Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 182: True Dragon is suspended from trading and the market changes!

30 hands, 60 hands, 100 hands...

Relying on the inactive trading market, Su Yu completed the expected position building plan just as the market closed in the afternoon. He established a total of 300 positions on the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 Index futures, with an average position position of 2315.36 and a margin cost of nearly 16 million. , the remaining risk margin is more than 17 million.

This position is under the 12% margin trading system set by the exchange.

It can already be considered a heavy position.

Of course, this is also a good thing because the current market has not experienced the bull-bear transition in 15 years. Institutions, hot money, and large investors opened large-scale short positions in stock index futures to hedge, and then they all intended to kill the market, thereby taking advantage of the stock index futures arbitrage. If the incident happened, otherwise the exchange would impose a maximum limit of 100 lots on individual account holdings of stock index futures. If he wanted to establish such a large position, there would be no way for him to do so.

After he completed the position building, when he came to his senses, the two markets had stopped trading.

Thanks to various funds' crazy pursuit of local stocks in the Shanghai stock market, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index all ended in the red. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose by 1.21%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index rose by 0.95%, and the ChiNext Index rose by 0.63%. It can be regarded as a relatively general rise, and investment sentiment in the two cities has obviously picked up.

And in this...

In terms of industry sectors, real estate carried the market banner, with the entire sector rising by more than 2%; logistics, trade, and port shipping came after real estate and also significantly outperformed the market index, showing an extremely strong state; while 'big finance' once again After rising higher, it showed an obvious differentiation situation.

In addition to the strong sectors where funds gather, there are many high-end and early popular concept sectors centered on GEM constituent stocks.

Today, the sell-off sentiment has subsided a bit, but the rebound trend is still relatively weak, and the return of large funds is not strong.

In terms of individual stocks, the emerging hot stocks, such as Shanghai Stock Exchange, Waigaoqiao, Shanghai Hong Kong Group, Pudong Jinqiao and other "Shanghai local core stocks", have been greatly concerned by active funds in the market, and five of them have hit the daily limit. , three stocks finally closed their daily limits.

Among them, the two checks are Shanghai Materials Trading and Waigaoqiao.

Its fund sealing efforts and fund raising efforts are very strong, and the number of closed orders is more than 300,000 lots.

As for the leading core concept stocks in the early stage of GEM that have been abandoned by funds, except for Shanghai Steel Union, which has been caught up in the "Shanghai local core stocks" hot spot, there was a sudden pull-back trend during the session, and there were obvious big funds buying the bottom. , except for the "dragon turns back" hype, other stocks... Basically, whether it is the volume of trading, attention, or market sentiment, they are continuing to fade rapidly.

And seeing this closing result...

In the entire market, the vast majority of investors, whether they are institutions, hot money, or retail investors, already know that the market style has changed. They know that the previously popular high-level core concept sectors of the GEM have become the market with the greatest money-losing effects and the highest investment risks. field.

Of course, in contrast to the "Shanghai local core stocks" that have continued to strengthen and are extremely eager to raise funds.

In this market, some relatively late investors have also realized that there may be some big benefits here, or there may be some macro policy stimulus.

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange is really strong. It has been listed twice in a row, and the funds have been sealed very decisively!"

The majority of investors in the entire market are still speculating about the continuous strength of the "Shanghai local core stocks", and some people are sighing vaguely.

"Not only the Shanghai stock market, Waigaoqiao is also very strong today. It was the first to close the market and the most orders. It also led to the strength of the entire real estate sector. It should be regarded as the leader of the Shanghai stock market, right?"

"Doesn't it count? Waigaoqiao pulled the board in a straight line today. It was too fast and too sudden. There was not much change of hands at all. The sustainability... still needs to be observed. Moreover, the Waigaoqiao plate is larger than that of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Even if there are any major benefits in the field of 'Shanghai local', the space will definitely not be as good as that of Shanghai's logistics trade."

"According to the trend of the Shanghai stock market today, this check should be on the dragon and tiger list today, right?"

"There must be. We should be able to see the movement of funds clearly this time."

"It seems that Shanghai Stock Exchange is trying to take over the lead of Shanghai Steel Union, but I don't know what is the specific speculation logic of this stock?"

"Not to mention, it really means taking over the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation."

“Could it be that this year’s bull stocks and monster stocks all come from the Shanghai stock market?”

"The stocks in the Shanghai stock market have indeed performed much better than the broader market index. In the past two or three trading days, active funds in the market have been attacking in this direction. Usually the market's reaction precedes the news. It seems...there is indeed something good to be announced.”

"I think so. Even big players like Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, which have tens of billions or hundreds of billions, have continued to rise sharply. It is definitely not simple."

“Whether it’s good or not, just follow the market capital trends!”

"Anyway, we can no longer stay on the core and popular concept stocks that were high in the GEM in the early stage. Today, the Shanghai Steel Union was going so strong in the morning, and it seemed that it was about to turn around, but it still fell back in the afternoon. This shows... that the trend in the previous direction The hype is indeed over.”

"Indeed, countless experiences have shown that the 'passed faucet' is not as good as a dog!"

