Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 174 Concept Rebirth

"Is it said that the GEM is the new direction in the future? Hey... I really can't listen to the words of these financial influencers and well-known analysts in the market. If you listen once, you will suffer a loss."

"They are a group of deceivers. If the market trend is really what they say, why do they tell others loudly about the news of making money? Isn't it wrong to intervene with heavy positions and make a lot of money? I just look down on it. These people, it’s a pity... I couldn’t stand it myself, so I still cut my teeth and chased the Shanghai Steel Federation on the GEM. Alas... I originally made a maximum profit of 20%, but now I’m still losing money. It’s really depressing!”

"It's a good thing you didn't lose much. I was chasing after the opening of the market today and lost 17 points!"

"I don't understand why the market sentiment, which was so good in the early trading, suddenly collapsed and ended up in such a miserable state."

"I don't understand either. Today, the Shanghai Steel Federation's daily limit was at 9:38, and orders were closed at the level of 100,000 lots. This kind of beautiful relay order, and it is also the core concept leader of the two cities, can also be smashed, and go out of the world. I really can’t understand the pattern?”

"I also want to ask, what went wrong in today's ban on Shanghai Steel Federation?"

"The mistake is that the position is too high. The overall market has begun to struggle to take over and cannot rise, so the funds are lost. After all, there are no trees that can grow to the sky!"

"Yes, don't complain if you are taking over the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation today. This is not a bull market. From the bottom to the present, the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation has 7 times the space, which is enough. Anyone who wants to take over at this stage must do I was well prepared to be 'nuked', but I didn't expect... that it would take such an extreme trend as the sky and the floor."

"Yes, with such an extremely high leading ticket, you don't know when it will end. At this time, the relay can only involve small positions, and you can't bet heavily. In other words... at this stage, you still dare to bet heavily. , that is a pure gambler, and he deserves to die."

“Having said that, today’s drop is truly terrifying.”

"I feel like the Shanghai Steel Union's check is over, right? The volume is so high that it will be too difficult to reverse later."

"Looking at today's Dragon and Tiger Ranking data, it seems that Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road are still there. If at least one of the two seats is there, then there is still a glimmer of hope for a reversal."

"With such a large amount, I feel like they should all be gone."

"Hey, the overall mood is too bad today. There are too many funds in other sectors. Otherwise, Shanghai Steel Union will not open the market at all."

"It was obvious that he had the funds and jumped the gun at that moment."

"Fortunately, I don't have much funds for the relay today and only occupy a small position. Otherwise, the floor today would be really scary."

"The nearly 400 million funds relayed on the board today are really miserable, with real losses on the floor, and it is estimated that the Shanghai Steel Union will open sharply lower tomorrow."

"If it opens sharply lower tomorrow, it should reach the 52 or 53 yuan line, right? That price stage happens to be the position during the market wash last Friday and Monday. It should have certain support. I think if it is not cut today, it will be lower tomorrow. There is no need to cut it if it is open. After the extreme oversold, there will definitely be a big rebound."

"Even if there is a big rebound, it is impossible to reach new highs."

"Yes, today is the day when Shanghai Steel Union, this big monster stock, comes to an end."

"Even if it ends here, it is still the most popular stock this year. The road to wealth depends on this check, and it is really a direct step into the top domestic hot capital!"

"I wonder how much Fortune Road made on this check?"

"It's definitely a profit of over 100 million. It's not something we can imagine anyway."

In many discussions among retail investors and in internal groups of major hot money companies, everyone was quite shocked by the sky-high trend of Shanghai Steel Union, and the discussions were intense.

"Fortunately I didn't answer today, otherwise I would have been buried."

"The last few connecting plates of the Shanghai Steel Federation have been unable to release much energy. I knew it must be the final stage, and sure enough..."

"If there is no high-level connecting board with sufficient exchange of hands, it is a risky board!"

"The last section of the Shanghai Stock Exchange is a feast for shareholders on the market, but I still admire the hot money that heavily invested in it on Tuesday and Wednesday after the adjustment on Monday. It is really stable and ruthless!"

"The Shanghai Steel Union check... actually reached a height of 70 yuan, which is beyond my expectation."

"It should be beyond many people's expectations."

"Yes, originally I thought the check would end when it was around 40 yuan, but I didn't expect... it suddenly rose to a height of 70 yuan."

"Seven times the space, it is considered a new market space for high speculation."

"This time, the road to wealth should be gone, right?"

"Today's Shanghai Steel Union's turnover of more than 1 billion yuan is basically the limit based on the current market's ability to undertake it. It makes no sense to not take the road to wealth at this time."

"Speaking of which, the road to wealth lies in this stock, and I have made enough money."

"Yes, it can be called a classic battle like the 'Yuzhou Beer'. With the amount of chips he participated in, it is estimated that the profit should be close to 200 million."

"I'm envious...the Shanghai Steel Union's check has been promoted to its current heights, and the wealth path is indispensable."

"Apart from Fortune Road, many people have made money from this check, right?"

"I entered and exited three times and made almost 30% of the profits. However, compared with Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road, which is the chief rudder, the pattern is still too small and I can't hold it."

"Well, in the last section of Jiefang South Road, a large amount of money was involved, which was also very bold."

"Yes, with four daily limits, based on the position of the chief rudder when he intervened, the profit is at least almost 100 million. This courage... I have to admire it."

"The only one injured is probably the funds involved today, right?"

"In fact, the two boards behind Shanghai Steel Federation are basically the result of market sentiment, and there is no hot money involved in heavy positions. After all, everyone knows the risks of Shanghai Steel Federation's high positions. Speaking of which... the only one who is injured is probably A group of retail investors who have no brains and are pursuing heavy positions.”

"Wealth Road really takes the speculation of a stock to the extreme!"

