Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 181: Laying out index futures!

"Has the news completely spread?"

Su Yu stared at the Waigaoqiao market, which had gone straight to the daily limit, and said secretly: "The rush to raise funds has obviously become much more intense. It seems... there should be more and more people and institutions who have obtained the real inside information, and everyone believes it." After winning this stock, I am frantically scrambling to raise funds. From this point of view... there is a high probability that this check will not be a good buying point in the future."

In the market, the underlying logic is strong, and the circulating market is not particularly large for thematic speculation of core concept stocks.

Even though it may be left out by the market for a while, it will never be easily ignored by market funds.

Therefore, in Su Yu's view, Waigaoqiao, as an important local development company in the soon-to-be-released "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" economic construction strategy, will definitely be subject to speculation by market funds, and the current check appears Such an extreme fundraising situation has shown that the market's "inside information" has spread extremely widely, and it is not far away from the time when the top management will officially announce the news.

Fortunately, he has completed the position building...

Now, market news and sentiment, no matter how it continues to advance, will be beneficial to him.

As he pondered, in just one minute, Waigaoqiao had hit the daily limit in the alternating rush for funds from the two stocks, and instantly sealed the daily limit, sealing orders to more than 170,000 lots, becoming today's Shanghai stock market Among the local stocks' sector, it was the first to hit the daily limit.

Seeing that the daily limit has been sealed, the trading volume of Waigaoqiao has only reached 96 million.

Su Yu smiled, knowing that the funds he and he were competing for on the market yesterday did not attract too many chips today, and he believed that even if the other party grabbed the daily limit channel, they would not be able to buy a large amount of chips in the future. , after all, at this time... the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has begun to emerge from the hazy, and all active funds in the market are all turning their attention in this direction.

The follow-up will be further stimulated by emotions, news, and funds.

The trend of several core stocks in the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" with clean and sharp movements and fierce financial attacks will definitely become more and more intense.

"Waigaoqiao has reached its daily limit, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange is approaching its daily limit..."

In Su Yu's observation room, Li Meng, who was watching the market from the side, couldn't restrain his excitement and said happily: "Mr. Su, your side... the position opening of the Waigaoqiao check should have been completed, right?"

"Yeah!" Su Yu nodded, "The position is close to 180,000 lots, with an average cost of 13.12 yuan."

"180,000 lots?" Li Meng was startled, "You invested all the funds in your hand!"

Su Yu looked at the nearly 20 million remaining funds in the fund account he operated. He chuckled and said, "It's almost the same. Now that we know that the market news has spread, the wind we have been waiting for has begun to blow." , then it’s time to finish the job and use the funds in hand to maximize market profits.”

"I'm thinking……"

"There is such a riot in the 'Shanghai Local Stocks' section of the market today. It should be the time for the official announcement of the news, which is very close."

"I hope so!" Li Meng nodded and replied, the excitement in his heart was uncontrollable.

After following Su Yu's investment strategy and reducing their positions in a number of popular concept stocks on the GEM such as Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, Huaqingbao, LeTV, Oriental Fortune, Changqu Technology, which had huge profits in the early stage, they have already All the liquidity of the entire fund is bet on the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'.

It can be said that at this moment...

The 'Yuhang No. 1' Fund has a total of 1.18 billion stock market value positions, 70% of which are stocks with the core concept of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and of this 70%, The Waigaoqiao holding held by Su Yu accounted for the largest proportion. One stock accounted for more than 20% of the market value of the entire fund's holdings, which can be regarded as an absolutely heavy position.

"Wow... the overall inflow rate of market funds in the 'Shanghai Stock Exchange Local Stocks' sector is still accelerating." After responding, Li Meng paused for a while and then exclaimed, "Real estate, logistics, and ports are the major industry sectors. , with the daily limit of Waigaoqiao and Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the straight rise of Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, it was also driven up at this moment, becoming the market's leading sector, and the 'big finance' related industry sectors fell briefly. After the retracement, it also emerged from the water at this moment, slowly turning red, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was also driven... turned red."

“It seems that the ‘Shanghai Stock Exchange Local Stocks’ sector has been fully recognized by active funds in the market.”