During the discussion, at 5:30 p.m., the new Dragon and Tiger list was announced. As everyone expected, Shanghai Materials Trading was on the Dragon and Tiger list, while Waigaoqiao was not on the list.

Of course, as the leader in the early stage, the Shanghai Steel Federation, which has always been relatively violent, is still on the list.

After the disclosure of the Dragon and Tiger List...

As you can see, the main buying seats in Shanghai's logistics trade are dominated by Mingzhou Jiefang South Road and Zheshang Securities Shaoxing Branch; the selling seats are all small hot money and large investors, and there are no thousands of them. Capital seats with levels above 10,000 were sold, and the overall capital showed a substantial net inflow; as for the trading seats of Shanghai Steel Union, there was no large amount of hot money today, and funds still showed a substantial outflow.

"Jiefang South Road? After the chief helmsman left the Shanghai Steel Union, he made a large purchase of Shanghai Materials Trading? Oh my god...this check must have some major benefits!"

"It's not just Jiefang South Road, Zheshang Securities Shaoxing Branch is also here!"

"I remember that the seat of Shaoxing Branch of Zheshang Securities also appeared on the Shanghai Steel Union at that time, and it was linked to Fortune Road, right? Will this be a new seat on Fortune Road?"

"I don't think so. It should be other big hot money from Zhejiang Province!"

"Whether it's Fortune Road or not, the two seats have bought nearly 90 million funds. It's really a big and crazy rush to raise money. This check from Shanghai Stock Exchange... will definitely have a bright future."

"Indeed, this Dragon and Tiger List is unexpected."

"The key is that I didn't expect that the chief executive would follow up so quickly. It seems...Shanghai Materials Trading has a high probability of taking over the popularity of Shanghai Steel Union and becoming the leading stock that switches between high and low funds in the market."

"It's a pity that there is no dragon and tiger list in Waigaoqiao today. I feel that the funds to attack Waigaoqiao are quite powerful!"

"Don't be afraid. If Waigaoqiao's relay is successful tomorrow and the price continues to rise, the funds that dominate Waigaoqiao today will definitely reveal their true colors."

"The data on the Dragon and Tiger List released today should be enough to show that the hot spots in the market have completely shifted from many high-level and popular concept sectors on the GEM to the 'Shanghai local core stocks' headed by Shanghai Stock Exchange and Waigaoqiao. Bar?"

"The hot spot has shifted, but the reason why this hot sector continues to rise is still hazy at the moment. No one can explain it clearly. It always gives people a feeling of being unsteady, and they don't know how sustainable it is. After all, if there is no very strong hype logic support, relying solely on financial relay, 3 boards should be the ultimate height."

"Yes, when the Shanghai Steel Union rose sharply, I could see the logic clearly, but I really can't understand why the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Waigaoqiao are rising now?"

“I don’t understand it either, but with such fierce competition for large funds, there must be a very solid underlying logic of speculation.”

"The stock price rises before the good news. This is normal in A-shares. I think it is not surprising. We have no information advantage, so we can only follow the main funds. In these few trading days, the main funds in the market are active. In the current hot spot of 'Shanghai local core stocks', I have already been involved quite deeply, and I think I can follow it."

"As for the goal..."

"If this hotspot can continue, the leader should be between Shanghai Trade and Waigaoqiao."

"After all, judging from today's situation, the intensity of the financial attack on these two checks is that big funds are the strongest in raising funds, and the volume of sealing is also the largest."

"I agree. If I didn't follow you today, I will follow you tomorrow..."

While everyone was continuing to discuss the data on the Dragon and Tiger List, at 6 p.m., Waigaoqiao suddenly issued an announcement, announcing a private placement plan, which planned to issue a private placement of 1 to specific institutional investors based on the market’s average trading price on the 20th. 100 million shares, raising no more than 1.5 billion yuan, which will be used for the company's main business direction, and is limited to the construction of five new local platforms in Shanghai to promote the company's internal growth and enhance industry competitiveness.

"This eating appearance... is really ugly!"

Seeing the suspension announcement of Waigaoqiao's fixed increase, Su Yu complained speechlessly.

Although Waigaoqiao specified the use of the funds to be raised in the private placement announcement, investors with keen information channels at this juncture of the private placement will know what is going on.

In Su Yu's opinion...

These are just a few large state-owned institutions, seeing that the benefits of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ are about to be announced.

As for Waigaoqiao, as the only development entity among the development entities of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", it has taken over listed companies. The concept is pure and has caused early speculation of market funds. Large institutions missed the opportunity and knew that they could not buy chips. The United Listed Company, which has taken a deviant approach, thought about this.

And he knew that the regulators would definitely agree to this private placement plan.

After all, the institutions participating in the private placement have a state-owned background, and the controlling party of Waigaoqiao also has a state-owned background. This is just a matter of left hand and right hand.

For regulators…

Rather than letting the unruly hot money, private equity and other speculative funds in the market take up all the favorable market profits, it is better to introduce state-owned institutions to get a share of the pie.


While Su Yu was speechless, Yanjing and Anlan Fund were among the first to receive news of preparations for the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone". They were also the first after Su Yu to have been officially designated as a "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" in Waigaoqiao. Zhou Guohua, the general manager of the company's fund management business, sighed heavily and said: "This fixed increase plan is really just like robbing money from the market." .”

