Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 166: The Returned Chief Rudder’

50.10 yuan, 50.30 yuan, 50.60 yuan...

In Su Yu's shock, in less than half a minute, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union broke through the previous intraday high and set a new record high price.

Then, 50.80 yuan, 51 yuan, 51.30 yuan, 51.60 yuan...

As the volume of energy continued to explode, the stock price climbed straight up. It did not stop slightly until it passed the 7% increase price of 51.68 yuan.

At this moment, the trading volume of Shanghai Steel Union has exceeded 530 million.

And from the new incremental energy that broke out in the past few minutes, we can see that... in addition to the 9,000 buy orders that Su Yu initially pulled up, the amount of funds that followed in the relay has far exceeded 9,000 lots.

"A very strong main fund!"

Seeing the other party sweeping the selling orders on the market and continuously attacking the stock price upwards, Su Yu recovered from the initial shock and said with emotion: "At this time, you still dare to buy this stock from the previous owner and make a big move. There shouldn’t be many major funds in the market rushing to raise money, so which one will take the seat?”

"It's moving, it's moving..."

While Su Yu was sighing with emotion, Li Meng, who was next to him, suddenly turned his head and said excitedly to him: "Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Pudong Jinqiao and other stocks suddenly had 10,000 simultaneous buy orders on the market. The stock prices have skyrocketed, and at the same time, the market volume of several stocks has also been rapidly increasing."

"This should be the news you were talking about. Do you have any idea?"

"Be patient, and let's take a look at the continued aggressiveness of funds." Su Yu replied, and his eyes quickly fell on the market of Waigaoqiao stock.

I saw that the trading volume of this stock was still sluggish.

There is no large amount of money paying attention, and there is no phenomenon of tens of thousands of large orders continuously rushing to raise funds.

This made Su Yu feel that the sudden rush for funds in stocks such as Shanghai Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Pudong Jinqiao was probably not informed of the news in advance. It was for the main line of speculation about the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone". Come, and it is very likely to be stimulated by other good news.

After all, if this main force of funds is coming for the main line of Shanghai Free Trade Zone, then... it is a core concept stock in the main line of Shanghai Free Trade Zone, and Waigaoqiao cannot be ignored by funds.

"Could it be that the wave of funds that was just attacked on the Shanghai Steel Federation was also linked to stocks such as Shanghai Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Materials Trading, and Pudong Jinqiao?" Su Yu thought for a while and felt this possibility, "' The news about the Shanghai Free Trade Zone should not have been confirmed and spread so quickly at the current point in time. What kind of inside information could this fund... have obtained to make such a move at this moment? "

"It's sustainable!"

While Su Yu was deep in thought, Li Meng observed for a while and continued: "Six consecutive large orders of 10,000 lots have appeared on the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group's market. The stock price has now risen by more than 2 points, and several other orders have also increased. It’s all in the red, and it looks like... it does seem like a sign that big funds are quickly rushing to raise funds to build positions. Could it be true..."

"Continue to observe, don't follow the trend yet." Su Yu thought for a moment, interrupted Li Meng and ordered.

He found that except for several stocks such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Pudong Jinqiao, which had obvious changes, the rest of the other concept stocks related to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" had not changed in a few minutes. , and the entire 'Shanghai stock market' sector has no linkage and is still oscillating underwater.

This made him seriously suspect that this fund raising was abnormal.


If any news really spreads, will definitely not be one or two funds that take action, nor will they be limited to a small number of stocks, and completely ignore the core Waigaoqiao check.

"Okay!" Li Meng responded and continued to focus on the board.

Su Yu thought about it for a while, and then his eyes fell on the Shanghai Steel Union again. He saw that after the 7% increase paused for a moment, the check had already risen to the 8% to 9% range, and was close to hitting the daily limit. , just short of a breath, and the buying orders on the market have completely suppressed the selling orders, and the market will be closed... sooner or later.

At the same time, in the Magic City, the trading room of ‘Zexi Investment’.

Xu Xiang glanced at the Shanghai Steel Union's market near the daily limit, hesitated for a moment, let go of the mouse, turned his head and glanced at the trading team, and asked Zhou Kan, the trading team leader: "How is it? What's the news?"

