Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 177 The main force is lurking, and the ‘rats’ eat the warehouse!


"Hey...did anyone notice this check?"

Su Yu saw Waigaoqiao's stock price soared by more than 2 points in an instant under the influence of the 5,000 market-priced buy orders. The stock price reached above 13.30 yuan. After the increase, the stock price did not wait for it to fall back. , there was another order of 5,000 lots, which was placed at the price of 13.30 yuan. He put it on the tray and continued to eat the retail chips that were being sold on the tray. He couldn't help but secretly thought: "It seems that as the news fermented, there was really inside information. People have also begun to take action.”

However, the other party did not continuously increase the stock price.

Instead, after a period of increase, the stock price is separated from the original shock range, stimulating more retail investors to sell, thereby slowly gaining chips.

It shows that the other party, at this time, does not want to reveal his intentions quickly.

Attracting more funds to raise money on this stock will unnecessarily increase the cost of building a position.

Of course, this also shows that the other party did not notice him at this moment, and did not think that there was already a main force of funds lurking inside at this moment. Otherwise... the other party would probably choose to pull the offer violently, and come to the market as quickly as possible and in the shortest time. Get enough chips.

"very good!"

Su Yu saw that the other party had pulled the stock price to a new shock range, which re-energized the retail investors in the market. He smiled and continued to take in chips in the form of a loose order, grabbing the price one level ahead of the other party's order. , and at the same time... try not to attract the other party's attention.

As long as you don't attract the other party's attention, as long as the other party doesn't choose to violently pull the offer and engage in extreme grabs.

Then he can get more chips in the low position.

Of course, according to the way he eats and the amount of chips he wants to eat, the other party will still find out sooner or later, but there should be a time difference here.

And to extend this time difference as much as possible...

Su Yu did not completely cut off the intraday selling orders, but only cut off 60% of the selling orders, and then left a small part for the large fund on the tray.

In this way, you can give the other party an illusion.

They subconsciously think that it is the vast retail investors in the market who, after seeing the stall tray orders, think that the stock price is going to rise and take the initiative to take over the selling orders on the market, without thinking that it is the other party's main funds that are rushing to raise funds.

50 hands, 60 hands, 70 hands, 76 hands, 82 hands...

Su Yu kept clicking the mouse with his fingers, placing irregular and continuous orders in the ten ranges in front of the other party's tray, and the orders placed were all medium and small orders, never exceeding 100 lots.

Moreover, he only placed new orders after the orders he placed were all eaten up by selling on the market.

Of course, occasionally there will be intervals of more than ten seconds or half a minute, so that the tray below can place a large order, eat some chips, and disguise themselves better.

With his actions...

Another 15 minutes passed, and the time came to 10:09.

Waigaoqiao's stock price still fluctuates between 13.30 yuan and 13.40 yuan, with an increase of between 2% and 3%. After the new shock range is formed, the time-sharing volume has increased a bit, and it has now reached close to 50 million levels. Turnover.

During this period, Su Yu cut off intraday selling orders, and the buying amount exceeded 12 million, accounting for nearly a quarter of the entire trading volume.

As for the funds that pull the market and the pallet.

Except for the initial 5,000 lots of market price pulls, which were completely bought, the 5,000 lots on the pallet have not been consumed yet.

The other party saw that the selling in this price range seemed to be weaker than expected.

So, after pausing for a few minutes, he used another 5,000 market price buy orders to raise the stock price to a range price.

Moreover, this time, after the other party invested funds and quickly raised the stock price, it did not rush to protect the stock price and protect the market. Instead, it allowed the stock price to fall rapidly, causing a stock price to the retail investors who were not deeply involved in the market. The expectation that the price will rise and fall back, and that the increase will fall back at any time, makes these retail investors sell as much as possible at low levels and flee.

Seeing the opponent's deliberately created upward and downward trend, Su Yu stared at the market, showed a smile, and said with emotion: "You are smart, you know how to mobilize the emotions in the field, and use as much as possible within the narrow shock range to your own advantage, giving Creating more opportunities to attract funds by yourself, this micro management... can be regarded as a mature trader."

As Su Yu sighed...

After the stock price quickly rose and fell back, a large amount of selling began to pour out again.

This time, Su Yu no longer placed an order to take in, but continued to use small orders to quickly take in at the market price, resulting in small orders from retail investors on the market and a continuous zigzag trend in the time-sharing chart.