"Yes, under his leadership, Shanghai Steel Union rose from the bottom, and the three waves of market conditions were really sharper than the last."

During the discussion, when 5:30 pm arrived, the new dragon and tiger list was refreshed, and I saw...

"Sure enough, Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road are both gone. The two companies sold a total of nearly 400 million yuan!"

"Jiefang South Road ranks first on the selling list. I guess it was the chief rudder who made the first move today, right? Hey... Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road are clearing out their positions together. It is impossible for Shanghai Steel Federation to come back to life."

"If you can walk all day today, you have anticipated the possibility of clearing out all positions on Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road, right? If it opens sharply lower tomorrow and breaks out some of the meat plates that were pursued today, there should still be a rebound, with a 7-fold leader , no matter how bad the trend is, there will be a pullback.”

"Even if there is a rebound, it is a pure risk game."

"Looking at Huake Financial's Dragon and Tiger List, I don't seem to see the shadow of the recovery road. Could it be that Fortune Road, the main fund, has dumped Shanghai Steel Union and still has a position in this stock?"

"Isn't that the case? Maybe it's because the warehouses were separated before and they didn't make it to the Dragon and Tiger list."

"Hey...the positions on Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road have been cleared, and the investment sentiment on the GEM index has collapsed today. It may be difficult for the market to continue in the coming days."

"At least the concept of the 'Internet Finance' sector headed by Shanghai Steel Federation and the concept of 'mobile games' led by Hua Qingbao must be avoided for the time being. These two major sectors will inevitably undergo major adjustments as the leading market ends. Yes, after all, the short-term increase is too great.”

"What will be the next main line?"

"Today, even with the market plummeting, funds have not found a suitable direction to switch between high and low."

"Big consumer goods are doing well today. It seems to be a bit stable. Especially the liquor sector, which is not falling but rising. It's just... this is the territory of institutions and it's not easy to speculate."

"Haha... Let's forget about the white horses and blue chips on the main board. The current trading volume in the entire market cannot be lifted at all. No matter how great the benefits are, it is difficult to have a sustainable market."

"I think the next opportunity... will definitely be on the GEM."

"Everything that should be speculated on the GEM has been speculated. Without a wave of adjustments, even if the long-term logic supports it, the market funds will not be able to pull it. I think there may be greater opportunities for some unpopular concept sectors on the main board, but they are not Knowing where the wind comes from and which concept will gain new recognition from funds?”

"What about restructuring? This concept has not been speculated on for a long time, and with the current situation of IPO being suspended, there should be funds to follow this direction, and everyone's recognition is also high."

"Shell stocks can indeed be traded, but they must have leaders who can lead the successful reorganization. This trend is currently lacking."

"The backdoor reorganization of Huachuang Xinte and Xinwei Group can be speculated, but Huachuang Xinte doesn't know when it will resume trading, and currently the group is leaderless."

With the announcement of the Dragon and Tiger List...

Everyone's discussion gradually started from the appearance of Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road, all the way to the selection and prediction of the next main market opportunity.

After all, for today's market trends.

The clearance appearances on Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road were within everyone’s understanding and were not too surprising.

At this time, everyone expects that many hot concept lines of "pan-mobile Internet" will temporarily ebb. In the early stage, leading stocks will inevitably undergo drastic adjustments, and they are all thinking and seeking the next outlet for market speculation, seeking to switch between high and low. , when planning the next main line of speculation in advance...

The relevant core proposals regarding the establishment of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" were unanimously approved by the top management.

Moreover, rumors about "another big event will happen in the Shanghai stock market in the near future" spread from Yanjing and reached the ears of some large institutions, private equity institutions, and market capital who are extremely sensitive to news.

Of course, no one can tell clearly what it is and what major event it is.

And those who do know the contents of the core documents, under the discipline constraints of the internal organization, cannot leak any precise information in advance, and can only reveal a vague concept at most.

Just when this kind of vague gossip is spreading everywhere.

The market, which suffered a sharp decline, ushered in the second trading day, Friday, August 9.

Thanks to the still good external trend, the originally low investment sentiment of the entire market has recovered slightly. The call auctions of the two cities have ended, and the three major indexes have only opened slightly lower. Among them, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index opened lower by 0.21%, and the ChiNext Index opened lower. 0.56%, just touching the 10-day line.

Except for the index…

With the popularity and attention of the two cities, as well as the extremely high Shanghai Steel Union, the stock price opened 4.8% lower and was fixed at 54.97 yuan. A total of 18,700 lots were traded in the entire call auction, and the transaction volume exceeded 100 million. Compared with the trend of yesterday's floor, this The opening was already considered to be stronger than everyone expected.

After the call auction ended, at 9:30, the two cities officially opened for trading.

The major early-stage core concept sectors that were massacred by huge selling orders yesterday continue to be under pressure today. Under the joint attack of many profit-making orders and yesterday's pursuit of higher prices, short-term speculation funds that are also active in the entire market have put pressure on these concept sectors. In the short-term pessimistic expectations, the market lost its strong support and fell step by step. The related core concept stocks in the sector also fell into a violent downward adjustment trend again.

And the short-term active funds withdraw from these core concept sectors and core popular stocks.

At this moment, everyone is looking for low-level hot concept attacks that switch high and low. For a while... stocks related to restructuring concepts and 4G concepts quickly pulled up.

Su Yu looked at the attack direction chosen by these funds, smiled, and didn't care.

I am preparing to continue to reduce large orders to small ones, quietly take over the sales orders from Waigaoqiao, and invest all the funds in my hand before the news of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" is officially announced.

But seeing this time...

Whether it is the main board direction or the GEM direction of the two cities, all Shanghai-owned stocks have experienced obvious changes, and a large amount of funds have poured in to hunt for the bottom.

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