Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 170: Hazy benefits!

"Oh my god, the chief rudder occupies the two positions of buying one and selling one. He bought a net of 102 million in funds. Not only did he not leave, but he increased his position significantly."

The entire market, investors paying attention to this stock, exclaimed in shock.

"I haven't taken the road to wealth yet. I'm buying three seats, selling three seats, and I'm still doing T."

"On the other hand, the Yuhang Anhe Road, Shaoxing Beitan Road, and Jinhua Changyuan Road that we entered before were eliminated, and they still lost a lot of money."

"I really didn't expect that today it was the chief helmsman who pried off the South Liberation Road."

"Moreover, more than 100 million yuan was spent to buy the crowbar. How optimistic are you about this stock?"

"Now the chief helmsman has close to 190 million in financial chips, right? Such a large amount...should exceed the wealth road, right? It's really scary!"

"Yes! To be honest, I don't quite understand the actions of the chief rudder who continues to take heavy positions here."

"The big boss has advantages in information channels and capital. It's normal for us not to understand. Anyway... The big boss has a heavy position here. That is to continue to be optimistic about the market of this stock. Just follow it and buy it. The road to wealth and liberation With such a large amount of funds in Nanlu, it will be impossible to sell goods without raising a few daily limits.”

"It's really abnormal for the chief helmsman to buy it like this."

"It feels like I haven't seen Jiefang South Road operating on a stock in about a year and a half. It's too violent and powerful to operate with such a large amount of money."

"This is the work of top hot money. If you are optimistic...then step in with a heavy position and never hesitate."

"Will Shanghai Steel Union be the next one? Is there any major benefit? Both Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road have locked up and increased their positions like this. It's really rare."

"I don't know. There is a huge gap in information awareness between us retail investors and the big guys."

"I also feel that there should be some major benefits in the follow-up, right? Otherwise, the position of Shanghai Steel Federation would not be worth such a heavy investment by the big guys."

"Regardless of whether there are any major benefits, I think the two top hot funds dare to enter such a large position and just follow them without thinking."

"Indeed, with two big guys cooperating to make a deal, Shanghai Steel Union can see at least a market value of 15 billion and a price of 100 yuan."

"I'm not that optimistic, but this time before I fully see the appearance of Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road, I will definitely not lock up the position. No matter how the market fluctuates, I must get the last one."

"With today's lesson, I will also come in last."

"I'm just a little worried. After the Jiefang South Road family dominates, in such a high position, who will come to take over the hot money in the future?"

"This is not an issue we should consider. Anyway, the big boss dares to bet 100 million, so I think there is no problem at all in following him."

"I think the question of why one company is so dominant and no one is willing to take over in the future is a completely false proposition. With so much money involved, the big guys obviously want to make money. Are they going to be like us retail investors, mindlessly investing in low positions? As long as the big boss is willing to continue to maintain the market and create a money-making effect, are you afraid that no one will follow?"

"Yes, look at the market. For some market makers, the main funds account for more than 60% of the day's trading volume. Then there are still funds to follow suit. Not to mention the extremely popular Shanghai Stock Exchange, only the combined efforts of the market can make it so far. The concept is the leader, and moreover... Jiefang South Road is not one of those unstructured losers every other day. With the influence of the chief helmsman, as long as it creates a money-making effect, there won't be too many followers."

"Let's see, Shanghai Steel will definitely open sharply higher tomorrow."

"Although a dominant family is a hidden danger, Jiefang South Road and Fortune Road are well-established hot money companies, so there is nothing to be afraid of. A market with these two hot money companies can indeed follow without thinking, and... Facts have proved that, As long as there are stocks bought by these two companies, after following the trend for the second time, as long as they can endure the shock and not sell, they will eventually be able to make money."

"Anyway... Anyway, this time, I have prepared a plan. I will stud tomorrow. I will follow without thinking and get 80 yuan directly."

"If you don't follow the path of Jiefangnan when stock trading, even if you make money, it will be in vain; if you don't follow the path of wealth when stock trading, making money will be a stranger from now on!"

"Haha...that makes sense."

