Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 159 The main promotion is accelerated and the board is sealed again!

“In four minutes, the transaction volume exceeded 100 million.”

As the Shanghai Steel Union continues to explode in volume, someone in the Yuhang Hot Capital internal group where Su Yu belongs to who is paying attention to the hot money in Shanghai Steel Union said: "The volume of energy has exploded well, and the stock price is at an 8% range. , it has stabilized, basically there has been no major retracement, and it should be a high probability that it will continue to block the board upwards."

"Already followed 1,000 hands, it depends on the situation...Shanghai Steel Union is going to accelerate its main rise."

"After some retail investors who bought the bottom yesterday took their profits and exited the market, the market should be closed. There was such a violent washout yesterday, and today the Shanghai Steel Federation call auction opened at more than 5 points, it is destined to be closed. I also follow 1,500 lots, let’s see where this check can go.”

"Consistency expectations have risen, and the probability of closure today is definitely above 90%."

"According to the extent of this energy explosion, the energy will decay in 10 minutes at most, and at that time... it should be the time to seal the board upward."

"Shanghai Steel Union's today's board should be the one with the strongest expectations in today's market, right?"

"Definitely, but after missing yesterday's buying point, we have no choice but to chase higher today. In fact, there should be no surprises when Shanghai Steel Union closes its board today. The key is how much premium it can get tomorrow..."

"Yes, if you enter at this time, there is basically no room for intraday profit. What you have to look tomorrow's premium."

"If Brother Su's wealth path can be locked up, there should still be a lot of room for premiums tomorrow. Of course... at this stage, no matter what, it is already an absolute risk premium. As long as the mood is slightly relaxed, there will be a lot of room for premiums." What comes is bound to be a severe correction and losses.”

"Brother Su will most likely lock up his position today. After all, he just made a large-scale return yesterday. According to his position holding style, he will definitely make this little bit of mosquito meat and get out of the market the next day."

"I also don't think he will leave today."

"It's just... after today's consistency, there is a high probability that tomorrow will be a divergence day. The uncertainty is very high. At this time, the market will be closed at a high level, and the profit margin is difficult to say. I will not follow it, I can only watch the show."

"Indeed, I missed yesterday's buying point. Today's sentiment is too consistent. Shanghai Steel Union opened 8 points higher, leaving little room for intraday profit. If I then enter again, I will only bet on tomorrow's premium space. Calculating it...the risk-profit rate is indeed a bit uneconomical."

"Forget it, I won't follow either. Today is a feast for position holders."

"Indeed, it's a feast for position holders..."

"If there is no new major positive news, Shanghai Steel Union's follow-up should be a risk area. If we don't find the first mover, it will be difficult to follow up, because the risk of the next day is too uncertain."

"Hey, I can only say that it's a pity that I didn't follow up yesterday."

"It's been 8 minutes, the transaction volume is almost 150 million, the stock price has increased by nearly 9 points, and has exceeded the 44 yuan mark. Who will seal it?"

"If Brother Su locks up the position and seals the market at this level, there should be no pressure anymore, right?"

"Brother Su and Brother Zhao have a combined position of almost 100 million. In addition, there are also some retail investors and other hot money lock-up chips. At this time, there is really no pressure to close the market."

As the time advanced to 9:38 and 9:39, everyone's eyes became more and more focused on the market of Shanghai Steel Union, waiting for the arrival of the main seal funds.

And this moment...

Magic City, Huayuan Securities Shanghai Hongqiao Road Sales Department, VIP Trading Room.

As the Shanghai Steel Union hit the 40 yuan mark the day before yesterday, it opened high and fell, and then fell sharply and was washed out. At the same time, it also avoided the "Shanghai Hongqiao Road" seat strength hot money Xu Qiao who was bloodbathed by the "One-word Soul-Slaying Knife" the next day. , staring intently at Shanghai Steel Union's nearly 9-point increase and its still active trading status, holding the mouse with his fingers, hesitating whether to recover chips at this position.

He has come in and out of the Shanghai Steel Union check no less than three times.

Basically, the number of transactions is similar to Su Yu's path to wealth.

However, unlike the situation where Fortune Road made a lot of money on this check, the total profit he made several times in and out was not much, and even if he made a full calculation, it would only be less than 30%.

Moreover, it can be said that in several appearances, he was harvested and scared away by Fortune Road.

"This guy on Fortune Road... shouldn't be selling it today!" Seeing the Shanghai Steel Union's trading time-sharing energy begin to decline, Xu Qiao knew that the time to close the market was almost here, and thought to himself, "Should I What about gambling? 44 yuan... Based on five times the space, there are almost 2 daily limits, and if there is no way out of wealth, the premium tomorrow should be certain. Furthermore... Shanghai Steel Union opened 8 points higher today , it has basically never fluctuated at a low level. The chips entered today have little room for profit during the day, and there is a high probability that they will not be lost during the call auction tomorrow..."

While he was deep in thought...

