Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 171: The shrinkage is accelerating and the strategy changes!

A main buy order of 8,000 lots entered the market directly to raise funds, pushing the stock price to the daily limit price of 58.34 yuan. As a result, the call auction orders for matching transactions on the market increased sharply from more than 2,500 lots to more than 6,700 lots, the daily limit. More than 3,000 lots of orders were closed.

Su Yu frowned and was about to place an order to suppress the overly consistent emotions on the market.

However, they saw that the same 8,000 new sell orders had been added to the Shanghai Steel Union's daily limit price in an instant, breaking through the market that had just hit the daily limit again.


I saw that there were large funds shipping on the daily limit board, and the market divergence caused great pressure.

The various funds that were preparing to follow the trend of raising funds by placing 8,000 lots at the upper limit suddenly backed down and stood still, waiting for the final opening result of the Shanghai Steel Federation.

As the funds that followed the trend retreated, the growth rate of buying orders on the Shanghai Steel Union's market suddenly slowed down.

Selling began to increase sharply.

As a result, at 9:23, after experiencing the half-minute daily limit, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fell back to around the 7% increase, and the overall call auction resulted in transaction orders, reaching 11,000 lots.

At 9:24, the growth rate of selling orders was still greater than that of buying orders, and the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union continued to fall.

Finally, at 9:25, when the call auction ended, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union was fixed at 56.12 yuan, an increase of 5.81%, returning to the price at 9:20, the moment when the irrevocable call auction session began, and the entire During the collective bidding stage, a total of 16,800 lots were traded, with a turnover of more than 94 million yuan.


At 9:22, the 8,000 sell orders were placed on the daily limit board with big selling points to suppress emotions.

Su Yu took a look at the static orders of all stalls on the disk, as well as the transaction details of the entire 16,800 lots, and found that these 8,000 lots were not traded in the call auction, and were still hanging at the Shanghai Steel Union's daily limit price.

He knows that at this moment, Shanghai Steel Union has the main funds on the market.

Except for him, Zhao Qiang, and Xu Xiang, no one has 8,000 hands of chips.

And he did not place an order. After Zhao Qiang locked up the position, he followed his instructions and naturally did not control his emotions by pressure at that critical moment.

Then, the only one left is Xu Xiang.

After understanding this, Su Yu sighed: "The chief helmsman is still very powerful. He knows that the market sentiment is not bad today. Even if he suppresses his emotions, the market will not collapse. On the contrary, it will intensify the change of hands, which can make the stock price go further." , and can squeeze out as much of the stock’s upside potential as possible.”

He had already prepared for this stock to open higher and shrink faster.

Unexpectedly, after Xu Xiang guessed his motives, he realized that he was more organized than he thought. He knew how to protect the market and let the "hazy good news" widely circulated in the market ferment for a longer time, allowing those involved in this stock to There are also more funds.

"Fenda Technology has indeed opened higher."

While Su Yu was sighing, Li Meng's voice came again: "The price was 3% higher, and the turnover of the call auction directly exploded to the level of 70 million, which was larger than yesterday's turnover. It looked... big The negative consequences of shareholders reducing their holdings have been digested and reacted."

Su Yu nodded and replied: "Market funds are not stupid. At this stage, the fundamentals of this stock and several extreme performance expectations in the future are still very strong."

"You can be a little more aggressive today..."

Su Yu paused and continued: "Without Fenda Technology's lower limit suppression, the fear of risks among active funds in the market will be greatly alleviated. Highly popular stocks and core concept stocks with excellent fundamentals should be welcomed. If there is a rapid pursuit of funds, the index will not be too ugly today."

"Of course... the motherboard must still be half-dead."

"After all, the main funds and incremental funds for the growth of the GEM index are flowing out from the main board. The main board has been losing blood. If it can stay sideways, it is considered good."

Since the market bottomed on June 25…

In fact, the seesaw effect between the main board and the GEM is getting more and more serious.

"I know!" Li Meng smiled, "Don't worry, I will implement it according to the strategy. The core concept stocks of GEM, except Fenda Technology, which has completed the adjustment, will only decrease but not increase. At the same time... quietly buy Lujiazui, Shanghai Stock Exchange Stocks such as Wu Trading, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, etc. have completed the slow adjustment of positions."