"No!" Zhou Kan, the leader of the trading team, replied, "We simultaneously bought more than 20 million yuan in several stocks such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Pudong Jinqiao, with a total cost of 100 million yuan, but There are no funds to follow the trend, and no large-funded opponents have been found.”

"That's strange!" Xu Xiang frowned, "Could it be that the 'Yuhang Investment' fund's position building in these stocks was purely a test? And... it has withdrawn now? Oh... By the way, how is the news from Director Qiao? Have you heard anything again? "

Zhou Kan paused and continued to reply: "Director Qiao asked around, but I haven't heard of any major developments in urban construction and economic investment in the Shanghai Stock Exchange recently."

"Mr. Xu, I think..."

When Zhou Kan said this, he raised his eyes and looked at Xu Xiang, hesitating whether to continue speaking.

Xu Xiang glanced at him and said directly: "Whatever you say, the essence of the transaction is to be pure, there is no need to hesitate."

"I think..." Zhou Kan continued, "We are in the center of the Magic City, and those who invest in our 'Zexi' private equity fund are basically bosses with wide connections. If there is any insider information and big moves in the market, I'm thinking... there's no reason why we can't hear any news."

"Are you trying to say that my judgments and guesses are most likely wrong? The Yuhang Investment fund's position in these stocks is purely a news gamble, and it has been withdrawn long ago?" Xu Xiangshen He said in a loud voice, "You think that the logic of Shanghai Steel Union's continuous rise is that wealth lies in this stock, and it will not let go of it all the way. It will stay put with Shanghai Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Materials Trading, Pudong Jinqiao... these Stocks have nothing to do with each other, just emotional speculation?"

"From the information we have received, the 'Yuhang Investment' fund, in the last disclosure, their fund's holdings in these stocks were not large." Zhou Kan said, "And after we just launched our attack , and indeed there is no market capital following the trend, which proves that...there is really no opportunity here, I think...we should still operate according to the original strategic plan."

Xu Xiang thought for a moment and said, "No, we must be alert."

"Behind this seat on Fortune Road is the young man named Su. I underestimated him before and didn't pay much attention to him, so I suddenly suffered a loss on the board."

"According to his historical operating ideas..."

"Although this person is mainly engaged in speculation, every transaction is not useless."

"Perhaps he should have realized something, so he recently completely closed the fund's information disclosure and closed the update of net worth."

"Furthermore, his trading seat is on the Shanghai Steel Federation, he is so deeply involved, and he continues to control the market at a high level. It is obvious that he has a purpose, and it is not just as simple as guiding emotional speculation."

Saying that, Xu Xiang continued to give instructions: "Invest another 100 million yuan to try and see if there are funds to follow suit, or if a rival appears."

"If... there is still no movement."

"forget about it."

After saying that, he sat down again and looked at the Shanghai Steel Union's market, which was approaching the daily limit. He did not hesitate to put more than 40 million in his personal account into it again and directly closed the Shanghai Steel Union's daily limit.

He couldn't figure out the specific reason why Su Yu kept insisting on this stock.

But he knew that the other party was always there.

And I believe that the underlying logic followed by the other party's continued speculation on this stock is by no means limited to the revival line.

Today's market trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, combined with the previous Dragon and Tiger List, when he saw the 9,000 hands of chips in the market, first out and then out, he could easily detect the pressure of the other party to clean up profits and wash out the chips. Motive, so he quickly seized the opportunity and rushed to follow up after the other party's mood improved.

This time...

If you don't take off the opponent's underwear, he won't appear easily.

And with his main seal...

At 2:09, Shanghai Steel Union's stock price hit the daily limit and was instantly fixed at 53.03 yuan, an increase of 10%. With the subsequent follow-up of various funds, the order closure quickly exceeded 50,000 lots, completely sealing the daily limit.

Immediately afterwards...

When the Shanghai Steel Union bucked the trend and surged, once again sealing the daily limit and achieving a four-day streak, sentiment in the two cities also picked up again.

Popular stocks on the ChiNext in the early days of the crash saw a large amount of funds following the trend. Even Fenda Technology, which was on the lower limit, saw an influx of tens of millions of funds to buy the bottom.

And in this atmosphere.

The GEM index also quickly turned red from underwater, ushering in a huge amount of main funds to follow up.

