Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 168 The one-word soul-severing knife reappears!

"What the hell? It's down to the limit!"

Seeing that at the beginning of the call auction of Shanghai Steel Union, 13,000 lots of orders were placed at the daily limit, and among the retail investors who were paying attention to this stock, everyone's mentality instantly exploded.

"It's fake. It's definitely a fake order closure. Just watch it. The order will definitely be canceled before 9:20."

"It can't possibly fall to the limit, right? If it's going to fall to the limit today, why did you pull so hard yesterday?"

"Another one-word soul-breaking knife? How come after the chief rudder enters the market, the stock's trend on the next day always opens at the limit?"

"But after the chief rudder entered the market, the closing prices of these checks were all at the daily limit."

"Are these 13,000 lower-limit orders owned by the chief rudder?"

"Definitely not, it's either the order from Fortune Road or the order from the Shaoxing Branch of Zheshang Securities that we entered before, because only these two companies are currently making substantial profits on the market and have the confidence to ship at the one-word limit. "

"It's not really a one-word soul-severing knife, is it? If that's the case... Then I bought the bottom yesterday, and it was so lonely."

"It seems that Shanghai Steel Union is not doing as well as it looks at the 50 yuan mark!"

"Looking at this situation, it should be that Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road, the chief rudder, have huge differences in their views on the subsequent market, right? Otherwise, how could the order be placed like this?"

Retail investors were shocked and engaged in heated discussions.

In the internal groups of major hot money companies, the big bosses were slightly surprised when they saw Shanghai Steel Union's market performance, but there were not many surprises.

"It's really a fight between gods!"

"I would say that after two dominant companies, once there is a disagreement, the situation will never be better."

"It feels like the Shanghai Steel Union's market is coming to an end. If Fortune Road is at this location and desperate to ship goods, Jiefang South Road will be trapped again, right?"

"Hey, the chief helmsman has no cost advantage after all. It is really too reckless to intervene with heavy warehouses."

"The main reason is that Fortune Road is deeply involved in this stock. With the number of chips in its hands, it can basically completely control this stock. Coupled with the cost advantage and seat influence, at such a high position, it is difficult for other hot money main players to Dominate the market, and the chief helmsman is no exception!"

"Yes, if you want to dominate the market, you must be able to eat all the goods in Fortune Road's hands in one go."

"But at this stage...Shanghai Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. has risen five times since the bottom. The expected subsequent increase is very uncertain. In this case, there is no cost advantage, and we have to continue to increase our positions in an all-round way." , if you eat the huge amount of chips in the opponent's hand, you will probably die more miserably. After all, at this time, the expected profit-making effect of this check is already declining, and your mood will easily collapse."

"Indeed, at a height of five times, even if the future expectations are still strong, we can only follow the relay with a small position."

"Let's see what the chief rudder will do next. I think since he dared to intervene on a large scale during the high period of Shanghai Steel Union's stock, he must have thought of a way to deal with it."

"Yes, to put it bluntly, the current sentiment about this check has not actually collapsed. Although Fortune Road is under pressure, it is not yet 9:20, so I am not sure whether he will really smash it."

"I don't think so. After all, no one would mind making less money, right?"

"Yes, there is no cost advantage for the chief rudder to intervene with heavy positions. The probability of a market crash is actually very small. At this time, if Fortune Road can stabilize the intraday sentiment of Shanghai Steel Union and continue to pull up, it will be the most beneficial. , after all, he currently holds the largest position on the market.”

During the discussion, the time reached 9:17.

Shanghai Steel Union still sealed the lower limit, but the orders on the lower limit dropped sharply from 13,000 to 11,000, and more than 3,800 new buy orders were accepted at the lower limit.

And at the same moment...

Magic City, inside Zexi Investment, trading room.

Xu Xiang sat in front of the computer, staring intently at the Shanghai Steel Union's lower limit. Thinking of the Shanghai Steel Union's previous opening with a one-word limit, he sneered, clicked the mouse with his finger, started to place orders, and said to himself: " Repeating your old tricks, it seems... these are the only tricks you have."

He didn't think the opponent would really hit him, he was just suppressing his emotions on the board.

It caused the Shanghai Steel Union to open sharply lower, forcing him to leave the market with a loss.

This move had already been used by the other party when the Shanghai Steel Union was on the ground that day, and he was also careless and fell for it that day.

But he won't make the same mistake twice.

The fact that the other party worked so hard to suppress the market and continued to launder funds at this position more and more proved his judgment, allowing him to conclude that there is another potential major benefit in this stock, which has not been revealed, and... the benefit is revealed. The time should be not far away.

