Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 175: The position adjustment is over, all we owe is the east wind!

"Mr. Su, something happened..."

Li Meng stared at the many 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept stocks held by the fund and said in surprise: "There are continuous financial attacks, and they are large-scale attacks. Basically, all the related concept stocks we hold are currently on the market. , all have relatively obvious traces of large-fund attacks. This should be... the news you mentioned has begun to spread in the market, right?"

"I saw it." Su Yu nodded and replied, "The entire Shanghai stock market has a comprehensive financial attack. It seems that big funds have indeed started to act, but..."

Su Yu stared at the changing market, looked carefully, paused, and continued: "Judging from the current situation of the entire Shanghai stock market, the focus of financial attacks is actually on the financial stocks in the Shanghai stock market. , and did not grasp the essential point, which shows that the funds for the attack were probably heard about something, but the information is not precise."

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded in response and continued, "Regardless of whether the news is accurate or not, if there are funds, it already shows that the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line you guessed is very likely to exist. Yes, this is good for us. As long as the news continues to spread and ferment, this main line will become more and more obvious."

Since there was no movement on the fund opening line for so long, Li Meng was actually quite skeptical about the investment logic of this line.

Today, the large-scale movement of funds in these stocks can be regarded as confirming the logic of this line.

She was naturally very happy.

"Now that the news has begun to spread, the logic will not be falsified..."

Su Yu thought for a while and continued: "Then hurry up and buy, and add all the positions reduced from the stocks that were previously held in Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, Huaqingbao, LeTV... to Lujiazui , Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment...these are the main concept stocks we have planned."

"Okay!" Li Meng responded, "I only have the last part of the funds left, so I haven't bought it yet."

Since Su Yu first issued the order to take profit and adjust positions, the entire trading team has been completing this matter in the past few trading days. Now, the position of the 'non-Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept stocks in the fund's positions has been reduced. In place, the opening of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' series of concept stocks is basically completed, and if the funds in the fund account operated by Su Yu are not counted, the current surplus in their hands can be used to build positions. Only 11% of the current net asset value of the entire fund remains, which means that the overall position of the fund has reached about 89%, which is almost full.

As the entire trading group steps up their positions...

As time went by, the market prices of the two cities diverged again, but this time the differentiation was a state of strong and deep weakness in Shanghai.

I saw that the GEM index continued to fall step by step under the drag of the continuous adjustment of the concept sectors related to "Pan-Mobile Internet" and "Smart Terminal Equipment". At 10:12, the decline once again exceeded 1%; while the Shanghai Stock Index fell due to consumption , the financial rebound has remained above the red plate.

And the entire market hot spots have transitioned from concepts such as 'Internet finance', 'mobile games', 'wearable devices' and other concepts that were continuously speculated in the early stage to concepts such as 'restructuring and backdooring', '4G development', and 'beverage manufacturing'. , among which the liquor sector and the 'ST Shell' sector led the gains in the two cities.

As for the stocks related to the ‘Shanghai Stock Exchange’ that have changed...

Due to the uncertainty of logic and the fact that only a very small number of funds received hazy news, after a wave of simultaneous movements and a rise, there was no follow-up from active funds in the entire market, so it slowly fell back. Whether it is the popularity or the number of investors paying attention, it is far less than the concepts such as 'restructuring backdoor', '4G development', and 'beverage manufacturing' that are being pursued by active funds in the market and used as market hype to switch between high and low.

Of course, in this sector, Shanghai Steel Union, a core concept leading stock that has led the market for more than two months, even though it went out of the sky yesterday, today its market attention and trading conditions are still extremely fierce. , can be regarded as an exception.

After opening sharply lower, this check once surged into the red.

It's just that the sentiment on the GEM is still too bad, and after the major concepts of 'restructuring and backdooring', '4G development', and 'beverage manufacturing' were ignited by funds, they perfectly undertook everything from 'Internet finance', 'mobile games', The funds withdrawn from early core concepts such as 'wearable devices' have caused active funds in the entire market to further ebb from these early core concept sectors.