"It's useless to analyze so much. Anyway, I only know that if the leader is not dead, the subsequent trend will definitely reach a new high. I will follow it tomorrow. There is nothing wrong with it."

"Every time the chief rudder makes a heavy move, it will definitely be a big move. This has been verified by history."

"Yes, in fact, even from a fundamental point of view, the current position of Shanghai Steel Federation is really not high, and the value of the game is still great."

"Moreover, the sentiment has obviously reversed today. It seems that the GEM... will accelerate its rise in the future."

In the discussion among the retail investors, hot money investors faced this jaw-dropping Dragon and Tiger list data, and there was heated discussion and considerable disagreement.

"Isn't the chief helmsman's gesture too big?"

“I originally thought that yesterday’s purchase volume of 87 million by the chief rudder was a heavy position, but I didn’t expect that… I really saw it today.”

"Let me just say that in this market, there are not many funds with more than 100 million yuan to buy at the bottom under today's circumstances. As expected... the chief rudder has a big pattern. Not only does he dare to buy, but he also always His actions are all thunderous, I admire him, I really admire him."

"I admire you, but the amount is too great."

"Yes, how dare you follow me if you don't have follow-up funds?"

"If the chief rudder enters the market with such a huge amount, it would be fine if it were at the bottom... But now, it is at the high level of speculation. Such a heavy bet will only weaken the market's combined trend, right?"

"The chips are close to 200 million. Compared with the current circulation of Shanghai Steel Union, it has not actually reached the upper limit. It is possible to follow, but the risk of following the trend has indeed increased. I can only say... Fortunately, the road to wealth is still there. In the field, and the two families are not on the same page, as long as there are differences, there is room for game."


"To be honest, the chief rudder was able to pry the market today, and after prying the market open, the amount of locked-up funds on the market increased significantly. As a result, the final transaction volume of Shanghai Steel Union not only did not increase, but actually shrank a lot. This has been proved Taking into account the market sentiment and everyone’s expectations, this is not the end at all, which proves that everyone has higher expectations for this stock. As long as we continue to guide emotions in the future, the stock price will definitely continue to rise.”

"Based on the analysis of the emotions on and off the market and the funds following the trend after the chief rudder broke the news today, the upward potential of Shanghai Steel Union has definitely not reached its limit, but whether there is still 20% or 50% room in the future Space, there is no way to predict it, and with such a large amount of funds as the chief executive holding down internally, the more the stock price rises, the risk is actually getting higher and higher. Let’s see tomorrow’s opening... If it can open Okay, I can still follow a little bit, but in the game after tomorrow, I really can’t follow because I’m afraid of being beaten.”

"The same idea, whether it is Fortune Road or the chief executive, if you want to maintain the current profits and enter the market stably, you cannot ship without an increase of 20% to 30%. And just now Mr. Liu also said that currently The sentiment is to support the Shanghai Steel Union to continue to rise. This means that... in the short term, the 20% to 30% space that continues to rise should have arbitrage space with minimal risk. I estimate... follow-up In two or three days, Shanghai Steel Federation will definitely speed up.”

“Based on the analysis of sentiment and chip structure, everyone is right.”


"Have you never thought that what the chief helmsman is doing when he enters the market with a heavy position may not be an emotional relay at all, but another round of good speculation based on the advantage of information channels?"

"After all, the chief rudder is in Shanghai, and his funds are good at restructuring and other major potential investments. 'Zexi Investment' is well-known in the industry for its advantages in information channels. In addition, the Shanghai Steel Federation It’s also a local stock in the Magic City, and it’s also the actual controller of Guo Yunchang, the boss of the ‘Revival Department’. What’s going on here… is really intriguing!”

"Damn said that, it's really possible."

"The current two main players within the Shanghai Steel Federation, Fortune Road, are obviously following emotions and are hyping up. In addition to locking up positions in the early stage, they have been doing T to maintain the market in the later stage. However, the entry logic of the chief rudder is obviously in line with The path to wealth is different.”

"It is indeed a bit similar, two main forces and two holding logics."

"I'll go...if the chief helmsman's entry logic is really about news channels, then the Shanghai Steel Federation's follow-up is really promising. Looking at it this way, the height is definitely more than two or three boards!"