"Yes!" Su Yu nodded, "But when buying stocks like Lujiazui, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment... you must be gentle, reduce large orders to small ones, and pay attention to only buying small orders. Passively take over when the time-sharing trend falls and never take the initiative to place orders or place orders.”

"And the buying volume should not be too much..."

"As long as there are no obvious traces left on the market, it is okay if a stock can have an inflow of several million a day."

Lujiazui, Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment... Although these stocks have insufficient liquidity due to heavy hold-ups, the market value and circulation of each stock are actually not small, with hundreds of stocks a day. The inflow of tens of thousands of funds will not cause any obvious changes to the market trend at all.

Of course, he was so cautious...

In fact, I was also worried that Xu Xiang's attention had not completely shifted after trying several rounds of trading on these stocks, and he was worried that the other party would be attracted back again.

After all, it is still some time before the news of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ is announced.

He did not want to compete with Zexi Investment on these stocks in advance. The platform would raise the cost of opening a position for subsequent capital investment.

"Okay!" Li Meng continued to respond.

Then he saw that the time had reached 9:30, so he stopped talking and focused entirely on the stocks he was focusing on.

After Su Yu finished his instructions, he saw the official trading time coming.

He also quickly pulled his gaze back and returned his mind to the stock of Shanghai Steel Union.

After the opening of the market, the stock once again ushered in relatively intense buying in a short period of 5 minutes of emotional fermentation. The stock price rose from around 5.8% to around 7% within two or three minutes. , the transaction volume has gradually increased to about 120 million.

And within these few minutes at the beginning of the session...

No large sell orders of more than 5,000 lots appeared, causing funds to follow the trend and further surge.

“There is no obvious big deal worth tens of millions of dollars!”

Seeing the trading performance of the Shanghai Steel Union at the beginning of the trading session, some people in various internal hot money groups sighed: "It seems that I guessed it right. The market sentiment is picking up. The chief rudder and Wealth Road are here today. There is a high probability that they will still lock up their positions." The market will not be smashed, and the Shanghai Steel Federation’s daily limit pressure today is basically very small.”

"I agree. Fenda Technology's opening trend has also exceeded expectations. Shanghai Steel Union has full potential to be listed on the board."

"Looking at the market acceptance at the beginning of the market, the trend of the GEM today will not be bad. Shanghai Steel Union is fully capable of exploring new heights and reopening the market space."

“They say it’s an opportunity for risk-free arbitrage, so who’s going to light the fire?”

"Uh... It's too urgent to start the fire at this time. Even if Fortune Road and the chief helmsman lock up the positions, at this price, based on the circulation of Shanghai Steel Union, about 250 million yuan of funds will still have to be exchanged." Good time to light a fire.”

"Indeed, at this time, the fire is blocked and there is not enough change of hands, so the pressure is quite high."

"Just be afraid..."

"Damn it, who is in such a hurry to start igniting the board and running away so quickly?"

Everyone has just begun to discuss when is the appropriate time to ignite and seal the board...

At 9:36, when the total turnover of Shanghai Steel Union had just exceeded 170 million, a large purchase order of 10,000 lots was encountered, which pushed the stock price straight up, swept the selling orders in the front stalls, and ignited the main seal. And ten seconds later, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union directly hit the daily limit.

I saw someone running away...

Many hot money people who are interested in relaying are scolding in their hearts and following up at the same time.

And many retail short-term players who pursue the "leading market" are even more mindless to follow the trend at this moment, and they all place buy orders at the upper limit price in an instant.

Therefore, at 9:37, the Shanghai Steel Federation directly sealed the daily limit without any surprise.

Its daily limit and closed orders increased from the initial 2,000 lots to 56,000 lots almost instantly, showing its strong status at a glance.

And here it is.

The transaction volume of Shanghai Steel Union has only exceeded the 250 million or so that hot money investors expected before.

