Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 176: News fermentation, market choice!

The two of them were talking at this moment.

Magic City, inside Zexi Investment, in the trading room.

Just as Xu Xiang was reviewing today's market conditions and formulating the next main line of investment in his mind, Zhou Kan, the leader of the trading team, hurriedly reported: "Mr. Xu, there is news from Director Qiao of the Market Information Department that he had tea with Mr. Liang. At that time, Mr. Liang mentioned that this month, the country should have a relatively important decision to implement on the economic development policy of the Shanghai Stock Exchange."

"It's already closed. At this time...the news came?" When Xu Xiang heard the news, he didn't show too much joy. Instead, he frowned, "Old Qiao is too slow to find out the news. The information channel network , it must be further established!”

"'s news from Yanjing." Zhou Kan said, "This kind of news is usually top secret. It will definitely be more laborious to find out."

"No wonder." Xu Xiang reacted, "I'm just saying that on the market today, why do I always feel that there are signs of strong financial attacks on many local stocks in the Shanghai stock market? Director Qiao only found out about the economic development of the Shanghai stock market. , didn’t you say what it specifically meant?”

This news…

It reminded him of his previous speculations about ‘Yuhang Investment’’s positioning in local stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Fortune Road’s speculation on the direction of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Steel Union.

Now it seems that he thinks that the fund of 'Yuhang Investment' must have heard some rumors.

It’s just that this capital didn’t seem to last until the end.

At least judging from the market view and the recent actions of Fortune Road, the other party has clearly withdrawn from its positions in this direction, including the Shanghai Steel Union.

In fact, he had just reviewed the market and observed the local stocks on the Shanghai stock market that had changed today.

The stocks with the strongest trends and the largest capital inflows, including the leading concept stock of Shanghai Steel Union, are basically stocks in the 'financial' field.

"I didn't say it." Zhou Kan replied, "Director Qiao said that Mr. Liang didn't know what the specific matter was. He only knew that there was internal news circulating. Maybe a big event would happen in the Shanghai stock market. Of course... in terms of the big picture , it should be clear that it is the planning guideline for economic development strategies.”

"Shanghai local concepts, finance, inside information..."

Xu Xiang listened to Zhou Kan's report, constantly pondering and weighing the value of this news in his mind.

He can now be sure that the local stocks on the Shanghai stock market that moved today are not stimulated by any good market news on the surface, but the capital inflow behind the scenes must be caused by the insider funds who got the news first, and there is a high probability that the direction will be positive... …it’s the financial side.

After all, in his opinion, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is the national financial center, and may also be the financial center of Asia and even the world in the future.

At this time, the economic macro direction is indeed changing from real to virtual, and the development of national finance will be the top priority in economic construction.

Moreover, IPOs are currently suspended in the market, and direct financing channels for companies to go public are blocked.

If the country wants its economy to return to the path of rapid growth, it must open up this link.

It’s just that important policy revisions and major announcements on financial matters are usually led by the Bank of China and the Three Commissions, and rarely involve higher levels.

Surprisingly, this time, the news came from the highest level.

This shocked him a little inside.

"Let Director Qiao help me make another appointment with Mr. Liang!" After pondering for a moment, Xu Xiang said, "I will go see Mr. Liang in person to find out more about this matter."

He had a hunch that there was a huge investment opportunity hidden in this piece of information.

It’s just that he still doesn’t know which direction this huge investment opportunity is pointing to. Is it financial, as he guessed?

The capital flow and subtle changes on the market can explain the future direction of part of the market.

However, it is not certain whether subsequent specific changes in investment direction will actually follow some of the current signs shown by the market.

"Okay!" Zhou Kan responded and hurriedly went to prepare.

Xu Xiang looked at Zhou Kan who turned to leave, returned to the computer, and immediately began to carefully check the local stocks in the Shanghai stock market that had changed today, while searching for various related news on the Internet.

And at the same time...

Within many large brokerage institutions, public funds, private equity funds, and well-informed individual investors, more and more news about this has been heard.

Of course, as for the specific things, what economic measures and policies will be introduced.

In the two days of fermentation of emotions and information over the weekend, no one still has a clear answer.

Only vaguely, there is a vague positive feeling that envelopes the entire market and all the local stocks in the Shanghai stock market that made changes on Friday.

And under this hazy good news.

Investors in the vast market are still divided on the investment direction of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the GEM Index in the future. Monday, August 12th is coming.

At 9:15, the collective bidding in the two cities began.

Thanks to the still good and stable external trends, the entire market also showed a very good bidding trend at the beginning of the call auction, with 80% of stocks opening higher.


As the call auction time continues to pass, the stock prices in the two cities have diverged.

'Big Finance' is on the rise. Banks, insurance, and securities, which are historically undervalued, are getting stronger and stronger in the call auction. In the initial stage of the call auction, the core concept sectors of the GEM are relatively strong and have opened higher, as well as Core concept stocks, on the other hand, went lower and lower in the call auction, and the selling volume on the market became larger and larger.

Of course, except for these two obvious areas.

Short-term hot concept stocks such as 'backdoor reorganization', '4G development', and 'beverage manufacturing', which had been strong for a long time on Friday, became the weakest concept sectors in the two cities during the call auction. They opened low and moved low, attracting weekly stocks. Countless funds and investors chasing the high even more fiercely cursed.

Finally, at 9:25, the collective bidding ended.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index opened a rare 0.37 points higher, while the ChiNext Index opened 0.51% lower. The two once again showed a scissors pattern of mixed gains and losses.

As for sectors and individual stocks.

