game, you can only be led by the opponent's nose and constantly manipulated.

It can only be said that fortunately, he did not have a lot of funds to intervene in this stock. Even if it hits this limit, the loss will not be large.

"Hey..." After pondering for a long time, Xu Xiang finally gave up the plan to continue to increase his position at the last moment of 9:25. He temporarily endured this bad breath and locked up the Shanghai stock market in his hands. All the chips of Steel Union were placed on the lower limit board in one fell swoop, taking advantage of the account channel, waiting to exit.

Finally, at 9:25, Shanghai Steel Union dropped to the limit, closing orders in total to 124,500 lots.

Hua Ke Financial also opened near the lower limit, but it was not sealed.

The major indexes of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index, under the influence of the collapse of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, have more or less opened lower. Among them, the ChiNext Index has opened lower than the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index. The decline in related popular concept sectors that had been hotly speculated before was also much greater than the index. The overall speculation funds have clearly ebbed. The money-making effect has declined, while the money-losing effect has skyrocketed.

"Mr. Su..."

After seeing such a sluggish opening, Li Meng frowned slightly in the 'Yuhang Investment' trading room, tilted his head and said to Su Yu: "It seems... the wind direction has changed again, the GEM index opened lower and directly penetrated 10 On the daily line, I’m afraid it will most likely return to the 20-day line to stabilize.”

"Very good!" Su Yu said with a smile, "If you step back on the 20-day line, you will be healthier."

With that said, Su Yu told the traders during the trading day to remember to buy the bottom when the GEM index touched the 20-day line, and then turned his attention back to the Shanghai Steel Union's market.

In the collective bidding of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, he placed the initial 15,000 lower limit orders.

And his purpose...

That is to say, when the index and major popular concept sectors are in need of a correction, we need to use the swift and powerful "One-word Soul-Severing Knife" to completely cleanse the market.

Of course, he learned this move from the 'Director Xu of Jiefang South Road' who was locked in the field at the moment.

After all, in a weak mood, since you can't pull up, you can only take advantage of the trend, clean up the market, and then decompress the market above, waiting for the turning point of market sentiment to come.

After a short wait, 9:30 came.

Su Yu saw that the Shanghai Steel Union's closed orders had increased sharply to about 140,000 lots. He no longer needed to continue to pressure the market, so he couldn't help but quickly withdraw his 15,000-lot lower limit sell order.

As he withdrew his orders, the order closures were reduced, and funds were used to buy the market at the bottom and pry it off.

There was a rapid increase at the beginning of the market, and after consuming about 5,000 orders, it calmed down after seeing that the market could not be pried.

Subsequently, the market index retreated, investment sentiment in the two cities further declined, and all popular stocks that had experienced large gains in the early stage fell more or less underwater.

At 9:42, Hua Ke Financial, which was hovering near the decline and fluctuating for a while, sealed the limit.

Su Yu saw that Huake Jincai had closed the lower limit, but there were not many closed orders, and the check's market had a strong willingness to resist funds. He couldn't help but quickly placed 2,000 orders on the market to pry open the lower limit with few closed orders. , quickly boosting its stock price, attracting followers to come in and continue to change hands.

And with his buying and pulling up.

Follow-up orders poured in, pushing the share price of Huake Financial to a maximum drop of around 6.5% within one minute.

And with the rise of Huake Financial, some funds also poured into the blocked Shanghai Steel Union's crowbar, and another wave of chips on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's lower limit board was consumed.

At 10:02, the three major indexes further expanded their declines.

Huake Financial's sustained upward strength was insufficient, and the stock price fell back after rising, and finally returned to the negative range and fluctuated around it.

At 10:21, the GEM index began to touch the 20-day line, the market's bottom line began to expand, and the market sentiment, which had reached the bottom, began to recover.

The following time lasted until the end of lunch.

The ChiNext index has not hit a new intraday low and has been oscillating around the 20-day line.

At the same time, a large amount of funds began to flow back to the GEM. Many popular concept stocks that plummeted in early trading also received the attention of many major funds.

Even Hua Ke Financial, which was near the limit, rebounded to a drop of around 6.5% again.

Only Shanghai Steel Federation...

It was still stuck on the lower limit, and orders were closed at the lower limit. It was still hovering around 100,000 lots, and transactions were completed in half a day. After several attempts by speculative funds to pry the market down, it barely broke through 40 million.

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