Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 156 The floor and ceiling reappear!

Seeing the success of the crowbar, Su Yu followed suit with a huge amount of money gathered. The sentiment on the market had been completely stirred up. He couldn't help but smile. He changed hands and transferred nearly 30 million funds in his personal account, 5,000, 2,000, 1,000. The hand was the order, and gradually entered the market of Huake Jincai.

It is necessary to establish the market position of Huake Financial to follow Feng Longer.

So, at this moment when the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation gathers the attention of the entire market and makes crazy moves to boost prices, it follows the trend and coordinates with the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation to let the short-term funds in the entire market default that Huake Jincai is the strongest follower of the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation. Stocks are the best time.

And in fact...

Huake Financial Co., Ltd. was dragged down by his smashing market yesterday, as well as the sharp decline of the Shanghai Steel Union, and even the one-word limit. The upward trend and positive reactions have not been completed.

Therefore, in Su Yu's view, no matter which aspect it is analyzed from.

Hua Ke Financial is the best target to undertake the overflow sentiment and capital speculation of Shanghai Steel Federation.

As he continued to pour tens of millions of funds into Hua Ke Financial's market, Hua Ke Financial's stock price continued to rise in a steeper arc than that of Shanghai Steel Union. In 3 minutes, it went from underwater to Around 6 points, it has skyrocketed all the way to around 5 points, and it is likely to continue to rise and hit the daily limit.

"Mr. Su..."

At this time, Li Meng also tilted his head excitedly and said with a smile: "The main funds from all parties have accelerated their inflow into the GEM. The originally weak market seems to be... alive again."

"In the entire market, only the core popular stocks on the GEM have the lightest market share and are the easiest to drive market sentiment." Su Yu responded with a smile, "Institutions are singing a good song, saying that the core weight of the main board is seriously underestimated, and the GEM constituent stocks are seriously underestimated. The bubble is high, but they are really asked to spend huge amounts of real money to attack the weights, stimulate the market of the main board, and create a money-making effect, but they are unwilling one by one. In the end, they still hope to make money on the GEM. The sectors and stocks that have the best effect are going up. To put it bluntly... market valuation does not determine everything. There must be a sustained money-making effect and incremental funds will follow in a steady stream. "

"Without the intervention of incremental funds..."

"It is simply wishful thinking to try to attract hundreds of billions or trillions of core-weighted stocks on the main board just by relying on the stock game. No matter how low the valuation is, no one can do it if the market is locked in."

"In the entire market..."

"Currently, only the GEM can continuously generate money-making effects and open up the gap for incremental funds to enter the market."

"Yes!" Li Meng nodded in response and said, "The GEM is indeed the strongest money-making effect in the current market, and the direction of choice and inflow of funds also proves this."

While the two were talking...

On Su Yu's chat software, Chongcang intervened and the crowbar was successful. Zhao Qiang, who saw Shanghai Steel Union flying into the sky instantly, couldn't hide his excitement and directly sent nearly ten messages to Su Yu in one breath.

"Fuck, that's awesome!"

"It's done, the market sentiment has reversed."

"Brother Su's 'One-word Soul-Severing Knife' today is really killing people without blood. Every time he goes out and comes in, he will make tens of millions of profits. It will explode."

"I'm convinced, I'm really convinced, those people cutting meat on the floor today..."

"Oh, including the 'Three Musketeers of Shenzhen City' and perhaps Mr. Xu, the hot money in these markets is very active. I'm afraid my mentality will explode today."

"Haha, it's already a 12% floating profit. It's the first time I've invested more than 40 million in a stock. It's so cool. It's so cool. In five minutes, I got a Ferrari."

"Brother Su, are you still following up? Looking at the strength and emotion of these funds to follow the trend, there is no problem with the floor and the floor!"

"Hey, but I have no money. I can't continue to open positions. It's up to you. If the whole floor comes out, the 'Three Musketeers of Shenzhen City' and Mr. Xu will be angry to death."

"Ha ha……"

"Speaking of which, Sun Yu left the show yesterday and watched the show today. He should be dumbfounded now."

"Holy shit,'s 15% off. I didn't say anything. I can brag about today's vote for the rest of my life."

"Hehe... today on the dragon and tiger list, I can also be ranked among the top attention positions in the market."

Su Yu looked at the series of messages that Zhao Qiang sent to him, smiled, and replied: "Brother Zhao, I am asking you to join us because I am the most familiar with you among the hot money in the current market, and I hope that you can work together in the future." , help me lock in some chips so that I can continue to control this stock."

"Don't worry, today... is just the beginning!"

"Okay!" Zhao Qiang said excitedly, "I believe in your trading logic. Don't worry, I will help you lock up your position before you fully appear."

"Okay!" Su Yu responded.

Then it started to increase to 7 points in the Shanghai Steel Union. When the financial attack was exhausted and it needed to be temporarily adjusted, 3,000 hands of chips were thrown out to withdraw part of the funds.

There is no money in the fund account he is currently operating.

Therefore, in order to maintain the market position of Shanghai Steel Union and to continue to inject funds to stimulate emotions at critical moments, he must pull in and withdraw some funds at the same time.

Because at this time, Shanghai Steel Union is no longer in the same position as when the first and second waves started.

The circulation of this stock has increased more than three times compared to the bottom. If he does not continuously use funds to maintain the market, and when necessary, continues to drive emotions, he will only let the market sentiment naturally ferment, lock up the position, and let the market suffer in the short term. It is difficult to continue to move up if funds are free to attack.