And in the late trading stage, as market sentiment continued to recover, the ChiNext Index continued to rise, and finally hit a new yearly high again, closing at 1249.32 points, an increase of 0.92%.

“Damn, that’s so strong, the GEM index has reached a new high!”

Seeing such closing results, the originally depressed mood in the market was wiped out. Many investors were as excited as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood, and kept sighing.

"After several twists and turns, the Shanghai Stock Index still underperformed the ChiNext Index today. Sure enough... the principle that the strong will always be strong remains unchanged."

"If it weren't for the Shanghai Steel Federation, it would have been absolutely impossible for the GEM index to close in the red today."

"The leader is always the leader, once again saving the market."

"Yes, those who made money today are all thanks to the Shanghai Steel Union's check. Even if the leader does not buy it, it should still be paid attention to. After all, it is the emotional vane of the two cities. If there is any change, it will drive a large number of stocks."

"Indeed, especially for the follow-up vote of Hua Ke Financial, this guy has not seen any changes in Shanghai Steel Union, and the funds have no willingness to pull the market."

" is still important."

"When I saw the Shanghai Steel Union's first wave of gains, it fell by 6 points, I thought that I was dead and would inevitably suffer huge losses in a row, but I didn't expect... the final result turned out to be a huge profit. I have to say ...The funds that pulled the market in the afternoon were so strong, they were simply attacking in a straight line against the selling, and they were so strong."

"Yes, the amplitude is 18 points throughout the day, almost touching the sky."

"With this amplitude, anyone who can hold it is an immortal."

"Haha... If I hadn't bought it today and couldn't sell it, I definitely wouldn't have been able to hold it."

"I have to say, this trend is simply terrifying."

"Looking at the movement in Lapan this afternoon, it shouldn't be the Fortune Road, right? I wonder if the Fortune Road is gone today?"

"Maybe some of them left, right? After all, in the morning, the 9,000 hands of smashing chips couldn't be faked, and other people didn't have such a large amount of chips."

"It turns out that today is a market washout. I feel... maybe the wealth path is still T, and the chips have not changed much."

"In any case, the trend of Shanghai Steel Union today is beyond expectations."

"Yes, it exceeded expectations. There will definitely be a premium tomorrow."

"It just broke through 50 yuan. I think... the market situation of Shanghai Steel Union is not at the end yet. There will be absolutely no problem if we look at 60 yuan in the future."

"It is said that the stock price has doubled. According to the bottom, the stock price of 100 yuan is the peak."

"Now it's only 100 yuan away, which is still twice the distance. I feel like I can definitely reach it."

"Haha... if it really reaches 100 yuan, it will be a big profit."

"We have to learn lessons from now on and don't mess around anymore. The leader... you have to have faith. Damn it... I lost most of my position at the low position today. Fortunately, I saw it was about to hit the daily limit and got it back."

"I also made a counter-T. Hey... I was washed away by the main force today. I'm so drunk that I'm dying!"

"Yes, with this level of cleaning, I feel that today's Dragon and Tiger List will definitely be very exciting..."

"Yes, I'm looking forward to it... I don't know who left, and I don't know which hot money came from the strong pull-up and closing funds in the afternoon, and such a large amount of buying."

"This afternoon's wave of buying volume clearly exceeded 100 million. In the entire market, the amount of hot money that can be spent on a single stock should be very limited, right?"

"Needless to say, it must be a first-line hot money!"

"Could this be Alliance Leader Zhang?"

"No matter who it is, as long as the road to wealth is still there, that's good!"

"Yes, as long as the Fortune Road is still in the field, everything will be fine!"

Amid the frantic discussions among investors throughout the market, 5:30 pm arrived, and the new one-day dragon and tiger list was refreshed.

Shanghai Steel Federation was on the list without any surprise.

"Liberate South Road!"

Seeing the announcement of buying a seat on the Dragon Tiger List, not only the retail investors in the entire market were shocked, Su Yu also looked in disbelief: "It's actually Jiefang South Road, and the chief helmsman is back. The level of the game and the size of the game I admire your insight!”

"Hey, that's not right..."

Su Yu suddenly remembered that the funds that blocked the Shanghai Steel Union today were vaguely linked to the funds attacking Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Materials Trading, Pudong Jinqiao and other stocks, and for a moment... he felt suddenly alert.

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