"This volume is shrinking..." Su Yu saw that the Shanghai Steel Union was still following the daily limit trend of severe volume shrinkage. He sighed softly, holding the mouse with his fingers, and was about to place an order to hit the market while the fund seal was not stable, and then placed an order to hit the market. After changing hands for a wave of chips, I suddenly saw that the closed order of 56,000 hands just now increased to 100,000 hands in an instant. Knowing that it couldn't be opened, I couldn't help but give up this plan, and said to myself, "It seems that the boss After the main force entered the market with a strong position, the various favorable rumors about the Shanghai Steel Union's disturbances had an expected impact on its stock price and trend, which was more serious than I imagined."

His original plans and expectations...

It is hoped that the Shanghai Steel Federation can maintain a high degree of market attention, go a little longer amid divergent sentiments, and delay the announcement of the major benefits of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" before speeding up and catching up with the same sentiment. Quotes.

But looking at it now, after the interference of the chief rudder who entered the market aggressively and increased his position to raise funds.

In addition, the market has once again gathered various imaginations and expectations about the potentially significant benefits of this stock, forming a catalytic effect on the stock price.

I'm afraid, accelerating market trends without emotional consistency won't work either.

After all, judging from the recent trend and the willingness to follow the trend, after the chief rudder has taken in too many chips, further reducing the liquidity of Shanghai Steel Union's chips, with the chips in his hand, he has already dominated I can't control the situation and can't suppress this accelerating emotion.

That is to say...

Whether he wants it or not, at this time, he has to follow the trend.

Because at this time, faced with the huge desire to raise funds, as long as he dares to smash, he will definitely not be able to get the chips back, and he will have to cut his profit and be out.

"Hey, what a pity..."

Su Yu sighed and continued: "If we accelerate at this height, we probably won't be able to survive the moment when the big benefits of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' hit. The originally expected ten times the space height will probably be It can’t be reached, and the next step... can only be to adjust the strategy, quickly leave the market after accelerating to the top, and build 'Waigaoqiao' into a core concept stock in the two cities, taking over the sentiment and funds of Shanghai Steel Union."


Su Yu thought for a moment, then his eyes fell seriously on the Waigaoqiao market, which had not moved so far, and continued: "The initial circulation market value of 5 billion and the overall market value of 10 billion, although under the active capital volume of the current market, It is a bit bigger, but compared to the grand concept of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', when all the institutions on the market are gone and retail investors gather together, as long as the stock nature is activated, it is not impossible to speculate."

Thinking about it, he carefully sorted out the subsequent operation strategies and the time nodes to follow.

Then, it was not so heartbreaking and regretful that the trend of Shanghai Steel Union exceeded his expectations and suddenly entered the acceleration stage of shrinking and daily limit.

At the same moment...

Magic City, Zexi Investment Company, trading room.

Xu Xiang stared at the Shanghai Steel Union's shrinking daily limit and the huge 123,000 closed orders. Then he looked at the current situation in his account, which had already made a profit of more than 20 million, and showed a smile. He was still very satisfied in his heart. of.

He didn't know what the hype logic was that Su Yu followed. Naturally, he had no hope from the beginning for Shanghai Steel Union's tenfold space.

His expectations...

As long as you can get three or four stocks after the heavy position relay, and get a profit of 30 to 40%, that's it.

Therefore, through yesterday's violent shock, the market sentiment of Shanghai Steel Union can be restored, and through speculation on the motives of Fortune Road, some vague and various good news can be released, which will affect everyone's short-term expectations for this check, so that he can Earning profits of tens or hundreds of millions is really enough for him.

And, fundamentally speaking…

Although he has reached a cooperation and formed a tacit understanding with Su Yu's Fortune Road seat, the two people's essential operating ideas and logic on this stock are still different. Naturally, they also have different expectations and interests.

"Zhou Kan... Is there still no movement on the market for the three stocks of Shanghai Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Materials Trading, and Pudong Jinqiao?" Xu Xiang's Shanghai Steel Union reached its daily limit, and the sentiment on the market was completely consistent. After there was a risk of breaking the market, he turned to look at the trading team leader Zhou Kan and asked.

Zhou Kan shook his head and replied: "No, it's still stagnant, the transactions are sluggish, and they are all scattered orders, let alone orders worth millions or tens of millions, even orders other than those we put out In addition, on the entire market, buy and sell orders of 500,000 levels are rare.”