As a result, Shanghai Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., which had become popular for a short period of time, lost the funds to undertake the active market.

It was also hit underwater by the large-scale stop-loss order in the market that was eager to exit, or that lost hope.

And when the leader of Shanghai Steel Federation is completely unable to maintain its strength, and the hope of reversal and counter-insurance becomes increasingly slim...

The funds entrenched in the "pan-mobile Internet" concept sectors such as "Internet finance", "mobile games" and "wearable devices" began to retreat further, causing the GEM index and various stocks in these sectors to collapse. Major core popular stocks also fell further.

Finally, in this case...

At 11:07, the GEM index's decline rapidly expanded to 1.8%, a two-day drop of more than 6%. It was completely different from the previous six consecutive positive trends that refused to adjust and continued to hit new highs. This caused a large number of core concept stocks to catch up with the GEM at high levels. Investors are desperate.

At 11:21, the GEM Index's decline expanded to 2%, and at this time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was also dragged into the water.

Finally, at 11:30, the market closed at noon.

The GEM Index fell by 2.13%, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell by 0.78%. The differentiation between the two cities is still quite obvious.

Among them, in a situation where the two cities are basically falling, the entire 'pan-mobile Internet' concept related sectors on the GEM, which were the core of the early speculation, are still leading the decline today, while the 'ST sector' and 'liquor' sectors are leading the gains. , funds have shown a substantial inflow in these two sectors.

Among the core popular stocks with high attention...

The share price of Shanghai Steel Union fell 6%, with a half-day amplitude of nearly 10%, and the turnover exceeded 530 million; the share price of Fenda Technology fell by 5%, and has returned to the lowest position of the two lower limits under the previous bad news; Wangsu Technology remained violent Among all the popular stocks with core concepts that were speculated in the early stage, they were the strongest and had the least adjustments in the past two days. Hua Qingbao fell 7% in half a day, and simultaneously increased its volume. It fell the most sharply. It seems It looks like it's going to hit the bottom in the afternoon.

Overall, there is active funding across the market.

Today's choices are all about escaping from high-level core popular concept stocks and entering low-level ones, or that they have been adjusted for a long time and have certain expectations for the future.

Of course, compared with the previous active funds in the entire market, there is more consistency and continuity in attacking the concept of "Pan-Mobile Internet".

Today, the scope and direction of various financial attacks are obviously more dispersed.

In other words, the market has temporarily lost its direction after the adjustment of 'pan-mobile Internet', the main line of macro-hype with strong future expectations. There are serious differences among various funds in the choice of the direction of future speculation, and there is no consistent consensus. Anticipation and direction of attack.

And Su Yu understood...

When the market is in a stock game and the overall investment sentiment is not good.

Active funds in the market that are unable to support the overall market situation cannot use their strength in one place under different expectations and cannot create a main line of speculation that has a sustained profit-making effect and can lead the market upward.

In other words, with this kind of market trend and performance, the market will not do well.

And just as he guessed...

After the emotional fermentation at noon, the market opened at 1 p.m.

The two major concept sectors of 'restructuring and backdoor' and 'beverage manufacturing', which had already been a little heated by funds and led the rise in the two cities, began to gradually increase their sales, while the active financial force that took the initiative to undertake them gradually increased as the trading time went by. , continues to weaken.

At 1:20 p.m., the two major concept sectors began to dive rapidly.

Then, at 1:32.

Short-term investors who are active in the market have seen that these two conceptual sectors are really unable to lead the two cities and create a sustained money-making effect.

They began to choose other directions to attack.

However, no matter which concept these active funds choose to boost prices, they will not be able to gather market sentiment and follow the trend on a large scale for a while.

So, when the time advanced to 2 o'clock, it entered the late trading.

Like headless flies, many short-term funds have begun to flow back into the core popular stocks and popular concept sectors of the GEM that have plummeted.