Thinking about it, he instantly placed a buy order of 25,000 lots on the market at the price limit.

With more than 100 million yuan in capital, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union was directly raised from the lower limit to the higher limit.

Following his actions, in the eyes of the majority of investors who followed Shanghai Steel Union, they saw that at 9:18, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union soared 20 points, from the lower limit price to the higher limit price, and the stock price was fixed. at 58.33 yuan, an increase of 10%, and the daily limit orders were more than 5,000 lots, and 19,300 orders were matched at the daily limit price.

"Damn it, this collective bidding trend is simply exploding!"

Seeing the collective bidding trend of Shanghai Steel Union, from the lower limit to the higher limit in an instant, the pessimistic mood of retail investors in the first minute or two suddenly became excited again.

"It's either the lower limit or the higher limit. The leader is indeed the leader. It's really exciting."

"The account goes from red to green, and then from green to red again. It really changes three times in one second. This call auction... I can't understand it."

"Should the selling and buying orders be fake, right?"

"Everything is still based on the market situation at 9:20. All buy and sell orders can be withdrawn before 9:20. Naturally, it cannot be fake anymore."

"It can't be said that they are all fake. At least placing orders still requires real funds."

"This buy order that suddenly hits the daily limit is huge in volume, and the amount of funds can exceed 130 million, which is enough to prove the financial strength of the main force making the market. When such an order is placed, it can actually directly boost market sentiment."

"Is this the strength of the chief helmsman?"

"So... the person who smashed the market just now must be on the Fortune Road?"

"Hey... I can't tell. Anyway, the Shanghai Steel Union's performance today is a bit weird."

"Why do you feel that after the two big guys entered, the market trend of Shanghai Steel Union became weaker?"

"I feel the same way, I don't know what's going on."

"The main reason is that the two big guys have different psychological expectations and disagreements about the subsequent market. I feel that Fortune Road really wants to exit."

"Haha... If you operate based on feeling, you will always lose money. I still believe in the actual trend of the market."

"Yes, let's watch it at 9:20..."

In the ongoing discussion among the retail investors, the time once again passed 9:18 and came to 9:19. The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union was still at the daily limit. However, the number of closed orders at the daily limit had dropped sharply to about 2,800 lots, and the daily limit for matched transactions was The number of price buy and sell orders has exceeded 23,000, which proves that the pressure on the daily limit is still real. It also proves that more than 100 million funds, without changing hands, are not enough to cause a one-word daily limit trend.

Of course, this also shows that Shanghai Steel Union is at this price stage.

There are huge divisions in the field.

It also shows that OTC funds are not in a strong mood to follow the trend on the daily limit board. After all, since the 25,000-lot main buy order appeared at 9:18, one minute has passed, and the sell order has increased by more than 3,000 lots, while following the trend has Pay orders only increased by less than 1,000 lots.

And at the same moment...

Inside ‘Yuhang Investment’, the trading room.

Su Yu stared at the one-line daily limit trend of Shanghai Steel Union, watching the time progress from second to second, but did not withdraw the 13,000 sell orders he had placed at the lower limit price.

Currently, in the fund account he operates.

In addition to the more than 70 million Waigaoqiao chips, he is basically full of Shanghai Steel Union, holding a total of 24,100 positions. Since June 25, when he bought the bottom of Shanghai Steel Union, he has increased several times. Operation, the floating profit of the account that I have operated on this stock has reached about 110 million.

In other words, the Shanghai Steel Union chips he currently holds are basically profits.

In other words, the cost of holding a position has basically dropped to zero.

Under this situation, he has enough confidence to deal with Jiefang South Road, the chief rudder, and continue to control the stock with all his strength.

The other party sniped at him, wanting to rely on him to carry the sedan chair for them, and started to explore the potential main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'.

In order to achieve the purpose of seeking huge profits.

Then he would never let the other party manipulate him, and just pretend that nothing happened, and continue to control the market to increase the stock price, so that the other party could sit in peace and contentment as he wished.

No matter have to have a legitimate confrontation to see if you can get rid of the other party.

According to his plan, there are still exactly 10 trading days until the official document of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' is released. Even if there is an insider in the market, the inside information cannot be revealed in front of such a top-secret document. , spread out 10 trading days in advance.

So, the current stage.

The hype logic of Shanghai Steel Federation is still only on the lines of "revival" and "Internet finance".

This line has been continuously speculated for more than two months. With the stock price at a high level, there is basically no room for follow-up expectations, and it is all driven by emotions.