"It seems...the funds from Fortune Road are really betting on the positive expectations of Shanghai Steel Union's stock alone." Xu Xiang said, "'s just like what you said, it's just pure emotion. Hype, and I... am also the firewood that fuels the burning of market sentiment."

"But no matter what the motivation is..."

"This person will be someone worthy of our special attention from now on."

"Yes!" Zhou Kan responded and continued, "I will always monitor the other party's seat and pay attention to the information release of the company's funds under 'Yuhang Investment'."

"Okay!" Xu Xiang nodded slightly, then turned his head and stared at other stocks traded in the two cities.

Next, after the Shanghai Steel Union reached its daily limit, the two cities continued trading, and as Shanghai Steel Union once again set a new record high, it triggered emotions and created a new height of market speculation.

The short-term funds in the market, which had spent two days in caution, began to attack as much as they wanted.

At 10:12, Fenda Technology, which opened higher than expected in early trading, changed hands significantly and hit a new high in intraday trading volume. The main funds from all walks of life who were buying the bottom pushed it up to the daily limit, countering yesterday's lower limit. It is a strong reversal, which completely dispelled the shadow of major shareholders reducing their holdings on this stock, and re-established the confidence of the majority of investors holding positions in this stock.

At 10:38, Hua Ke Financial, a follow-up vote of Shanghai Steel Federation, was adjusted weakly for three trading days.

Following the trend of the overflow funds that could not buy the Shanghai Steel Union, it also pulled up sharply, reversed completely, hit the daily limit, and basically recovered the losses of the previous two days.

At 11:07, it is another core concept leading vote in the market.

Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology, the two "mobile game" concept twin stocks, also showed strong posture again, hitting their daily limit almost simultaneously and reaching new highs.

At 11:30, the market closes at noon.

Throughout the morning, the total net inflow of all GEM constituent stocks exceeded 1.8 billion, and investment enthusiasm and emotional enthusiasm reached another climax.

During this period, the core blue-chip sectors related to the main board still showed a net outflow of funds.

Moreover, the gap in gains between the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index has once again widened to about 1.2 points.

After the market closed at noon, facing the GEM index which stood on the 5-day line and hit a new high, we faced the white horse and blue-chip stocks that were still sluggish and falling continuously.

Market investors' attitude towards chasing core popular stocks on the GEM has once again skyrocketed.

A large number of retail investors and institutional investors who previously couldn't bear to hold on to the white horses and blue chips they held in their hands and cut their meat into the GEM finally began to grit their teeth and liquidate their positions!

Moreover, in addition to the fundamental flow of funds in the market, they continue to converge on the GEM, which has the strongest money-making effect.

At this time, major financial media, vocal financial influencers, and market securities analysts...were once again optimistic about the investment trend of the GEM as an afterthought, and issued a call for an investment strategy of "embracing the new economy."

Amid this shift in market sentiment and calls for investment strategies…

In the afternoon, as soon as the market opened, the GEM index continued to rise driven by more funds following the trend, and the adjustment of 'Internet finance', 'mobile games', 'wearable devices', 'electronic information', 'mobile payment', etc. A series of "pan-mobile Internet" concepts have once again been pursued by a large amount of funds, and the core stocks in the concept sector have once again become extremely scarce.

Finally, the market closed at 3 p.m.

The GEM Index closed up 2.56%, reaching 1285.54 points, which is less than 32 points, or 3%, away from the 11-year historical high. In addition to the GEM, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose 0.62%, and the index closed at 2078.65 The point position is basically unchanged from 20 days ago.

In addition to indexes, sectors and individual stocks.

The concept of 'pan-mobile internet' has exploded across the board, and the first batch of popular 'pan-mobile internet' core stocks that Su Yu used funds to build positions have basically surged across the board.

Just in this rising situation.

While the net value of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund climbed to a new high again, the entire fund's positions in these core popular stocks continued to decline.

On the contrary, since the fund opened a position...

The holding levels of the so-called "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" core concept stocks that have not contributed to the net value of the fund and have also hindered a lot are slowly rising.

And in this drop and rise.

The net value performance of 'Yuhang No. 1' today was also greatly reduced. When the stock price of the multi-support warehouse was at or close to the daily limit, the overall net value could only outperform the GEM Index by less than 2 percentage points, and only reached 4.32%.

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