Of course, in the same way, he does not completely cut off the flow. During the gap between pending orders, he will still sell part of the market to another main force that has converted the large order tray into the medium order tray below, thus allowing the foreign high The bridge's surface still seemed to be under the opponent's control.

And as he and his opponent continued to clash on the board.

The entire market situation is also constantly changing...

Initially, the Shanghai Stock Exchange index slowly moved upward under the influence of "big finance", with the momentum of a red market hitting a 1% increase; while the ChiNext Index was affected by the ebb of the high-level popular concept sectors related to "pan-mobile Internet" and has been showing capital outflows. However, due to the expected upward pull of the Shanghai Index, the ChiNext Index will not fall sharply in this case.

Then, when "Big Finance" swallowed up more and more active funds, the Shanghai Stock Index reached a 1% increase.

Just when everyone thought that today's market would not be bad and should have a strong profit-making effect, the ChiNext Index, which had been weak and fluctuating, suddenly lost its balance due to continuous blood loss and turned into a unilateral downward trend. The Shanghai Stock Index and the ChiNext Index The scissors gap in the trend of the index has opened up again.

The unilateral downward trend after the ChiNext lost balance naturally quickly brought down market sentiment.

As a result, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, which had originally gone up, was instantly pulled back by an invisible thread, and the decline fell back. Many "financial concept" targets that were violently attacked by funds showed a trend of rising and falling.

And because of this mutual pull...

When the time entered 11 o'clock, the active funds in the entire market became cautious again. The 'big financial' sector, which originally had some performance, was also overwhelmed by the cautious market sentiment and various funds as it approached midday. All scattered, no continuity.

Among them, as a concept stock that is a core component of the GEM and is also a hot 'financial concept' today, the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange and Steel Union has gone up rapidly throughout the morning, and then fell sharply, approaching the daily limit. The bullish situation has also buried a large number of retail investors who are buying the bottom, as well as the main funds that follow the trend.

After the midday close, across markets...

The majority of investors have expressed pessimism about today's market trends, and the vast majority of them do not believe that the 'big financial' sector at this time has the ability and sustainability to lead the market.

"Hey, I really don't understand. The market is obviously trendy and popular, but on the GEM, what kind of 'big finance' is there? It's just crazy!"

"Yeah, isn't it a joke to pull securities in a bear market? Who can follow? Who can follow?"

"There are also banks and insurance."

"The valuation is very low, an absolute historical low, but there are no expectations for the future, and... Where can there be so much funds in the current market to undertake such a big deal? I don't understand how the funds in today's market are selected. If If we continue to pull in the core popularity leaders of the GEM, the popularity will have risen a long time ago, and it will not be like this index pulling each other up."

"I also feel that the choice of the main funds in the market today is really illogical."

"Especially Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, which directly rose by more than 5 points, and the highest increase was close to 8 points, and took in almost 1 billion in funds. What the hell... if these 1 billion funds are used to pull Shanghai The leader of the Municipal Steel Federation has leveraged market sentiment, and the entire market has been alive for a long time."

"By the way, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank was also strong last Friday. What's going on? The thousand-year-old iron tree is blooming?"

"I don't know, but bank stocks really have no future. I will never buy them even if I die. Cutting flesh with a dull knife is more disgusting than eating the sky and the floor."

"Hey, the Shanghai Steel Federation had hopes of counter-insurance today. It's such a pity..."

"All the funds have been piled up in Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. Even if it becomes popular, there is no funds to follow. It would be strange to be able to turn it back. But this is not accepted, and the backhand will hit the limit. It is really unexpected."

"Yesterday we promoted backdoor restructuring, liquor, and 4G. Today we promote finance. I feel that none of these concepts are sustainable."

"I can see that the GEM cannot afford it, and the market has no hope at all."

"It's the Shanghai Steel Federation that can't afford it. There is no hope for the market. There is no next leader to take over the market sentiment and drive the market trend of a sector. It feels like the current market funds can't find a way out at all and they are all attacking blindly."

“Then we can’t just pull ‘big finance’ around, right?”

"When it gets bigger, it swallows up too many active funds in the market. If it falls again, the funds will be buried inside, and the market will become even less dynamic in the future."

"Today's overall financial situation should be driven by Shanghai Pudong Development Bank."

"I guess there should be some benefits to finance?"