This gave him the opportunity to continue to use the chips in his hand to guide the market and make extreme shocks.

If Zhongcang intervenes and occupies the Jiefang South Road in the field, and can withstand his shock, hold on to the chips, and stay alive, then the other party should make money; if the other party does not hold the chips, then they will naturally be responsible for the profits and losses, and no wonder He did.

Of course, except for the reason that he didn't want the other party to sit quietly in the sedan chair...

The main reason is that the amount of funds unilaterally entered by the other party is too large, and the time point is not yet clear when the main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" has become clear and the market consistency has accelerated. Once he continues to pull the market, the Shanghai Steel Union will If the stock price is pulled to a higher position, facing greater differences and circulation, if the other party hits the market again, it will be more difficult to clean up the market.

All in all, he did not think Jiefang South Road could maintain completely consistent behavior with him.

Therefore, in order to avoid a more difficult market to deal with at a higher position in the future, it is better to have more shocks and consolidate more chips at this stage when the relative pressure is not very high and the GEM index trend is not over.

As he ponders...

The time enters the last fifteen seconds of 9:19.

On the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the number of accumulated buy and sell orders is rapidly ebbing, and its stock price is also changing rapidly.

First, the daily limit was opened, the number of buy orders accepted dropped sharply, and the stock price plummeted from the daily limit price; then, the 25,000 previously accepted buy orders disappeared completely, and sellers took the initiative, suppressing the stock price from red to green, until... Once again blocked at the lower limit.


Even though all the buy and sell orders had already been withdrawn, the 13,000 lower-limit sell orders that had been placed since 9:15 still remained motionless.

"What the hell, is this a real pending order?"

At the last moment, the 13,000 lower-limit sell orders were still there, and all the investors holding positions were almost collapsed.

At the same time, Xu Xiang frowned tightly as he looked at the 13,000 orders that showed no sign of cancellation.

Finally, 9:20 arrived.

After experiencing the stimulation of the lower limit and the higher limit in the first five minutes, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union finally settled on the lower limit board at the moment of the actual call auction, forming a straight-line lower limit pattern.

Subsequently, due to the call auction trend that was seriously lower than expected.

Due to the brainless smashing of big funds in the market.

Many retail investors on the market, whose mentality collapsed, began to follow the trend and place orders to seize the exit channel.

Therefore, in this case, at 9:22, in just two minutes, the Shanghai Steel Federation's limit-down order changed from the initial 13,000 lots to more than 42,000 lots.

When I saw the Shanghai Steel Union's limit-down order, it immediately amplified the price, and the one-word limit-down has become a reality.

The short-term funds in the market, who were originally hesitant to buy the bottom, were shocked and could not help but give up this plan. They were prepared to make a decision based on the market situation and the overall investment sentiment of the two cities after the market opened.

"Fuck, fuck...I feel like crying but I don't have any tears. I'm just falling to the limit!"

The retail investors, who had been frightened and surprised one after another, were completely shocked and complained one after another.

"What's going on? Is the main force crazy? Just drop the limit and ship!"

"Hey, the market actually weakened yesterday, but I was just holding on. I was really short-handed. I shouldn't have chased yesterday."

"The road to wealth lies in this stock. I have made so much money. Even if I sell at the limit, I will still make a lot of profits."

"What the hell, shrinking the volume, no one is following, this is scary."

"Hey, judging from the market, Fortune Road should only have sold 13,000 lots, but the market just can't bear it, and OTC funds seem unwilling to come in."

"It's really strange. Yesterday it was at the limit, and the strong data on the Dragon and Tiger list actually fell by the limit today."

"What the hell, they are all a bunch of guys chasing the ups and downs. If everyone doesn't follow, how can those 13,000 orders be enough to crush the market to death? What a joke!"

"Hey, it's either the upper limit or the lower limit. I'm really right."

"Don't panic, maybe it's going to be a mess again today?"

In the sudden collapse of emotions, finally, at 9:25, the call auction in the two cities ended. The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union was closed to the lower limit at the opening, and 68,000 orders were closed. During the entire call auction stage, a total of more than 1,300 lots were traded, which was higher than before. In a few days, it can be said that the volume has shrunk seriously.

In the collective bidding trend of Shanghai Steel Union that was seriously lower than expected...

The entire GEM index, as well as its core popular component stocks, were affected by its sentiments and opened lower to varying degrees. Among them, Fenda Technology, which was negatively attacked by major shareholders reducing their holdings, continued to fall by the daily limit, with a retracement of more than 20% from its highs. , led the decline in GEM constituent stocks.

