Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 167 The Dragon and Tiger List of the Wind and Cloud Gathering

"What a quick move, so fast...I can think of it."

Su Yu was shocked in his heart, guessing that the other party most likely found the looming connection logic between Shanghai Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Materials Trading, Pudong Jinqiao and other stocks and Shanghai Steel Union while investigating his background and company information, and the other party did something today. To come up with such a temptation, you must have inquired about market news in this regard.

"Fortunately, the position data and fund net value were closed in time." Su Yu secretly said, "Otherwise, the other party might be able to guess the underlying logic from the correlation of the position data."

"It's so strong..."

Su Yu had to sigh: "You are indeed worthy of being the 'chief rudder'. With this market sense and market sensitivity, in this market, facing overwhelming retail investors, it is difficult not to make money."

"Li Meng..."

Thinking of this, Su Yu hurriedly told Li Meng: "In the next few trading days, regarding our relevant holdings on the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', remain absolutely silent and don't make any moves."

"What's wrong?" Li Meng asked.

Su Yu replied: "I probably know the source of the funds that attacked stocks such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Pudong Jinqiao today. was news leaked from within our fund. In the future, position data and net worth will be announced. , I’m afraid it will have to be postponed to once a quarter.”

"How to say?" Li Meng continued to ask.

"I almost got sniped by someone else." Su Yu said, "If this opponent determines our position on this main line at the beginning, and with the amount of funds he holds, he speculates in advance, I am afraid that our lurking will become Empty words, these stocks will most likely lead to favorable shipments before the good news comes, and will not rise but fall."

"Once these tickets become like this, not only our future operations will be strictly monitored."

"And for the expected height of these stocks, if they lose their suddenness, they will also lose their expectations, and the height of speculation will also be greatly reduced."

"Are you saying that today's funds did not enter the market to gamble after hearing the possible news you mentioned, but came towards us?" Li Meng was very surprised when he heard Su Yu's words. , "How is it possible? We have been very careful in establishing positions in these stocks, leaving basically no traces. Moreover, the size of our fund is not large, and few people know the connection between your seat and the fund. How could it be …”

"There is no airtight wall in the market." Su Yu smiled and said, "Fortunately, we blocked the information on fund holding data in a timely manner, so our opponents can only make guesses."

"I've been wondering today..."

"Why is the intensity and direction of this financial attack always so specious?"

"Now I finally understand that the other party is simply testing. If we follow the trend of this mainline stock today, then... we will be pointing the way for the other party."

"'s really awesome!"

"I almost fell for it."

"It turns out that the funds that continuously attacked stocks such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Pudong Jinqiao today were all disguised!" Li Meng suddenly realized, "After all, there are at least about 150 million in funds. It’s really a big deal, it’s amazing.”

Su Yu nodded slightly and said: "As long as we don't move, before the news officially spreads and is announced, no one will pay attention to this line, and there will not be a large number of retail investors and main funds to take over. How much they put in today will be able to get out another day. After all, Whether it is a fund company or an individual, in the battlefield of the financial market, funds are bullets, and no trader or fund company will waste funds in places that cannot bring them profits."

As he said that, Su Yu's eyes once again fell on the Shanghai Steel Federation Dragon and Tiger List that had been revealed.

"It seems that the chief rudder has concluded that the hype logic of the Shanghai Steel Federation is not limited to the 'Fuxing Department' and 'Internet Finance' lines." Su Yu frowned and said secretly, "The purchase volume of more than 80 million funds , nearly 18,000 hands,’s hard to wash them.”

It is shown on the Dragon and Tiger list of Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation.

Jiefang South Road was purchased with more than 87 million yuan, Su Yu's Fortune Road was purchased with more than 66 million yuan, and the remaining Yuhang Anhe Road, Shaoxing Beitan Road, and Jinhua Changyuan Road were purchased with 800 yuan each. It ranges from 10,000 to 15 million. Compared with Jiefang South Road and Fortune Road, it can only be regarded as a supporting role and has no importance.

On the sales list, Songjiang Road in Shanghai ranked first, with sales of more than 50 million, Su Yu's Fortune Road ranked second, with sales of more than 44 million, and then Hongqiao Road in Shanghai sold more than 27 million, and the rest will be sold tomorrow. Sangtian Road in Zhouzhou and Labor Road in Huzhou sold 18 million and 16 million respectively.

Judging from the data of the Dragon and Tiger List...