"What good things can there be? The money shortage crisis has only passed in June, and... the Federal Reserve is going to raise interest rates. The banking sector, in terms of expectations, is really negative."

"Hey, I don't know when the road to wealth will show up again. Without this capital, other hot money will really become a headless fly, unable to find a direction at all."

"Yes, speaking of this round of GEM market, and even the entire concept of 'Internet Finance', it was unearthed by Fortune Road, the main force of funds. From this perspective... Fortune Road, the capital, is simply the soul of the market. ah."

"Oh, by the way... I saw that Lujiazui and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group also moved a lot today, especially the entire 'Shanghai local stocks' sector, which is obviously stronger than the market. Is this a direction?"

"Not to mention, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank is also a local stock on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, right?"

"There are many more. In the 'big financial' sector that is going strong today, the largest inflows of funds are basically local stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange."

"We can't generalize. The same goes for Shanghai Steel Union. The result was that it fell by the limit."

"Yes, and there are dozens of stocks in the 'Shanghai Stock Exchange Local Stocks' attribute, and quite a few have fallen!"

"Hey, stop thinking blindly. There should be no opportunities here. Let's look at the GEM. Let's see when the GEM can stabilize. The Shanghai Stock Exchange really has no hope."

In the discussions among many retail investors, at this time, there are major hot money groups in the country.

Everyone also complained a lot about the market trend in the morning and the performance of the entire market, which was somewhat difficult to understand.

“Everyone knows that ‘big finance’ cannot be pulled in. It will swallow up too much funds and further reduce market activity. However, funds from all walks of life are still gathering here. I really don’t know what to ask for?”

"The main focus is obviously institutional funds, right?"

"Looking at Shanghai Pudong Development Bank's market, there is a lot of hot money. After all, institutions will not pull the market like this."

"I heard that there are some good news to be announced, right? So various funds have taken action in advance. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank should also be in this trend."

"What's the benefit?"

"I don't know. I just vaguely heard that the Shanghai stock market will introduce some financial stimulus policies recently. It should be good for the financial securities market."

"No wonder...but even if the wind comes, this direction can't be the main line, right?"

"Who said it must become the main line? There is a lack of new hot spots in the current market. It feels like everyone is rushing to raise money in advance and do speculative arbitrage before the wind comes. Believe it or not, when the news is made public, there will be changes today.' Big financials will all fall back to their original point."

"Haha... I'm just hungry. Anyway, there is no sustainable main line of hype, so I won't participate."

"I won't participate either. The capital siphoning effect of this big guy is too strong. If all the active funds in the market are used for pallet relay, it should not be able to raise the 10% increase. There is no sustainability at all."

"Not only is there no sustainability, but if you look at the GEM, it would be good if the 'big financial' movement does not bring down the two markets."

"Yes, no matter what financial news is good and stimulating, as far as the current market trading volume is concerned, it cannot lift these stocks with hundreds of billions or trillions in circulation. At best... we can only do the GEM sector market. Look at Let's go... I feel that market capital can't find a way out, and we have to go back to the GEM."

"Hey, originally I wanted to counter-attack the Shanghai Steel Federation today, but 'Big Finance' pulled it too hard, directly dampening the market sentiment and burying me as well. It's so damn depressing."

"What about Wealth Road? There was no movement after this fund left Shanghai Steel Union!"

"Without being on the Dragon and Tiger List, no one knows whether this fund is still on the market. It's normal to not see any movement, but I feel that he definitely hasn't really left the market. I have reviewed what happened on the day of the Shanghai Steel Union Sky Floor. Looking at the Dragon and Tiger List, I found that Fortune Road was the first to hit that day, and he moved in such a hurry, so he must have discovered a new opportunity."

“This capital is the soul of the market!”

"Indeed, but the other party deliberately hides it, and we can't keep up with the operation of this fund."

"If it is a big sustainable main line market, it will definitely show up, just like it dug and pulled the Shanghai Steel Union. Wait slowly. I feel that after the market is in chaos, a relatively big opportunity will definitely appear. As for Although the long-term expectations for many core popular concept sectors and stocks on the GEM are still there, the overall chip structure has changed. Without one or two adjustments and consumption, it is difficult to continue to speculate, and the space and time at this time Neither is enough.”

"It means... the next big market opportunity may appear on the main board?"

"Maybe? But no one can be sure until we come out."

"The only thing that is certain is that before the next main line of sustainable speculation comes out, the money-losing effect of the market will be amplified, and it will definitely be difficult to continue the market."