Faced with this opening situation of the two cities.

Su Yu was very satisfied, while Xu Xiang lowered his head and pondered, silently.

He didn't expect that Su Yu didn't cancel the order at 9:20, and he couldn't understand the other party's motivation for doing so.

"Could it be that... I really made a mistake in my prediction?" Xu Xiang pondered for a while and said to himself, "This guy named Su is really just using the lines of 'revival system' and 'Internet finance' to target Shanghai Steel." Are we jointly promoting it?”

"It shouldn't be so involved."

"Moreover, we have previously opened positions in Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Materials Trading, Pudong Jinqiao and other local stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. In essence, there should be some linkage."

"Now, are you just giving up?"

After thinking for a while, he thought that his opponent, Fortune Road, had used the "one word limit" to clean up the market, and maybe it would be the same this time, so he decided not to take action now and wait until the market is in session.

"Zhou Kan..."

After a pause, Xu Xiang turned around and ordered: "After the market opens, continue to buy the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Pudong Jinqiao and other stocks that we know as early-stage positions of 'Yuhang Investment', and take a look at the performance of each stock. At the same time... let Director Qiao inquire about the news again, I don’t believe that there is really no news or rumors in the market about the relevant local economic policy direction of the Shanghai Stock Exchange."

"Okay, Mr. Xu!"

Zhou Kan responded. Although he didn't quite agree with Xu Xiang's logic, he still strictly implemented the operational strategy issued by Xu Xiang.

At the same time, inside the ‘Yuhang Investment’ company, in the trading room.

Li Meng looked at Fenda Technology, which continued to fall by the limit, and Shanghai Steel Union, which fell by the limit. He sighed softly and said: "It seems that yesterday's fake callback will become a real callback today. The overall market sentiment at the opening is relatively high." Oh no, today... I'm afraid the market will plummet."

"Don't be afraid, just reduce your position and do T according to the plan." Su Yu said.

"Funda Technology closed orders at the opening today, and the number of orders is still over 100,000. It is estimated that it will still not be able to open the market today." Li Meng continued, "It seems that the lethality of high negative positions is greater than we imagined!"

"It's all emotions." Su Yu said, "Just don't be led by market emotions."

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded and was about to say something when 9:30 arrived.

She took advantage of the trend and turned her attention to the stocks held by multiple funds that were heavily traded, and stopped talking.

After Su Yu briefly responded to Li Meng, he also continued to focus on Shanghai Steel Union, a core stock in the two cities. He saw that its stock price remained motionless after the opening. The 13,000 lots he first placed fell to the limit. Sell ​​orders, blocking the lower limit channel, are being gradually consumed by the influx of bargain-hunting retail orders.

Five minutes after the opening...

The limit-down selling orders he placed were consumed to around 10,000 lots. From the beginning to the end, there were no large orders of more than one million to buy the bottom. At this time, the Shanghai Steel Union's market closing orders had also reached 87,000 lots. above.

"If you can't let go of the child, you can't trap the wolf."

Su Yu looked at the extremely depleted liquidity of Shanghai Steel Union and thought to himself: "If this wave continues, I wonder what the chief helmsman will do?"

Last time, his pressure plate was a fake one-word soul-severing knife.

But today, it is a real trend of ‘one-word soul-cutting knife’.

As the market has not yet fully alleviated its fear of high prices, and Fenda Technology is facing a negative situation, the two one-line lower limit has suppressed the market of high-level popular stocks. In addition, he holds a huge amount of Shanghai Steel Union chips, and has already revealed The determination to ship below the limit, in this case...

Big funds that still dare to buy the bottom should become more hesitant.

In other words, it is basically impossible for the Shanghai Steel Union to open the one-word limit limit that has created a panic effect today.

Of course, this is also the trend that Su Yu hopes for.

"Hey, I thought that if the two companies had the most leverage, there would definitely be internal disagreements. No one would be willing to carry the sedan chair for the other, and the future market would be negative. But I didn't expect... it would be such a tragic trend."

While Su Yu was thinking about the next market trend of Shanghai Steel Union, the discussions in the internal groups of major hot money investors who were concerned about this stock were still intense.

"Yes, those 13,000 lower-limit orders in the call auction were obviously orders from Fortune Road, right? Such an obvious lower-limit shipping technique. I didn't expect him to be so determined."

"The road to wealth lies in this stock. He has already made a lot of profits. Shipping at the limit will not actually hurt him."

"Indeed, I really didn't expect... the chief rudder was locked up again on this stock. After investing more than 8 million yuan, I'm afraid he will have to lose more than 10 million yuan before he can safely exit the market!"

