Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 169: Counterattack from the ‘Chief Rudder’! (Please subscribe)

"Hey, that's not right..."

Just when he was holding the mouse with his fingers and preparing to place an order on the lower limit to stop the loss, he suddenly woke up and suddenly thought: "If you really want to ship, why are you in such a hurry and have to press the lower limit to sell? Yesterday, the Shanghai Steel Federation My mood is not bad, there is no big problem with the market taking over, but doing this... is simply a matter of money."

And he knows that as a top trader in the financial market.

It is impossible to make this kind of misjudgment and make money without making money, especially when the opponent has more than 100 million chips in the field.

At this time, the difference between the upper and lower limits can be tens of millions of profits.

He doesn't think the other party can simply ignore the profit gap of tens of millions...

"It seems... this is intentional." Xu Xiang couldn't help but smile after understanding the other party's motives, "One-word soul-cutting knife, killing people's emotions, after inducing Tianliang's meat-cutting plate, with the help of the dragon's head With the emotional expectation of turning back, you can buy a large amount of chips at a lower position with your backhand. Hehe... At such a young age, I have learned the essence of this move."

This is a technique of washing the dishes and harvesting with a high-level one-word soul-severing knife, and then turning it around to cast the top.

He was the one who started it.

If the other party wants to play tricks on this and induce him to cut his losses, he will undoubtedly hit the iron plate.

"I almost got deceived by you." Xu Xiang sighed secretly.

However, even if he guessed that the other party's purpose was not to ship goods, he was still using the terrifying trend of the Soul-Severing Knife to clean up the market, but what kind of attention did the other party pay on this stock, what underlying logic did it follow, and what is the expected future space? How much...he still didn't know.

And don't know this...

This means that it is still impossible for him to rashly increase his position, take over the other party's bargaining chips, kick the other party out, and do the stock market alone.

In other words, on this stock, he can only follow the long position at most, but cannot control the market.

Thinking of this, Xu Xiang quickly gave up his plan to place an order on the lower limit board to stop the loss. Instead, he quickly placed a sell order of 17,888 lots at a level ahead of the lower limit price of Shanghai Steel Union, that is, at the price of 47.73 yuan. At the same time... He also bought an order of 1,788 lots on the lower limit board where all individual orders were followed up by bargain hunting.

He knew that if the other party was watching the market, he would definitely notice his placing orders and buying orders.

After all, he can be sure that the top order on the lower limit board has been eaten up, leaving only more than 8,700 lots of the original 13,000 sell orders, which is Su Yu's seat order on Fortune Road.

And in fact...

When the 17888 sell orders and 1788 buy orders appeared at the price of 47.73 and 47.72 at the same time, Su Yu, who had been staring at the market, noticed it instantly.


Su Yu looked at the orders that had been placed for half a minute and then canceled, as well as the 1,788 orders that had just been traded among the orders he had placed, and thought to himself: "One sell order, one buy order, this is to say that he has seen through me. The motive for washing the dishes is that we hope to make a fortune together, right? That's awesome! It seems... I'm a bit 'playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong'."

The opponent's ability to see the board is much stronger than he thought.

He knew that the other party must still be guessing about his confidence and logic in being so deeply involved in the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation and daring to continue high-level speculation, and he did not know that the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation had a relationship with the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Materials Trading, Waigaoqiao, Lujiazui...the logical relationship of this large number of local stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

But the opponent can learn from the abnormal performance on the board...

Able to guess and think about possible logical relationships from his abnormal operating actions, and be able to take practical actions and dare to gamble with large sums of money.

This made him admire him.

"Chief rudder, you are indeed the chief rudder!" Su Yu said with emotion, "After suffering a loss once, you will never fall into the same pit twice."

"What did you say?" Hearing Su Yu sigh, Li Meng tilted his head and replied in confusion.

Su Yu raised his head and glanced at Li Meng, who looked confused, smiled, and said: "I mean someone who can become famous in the A-share market by relying on short-term trading, and can reach tens of billions of dollars in capital. , as expected, they are all people who are extremely sensitive to market judgment and market understanding."

With that said, Su Yu withdrew the orders that were ahead of Shanghai Steel Union's lower limit, with about 7,700 orders left.


He also placed a sell order of 17,888 lots at the price of 47.73 yuan, and followed up on the lower limit board by buying an order of 6,666 lots, buying back the chips sold on the lower limit board. .