As he dumped his chips, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union gradually fell back to around the 5-point increase.

At this time, in order to stabilize the Shanghai Steel Union from fluctuating around the 5-point increase, when Su Yu left the Shanghai Steel Union, he quickly pulled Huake, which was much lighter than the Shanghai Steel Union in terms of market and circulation. Jincai once again drove its stock price to a straight-line increase range of 7 or 8 points, which also kept the market sentiment of the two stocks in a fiery state, allowing the fire to be reversed and continue to burn. .

And when Su Yu used two shares of funds, two accounts, and two different seats to stabilize the stock prices of Shanghai Steel Union and Huake Financial.

The discussion in the main hot money group he belongs to has completely exploded.

"This crowbar is so beautiful."

"100 million in funds. The main hot money on the Dragon and Tiger List yesterday must have been cut on the floor today, right? I'm afraid Jiefang South Road is no exception."

"It's so fierce. This 'kill with one word' is simply a classic."

"I was also tricked. All the chips were cut on the floor. At 1:42, the 100 million capital lever was used. The moment the market changed was so fast that I couldn't react at all."

"Who could it be that's chopping the board?"

“You’ll know the Dragon and Tiger rankings after the market opens. Today’s trend of the Shanghai Steel Federation is really... no one could have imagined it, right?”

"I really didn't expect that this kind of market could be pried open instantly. This proves that the current market risk appetite and capital are very good, but it just lacks a certain degree of confidence."

"In less than ten minutes, it will be 15 points from the bottom. Everyone, do you know how to floor and floor?"

"The huge amount of chips has basically changed hands at the bottom, and the board is closed upwards. In fact, the pressure is not great."

"And...Hua Ke Jincai is following closely today. It was also pulled up from the floor. Now the increase is even greater than that of the Shanghai Steel Federation. I guess these two checks may really hit the floor today."

"Yesterday, I felt that Huake Financial's market was not over. Unfortunately, I was in a bad mood and didn't dare to take action. Alas... I still hesitated. It's hard to pursue it now."

"I don't think there is anything hard to pursue. Hua Ke Financial's increase has already compensated for yesterday's decrease, and the stock has jumped past the high point of yesterday's daily limit and hit a new high. There is no meat market; and the Shanghai stock market Steel Union, the highest point in the session, although it has not yet completed a substantial counter-package, it has basically released all the losing chips, and there is no upward pressure."

"Don't dare to buy when it's low, don't dare to chase when it's high, it's just a trading misunderstanding!"

"Yes, since Shanghai Steel Union and Hua Ke Financial were able to pull up from the lower limit today, and the funds involved in the crowbar are so deep, it should not be a one-day market."

"What the hell...try chasing 1,000 more hands."

"I'll try it with 500 hands. If the leader doesn't die, the market will most likely not end."

"I'll do Hua Ke Financial. Although this check seems to have completely become the follower of Shanghai Steel Federation, the position is still much lower, and it has good benefits, so the risk is not big."

“Damn, it’s so fast… I didn’t even buy the pending order.”

"I bought it at the market price. It is obvious that not only the 'Internet Finance' sector where Shanghai Steel Union and Hua Ke Financial are located have risen, but also all the popular concept sectors in the early stage have a large amount of follow-up funds surging."

"The GEM has risen rapidly. Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology are signs of another listing?"

"Haha... the funds went round and round, but in the end they returned to the original path. Looking at it this way... the logic of continuing to be a Shanghai Steel Federation becomes clearer."

"Buy at market price, buy at market price..."

"Going straight to an increase of 8 points, oh, no... Is this going straight to the daily limit?"

“Damn it, I didn’t catch up with my placed order, I’m speechless, I can only buy it at the upper limit price…”

Su Yu refreshed the news in the group and knew that Shanghai Steel Union was completely inspired to follow the trend. Staring at its market, he saw that the transaction volume had reached 450 million and more than 25% of the hands had changed hands. Half of the withdrawn funds were put into the Shanghai Steel Union's market again, directly igniting the board.

With his ignition, other funds gathered to follow suit.

15 seconds later...

At 1:58, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union went straight up, breaking through the 40 yuan mark, hitting the daily limit, and was fixed at 40.51 yuan, an increase of 9.99%.

Then, at the moment when the stock price hits the daily limit.

Su Yu once again spent the other half of the funds in the fund account he operated and took the initiative to close the market.

At 1:59, the daily limit limit of Shanghai Steel Union increased rapidly from more than 10,000 lots to more than 50,000 lots, and the transaction volume exceeded 500 million, achieving a floor-to-ceiling trend.

At the same moment, the stock price of Huake Financial also hit the daily limit, and the daily limit was sealed in a flash.

At this point, the sluggish mood of the two cities in early trading was completely reversed. Countless funds joined the inflow of core component stocks of the GEM. Many core stocks of 'Internet Finance', 'Mobile Games', 'Mobile Industry Chain', and 'Film and Television Media' plunged in early trading. The concept section has become popular across the board.

However, the vast number of retail investors and hot money who had cut the meat at a low level before and failed to recover their chips in time later.

At this moment, faced with once again stepping out of the sky and fully countering yesterday's decline, the aloof Shanghai Steel Federation was beating its feet and chest and was so angry that it vomited blood.

PS: I am reviewing the previous chapter, so I don’t know where the violation occurred.

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