Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 158: Torn Market

Su Yu briefly browsed these messages and replied to Zhao Qiang who continued to send him messages: "Brother Zhao, you are so complimentary... I'm embarrassed, don't worry, if I plan to issue the next fund, I will definitely leave you 50 million fund shares."

"As for eating..."

Su Yu paused and continued: "That's not necessary. Just help me continue to lock up the position for at least three trading days."

"No problem!" Zhao Qiang chuckled, "As I said before, I will come out whenever you want. If you think of a pattern, I will naturally follow your pattern."

Following Su Yu's operation, he was not in a hurry.

Furthermore, Su Yu was so deeply involved in the stock of Shanghai Steel Union and held much more chips than he did. Since Su Yu dared to cover his position at this price, he was not afraid of the follow-up If the mood weakens and the funds on the market cannot keep up, then he will be even less afraid.

Moreover, he believed that Su Yu, in this position, dared to increase the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union.

There must be enough logical support and future expectations for this check, and knowing the current stock price of this check, it will definitely be able to support and attract more funds to enter the market.

During the discussion between the two, the market's heated discussion on Shanghai Steel Union and Hua Ke Financial continued to ferment.

In the evening, amidst this continuing hot mood, the China Securities Regulatory Commission finally sent a letter of inquiry to Shanghai Steel Union, asking the controlling shareholders of Shanghai Steel Union whether there were any major positive events that should be disclosed but have not been disclosed, and whether there are Incomplete information disclosure leads to suspicion of market capital speculation.

In response to the inquiry letter issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the questions asked.

Shanghai Steel Union Co., Ltd. responded in a timely manner, and at the same time issued an investment risk reminder to investors in the market that the stock price has fluctuated continuously and the valuation has been significantly higher than the average valuation of the same industry.

However, whether it is an inquiry letter from the China Securities Regulatory Commission or an investment risk warning issued by the company.

At this moment, nothing can weaken the market's vast and active short-term retail investors' optimism, chasing and following the trend of this stock.

Even, many investors.

It also began to preemptively involve Fortune Road in this check. As a logical inference, it was deduced that Shanghai Steel Union will definitely use the "black futures market information consulting service" to develop futures business, and even rely on the "Fuxing System" to become a powerful With its capital strength, horizontal expansion, and development of "Internet financial P2P business" and other conclusions, its stock price expectations have been directly raised to 100 yuan, an expected market value of 15 billion.

What's more... it directly shouts out Shanghai Steel Union's future ambition of a market value of 50 billion.

all in all……

After the Shanghai Steel Union has gathered continued crazy money-making effects and emotions, many investors are paying attention to this stock and holding this stock.

Begin to lose rationality and ignore risks.

Start viewing any news about the stock as good news.

And just when this sentiment quickly turned from disagreement to unity, the attention of the Shanghai Steel Federation in the two cities hit a new high, and countless people shouted 50 yuan, 60 yuan...

Wednesday, July 31, is the last day for the monthly line to close.

At 9:15, when the collective bidding between the two cities began, Su Yu's eyes were once again fixed on the much-anticipated Shanghai Steel Union.

I saw...

The stock price flashed from 40.51 yuan to 43.75 yuan, an increase of 8.01%. The initial call auction resulted in 512 transactions.

Then, as time goes by.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fluctuated rapidly between 43.35 yuan and 43.89 yuan, and the number of orders matched by call auctions also increased rapidly from the initial 512 lots to 1,100, 1,315, 1,521...

At 9:16, after one minute of trading changes.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union has returned to around 43.75 yuan again, and the number of transaction orders matched by call auction has exceeded 2,000 lots.

"I'm in a good mood. It seems... I don't need to place orders to maintain the market." Su Yu stared at the changes in the Shanghai Steel Federation's collective bidding market and thought to himself, "I hope it can be opened between 6 and 8 points!"

After yesterday's market reshuffle, a large number of profit-taking orders and unstable chips have been washed out.

In addition, the two core players in the field at this moment are him and Zhao Qiang.

As long as the mood is not bad and there is no major bad news about Shanghai Steel Union itself or the market macro, then the upward pressure on this check will still be relatively small.

Of course, the upward pressure is small, but it is too high, and the trend is boundless.

Still undesirable.

After all, at this time, the absolute height of Shanghai Steel Union's stock price is still very high, and the circulation is not small. It requires continuous changes of hands and more capital relays to go further.

Open at 6 to 8 points and continue to change hands.

It can not only allow many short-term funds that were relayed yesterday to exit at a profit, but also give many short-term funds that entered today a certain intraday profit expectation, reducing the risks they take on at high levels. At the same time... it can also continue to maintain emotions and give the market the opportunity to chase. Check investors, continue to seal the deal in expectations and hopes.