‘Big Finance’ stabilized the situation and opened slightly higher; sectors related to the concept of ‘pan-mobile Internet’ opened about 1% lower on average, making the strength in late Friday trading completely short-lived.

Among them, in the strong 'big finance', local financial stocks in the Shanghai stock market have been rushed for funds and opened more than 1% higher on heavy volume; while many early high-priced popular stocks in the 'pan-mobile Internet' related concept sector have opened higher. It opened lower by more than 1%, among which Huaqingbao opened lower by more than 3% and Shanghai Steel Union opened lower by 2%.

"It seems that the funds are really attacking in the financial direction!"

Seeing this opening situation, Su Yu couldn't laugh or cry, and said with emotion: "Well, I still have more than 90 million funds that I haven't bought in. The insider information funds from all parties are in the wrong direction, and it is convenient for me to speculate. Continue to build positions on Waigaoqiao and get relatively cheap chips.”

Look at these funds’ attacks on ‘big finance’.

Su Yu knew that many major funds should have smelled something unusual during the weekend, knowing that the market was in a certain direction, and a big profit was about to be released.

"Mr. Su, this is wrong..."

Observing that the opening of the market was very different from what he expected, Li Meng said: "The specific direction of the financial attack seems not to be physical trade, ports and infrastructure, but finance, with Shanghai Pudong Development Bank being targeted as the core. , the entire collective bidding, more than 60 million funds were raised."

"It doesn't matter!" Su Yu replied with a smile, "Before the specific market news comes out, everyone is just guessing. We just need to believe in our own judgment."

“As long as the funds are indeed circulating in the ‘Shanghai local’ sector.”

"That proves that the information I got is correct and the logic is correct."

"Furthermore, even if our prediction is wrong and we don't catch the core, most of the time... we can still get a sip of soup, so there is no need to worry at all."

"Okay!" Li Meng responded and stopped talking.

Then, at 9:30, the two cities began official trading.

Su Yu saw that the entire 'big financial' sector of the market, including many stocks in the 'Shanghai local' sector that was the core source of the news, began to be attacked by a large amount of funds, gradually increasing in volume and strengthening, and the GEM index that had a counterattack on Friday' Pan-Mobile Internet's related popular concept sectors, as well as many high-level popular concept stocks, lost blood again and continued to open lower and move lower, rapidly expanding their losses.

Of course, among these, the ‘Internet Finance’ sector has become the only exception.

This sector has passively followed the fluctuations of "big finance" today, attracting attacks from many funds. In the situation where the entire GEM's high-volume and popular sectors were underserved and funds receded rapidly, it actually maintained a high and volatile situation and gradually stabilized. trend.

And within this plate.

As a local stock in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with the attributes of "financial concept" and a core leader in market popularity, the Shanghai Steel Union is naturally the core counterparty that funds are paying attention to.

I saw that this check dropped 7% at the opening, but after the official opening, it was swarmed by funds.

It has been fluctuating between 55 yuan and 57 yuan, which not only gives people some hope of possible counter-packaging, but is not completely strong, which makes people worried.

Of course, even so...

The trading situation of this check and its liquidity are also the most intense and abundant in the market.

Su Yu took a look at the trend of Shanghai Steel Union and showed a hint of surprise at its tenacious attitude. However, he knew that the hold-up and loss orders of more than 1 billion were already in the range between 70 and 65 yuan. It has taken shape and has completely formed a chip peak. Now there is no clear benefit. It is unrealistic to want to get over it.

Moreover, even if the core main line of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ comes out.

Active funds in the market will definitely not do it if there are other ticket options. The internal chip structure has completely changed. More than 30% of the circulating market has been accumulated not far above, and there are about 1 billion stocks with locked-up stocks.

In other words, even if there is a big positive news in the future, this check, which has been hyped several times, can only be good for shipments, opening high and moving low.

It is impossible to see another sharp wave of market trends in the short term.

Thinking about this, Su Yu's eyes paused and then moved to the Waigaoqiao stock again.

At this moment, the stock is fluctuating around the price of 13.05 yuan, rising slightly by 0.56%. The time-sharing trading volume is significantly larger than yesterday, but not much larger. 12 minutes have passed during the trading time. Under the circumstances, a total of more than 11 million funds were transacted.

This amount...compared to its more than 5 billion circulation plate, it can really be described as "rare".

Of course, this also shows that this check has a lot of accumulated chips, which means that the majority of retail investors who hold positions in the market have been seriously trapped. The stock price has not increased significantly, they cannot unwind, and they cannot recover on a large scale, so they are simply too lazy to sell.

As for whether there is any organization in the deposited chips of this check.

Su Yu knew that the public equity institutions on this check had cleared their positions long ago, and only one social security fund was still there. As for the private equity institutions, he couldn't find it, so he didn't know.

But judging from the fact that he has paid attention to this check for several consecutive weeks and continued to buy this check.

Apart from ‘Jingda Investment’, which has already exited, there should be no private equity institutions.

After all, if there is a major capital transaction, it should not escape his eyes for such a long time, of course... unless the other party is more tolerant than him and can keep locking up the position and remain indifferent.

Staring at the board and thinking for a while...

Su Yu began to continue buying large orders and small orders, taking the initiative to take over the market.

He believed that with his buying method, no one would notice him when all the funds in the market focused on the direction of 'big finance'.

However, 6 minutes later.

When he just took on an order of less than 2 million, the originally calm Waigaoqiao market suddenly changed. A huge order of 5,000 lots swept the buying orders upwards, instantly disrupting his buying rhythm. .

PS: Please vote for monthly tickets. I also wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival! ! !

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