Except for the dragon that suddenly rushed in on Jiefang South Road, the others...are basically funds from Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

"Jiefang South Road bought more than 87 million yuan, which is scary. This should be the biggest move made by the chief helmsman this year, right?"

When Su Yu secretly lamented that the difficulty of subsequent trading had greatly increased, countless retail investors in the market were shocked, and the discussion became equally intense.

"It is indeed the largest single-day purchase volume that the chief rudder has appeared on the Dragon and Tiger list this year. The stock of Shanghai Steel Union is really powerful. The more it rises, the more optimistic the big guys are. The big boss seats in the market, The more they gather, the more they gather.”

"This is the leading effect, you have to accept it!"

"It looks like... Shanghai Steel Union's check is definitely the number one stock of the year."

"In more than two months, from 10 yuan to 50 yuan, even if the GEM index has increased by nearly 30% in these two months, the performance of the Shanghai Steel Federation is quite terrifying!"

"The key is that in a high position, it is rare for the big bosses to be so optimistic about it."

"Indeed, I thought that Fortune Road would ship goods today, but I didn't expect... As a result, Fortune Road was still a net buyer today, and the net purchase amount was around 22 million. Calculated in this way, Fortune Road alone was in the Shanghai stock market. The steel alliance has at least 120 million chips, right?"

"Today, coupled with Jiefang South Road's RMB 87 million, the two companies hold a total of more than RMB 200 million in shares."

"With such a large amount of chips in the hands of the big guys, if Shanghai Steel Union doesn't break through 60 yuan or 70 yuan, it won't be able to ship goods at all, right?"

"Is it another Yuzhou beer?"

"Who still remembers the scene when the chief helmsman was in charge of Yuzhou Beer?"

"Remember, at that time, Yuzhou Beer took advantage of the vaccine trend, and the price skyrocketed from more than 8 yuan to more than 80 yuan. It was extremely coquettish. Later, the chief rudder appeared at a high position, and then bought the bottom when Yuzhou Beer continued to fall by half. , I don’t know how many times I’ve made money from going back and forth, it’s really a classic battle.”

"Speaking of which, today's wealth road really has the demeanor of the chief helmsman back then."

"And I didn't expect that after the chief rudder was washed out two days ago, he came back today and joined forces with Fortune Road."

"I still hope that Shanghai Steel Union will not become like Yuzhou Beer, otherwise... the trend after peaking will be too scary. I have experienced six consecutive declines and kills, and I still have lingering fears when I think about it. "

"In any case, there is no need to worry about the big guys with heavy positions in the short term. Even if something bad happens, the main players in the market will definitely save themselves."

"Hopefully, in fact, today's Dragon and Tiger ranking data are indeed beyond expectations."

"Indeed, I never expected that it was the chief rudder who was in charge of closing the market, and I never expected that not only did the wealth path not go away, but he continued to buy. It was really shocking."

In the extreme surprise and shock of retail investors...

At this moment, all the hot money bosses in the major hot money internal groups also have the same shocked look.

No one thought that the Shanghai Steel Federation would be the main seal of Jiefang South Road today. Similarly, no one thought that the signs of Fortune Road's crazy smashing in the market were completely false. In fact, Fortune Road was still continuing to buy.

"Shanghai Songjiang Road and Shanghai Hongqiao Road, are you going to be so angry today? Hey, today's Shanghai Steel Union is really a fairy tale, no one can guess it."

"Songjiang Road must be very angry. With more than 50 million in and out, not only did not make a single cent at the market limit, but also lost a lot. The same cannot be said for Hongqiao Road. Although Hongqiao Road is on the Shanghai Steel Federation I didn’t make much money, but I made money in the end.”

"I don't blame Songjiang Road. I can't control this market trend."

"Today in the Shanghai Steel Federation, it was really a fight between gods. In the morning, everyone followed suit and started to buy like crazy. In the afternoon, there were two big hot money, and everyone was competing for it."

"To be honest... Shanghai Steel Union has risen to this point, I can't understand it anymore."

"I also don't understand. It should be said that the hype expectations of the 'Revival Department' should have been fully reflected. The main lines of 'Internet Finance' and 'Financial Technology' have also been at a high level for a long time. It is time for adjustment, but Shanghai Steel Lianlian did not fall, and could still rely on emotions to continue to connect. What is even more puzzling is the performance of Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road on this stock. Such a high position...the two seats are still competing for each other's positions. It’s just incomprehensible.”