"To be honest, this round of operations by the chief helmsman is indeed radical."

"If the chief executive hadn't bought so much yesterday, I guess the funds from Fortune Road wouldn't be so determined to ship, right? Maybe they would have to pull up the market."

"This is killing a pig, and the one who is being killed is the chief helmsman. He wants to become famous in one battle. If you want me... I will kill him too!"

"It's really a one-word soul-cutting knife!"

"It must be so. 100,000 orders have been closed. This situation should be irreversible, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. Last time, the Shanghai Steel Federation also came out of this situation. In the end, the ground reversed. Does anyone want to give it a try today?"

"To be honest, the hope of reversal is extremely slim. This time is fundamentally different from the last time."

"Indeed, at that time, the Shanghai Steel Federation's position was not so high, and that time, the Shanghai Steel Federation was also at the key point of breakthrough. The crowbar could quickly gather popularity, and the overall sentiment of the ChiNext Index at that time was also Very good, all kinds of funds are chasing high prices. If you look at it now... not only Shanghai Steel Union, Fenda Technology is also stuck on the lower limit. It needs to be pried... Unless these two stocks can be pried together, It has just been possible to reverse the market sentiment, but to leverage the closure of these two stocks, at least 800 million in funds will be needed..."

"Yes, crowbar at this time is basically giving away money."

"Hey, this check from Shanghai Steel Federation will lead to wealth if it succeeds, or it will lead to wealth if it fails."

"Yes, if this word Soul-Severing Knife cannot be reversed, it should be an announcement that the stock market of Shanghai Steel Union is completely over, right?"

"I didn't expect that the chief helmsman took over in the end."

During the discussion, 15 minutes have passed, and there is still no big money buying the bottom on the Shanghai Steel Union. It seems that everyone has formed a tacit understanding at this moment, and the active funds in the entire market will not rely on this stock at all.

But just as Shanghai Steel Union and Fenda Technology Wuliang fell to the limit.

The entire GEM opened lower and moved lower, with a drop of more than 1.5% again. In areas that no one paid attention to, local stocks in the Shanghai Stock Exchange such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Foreign Trade, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, and Lujiazui suddenly made collective changes again. The linear increase in volume quickly attracted the attention of the entire market.

"Mr. Su...has done something strange again!"

Li Meng stared at the fund's target stocks that suddenly surged in volume, held the mouse with his fingers, reported to Su Yu urgently, and was ready to follow up at any time.

"Don't move..." Su Yu replied, "It should still be the same amount of funds as yesterday."

Before the time comes, the other party is just guessing. If they can't pull it, they will naturally disperse. If they follow, the more they follow, the more enthusiastic the other party will be, and the more they will determine the hype logic of this line.

Even, it will instantly break his motive of clearing the Jiefang South Road chips of Shanghai Steel Federation.

When Li Meng heard Su Yu's instructions, he took a deep breath, slowly let go of the mouse with his fingers, and suppressed the urge to follow the market in his heart.


As time went on, after a few minutes, the funds pulling the market saw that the market did not recognize this logical line and did not have enough funds to follow suit. They finally gave up and the prices of each stock also fell back.

"Mr.'s useless."

After clearly sensing that market funds were not following suit, Zhou Kan, leader of the fund trading team at Zexi Investment in Shanghai, reported again to Xu Xiang: "We have tried several times in two days, and the entire market has... There is no capital that thinks there is an opportunity here, and there is no trace of big money lurking in the market.”

"I saw it!" Xu Xiang sat in front of the computer and nodded slightly helplessly.

"Then let's... withdraw the funds we spread?" Zhou Kan continued.

Xu Xiang thought for a while and said: "Withdraw part of it. These tickets do not have enough liquidity. If you withdraw too quickly, the losses will be greater, and... I always feel that there should be funds lurking here. You are at the core." Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Foreign Trade, and Pudong Jinqiao are three stocks that Yuhang Investment has obviously established positions in. Each of them has an observation position of 15 million to 20 million. After further observation, it will be found that tens of millions of funds are left in the stock. This sector will not affect the overall investment strategy and operating strategy of our fund."

"In this way... once these stocks move again, we can react instantly."

"Okay." Zhou Kan responded and continued to execute Xu Xiang's instructions.

And Xu Xiang turned around, his eyes fell on the Shanghai Steel Joint Stock Exchange, which had been sealed to the limit, and said secretly: "There is no movement. So... I am really overthinking, and at the same time, I am overestimating you?"

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