"Has anyone heard any inside information about this stock?"

"Uh... Even if someone knew about this, they wouldn't say anything about it, right? But it's really worth noting that the chief helmsman is making such a big bet, because it just can't be justified based on emotional hype alone."

"Hey, the Shanghai Steel Federation's check and various logics are getting more and more confusing."

"Haha...stock trading is about the ambiguity of speculation, because only hazy benefits can lead to wonderful imagination. Thank you for digging out this logical line. Starting from this direction, I think Shanghai Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. can completely do this in this position. Continue to follow, after all, we think so, and there must be many, many people in the industry who see this move of the chief rudder, and will also think so, which will create a large amount of funds to follow suit!"

"Moreover, as the stock price rises, this kind of unreasonable good speculation will become more and more believed by more and more people from the current stage of doubt, because many people will deduce the logic from the rise of the stock price. As long as they believe this With more and more people speculating on logic, false positives can turn into real positives.”

as expected……

With the Dragon and Tiger rankings, the entire market has become more and more heated in discussions.

The speculation caused by the 100 million Shanghai Steel Link Machinery on Jiefang South Road gradually became more and more bizarre. By the early trading stage the next day, it directly became the plan of Shanghai Steel Link to acquire a well-known futures company and establish an Internet financial department. Relying on the company's original financial information services, it has officially launched mutual financial services, connected with the resources of the entire "Fuxing Department"... and a series of vague but clear-cut rumors about good news.


As if in an instant, all kinds of good news and rumors derived from the background of the 'Rejuvenation Department' and the logical main line of 'Internet Finance' came overwhelmingly.

Su Yu looked at the outrageous reactions and outrageous rumors in the entire market.

There was a moment of silence.

But at the same time, at this moment, he more truly understood the words "Don't underestimate the imagination of investors in market speculation" and appreciated the true charm of speculation in this market.

As he sighed and realized, 9:15 arrived.

The Shanghai Steel Federation, which has attracted much attention, has ushered in call bidding after experiencing another heavy support from Jiefang South Road and various favorable messages overnight.

Su Yu's eyes were focused.

The moment the time jumped to 9:15, the stock price suddenly changed from yesterday's closing price of 53.04 yuan to 58.34 yuan, an increase of 10%. The initial price limit closed more than 9,000 orders, and the price limit was matched to create transaction orders. 1112 lots.

"Yes, it should be able to open higher."

Su Yu stared at the 1,112 matched orders at the daily limit price, knowing that this was the real number of selling orders from retail investors holding positions on the market at this moment, and said to himself: "Although the various favorable rumors in the market are very confusing, they are still correct after all. The mood on the market has had a serious impact, otherwise the initial orders placed at this moment would be more than 1,112 lots, so the pressure is not great... As long as the market is not too ugly today, it will not be difficult to raise the limit."

Su Yu understood.

We have experienced the violent washout yesterday and even last Friday.

After the Shanghai Steel Union withstood the adjustment and showed a still strong trend, in fact, various funds in today's market, and even the majority of investors, have quite strong expectations for the daily limit of this check.

That is to say...

If this check hits the daily limit today, and if he and Xu Xiang do not hit the market, the pressure on the market will actually be quite small, and the willingness of funds to follow the trend will be quite strong.

After all, the capital cost of entering Jiefang South Road is public on the Dragon and Tiger List.

Today's expectations of a market crash on Jiefang South Road are basically the lowest in the hearts of short-term funds.

"Mr. Su..."

While Su Yu was deep in thought, Li Meng hurriedly reported: "It looks like Fenda Technology... won't fall to the limit. Moreover, during the collective bidding, it was obvious that funds were rushed away."

Su Yu followed Li Meng's words, clicked on the disk where Fenda Technology was bidding, and took a look.

I only saw this check. In just this moment, in half a minute, the stock price has risen from the limit at the initial moment to a drop of only 2%. Moreover, the number of buyers and sellers participating in the call auction can be extremely active, and the stock price has followed suit. As time goes by, it is still going up, and it is estimated that it will open higher.