When the stock price is at such an absolute high level, if it opens too high, it will reach near the daily limit.

Investors who chase and follow the trend have no room for intraday profit expectations. Facing an uncertain tomorrow, their willingness to follow the trend will be relatively reduced.

And this... will cause insufficient acceptance on the market, and the stock price will easily fall back from high levels.

If the stock price opens too low, especially below 5 points.

Well, after the market was out of the market yesterday, and many retail investors who bought yesterday's bottom had already made relatively huge profits, when they saw that they were not in a strong mood to follow the trend, they would not hesitate to exit the market and take profits. At the same time, the over-the-counter funds that intend to chase and follow the trend will weaken their expectations when they see that the market is not particularly strong, causing them to hesitate to enter the market. This will also cause insufficient acceptance on the market, causing the market to stall.

So, at this stage and emotional point.

In the collective bidding stage, the Shanghai Steel Federation must not only show a strong collective bidding situation, but also not be too strong.

Following Su Yu's brief meditation...

At 9:17, 9:18 and 9:19, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union has been hovering around 43.75 yuan, with an increase of 7.8% to 8.1%. There is not much change. Only the transaction orders are matched by call auctions. It has been increasing sharply, reaching about 5,000 hands.

Then, when 9:20 came.

Accompanied by the cancellation of orders by many investors.

At 9:20 a.m., Shanghai Steel Union's stock price fell rapidly, moving to 43.33 yuan, an increase of 6.98%. The number of transaction orders matched by the call auction declined from around 5,000 lots to more than 2,800 lots, of which the price was below 43.33 yuan. , and 1,100 pallet orders were presented.

I saw the 1,100 call auction buying orders below 43.33 yuan.

Su Yu was surprised, knowing that after the Shanghai Steel Union's collective bidding, there was a high probability that the price would open above the 7-point increase.

After all, there are 1,100 orders, and nearly 5 million funds are rushing to grab orders at this price, which is enough to prove that the main short-term financial groups in the market are active in the 6 or 7-point increase range, and their willingness to chase the chips of Shanghai Steel Alliance is still very strong. of.

And this... is a solid support for the stock price.

as expected……

Following his guess, at 9:21, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union gradually moved upward as active buying continued to increase.

43.35 yuan, 43.45 yuan, 43.55 yuan...

At 9:22, the stock price reached 43.56 yuan, and the number of call auction orders to complete the transaction exceeded 4,000 lots.

At 9:23, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union reached 43.67 yuan, and the volume of call auction orders to complete the transaction returned to the 5,000-lot mark.

At 9:24, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union broke through to the initial call auction price of 43.75 yuan, and the number of call auction orders matched for transactions exceeded 7,000 lots.

9:24, the last ten seconds.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union stood at 43.80 yuan, and the volume of call auction orders for transactions was approaching 8,500 lots.

Finally, when 9:25 arrived, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union was fixed at 43.83 yuan, an increase of 8.21%. During the entire collective bidding stage, a total of more than 9,300 lots were traded, and the transaction volume exceeded 40 million.

And except for Shanghai Steel Federation...

As the second-best stock in the market that everyone agrees on, the collective bidding trend of Huake Jincai is basically the same as that of Shanghai Steel Union. The stock price opened at 36.74 yuan, an increase of 5.55%.

The entire 'Internet Finance' sector opened up 0.73%, with 16 stocks in the red.

The rest of the GEM constituent stocks of 'Mobile Games', 'Electronic Information', 'Film and Television Media', and 'Apple Industry Chain', which account for the main weights of popular concept sectors, also opened slightly higher, with red market ranges ranging from 0.1% to 0.4%. Among them, Internet speed technology, Fenda technology, Huaqingbao and Changqu technology, which have received the most financial attention, have high opening ranges of 1% to 3%, which makes them particularly strong.

Thanks to the popularity of these concept sectors and the continued convergence of funds to the GEM.

The ChiNext Index opened slightly higher by 0.18%.

As for the Shanghai Index and Shenzhen Index, they opened slightly lower. Among them, the Shanghai Index opened 0.23% lower, and its performance was still the weakest among the three major indexes.

As for the concept section of motherboards...

The petrochemical sector, steel, coal, and non-ferrous sectors have been affected by the continued decline in thermal coal prices, as well as the continued downturn in the "black series" and "non-ferrous series" in the over-the-counter futures market, becoming the main drag on the main board index opening lower.

On the contrary, the sectors related to "big finance" and "big consumption" are slightly red and appear less pessimistic.

In this opening atmosphere...

Market investors' attention to the main board continues to decline, but they are increasingly focused on the GEM.

"Funds are still flowing into popular GEM constituent stocks again!"