Since the other party is on the market and places an order with him, a signal is given.

That proves that the other party already knows his motive for washing the market, and even if he uses the chips to hit a lower limit, it will be difficult to wash out the other party.


The leading price continues to fall by the limit, and the chips continue to be out of stock. There must be large-scale short-term fund speculation to buy the bottom.

With the chips in his hand and the help of emotions, he may not be able to suppress the two lower limits.

Therefore, instead of doing this, after the other party expresses good intentions, it is better to go with the flow and work together to make a deal and let the other party get a share of the pie.

Of course, except for the stock of Shanghai Steel Union.

For other main core targets of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", he still will not choose to take the initiative to expose his motives before the time comes.

The other party has the ability to associate and guess.

Then let the other party guess.

Just after Su Yu placed 17,888 orders and bought another 6,666 orders on the lower limit, Xu Xiang in the trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai stared at the market and finally showed a smile. He nodded and said: "He is indeed a master of the Tao. At such a young age... he is amazing!"


He glanced at the sufficient available funds in his account, and then at the nearly 87,000 lower-limit orders still pending on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Let out a long breath.

When the ChiNext Index fell to a minimum of 2%, it took lightning action and placed three consecutive large orders of 10,000 lots, sweeping the limit and closing orders, and launched the crowbar.

The huge amount of main buying orders swept the market down to the limit in an instant.

The market of Shanghai Steel Union, which was already very popular and attracts a lot of attention, instantly boiled.

Countless short-term funds in the market moved upon hearing the news; countless closed retail investors, large investors, and hot money quickly withdrew their orders...

Almost instantly, the 87,000-lot limit-down order disappeared from the market, and its stock price soared from the limit-down board, attracting more funds to frantically hunt for the bottom.

"Holy shit, shit...what am I talking about? The chief rudder has entered the market and opened the market at a lower limit. There must be someone in the market to pry the market. As long as the popularity does not dissipate, there will be no way to seal the leader."

"Fortunately, I canceled the order quickly this time. The situation on July 30 will not happen again, right?"

"It's extremely possible, very possible!"

"Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation is going really violently. It's so strong. It's so damn strong."

"Damn it, it's really full of evil spirit. If you can hold this shock, you'll really be a boss."

"Hey, I've been washed up one after another. I followed up the day before yesterday. Yesterday, I cut the meat at the low level, then reversed in the session, and recovered the high level. Today, I saw a single-digit limit opening, and I cut the meat and left the market again. Now... What the hell am I doing? Should I chase, or admit my losses and exit? Obviously the stock price has not dropped at all since when I entered the market, and has risen a lot, but damn, I actually lost 23 points in three days. It is not easy to be the leader. What about losing money? My mentality is so bad."

"You are not alone. I have been cut to death in the past two days."

"I understand the feeling that I can clearly catch the leader, but I can't make any money."

"Hey, I really shouldn't chase the rise and kill the fall."

"The more you move, the more you lose. If you catch the dragon's head, just hold on to it. No matter how it shakes, I won't come out. What can the main force do to me?"

"It's not that simple. If you don't make money, you will keep losing money."

"Yes, I took it, and the loss was cut in half, and I never took it again. But this time... I suffered a huge loss on the Shanghai Steel Union. I was obviously near the 17 yuan price. So I bought it, I could move in and out, and I guessed the bottom and the top. When this stock rose several times, I didn’t make a penny, and even lost 12%. Alas... this lesson is really coming one after another. Yibo, there really is no principle, it is right, now think about it...if I had been around 17 yuan until now, I would have made a lot of profits long ago."

"I'm so angry, so angry, and I'm cutting my flesh on the floor. Why don't I learn my lesson?"

"Hey, I finally understand. The leader can't cut meat on the floor, because the big money from the crowbar will always come back. No matter what happens...the main players in the field will save themselves."

"I also had a cut on the floor. The funds were moved too quickly and there was no time to cancel the order."

"I'm lucky. After the experience of the floor being cut last time, I saw that I couldn't get out this time, so I didn't place the order. Unexpectedly... I was really surprised."

"I always made mistakes before, but this time I finally did it right. I successfully bought the bottom at the lower limit."