"Haha..." Seeing such changes in the market, Su Yu smiled and replied, "It's a stock market. Everyone is a veteran in the market. You anticipate my expectations, and I anticipate yours." Anticipation is always... regardless of whether you buy or sell, you are jumping the gun."

"Everyone expects Fenda Technology to hit the limit today and there will be a rebound."

"The funds rushed forward and naturally surged up, giving no chance to buy at low prices. Speaking of which...the group of funds that failed yesterday at Laibanfenda Technology became winners today. This is unacceptable. Regardless of the hype mentality, you still have to follow the market changes, sometimes... you really can’t be too smart.”

"If it opens higher...will we still buy?" Li Meng asked.

Su Yu shook his head slightly and said: "No, it seems that the market sentiment today should be a relatively intense day. Not surprisingly, with the boost of the two stocks of Shanghai Steel Union and Fenda Technology and the further increase of main board funds, The inflow of land into the GEM, which is pointing at the 5-day line, should accelerate."

"This should be the last leg of the upward trend for the GEM index."

"Coupled with the sensitivity of this time..."

Su Yu thought for a while and ordered: "Fenda Technology, a stock that has been fully adjusted under the bad news, can be kept. Other core popular concept stocks in the early stage can be slowly continued to be reduced once the market pulls sharply. Each check, All were reduced to 50% of the peak holding stage, and then the funds vacated from the reduction chips slowly began to be further invested in Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Lujiazui, Shanghai Materials Trading, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, etc.' Among the core concept stocks of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, I think... in terms of time, it should be almost the same."

Once the GEM accelerates its rise on the 5-day line, it will further deviate from the moving averages.

And the huge hidden main line of speculation of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ is slowly revealed...

It is really time for the market style to change, and at this stage, investors from all walks of life who continue to run away from the main board will inevitably be slapped in the face.

After all, the market is a stock game.

A powerful hype line like the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', which can carry and devour dozens or tens of billions of funds, must be fully participated and undertaken by active funds in the entire market. When new money-making effects gather, At this time, these short-term active funds in the market will inevitably flow from the current high-level core concept stocks on the GEM to the related concepts of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone".

In this way, the support of this part of active funds is missing.

The GEM index will inevitably fall from its high level, and these core popular constituent stocks of the GEM that have been subject to continued speculation in the early stage will naturally not be able to escape the fluctuations of violent retracement.

That is, during a style shift.

Before the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' comes to an end, the GEM, which has already experienced a sharp upward trend in the Shanghai Stock Index ahead of schedule, will not have good investment opportunities. Of course... some two companies are related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. There may be exceptions for stocks that are closely related to this main line.

"Okay!" Li Meng responded and issued instructions to the traders simultaneously.

The company's entire fund has actually made extremely huge profits on the core popular stocks on the GEM. Li Meng had already felt a little hot while holding the chips. Su Yu ordered her to continue to reduce her position, which happened to satisfy her wishes.

After replying to Li Meng...

Su Yu's eyes turned away from Fenda Technology and returned to Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation.

Seeing this check, the increase has now dropped to 4.5%. At the beginning of the call auction, the more than 10,000 main-buy orders that were strongly placed on the daily limit board have long since disappeared. At this moment, only 1,300 orders remain on the market. Multiple lots of matching orders, and 346 lots of buy orders below 55.43 yuan.

Then, 9:18, 9:19...

As time goes by, the Shanghai Steel Union's call auction board gradually increases the number of transaction orders, exceeding the capacity of 5,000 lots, and its stock price also rises step by step, exceeding 5%, 6%, and all the way to 6.5%. , and then stabilized.

Then, at 9:20, the real call auction session with irrevocable orders began.

After a large number of orders were withdrawn, in the end, only more than 2,100 lots of matched trading orders were left on the Shanghai Steel Union's call auction. Its stock price also fell slightly from 6.5% to 5.8%, and the stock price was fixed at 56.11 yuan.

And when the time slowly slid from 9:20 to 9:21...

Su Yu stared at the Shanghai Steel Federation collective bidding trend that was slowly progressing with both volume and price rising. He thought it would remain relatively stable like the previous few minutes until the market opened, but he didn't want the situation to suddenly change!

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