Taking advantage of the short five-minute break from 9:25 to 9:30, some retail investors lamented in the stock discussion area of ​​the trading platform.

"The GEM is over 1,200 points, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is still hovering around 2,000 points."

"A blind person can see that the GEM index is obviously stronger than the main board!"

“Hey, originally the difference between the valuation scissors and the growth scissors between the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index were not so big before. Unexpectedly... Since March, institutions have been shouting that there is a bubble in the ChiNext, hot money speculation, and market rules are being violated. , the scissor gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger.”

"In March, the GEM index was just over 800 points, and now it's up almost 50%."

“Institutions harm people!”

"The main board is a thing of the past. Look at the stocks that are weighted on the main board. They are all black, big, and thick traditional stocks. The future will focus on technology and the 'new economy'. I think the main board has no hope. At this time, adjust Cangchai GEM core stocks, maybe I can still have a sip of soup, but if it’s too late... I’m afraid I won’t even be able to drink the soup.”

"Indeed, look at Shanghai Steel Union, look at Huaqingbao, Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology...the big bull stocks that have emerged this year are all on the GEM."

"The index has risen by more than 50% since the beginning of the year. Do you think the bullish stocks can come from the GEM?"

"I'm speechless. Looking at the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, it's still down this year. The difference in annual gains between the two is basically about 60%. It's just... I'm heavily invested in the weight of the main board. I'm so angry."

"It's really like the two heavens of ice and fire!"

"Hey, I don't believe in these institutions anymore. The 'core assets' and the 'powerful weapons of a great power' are all nonsense. Only the money-making effect is real."

"Seeing the GEM keep rising, I regret not adjusting my position earlier."

"Me too, I don't even know why I'm still hanging on to these big guys that keep getting lower."

"Hey, I've been watching Shanghai Steel Union and Huaqingbao keep doubling and rising all the way. I really want to buy it, but I don't dare to buy it. Why don't I buy it? It keeps rising..."

"Fortune Road said in June that the future market will be on the GEM. It's a pity that I haven't listened."

"Hey, let's cut the meat and adjust the position. The strong will always be strong!"

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is in a bear market and the ChiNext is in a bull market. I think... this will most likely be the case in the future."

"Yes, cut the meat and adjust positions, enter the GEM, the hell... the main board is simply hopeless. If it continues to be weak for half a month or a month, it can be said to be a style change. This kind of thing is far behind the entrepreneurial market. It’s been half a year since we’ve been on the board, so we can’t still call it a style change, it’s simply hopeless.”

"Judging from this period of time, it is obvious that institutions are also cutting their share of the main board and increasing their positions in the core stocks of the GEM."

"Haha... These institutions always say they don't want it, but in fact they are very honest."

"Hey, long-term is a trap. You still have to follow the active hot money in the market and do short-term to have a future. I didn't say it, cut it, cut it..."

"Yes, yes, in the past few months, short-term speculators have made a lot of money."

"Damn it, cut the jerky leader. Looking at this situation, the GEM will definitely outperform the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the A50 Index for a long time to come."

"Don't talk about the 50 index, the weakest is the 50 index."

"I have been holding on to the core assets for more than half a year, watching the rapid rise of the GEM. Now I understand the principle of foreknowledge of funds. I would be really stupid to hold these so-called core assets and listen to the institutions. , fuck you, follow the path of wealth and eat meat.”

"Yes, enter the GEM and eat big meat!"

"Organizations that sing a lot about the main board are the most unscrupulous. They are not only stupid, but also bad. If I continue to believe what they say, I will be a fool."

"Value investing, value is nothing."

"Indeed, after two years of value investing, I lost 56% on so-called core asset stocks. It's simply..."

"What the heck... I finally understand. To speculate in stocks based on PE valuation is to be the stupidest person. Following hot money is the way to go."

"Yes, I'm going to make a fool of myself and follow Fortune Road to buy Shanghai Steel Union, so I can get my capital back and make money."

"Hey, the agency made a mistake!"

"Cut the flesh, cut the flesh...Shanghai Steel Union, Fortune Road, here I come!"

Amid the heated discussions of complaints, complaints, and awakenings from many retail investors in the market, a short five minutes passed and 9:30 arrived.

The market conditions in the two cities began to change, and buyers and sellers clashed fiercely.

I saw...

Su Yu is paying attention to the Shanghai Steel Union market, where funds continue to follow the trend and continue to take over yesterday's bottom-selling profit-taking selling chips.

60 million, 70 million, 80 million.

In two minutes, the trading volume of Shanghai Steel Union exceeded 80 million, reaching more than 83 million.

And its stock price is also exploding rapidly, continuing to move up from the opening price of 43.83 yuan, and quickly hitting the 44 yuan mark.

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