"Let's rest first. At this stage, I am starting to be cautious."

In the discussion, many big guys analyzed and analyzed...the overall views and trends finally turned towards caution and pessimism.

So, under the fermentation of this emotion...

In the afternoon, after the market opened at 1 o'clock, the trading situation and overall volume performance of the two cities began to decline further.

The ChiNext Index continued to decline, and the concept sectors and popular stocks related to "Pan Mobile Internet" continued to fall. The core leading stock Shanghai Steel Union closed the lower limit. The transaction volume reached 560 million before the closure, and began to shrink significantly, indicating that At extremely high positions, retail investors who have suffered misfortune are unwilling to cut their losses.

As the overall investment sentiment in the two cities turned cautious and pessimistic, the Shanghai Composite Index was also pulled down by the ChiNext Index and continued to fall.

At 1:32, the drop reached 1%.

As for the strong performance in the morning, the 'big financial' sector, which once led the market, continued to accelerate its decline amid the collective decline in the indexes of the two cities.

Of course, in the meantime...

The ‘Shanghai local stocks’ sector, which has the largest inflow of funds, becomes even more conspicuous.

Different from the major conceptual sectors in the two cities, where most stocks have a net outflow of funds, the signs of capital inflows in this sector not only did not weaken after the time entered the afternoon, but were also accelerating, and the core stocks in the sector led the gains. It has changed from Shanghai Pudong Development Bank to real "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" related concept stocks such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Lujiazui.

And at the same time...

Magic City, inside Zexi Investment, trading room.

As one of the top private equity institutions in the country, Xu Xiang focused on the most core local stocks in the Shanghai stock market such as Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, and Lujiazui. He had already issued an all-out buyout to the two fund trading groups of the 'Zexi Group'. Advance orders and seize market opportunities.

After talking with Mr. Liang over the weekend, he became more and more certain about the opportunity here.

Therefore, as soon as the market opened today, he issued an order to grab funds and go all out to take positions in several core large-cap stocks with the most liquidity.

"Mr. Xu, we have bought more than 400 million chips in total."

While Xu Xiang was paying attention to the changes in the entire 'Shanghai local stock' sector, Zhou Kan, the leader of the trading team, reported: "In our fund, many stocks held by the company have been suspended from trading, and there are also many participating private placement stocks. It is locked and cannot be sold. Overall, the available liquidity for our fund is less than 2 billion. Now we have bought more than 20% in one go. Do you want to continue buying?"

He is a person who pays attention to risk control, and he must remind the other party of some problems.

"You can buy as many chips as there are in the market." Xu Xiang said firmly, "Before the market news is really clear, you can invest all 2 billion in funds."

"Okay!" Zhou Kan confirmed again, responded, and ordered the traders to continue buying.

"With such a fierce financial attack, the direction must be right?" After Xu Xiang finished his instructions, he stared at the local stock sector of the Shanghai stock market that was still absorbing funds, and thought deeply, "I don't know about the funds from 'Yuhang Investment'. I am not on the market at the moment, and if I were him... If I wanted to create a leading position in an almost certain market sector and then stir up the sentiment of the entire two cities, which direction would I choose and which stock? "

Currently, the funds he orders to build positions are all large-cap stocks with sufficient liquidity and a market value of tens of billions.

And these votes can undoubtedly only be used as a breakthrough for the Chinese army, but cannot lead the main market sentiment after the news is announced, and serve as pioneer stocks that open up the market's speculation space.

That is to say...

If he wants to truly dominate the situation, he must maximize the value of the news he heard.

He still lacks a target that can serve as a pioneer stock in the market. He also lacks a stock that can open up market space in the front and raise the level of speculation to the extreme.

For such a check, first of all, the logic must be strong enough.

Secondly, the circulation and market value cannot be too large, the fundamentals cannot be too bad, and the internal chip structure cannot be too complex, that is, the chips must be clean, otherwise the room for speculation will be extremely limited.

Originally, according to his method of stock selection.

Among the local stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, among those that meet the conditions, Shanghai Steel Union is the most perfect.

It's a pity that this check has been overdrawn in advance, and the chip structure on the market has completely deteriorated. Even if there is to be speculation in the future, other major funds will not be too willing to follow suit.