"Haha... I also bought the bottom. After all, I don't believe that Fortune Road has more than 100 million yuan in it, and this check is dead. Sure enough... the first board's limit after the leading new high is definitely the first choice for counter-backing. Every time I I did this every time, and I also copied the floor and ceiling on July 30. Although I didn’t hold the chips, I still made fifty or sixty points on this stock, and I was really satisfied.”

"Faith, still faith... Holding a dragon's head without faith is really not good at all."

"Holy shit... it became popular, and the ten-point drop was just wiped out."

"Yeah, it's a fucking new high. It's awesome. It's so awesome, isn't it?"

"Hey, I cried when I fell to the limit, ten o'clock!"

"The faucet will never die, the faucet will never die! It feels like the market is far from over, haha... I learned my lesson, this time I enter the market, no matter how the shock is, I can't get out if it's less than 70 yuan."

"The trend is like an explosion, I'm really convinced."

"Do you know how to use the ground floor? Everyone, I know how to play the ground floor. In the past two days, my bones have been shaken to pieces. I have to make a big gamble to get my money back."

"It feels like there's not much pressure on the board, and there's a high probability of a ceiling!"

"Within 10 minutes from the bottom limit, the straight line turned red, and the holdup has been cleared. There is no pressure at all to reach new highs. Just do... a stud, and the villa will be directly next to the sea!"

"Holy shit, shit... I'm still pulling, the stock price is almost 54 yuan, the bottom is down, and I'm making a profit of 14%!"

"Hey, it looks like there is no chance to get back the bargaining chip for cutting flesh. I'm so angry. It's really hard to hold on to this kind of monster."

While retail investors are discussing excitedly and chasing positions across the board, the big bosses in the major hot money internal groups at this moment are also shocked and excited, and the discussions are lively.

"Hey, this slap in the face comes too fast. How could any god pull the plug? Investing more than 100 million yuan is really a generous move."

"Lao Liu, Lao Zhou, Lao Li... are you all following?"

"Follow me, I must follow!"

"I'll go... Did you agree not to buy the bottom today? You traitors."

"There are top bosses who are cunning the market, and retail investors are following the trend fiercely, and the internal lock-up sentiment is also rapidly growing. Now that the market has been pried open, isn't there money to be made?"

"Hey, I really didn't expect that the closed orders of hundreds of thousands of lots could be opened so easily."

“Mainly because of the funds that took action, which was too decisive, and also because of the ground-breaking demonstration effect of this stock on July 30, which made the funds from all walks of life follow the trend extremely fiercely at this critical moment, and also gave way to the market. After the big funds swept across the lower limit, various domestic funds formed a consistent behavior of withdrawing orders, which made it so easy to pry open the market. You can see that Shanghai Steel Union rebounded from the lower limit to a red market, and the entire transaction volume has just exceeded 280 million. You know how serious the phenomenon of chip expectations and chip locking is."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the entire mood on the board would reverse in an instant."

"This phenomenon shows that at this stage of Shanghai Steel Union, the willingness of retail investors to take over is still very strong. It is estimated that the stock price will quickly rise to a higher level after this wave of adjustments."

"That is to say... it is possible that the ground will be broken today, right?"

"It's impossible. The more unanimously everyone expects something, the less likely it is to be realized on the market, because I don't know how many funds were withdrawn after the Shanghai Steel Union opened the lower limit, waiting for the floor to be sold later. Now the market pressure It’s not strong, but once he gets on the board, the will see, it is definitely the strongest pressure on the board.”

"You're right. Expected events that are too consistent will most likely not happen."

"However, even if it cannot hit the ground floor, the risk of a sharp decline in Shanghai Steel Union today is no longer great."

“The stronger everyone expects the sentiment on the local board to be, it proves that the stock price is in the price range between the breaking board and the daily limit, and the less pressure there is. In addition, after the GEM index released risks in early trading, it has now entered a rebound stage. Moreover, after Fenda Technology's two-word limit fell, someone will definitely try to break the bank tomorrow. The overall sentiment... there should be an expectation of a weak turn to a strong one. At this time, the Shanghai Steel Federation, since it can reverse, will not be able to reverse the trend. Fell back."

"If it is expected that Fenda Technology will definitely break the market tomorrow, then in fact, you can try to buy the bottom at the end of today's trading, so that... you will have a chance to appear tomorrow."