At 9:40, the trading volume of Shanghai Steel Union exceeded 170 million. It is obvious that the volume has shrunk seriously in the past two minutes, and the selling chips are weakening.

But at this time... there was already an order of 1,500 lots, hitting the daily limit board.

Ignition main seal.

Seeing that there were funds igniting, and there was indeed no pressure on the Shanghai Steel Union market, Xu Qiao's heart moved, and he couldn't help but eliminate distracting thoughts in an instant, gritted his teeth, and said to himself: "It's a gamble!"

After saying that, he hovered his finger and clicked the mouse quickly.

On the computer trading interface, 10,000 orders that had been placed for a long time were entered into the Shanghai Steel Union trading board.

Then, immediately after, 10,000 large orders appeared on the market, directly sweeping all the selling orders in front, sealing the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union to the daily limit of 44.56 yuan without any hindrance.

And with his main seal, the remaining funds in the account were transferred in without waiting for him to continue placing orders.

The next second, countless follow-up funds have already surged in. After he swept away the selling orders of the Shanghai Steel Federation and closed the main seal, the 2,756 orders that had not yet been consumed were directly sealed at the daily limit, reaching 5 in an instant. Above ten thousand hands.

at this time……

Xu Qiao knew that if he placed another order, he would not be able to buy it. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and gave up the plan of continuing to place an order.

And just when he exhaled the breath in his heart, Yu Hang and Zhao Qiang, who were heavily stocked in the field, stared at the Shanghai Steel Federation that had sealed the daily limit, and they became excited and excited again.

With a heavy position of 48 million, it even hit the floor and the daily limit.

Now, the profit of his position has exceeded 15 million, which is enough to buy three Ferraris, and... it is foreseeable that there will be a premium for Shanghai Steel Union tomorrow, and the profit margin of his position may continue to expand.

"Brother Su, this favor is really a great gift."

Zhao Qiang sighed excitedly: "It's really worth it for me to get closer to him and help him out, haha... I have never eaten such a comfortable meat in a heavy position. I made a profit in two days. It caught up with me after a year of tossing back and forth. Cow!"

As he said that, he started to take screenshots of the profits, then opened Sun Yu's chat box and sent a message to show off: "Brother Sun, how are you? You have to accept it this time!"

"You are just taking advantage of Brother Su." Sun Yu complained, "You will make money based on your own ability."

"Tch..." Zhao Qiang replied, "Just be sour!"

Sun Yu chuckled and said: "I want to be upset, and I'm not upset with you either, but... recently, my old man has actually begun to ask about Brother Su's situation. It seems that Brother Su is really going to open up in Yuhang. The situation has made him famous."

"That goes without saying." Zhao Qiang replied, "With my junior apprentice's ability, it is only a matter of time before I become famous in the domestic financial circle. I'm not saying...if Brother Su's company can wait until If you open your first fund now, it will not be difficult to catch up with the scale of domestic first-class pure equity private equity funds. Not to mention your old man, just my dad, he asked me about 'Yuhang Investment' two days ago. , asked me to ask if there are any other investment channels through which I can get some shares of the fund managed by Brother Su."

"Well!" Sun Yu responded, "According to the net value of the fund they announced earlier, after almost a month of closed operation, under the current market conditions, the net value has doubled. Brother Su's operational ability is indeed... It’s so awesome that it explodes.”

"This is the difference between trading geniuses and ordinary investors!" Zhao Qiang sighed.

"With his trading ability, he will grow very quickly." Sun Yu continued, "In the future, for Brother Su, I am afraid that many big shots... will take the initiative to come to him."

"Indeed." Zhao Qiang said, "Genius traders can always create countless legends."

While the two of them were admiring and amazed at Su Yu...

At this moment, when the Shanghai Steel Federation has sealed the daily limit, Su Yu's eyes have already focused on Hua Ke Financial. He once again used the position chips and remaining funds in his personal account to take advantage of the space created by the Shanghai Steel Federation. and emotions, raising the stock price, guiding funds to follow suit, and trying to continue to seal the check.

At 9:46, under his guidance.

Huake Financial's share price hit the daily limit, fixed at 38.29 yuan, achieving its second consecutive daily limit.

And just after Hua Ke Financial hit the daily limit, the overflowing funds from Shanghai Steel Union and Hua Ke Financial began to pour into Tianyu Information, the leader in the early 'Internet Finance' concept, and finally... just in Hua Ke Financial Three minutes after the daily limit, that is, at 9:49, Tianyu Information hit the daily limit, becoming the third daily limit stock in the 'Internet Finance' sector to naturally change hands.

Immediately afterwards, the time entered 10 o'clock.

Due to the new heights of market speculation and extreme money-making effects of stocks such as Shanghai Steel Union, Huake Financial, and Tianyu Information, the entire "pan-mobile Internet" concept began to explode, including Netspeed Technology, Fenda Technology, Huaqingbao, and Changqu Technology, LeTV... these stocks that have emerged and have a clear upward trend have further boosted their surge, driving the ChiNext Index to continue to set new annual highs.

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