"what a pity……"

In deep thought, Xu Xiang took a look at the Shanghai Steel Union's market, which had dropped to the limit, and shook his head helplessly. He recalled the time when Su Yu was speculating in the middle of the check, desperately suppressing the market, and laundering chips. He finally understood: "It turns out that ...You originally put pressure on the market because of this. It seems that I really misunderstood and missed the future of this stock!"

"But... this also shows that you should have known this news in advance."

"So, you should have been there already."

Thinking of this, he was shocked again. He knew that his judgment all along was not wrong. The other party's move to build positions in the core stocks of Lujiazui, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group was indeed not unintentional, but It is an intentional layout, and there is indeed a potential positive line for Shanghai Steel Union.

But now, after the chip structure has been destroyed, this potential positive main line is no longer useful for Shanghai Steel Union's check.

"Shanghai Steel Union reaches the top early and loses this bid. What will you do?"

After Xu Xiang thoroughly understood Su Yu's previous trading strategies and motives, he was extremely certain that Su Yu was currently operating in the 'Shanghai Stock Exchange Local Stocks' sector.

But currently, there are too many funds flowing in this sector and it is too complicated.

He could no longer see the opponent's trajectory and could not guess what the opponent would choose.

Of course, Su Yu didn't know what Xu Xiang was thinking at this moment, nor did he know that 'Zexi Investment' had fully intervened in this main trend that was about to emerge, and had set its sights on him.

At this moment, he was still on the Waigaoqiao stock, fighting wits and courage with a major force of funds whose background and origin he did not know, to seize the selling chips in the market.

After more than three hours of trading.

Amid the constant changes in the market conditions of the two cities, Waigaoqiao's stock price still maintained an increase range of 2 points to 4 points. The transaction volume has increased compared with the previous trading days and has reached 230 million. However, it is like this The growth rate and transaction volume are still not obvious in the entire 'Shanghai local stocks' sector, which has seen significant changes.

During these three hours of trading, Su Yu bought a total of more than 45 million yuan despite the other party's fund-raising actions.

Although the scene of buying as you please and eating alone is not as good as in the previous trading days, it is already a quite rich harvest for this inactive market.

And according to Su Yu's calculation...

This stock suddenly appeared on the Waigaoqiao market. The main funds, whose origins and background are unknown, should have been much less than him in total buying chips so far, between 25 million and 30 million.

"This main force fund is really interesting."

Su Yu looked at his opponents who were still collecting chips according to the morning's rules and smiled secretly.

The other party had been busy for almost a day, but he still didn't find his main fund disguised as a retail investor, which made him, who was still a little worried, slowly relax completely.

He could sense that the other party should have real inside information and funds with deep background.

It’s just that my ability to see the market is limited, and I didn’t realize that under the market I controlled, there was a ‘super rat’ that kept gnawing away at the position.

However, just when Su Yu thought that the other party would not notice his 'super rat' before closing.

At 2:43, the Waigaoqiao market, which had remained stable and fluctuating, changed again. The opponent withdrew all the orders that had been unable to get any chips, concentrated on the capital advantage, and once again pulled the market upward against the trend, and this time it continued. Pulling the offer did not give Su Yu the chance to continue to swallow up the chips.

When Su Yu saw the other party, he finally found himself...

Without hesitation, he divided the remaining funds in his fund account into two equal parts, and placed an amount of more than 20 million. Two consecutive orders of 8,000 lots, totaling 16,000 lots, were placed at the upper limit price to buy orders ahead of the opponent. The stall is sold and the chips are cleared.

And at the moment when he finally showed his true colors and poured tens of millions of funds onto the market.

In Yanjing, inside the Anlan Fund, in the trading room, a tall and beautiful girl in her twenties, suddenly widened her eyes in disbelief, turned her head and stared at the teacher who was giving her instructions, and said in surprise : "Oh my God! Why haven't I discovered that there is a major force lurking on the market of this stock?"

PS: 2 in 1, 7000-word chapter, let alone less, this chapter should be the one for today, because I have to go back to my hometown for the holidays, so the update may be late tomorrow. After all, I really don’t have any manuscripts in hand, but I will definitely update it. Don't worry (there will be a chapter at some point). Finally, I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival. Please vote for me and subscribe. As of now, this book has not even had 1,000 subscriptions, although the number of subscriptions is still at 700. This makes me I really don’t understand, so please subscribe. I also hope that readers who watch pirated or free copies can come to the main site to support me. Thank you, thank you! ! ! \u003c!--over--\u003e

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