"Shanghai Steel Federation was also pulled up..."

"The entire Internet finance sector seems to be refusing to fall."

"Judging from the market changes in the two cities, after the collapse and correction of the core concept sectors of the GEM, the active funds that have been running around in the market for two consecutive trading days seem to have found their way home again. , all of them are pouring into the 'Shanghai Stock Exchange Local Stocks' sector, focusing on industries such as finance, real estate, ports, and logistics."

"According to this sign, the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' you mentioned... should be fully revealed today."


"Obviously, the core stocks and paths of capital attacks today are much clearer than yesterday."

"This is inevitable!" Su Yu stared at the market, smiled in a relaxed mood, and said, "When the time window is getting closer and closer to the day when the news is officially announced, more and more investors from all parties will get the inside information. , then the performance results on the market will naturally become more and more consistent."

"Of course, this also proves that our previous guesses and the strategy of building positions in advance are absolutely correct."

"After all, when the news becomes more and more clear and the market trend becomes clearer, the market opportunities... are also disappearing quickly."

It was past 10 o'clock when the two of them were communicating.

After the "Shanghai local stocks" continued to change, funds continued to attack this sector, and the core stocks in this sector diverged to drive real estate, finance, ports, logistics and other large industry sectors...

The Shanghai Stock Index completely turned from falling to rising, forming an obvious upward trend on the time-sharing chart.

As for the GEM, at this time, it benefited from the overall market sentiment recovery. In addition, after its consecutive sharp declines, the market is already in an oversold state and is quickly recovering its losses.

And at the same time...

Major institutions and hot money players across the country who have already received the news about the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" are working intensively to invest funds.

Like Zhao Qiang, he no longer cares about the cost of building a position.

He quickly used nearly 100 million of the funds in his hands to attack all the core concept stocks of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" that had not yet reached their daily limit, and frantically scanned the stocks.

Like Sun Yu, a capital of 50 million is enough to defeat the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Then seeing that there was a high probability that he would not be able to buy the chips, he hurriedly used the other 50 million funds in his account to directly invest in the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group.

Like Zexi Investment, like Xu Xiang.

The entire Zexi investment has more than 2 billion in working capital, and is sweeping through the Shanghai stock market on a large scale, stocks related to core elements such as finance, real estate, ports, logistics, etc., and Xu Xiang's personal account is also sweeping through the Shanghai stock market, logistics, and other industries. As well as the daily limit of Waigaoqiao market.

Like Guangda Securities, the entire proprietary investment strategy trading department.

In addition to the team involved in the operation of ETF index funds, other trading teams, under the leadership of the general manager of the strategic trading department, are also frantically buying Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Lujiazui and other Shanghai-based companies involving finance, ports, real estate, and commercial operations. The city's local core weight stocks.

Moreover, in order to complete the position building in this direction as soon as possible.

The general manager of the Investment Strategy Trading Department of Guangda Securities also expanded his trading authority as much as possible and applied to the group for more trading funds that could be used.

Of course, except for these institutions and hot money that have already known and guessed the inside information.

Facing the direction of the market, the local stocks in the Shanghai stock market continue to be rioting, and facing a series of industry sectors such as finance, logistics, real estate, ports, etc. that focus on the main board constituent stocks, which are not beneficial but suddenly have a continuous surge, the vast market The vast majority of retail investors are still confused at this moment and have no idea how strong the market is going up today.

"I originally thought that 'Big Finance' would open lower and move lower today after it surged higher and fell back to trap people yesterday, and continued to trap people, forcing those who chased higher yesterday to cut the meat. Unexpectedly... after opening lower at the beginning of the session, it actually pulled lower again. It’s rising, and within each sector, the intensity of financial attacks is still fierce, which is really strange.”

Staring at the completely incomprehensible market trends, some retail investors lamented.

“Maybe it’s really too low to fall, so let’s rebound if it’s oversold!”

"It's not like that. Oversold rebounds usually occur when the volume energy is attenuated to a minimum, with a sudden and rapid pull, and then continue to ship slowly. But look at it now... there are really a lot of big funds entering!"

"It doesn't matter if it's an oversold rebound or not, just stop it. If you don't follow it, you won't lose money."