"I can still understand Fortune Road. After all, Fortune Road bit this stock from the bottom and dominated the speculation all the way up. The profits are extremely huge. Even if Shanghai Steel Union suddenly loses liquidity, if it carries a few lower limits, you can be safe." Come out, Jiefang South Road... I really can't understand what the chief rudder did today. He has no profit margin. How can he dare to take heavy positions in such a high position that may collapse at any time due to emotions? "

"Indeed, Fortune Road can be said to want to earn the last copper."

"But Jiefang South Road...the chief rudder is a pioneer in the market who studies emotions to guide stock prices and leading tactics. I really don't understand how to gamble on high positions and heavy positions."

"Is it because I was harvested by Fortune Road two days ago and I'm not convinced and I'm going crazy?"

"Uh... If your operations are really affected by emotions, then you are not the chief rudder who is always victorious in the market. If he can follow up with a heavy position today, he definitely has his own logical understanding."

"Let's see what happens next...the trend of Shanghai Steel Union's check is so amazing and so bumpy."

"Yes, I don't dare to follow this price, but it doesn't stop me from watching the show. I'm showing off my talent, and I'm on the road to wealth. Plus, I'm the 'chief rudder' who is called the god of short-term markets. I really want to take a look at this check." What will happen next? There are two dominant families in the field. It is really a fight between gods."

"There is also a Zheshang Securities Shaoxing branch in the venue that has been silent."

"Yes, the Shanghai Steel Federation's pool of water seems... to be getting muddier."

"This Dragon and Tiger ranking is really unexpected. Next Monday...whoever dares to take over will be called a hero."

"The two companies have the biggest chips in the market. If we are a small hot money player, we will get killed a lot if we enter, so we won't dare to take it."

"Yes, Songjiang Road is an example. Anyway, if I were on the court and the market trend like today happened again, my mentality would be exploded."

"Everyone says you won't follow. Don't rush in again after seeing the good work on Monday."

"Haha, that's impossible."

"Unless the check from Shanghai Steel Union comes out with unexpected benefits over the weekend, otherwise the price will still be dominated by two companies. I think many people will not dare to take it. I'm not saying...if there is no one over the weekend The big news is that the trend of Shanghai Steel Federation next Monday may not be good. After all, it is just a dragon and tiger list, and the follow-up is very problematic."

"Not necessarily. Fortune Road, Jiefang South Road...retail investors are still very fond of this."

"I don't think so. After all, if positions on Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road continue to be locked up, the market pressure on Shanghai Steel Union will be very small. Coupled with the emotional cooperation, retail investors will follow suit... and there will be continuous acceleration in the future. It’s not impossible, but no matter what, this is a fight between gods.”

While hot money players are discussing...

In the Magic City, inside Zexi Investment, Xu Xiang stared at the Dragon and Tiger Ranking data from the Shanghai Steel Federation, but he did not expect that Fortune Road would still increase its position under such circumstances.

Of course, the other party's signal to increase his position is a good thing for him.

This shows that his judgment is not wrong. Shanghai Steel Union definitely has another layer of underlying logic that he is temporarily unaware of, which allows the other party to increase positions unscrupulously in this position without worrying about the market sentiment turning. Weak, the huge amount of chips cannot get rid of this problem.

"What will you do next?"

Xu Xiang pondered for a while, smiled, and couldn't help but feel infinite curiosity about the trend of Shanghai Steel Union on the next trading day.

Today, he used his fund account to test stocks such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Pudong Jinqiao.

No results were obtained.

But now, he still believes that there is a logical line between Shanghai Steel Union and these stocks that are extremely weak.

Of course, this is not supported by facts or evidence.

It's just his sense of trading and a vague sense of the market.

Following his curiosity, as well as the entire market, there were continuous discussions about the Shanghai Steel Federation. After two days of emotional fermentation, and with the overall market macro level and the trend of external financial markets still calm, Monday, August 5th comes.

In the spotlight...

Amid countless retail investors and hot market capital, who were extremely curious and anxious, at 9:15, the Shanghai Steel Federation ushered in a call auction.

I saw its stock price flashing for a moment at the closing price of 53.03 yuan on the previous trading day.

Then, it jumped to 47.72 yuan in an instant, a drop of 9.99%, and 13,000 orders were closed at the limit, making countless investors who were paying attention to this stock dumbfounded again.

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