Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 173: The End of the Dragon Head

7%, 3%, 1%, -2%…

In one minute, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fell from the high limit to more than 12 points. The volume exploded instantly and reached the level of 50,000 lots. The transaction volume soared from 380 million when the limit was reduced in early trading. More than 700 million yuan, with a turnover rate of about 23%.

"This smash is really violent!"

Seeing the Shanghai Steel Union's daily limit of 96,000 orders a minute ago, to the 2.3% drop at this moment, Xu Xiang held the mouse in the Zexi Investment Trading Room in Shanghai, looking at the balance of more than 20,000 in his account. Holding the unsold chips, he frowned slightly and couldn't help but sigh.

Just now, he did not expect that the Shanghai Steel Federation would suddenly open the market, so he did not place the order in time.

As a result, in this straight-line dive of Shanghai Steel Union, only about 16,000 lots of chips were sold, and the floating profit in the account retraced significantly.

Today, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union has reached underwater.

If he places a huge order at this time, under the emotional collapse, it is very likely that the stock price will directly hit the limit, and no one will be able to sell the goods.

Therefore, they had no choice but to give up and continue to wait for the short counterattack after Shanghai Steel Union's straight dive.

"It seems that Fortune Road guy is really just making emotional hype on this stock, rather than any deep-seated logic." Xu Xiang stared at the Shanghai Steel Union, which had fallen to 4%, and had briefly disappeared. The panic caused by the huge amount of money that had just hit the market, and the market that was rapidly withdrawing, secretly said, "It's so decisive, I didn't expect... I calculated and calculated, but in the end, I made a wedding dress for others."

He is thinking...

At that time, on the day when Shanghai Steel Union fell to the limit, if he had not made a sudden move into the high position, which gave the majority of investors new imagination space and expectations for this stock, there is a high probability that Shanghai Steel Union would not have been able to get out of these four consecutive boards. The shrinkage and daily limit, and even... He thinks about it now. Fortune Road may have been really anxious to ship that day, but he blocked it in disguise, allowing the other party to make more than 50% more profits.

Otherwise, he couldn't figure out why the other party was so decisive in smashing the market today.

After all, although market sentiment has shown signs of reversing from highs and weakening, the tide has not receded so quickly. A highly popular leading stock like Shanghai Steel Union can be shipped moderately.

Moreover, the seal of this check is very clean today.

Logically speaking, I should be able to make another move tomorrow, but I didn't expect that all of a sudden, my path to wealth would be ruined.

Of course, without seeing the after-hours Dragon and Tiger ranking data, these situations are all his guesses at the moment, but he knows very well that at this moment, except for him and Fortune Road's funds, no one else can spend 2 in one go. There are more than 10,000 hands of chips, so it is easy to identify the funds that have just hit the market. They can only be funds from the Fortune Road.

Being robbed of the first opportunity by the opponent again, Xu Xiang felt very uncomfortable, but he could only accept it.

After all, the Fortune Road seat bonus is missing, and the overall investment sentiment in the market has begun to ebb. The internal chips of Shanghai Steel Union have been completely loosened by the rapid increase in volume, and it will be difficult to go up in the future. Even if he thinks in his heart If you feel uncomfortable, you have to sell out today.

Fortunately, this wave...

Although he entered the market with a high position and a heavy position, he still made a steady profit of about 40%. Even if he was beaten by the other party and the timing of his exit was not good, the profit was quite generous. There is no big regret.

Just when Xu Xiang lamented that Su Yu violently smashed the market and didn't follow the rules.

At this moment, Su Yu's eyes had shifted from the popular stock of Shanghai Steel Union to the extremely unpopular stock of Waigaoqiao that almost no one paid attention to.

In fact, according to his original expectations...

Today, when the Shanghai Stock Exchange continued to reduce its volume to the daily limit, the chip structure remained stable, and it was obvious that it could continue to make upward relays, and there was a high probability that there was still one or two boards left, he had no intention of exiting the market so quickly. At most, it would be at the daily limit. Slowly sell off the chips, leaving the last mouthful of soup for latecomers.

But since 10 o'clock in the morning, market sentiment has changed significantly.

Many large funds have begun to take advantage of the market's incremental funds to enter on a large scale. With the liquidity and carrying capacity of high-level core popular stocks increasing significantly, they have begun to harvest, sell to take profits, and exit at profits, making the Shanghai stock market The internal chips of Steel Union have also been loosened.

Moreover, Waigaoqiao, which he is particularly concerned about, suddenly experienced a large volume of selling today.

This allowed him to smell the opportunity to perfectly adjust positions and stocks, and switch between high and low.

Therefore, just after the market opened in the afternoon, the market investment sentiment further weakened and declined. They jumped in early and sold all the chips in their hands at the market price on the Shanghai Steel Union daily limit board.

Only then did Shanghai Steel Union's stock price plummet from the daily limit, falling 12 points in one minute.

From the time when the fund was established, he independently operated with 80 million yuan, bought the Shanghai Steel Union at the bottom, and continued to dominate the market of this check until now clearing out the stock, he has made a total profit of 183 million on this stock, a full 2.3 times. The net profit, of course... this is still the case that he has never fully operated on this check.

If you operate with a full position from the beginning to the end, the profit will have to climb up for a while.

The fund account he operates has a starting capital limit of 80 million, and has now reached 260 million. His personal operating net worth exceeds 3.25, which is much higher than the overall fund net worth.