"'Big Finance' is okay. Although it can be clearly felt that they are rebounding, the overall increase is not large. The check from Shanghai Stock Exchange is strange. There is no benefit. It is such a clean two-way board." .”

"Not only the Shanghai Stock Exchange, but almost all the tickets that have risen sharply today are quite strange."

"Well, I took a look and found that half of the top risers in the two cities were local stocks in the Shanghai stock market. There were nearly 30 stocks that rose more than 5%. At this time, the Shanghai stock index only rose 0.56%. What is this concept? It's simply It is unique and has completely independent market trends!”

"It's beneficial, isn't it? It's definitely beneficial!"

"I also feel that it is beneficial. After all, the main funds in the market are indeed flowing in the same direction now, and based on past experience, these main funds have always been prophetic."

"Whether there is any benefit or not, we can definitely feel that market sentiment has indeed picked up today."

"Then... do you want to buy it?"

"The cuts were so severe the past two days, I need to take it easy."

“Today’s strongest boards are the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Waigaoqiao. What can I buy at this time?”

"Is there anyone who can do this, the former leader of Shanghai Steel Union? I feel that if the mood picks up today, this check is expected to be reversed, and... isn't this check also the 'Shanghai local stock' sector that is booming in the current market? ?”

"Hey, funds have already entered the Shanghai Steel Federation, the 5,000 lots just now..."

In the discussion among retail investors, as countless institutions and hot money were rushing to raise funds, as the time approached 11 o'clock, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index slowly rose to a gain of nearly 1%, while the decline of the ChiNext Index also shrank to less than 0.3%, and the distance had doubled. Red is only one step away, and the overall market sentiment has further improved.

And at this time...

Su Yu's eyes have completely moved away from the Waigaoqiao market, where he has a heavy position, and focused on the currently trading CSI 300 Index, which has a strong convergence with the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and covers almost all weight stocks in the two cities, as well as its main futures contracts. At the same time... he transferred more than 33 million in his personal stock account to his bank card in time, and then transferred it through the bank card to a futures trading account that can be used for futures trading.

He was not sure which day in August the 'Oolong Finger' incident at Guangda Securities happened.

I just remember it was August.

Therefore, at this moment, the market sentiment has obviously picked up, the main concept of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" has gradually come to the fore, and the market style transformation has initially taken shape. In the short term, when the risk of the index falling is already very small, it is time for him to make arrangements in advance. It’s time to snipe this event opportunity and take advantage of this event as much as possible to obtain huge profits in the market.

Thinking about it, he started to open a position at 11:05.

Index futures, unlike stocks, have a strong leverage effect, and because of the "index futures" thing, it has only been new in the A-share market for a few years, whether it is regulators, institutions, market hot money, or even large investors Investors have a certain degree of awe and caution towards it, so there are not many participants, and they are under strict supervision, and trading orders are not active.

At this moment, the CSI 300 futures index is fluctuating near the 2310 point.

Slightly higher than the CSI 300 Index.

This shows that investors or speculators involved in futures index trading are relatively optimistic about the follow-up expectations of the CSI 300 Index.

Su Yu tried to place a purchase order at 2313, but found that the liquidity of this variety was really lacking.

He had to wait for half a minute for his 30-lot order to be consumed by the short-selling opponent's orders. Of course... even if it was a 30-lot order, it would definitely be worth it on the Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Index futures trading board. It's a large order level. After all, according to the leverage multiple and margin ratio, one hand of CSI 300 Index futures will cost almost 50,000 in margin, and 30 lots will cost more than 1.5 million in margin. And the market value of 30 lots of contract orders is even more It’s at the level of nearly 10 million.

However, Su Yu also knew...

As the index fluctuates violently, the trading situation of its CSI 300 Index futures, that is, counterparty trading, will definitely become intense.

Therefore, once he sniped at Guangda Securities' "Oolong Finger" incident.

He was not worried about the liquidity of counterparties at that time. After all, in the market... In the extremely volatile index market, there were many institutions that used index futures for hedging. The maximum amount of his funds invested was no more than 30 million, with the participation of hedging institutions, it is completely possible to flexibly enter and exit.

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