"Lao Wang, anticipate other people's expectations, right? Awesome!"

"Hey, no matter what, today's trend of Shanghai Steel Federation has exceeded expectations again."

"Yeah, I really didn't expect that when it fell by the limit, when everyone was already bearish, it hit a new intraday high before noon, 53.88 yuan. This number is really auspicious."

"Speaking of which, the transaction volume is only 290 million now. Look at of the Fortune Road and the chief rudder's Jiefang South Road has locked up the position again, right?"

"It should be, otherwise it would be impossible to shrink this amount of energy to this extent."

"Then who locked up the position? It couldn't be Fortune Road, right? He was so eager to get out in the early trading, and the 13,000 lots were probably eaten by the market before he had time to cancel the order."

"It's hard to say that the road to wealth is based on this stock. It's really a psychedelic trick used several times."

"Looking at the market, I really can't guess it. I can only look at the data of the Dragon and Tiger rankings after the market. Anyway, there is absolutely no way that Shanghai Steel Federation can escape the rankings today. We will know when we take a look at it."

"I remember that last time the floor slab of the Shanghai Steel Federation was the work of Fortune Road and Shaoxing Branch of Zheshang Securities jointly to pry and seal the floor, right? I don't know if this time..."

"Today's crowbar will never be on the road to wealth again."

"Isn't it funny to press your own orders by yourself? Moreover, by pressing and buying by yourself, it is easy to cause suspicion of switching positions and manipulating stock prices. Moreover, even if the suspicion of manipulating stock prices is not taken into account, Fortune Road has more than 100 million in his hands. Now that he has enough chips, if he buys more than 100 million more, who will be willing to take his orders later? It is simply a taboo of trading. If you really want others to follow the orders, even if one company is the only one, it cannot exceed the limit. "

"Otherwise... when the time comes, I'll see how he plays alone in the field."

"I also feel that it is not Fortune Road. As Lao Luo said, if Fortune Road follows him, there will really be no one to play with him, and... I think Fortune Road will not know this."

“There aren’t many people in the market who dare to leverage this amount of capital!”

"Let's wait for the Dragon and Tiger List in the afternoon. Now... we still need to see how the intraday situation changes, and see if the funds that are leveraging the market today will continue to pull the market and try to hit the ground."

With the opinions and discussions of all the big guys, 11:30 arrived.

In the end, Shanghai Steel Union opened with a dead limit and ended with a 1.23% increase. The stock price was fixed at 53.58 yuan, once again hitting a record high and a new intraday high. The half-day turnover reached 310 million, which was more than 30%. The volume shrank slightly on the previous trading day, but the amplitude was much larger than the previous trading day.

After the midday close...

In the entire market, the discussion about this stock has reached a climax again, and funds from all walks of life, including large investors and hot money, have expressed their expectations for the afternoon.

During this period, Su Yu watched with cold eyes.

In the position in hand, after the other party pried open the lower limit, one share was not sold out.

Obviously, after Xu Xiang posted the 17,888-lot order prompt and he responded, the Shanghai Steel Federation ushered in a huge amount of funds. He did not need to think about it to know that this huge amount of funds must be the leader of Jiefang South Road. The handwriting of the Lord.

Now that the other party has taken the initiative to pull the strings, he has released his good intentions and allowed him to sit safely in the sedan chair.

Naturally, it was not easy for him to go back on his word again and hit the opponent directly with his pulling action. After all, if he did that... he would really be capricious and completely ruin his face.

Moreover, since he placed the order, he responded.

The other party must have thought that he would lock up the position, so he invested a huge amount of funds to reactivate the market.

Of course, in a sense, from the moment he places an order to respond, even if the two funds of him and the chief helmsman are combined into one, the other party will inevitably watch the changes in his seat funds. Operation, follow the selling and sell, after all... In the current situation, only he can clarify all the underlying speculation logic of this stock and give market guidance.

In Su Yu's contemplation and speculation on Xu Xiang's motivation choices and operational strategies.

Come 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the two markets continue to trade.

After the emotional fermentation at noon, the much-anticipated Shanghai Steel Union was bought by various funds. In half an hour, it rose by more than 5 points, reaching the highest price of 55.73 yuan, and just encountered strong selling. Gradually it fell back from the high level to an increase range of one or two points.

After 2 o'clock...