"Shanghai Steel Federation should be finished!"

When Su Yu continued to use the withdrawn funds to take over the sales of Waigaoqiao, he glanced at the Shanghai Steel Union's market and said to himself: "The volume can be expanded to this, and in the future... even if it is the 'Shanghai Free Trade Once the district's profits come out, it can only form a two-headed structure. It's a pity that the chief executive has been too eager to speculate, which has shortened the vitality of this check."

According to his ideas...

If Jiefang South Road, which had heavily intervened on that day, could not let the market sentiment ferment so quickly in the follow-up, and continue to suppress it a little, wait until the main line of speculation of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" is revealed, and the Shanghai Steel Union will hit the stock price of 100 yuan. , the market value has soared to 15 billion, or even to 20 billion, it is not possible to continue to lead the main line of the entire market and open up a height of ten times the market speculation space.

As a result, now... we can only stop at 70 yuan, 7 times the height and space.

Although it is said that with a height of 7 times from the bottom, it is already the strongest bull stock and monster stock of the year, but for Su Yu, who has always placed high hopes on this check, it is still somewhat lower than the psychological expectations.

"Mr. Su..."

While Su Yu was deep in thought, Li Meng said urgently: "It should be impossible for the Shanghai Steel Federation to pull it back. The current transaction volume of this check has expanded to 880 million. It is estimated that the transaction volume will exceed 1 billion today. If the leader collapses, market sentiment will inevitably suffer a greater blow."

"Should we take the initiative to sell down and quickly reduce the position level of each core popular stock to the position we previously expected?"

"What is the position level of each stock now?" Su Yu asked.

"Compared to the peak position, it is around 62%." Li Meng replied.

Su Yu nodded slightly and said: "Then continue to reduce it to less than 60%. The internal chip structure of these tickets has begun to loosen, and the adjustment time will not be short."

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded and continued to instruct other traders to quickly reduce their positions.

Su Yu also tilted his head and turned his gaze back to the computer interface, reducing large orders to small ones. He continued to accept sell orders on the Waigaoqiao market one after another, and continued to increase his position in this stock.

Following everyone’s movements…

After 2 o'clock in the afternoon, investment sentiment in the entire market collapsed even more rapidly.

After one wave of funds buying the bottom after another, Shanghai Steel Union still could not stop the decline. On the time-sharing line, each rebound was lower than the last. Finally, at 2:43, it hit the limit, and the stock price reached 57.75 yuan, with an amplitude of It exceeded 20%, forming a sky-and-floor trend. The whole-day transaction volume reached 1.06 billion, and the turnover rate exceeded 36%.

And other high-level core popular stocks are under the influence of the collapse of leading stocks.

It also fell across the board, such as Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Tianyu Information, Huake Financial... Even stocks such as Wangsu Technology, LeTV, Fenda Technology, etc., which institutions gathered to control, all fell by more than 5%, among which For example, Huake Financial and Tianyu Information followed the trend and dropped their limits.

Finally, the market closed at 3 o'clock.

The ChiNext Index fell by 4.21%, the largest intraday drop since June 24, and was fixed at 1257.77 points. The trading volume throughout the day was significantly greater than the average trading volume of the previous week by more than 20%, indicating high volume. Peaking, the market outlook is not optimistic about the signs and expectations.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell 1.85%, which seems to be significantly more resilient than the GEM today.

Of course, this is also the reason why the vast majority of stocks in the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index are already at an absolute historical low, making it difficult to break out of the panic market and unable to fall.

The overall transaction volume of the two cities reached nearly 80 billion today, which is regarded as a new annual high.

This also shows that thanks to the strong and continuous upward trend of the GEM index in the past month or so, many investors on the sidelines have been deceived into entering the market, resulting in a lot of increments.

In addition to indices, concept sectors and individual stocks...

All the popular sectors in the early period, that is, the entire concept of "pan-mobile Internet" and "intelligent terminal equipment" related concepts, all fell sharply. The average sector decline exceeded 5%. Instead, some concept sectors that were relatively unpopular, such as the infrastructure of the main board , real estate, finance, consumption, etc., the decline was relatively slight, of course... As the non-ferrous metals, coal, and steel sectors that have always been weak, they continued to plummet today, and the signs of capital collapse are very obvious.

Among individual stocks, the main injured ones are also core popular stocks that are closely related to the concept of "pan-mobile Internet" and "smart terminal equipment".

For example, the Shanghai Steel Union, the core leader of the two cities, fell to the daily limit. Although it did not completely seal the limit in the end and closed at 57.76 yuan, a drop of 9.99%, its ability to injure the overall sentiment of the market was still fatal.

Except for Shanghai Steel Union, a sky-high stock, the intraday limit fell, and the number of core popular stocks that hit the early highs that exceeded the limit exceeded 15, which can be described as tragic, and all of them experienced extreme heavy volume. The stocks that will cut off the meat from the main board will chase after them. The vast retail investor group, as well as the short-term trading group chasing positions at high levels, as well as countless relays of hot money main players, all trapped them and trapped them on the top of the stock price.

Faced with such a closing result...

The entire market, and almost all investor groups, are filled with sorrow, among which... the retail investors who are cutting the main board and chasing positions at high positions are even more bitter in their hearts, anxious and regretful to the extreme.

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