I saw...

At 2:07, Shanghai Steel Union, which fell nearly 8% to a low of 52.55 yuan, ushered in a wave of large-scale fund hunting, and the stock price skyrocketed.

At 2:09, Hua Qingbao opened the lower limit after sealing it.

At 2:12, Fenda Technology recovered from a decline of about 5% and turned red.

At 2:15, under the attack of five consecutive large orders of 2,000 lots, Wangsu Technology continued to rise, with an increase of more than 4%. It once again hit a record high with great strength, and the stock price reached 68.76 yuan.

At 2:21, Shanghai Steel Union became popular, and active funds in various markets, after failing to switch high and low, had no choice but to return to the original path of speculation.

At 2:26, ​​the GEM Index's decline retracted to less than 1%, which was the same as the Shanghai Index's decline.

At 2:37, concepts such as 'backdoor reorganization', 'beverage manufacturing', and '4G development' that were popular in the morning fell back across the board, and sector funds changed from a large inflow to an outflow.

At 2:42, the 'Shanghai stock market' local sector, which had fluctuated at the beginning of the morning, moved again, and another wave of large funds entered the market to hunt for the bottom. However, the specific direction of its attack was still financial stocks in the local stocks of the Shanghai stock market. emphasis, and did not focus on logistics, ports, infrastructure, commercial operations and other aspects of local stocks in the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

At 2:48, as the financial stocks in the local stocks of the Shanghai Stock Exchange continued to surge, the speculation of various funds in the market began to tilt in the direction of the whole 'big finance', so whether it was the main board or the GEM, the whole 'financial stock market' Individual stocks in the field received a lot of funding in late trading.

Finally, at three o'clock the market closes.

Thanks to the market reversal in the last hour, the GEM index retracted a lot, and finally fell only 0.76%; the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index only fell 0.54%. The two cities can be regarded as having gone through another V-shaped reversal. Intraday pattern.

And besides the index…

In terms of individual stocks, Shanghai Steel Union finally closed with a 2.1% increase, with a turnover of 860 million. It bottomed out and rebounded. It saved the face of some leading companies and the mood of being completely wiped out yesterday. It also made the majority of people who are still paying attention to this stock Investors have a glimmer of hope that they will turn around and hit new highs again in the future.

Fenda Technology finally closed at a 3.7% increase, but it did not completely reverse yesterday's decline.

Wangsu Technology surged by more than 7%, with its stock price approaching the 70 yuan mark, leading the rise in the core constituent stocks of the entire GEM Index, and at the same time, attention also soared again.

Other popular concept stocks in the early stage have fallen from 1% to 5%, all of which have bottomed out and rebounded.

As for the performance of individual stocks on the main board, many stocks that were speculated in the morning, including the core liquor concept stocks, fell back to their original starting point when the market opened in the morning, trapping a lot of funds chasing today's highs.

Generally speaking, today's intraday amplitude is relatively small and the profit-making effect is relatively good.

It is the "Shanghai local" sector stocks that are ignored by active funds in the entire market throughout the day and are not considered to have the effect of making sustained profits.

Of course, this sector is hot.

In the end, it was still concealed in the changing concept of ‘big finance’.

Investors in almost the entire market and major funds from all walks of life believe that the main line of capital attacks in the late trading and the direction in which potential benefits may occur during the weekend are in the direction of "big finance" rather than the "Shanghai local" sector.

After the market closed, retail investors, hot money, and institutions in the market had huge differences in their understanding of today's market trends...

Many people believe that the next main line of market speculation will still be on the GEM.

Only the new economic field of GEM, that is, the concept section related to "Pan-Mobile Internet", can gather popularity and continue to lead the market.

And many people believe that compared with the main board, the current valuation of the GEM has broken through to the height of a bubble, and the short-term increase has been huge, and it is impossible to continue to speculate. This indicates the direction of the main line of speculation in the future. You must only look for it from the undervalued main board, and... only when the valuation and popularity of the main board increase, and the valuation scissor difference between the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the GEM decreases, will it be conducive to the continued strength of the market outlook.