Amidst the violent fluctuations that the Shanghai Steel Union has always maintained above the red plate, the ChiNext Index once again reversed the intraday decline and once again stepped out of the V-shaped reversal trend. The decline shrank and stood on the 5-day line, continuing to maintain the strength of the trend. .

Among them, Fenda Technology has reduced its volume throughout the day.

At 2:22, the first wave of large-volume bargain hunting ushered in, and funds entered the crowbar, which ended in failure.

At 2:32, when Fenda Technology faced another wave of financial pressure, Su Yu instructed Li Mengye to buy some of Fenda Technology's chips at the bottom.

At 2:45, the time entered the last 15 minutes of the late trading period.

Investors who held shares on the market who expected the Shanghai Steel Federation to reappear throughout the day began to sell off their chips sharply on the market after discovering that their expectations were disappointed.

As the expectations of the ground floor fell through, the follow-up of OTC funds at this time also seemed to be slightly lower.

In this situation...

Shanghai Steel Union encountered huge market pressure in the late trading stage, and its time-sharing trend began to dive sharply from around the 3.5% increase.

Finally, when the market closes at 3 o'clock.

After violent fluctuations throughout the day, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union settled at 53.04 yuan, which was a penny higher than yesterday's closing price. It was worthy of a red, with an increase of 0.01%. The transaction volume for the whole day was 458 million, which was higher than the previous trading day. The volume was reduced, but not to a worrying level. It was still considered a sufficient change of hands.

Retail investors were disappointed with this closing result, but hot money investors were full of surprises.

After all, even if Shanghai Steel Union closed only up 0.01 percentage point, it still expressed a strong and volatile pattern, hit a record intraday high, completed sufficient changes of hands, and laid a platform foundation for the stock price to continue to rise. It also proves that the stock price has solid support in the price range of 48 yuan to 53 yuan, forming a chip accumulation range here.

Moreover, judging from the K-line chart.

The K-line closing today is also very beautiful. It can be said to be a classic form of rising relay.

Of course, the continuous board trend was ended and failed to advance from 4 boards to 5 boards, which suppressed the market's continuous board space and damaged the confidence of some board players.

In addition to Shanghai Steel Union's closing performance that both exceeded expectations and fell below expectations.

The ChiNext Index completely exceeded expectations and closed in the red again, hitting a new yearly high of 1253.46 points, once again verifying its index leadership position as the 'strongest is always strong' in the two cities.

And thanks to the market investment sentiment restored by the Shanghai Steel Union's strong maintenance.

Active funds on the market, which had previously been fearful of highs and risks, became obviously active again in the late trading, and were no longer so timid about chasing highs.

And because Fenda Technology has shown signs of breaking the board, a lot of funds have begun to flow back into the popular GEM concept sector in the early stage of the major adjustment.

After the close, the atmosphere of market discussion continued.

People who were cutting meat at low positions in the market cried and complained; people who were buying at low positions in the market were full of excitement.

Of course, some investors who were lucky enough to hold on to their bargaining chips during the violent shocks and ushered in the sunshine again saw the Shanghai Stock Exchange fall to the limit and then closed the profits. After seeing the GEM index continue to be strong, it continued to reverse in a V-shape, and continued to refresh the year. After the trend of new highs, I became more and more confident in my heart and decided to lock up my position until the end of time.

And those investors who are still dilly-dallying and still clinging to the big blue chips on the main board.

Looking at the ChiNext index hitting new highs and new highs, seeing the Shanghai Steel Alliance's strong trend that can be reversed even if it falls below the limit of 100,000 lots, I feel bitter and entangled in my heart. At the same is hard to continue to hold big blue chips. The belief is also constantly wavering, and the idea of ​​​​cutting off blue chips to enter the GEM is simply unstoppable.

Amidst all kinds of emotions and thoughts, after a short review, 5:30 pm arrived.

Without anyone's reminder, countless people's eyes were fixed on the Dragon and Tiger List of the Shanghai Steel Federation, and... when everyone saw clearly the trading seats disclosed on the Dragon and Tiger List, almost everyone was petrified on the spot, dumbfounded. , I was shocked and shocked to the extreme.

PS: Two-in-one, the limited exemption is over. Please subscribe. It is very important to follow up, otherwise there will be no recommendations next time. Also... it’s the end of the month, so vote for monthly tickets and so on!

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