The two views collided fiercely, and the differences were very obvious.

"Su Yu, what do you think?"

After the market closed, when investors in the market were having a heated discussion, Zhao Qiang opened Su Yu's chat box on the chat software and asked: "Do you think the next direction of speculation will be towards the main board or the GEM?"

In this wave, he followed Su Yu's speculation and nearly doubled his profit on the Shanghai Steel Union stock.

Therefore, I particularly admire and appreciate Su Yu in my heart.

"After the sentiment of the early popular concept sectors on the GEM has reached its peak, the current distribution of hot spots in the entire market is quite scattered." Su Yu replied, "Based on the current market analysis, the entire 'pan-mobile Internet' concept whose sentiment has reached its peak, In the short term, without readjusting the chip structure, it is definitely impossible to speculate further, and the entire volume of active funds in the current market does not support it and cannot bear the entire market pressure that continues to rise."

"As for the direction of speculation in the market outlook, is it biased towards the main board or the GEM..."

"I don't think it matters."

"As long as the next hot spot has sufficient underlying logic, can be unanimously recognized by active market funds, and can produce sustained money-making effects, then whether it occurs in stocks with the core of GEM or stocks with the core of the main board, Above, it’s all the same.”

"That's right!" Zhao Qiang responded, "Just look at the capital flow and underlying logic. It makes no sense to care about the valuation gap between the main board and the GEM."

"Then what you think..."

Zhao Qiang paused and then asked: "What do you think will be the next main line of market speculation? Judging from today's market performance and the direction of various financial attacks, the concept of restructuring and backdoor, the concept of 4G development, and some good expectations on the main board The high-quality white horse concept seems to be unable to gather the centripetal force of active funds in the entire market and form a consistent main line of speculation!”

"What is the next main line? At the moment... I can't tell." Su Yu said, "I can only feel it when the market opportunity arrives."

"Market opportunity?" Zhao Qiang was stunned.

"Yes." Su Yu replied, "A hype logic that can be recognized by active funds in the market. The origin of this logic may be policy news, or it may be a favorable turning point for a certain industry... Anyway, we will see as the market develops. , now in the entire market, the attack directions of funds are very scattered, and it is impossible to form a joint force. It is difficult to control the market, and the best policy is to choose to avoid it for the time being."

"Okay!" Zhao Qiang chuckled, "When you say that, I understand."

"Oh, right……"

Zhao Qiang paused and then said: "Thanks to you, I have made a lot of money. Are you really not free this weekend? I really want to treat you to dinner."

"Later!" Su Yu replied, "I have something to do on the weekend."

"That's okay." Seeing Su Yu's refusal again, Zhao Qiang did not continue to press, and said, "If you have any trouble, remember to call me. As long as I can solve it, I will settle it for you."

"Okay!" Su Yu smiled and accepted the friendship.

Afterwards, the two continued to chat and then went offline.

Su Yu closed the chat box, turned around, and took a look at the Waigaoqiao position in the fund account he operated, which already held 170 million yuan, as well as more than 90 million yuan in cash, and asked Li Meng: "The position opening status of your trading team How is it, has everything been completed as planned?"

Li Meng nodded and said: "It has been completed. The last 120 million funds have all been invested in the six concept stocks related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and the position weight of each stock is completely in accordance with our previous As discussed, now... our fund is already fully occupied."

"Okay!" Su Yu nodded slightly, "Then everything is ready, all we need is the east wind."

"I just don't know when this east wind will come?" Li Meng replied with a smile.

Su Yu carefully thought about the time for the implementation of the major economic development policy of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and said with a smile: "It's almost time. The market's leading insider information troops have begun to flow in, and various These rumors are also gradually increasing, which proves that the storm is not far away."

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet.

When the market 'duck' of insider information funds has begun to move, then the pace of 'spring' is really close.

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