"That's not the case!" Xie Wanting next to him looked at the teacher and said with a smile, "Don't there be a lock-in period for fixed-income securities? It will not affect Waigaoqiao's short-term speculation. These institutions are only at the current point in time. There are no more chips to buy in the secondary market, so I thought of this method, and... this should be good for Waigaoqiao Company itself, right? After all, after the private placement plan is completed, the company's operating funds will be more abundant, basically The situation will also improve a lot.”


Xie Wanting paused and said with some regret: "Today, there was a stock rush for funds too fast, forcing me to block the daily limit channel first and accumulate funds on the daily limit board. As a result, we did not have any money on this stock. It is a pity to buy too many chips and waste the value of the information that the teacher has learned."

"Although the fixed increase plan has a lock-in period, the expansion of the company's share capital caused by it is a fact." Zhou Guohua said, "And the fixed increase at a low price before the good news is clearly announced will still have a huge impact on the market's sentiment of speculating on this stock. Seriously, it’s really not a good thing.”

"And, trading is suspended at this time..."

"These institutions participating in the private placement are really planning to go it alone."

"It can only be said that at this time, there are not many large market funds lurking inside Waigaoqiao. Most of the chips inside are still locked up by retail investors, which will not make this check a success in the subsequent resumption of trading due to the huge benefits. After all, no one has enough chips in a wave-like situation, so when the stock price is high, there is still room for gaming.”

"Well!" Xie Wanting responded, "Since Waigaoqiao, the stock with the highest weight for building positions, has been suspended, then... we can only choose other directions in the future, right? Which stock does the teacher think is currently in the market? The most potential?”

"Except for the listed company Waigaoqiao, which is the only developer of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', the entire market is the most suitable one for Shanghai Materials Trading, which is currently being heavily purchased by hot money." Zhou Guohua responded, "Hey... ...Unfortunately, there is not enough time. It is too late for us to take action. Waigaoqiao has suspended trading and the Shanghai Stock Exchange has two consecutive boards. We cannot take any big advantage. Next... we can only follow the hot money and play our cards. "

After several days of news fermentation...

He believed that at this time, many interested people in the market had already heard the exact news.

Facing a market with no information gap, naturally we can only attack with a bright brand, follow the actual hype route of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", and follow the direction of the joint efforts of market funds.

During the discussion between the two...

At the same time, in the Magic City, Zexi Investment was inside.

Xu Xiang felt very sorry when he looked at Waigaoqiao's suspension announcement, especially when he saw that among the five projects planned to be increased by Waigaoqiao, those five were all core development platform projects in the Shanghai Development Zone.

"I didn't expect...this one is a real dragon!"

Xu Xiang lamented: "No wonder the real estate sector is so strong today, and no wonder the main funds overflowing from the Waigaoqiao stock are so serious. This damn... I just named myself and said that I am the 'Shanghai Stock Exchange'." The designated commercial development unit developed by the trade zone, and the only development entity is a listed company."

In his opinion, Waigaoqiao’s announcement of fixed increase.

It is not just an ordinary private placement announcement, but also the underlying logic supporting the speculation of its stock price.

The only pity is that his information this time was not very sensitive and he did not capture the check in advance. As a result, he and the company's funds had no position in the check.

"But eating looks is ugly enough." After thinking about it, Xu Xiang complained again.

In the current entire market, except for some institutions and hot money with no information, there are really only some retail investors who are still kept in the dark. They don't know what the logic of the current market speculation is. The rest of the 'smart money' is basically about the country's upcoming situation. The announcement of the economic macro-strategy of the construction of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" has given us accurate understanding and sufficient expectations.

Of course, the time has come.

Market-related news has spread to this extent, which is enough to show that this main line of speculation, from hazy to clear, should be something close at hand.

In other words... the country has officially announced the macroeconomic strategy for the construction of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone".

There are still a few trading days at most.

At a time when various funds that already know the inside information are complaining about Waigaoqiao's private placement announcement and its trading suspension announcement.

There is a large group of retail investors who have been speculating on the logic of market operations.

Interest in the development projects mentioned in Waigaoqiao's private placement announcement has also increased greatly, and there has been a lot of discussion.

And just as the main line of market speculation is gradually emerging from a hazy state... On August 14th and August 15th, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index once again continued to be positive, emerging from the "Three Yang Kaitai" pattern. , among them, the Shanghai stock trading stocks, which have become the core of market popularity and the core of fund raising, have made two consecutive straight boards in the past two days, achieving the achievement of 4 consecutive boards.

Then, Friday, August 16th came.

The 'Shanghai local core stocks' that have been rising for a week have finally encountered greater selling pressure due to the lack of consistency in market funds' continuous pursuit of higher prices before the news of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' was announced. , it has been under pressure since the beginning of the market and entered a trend pattern of underwater heavy volume and shock.

And at the same time, Shanghai Stock Exchange, a core concept stock that has become the new leader in the market.

After opening higher, its stock price also plummeted.

Su Yu looked at the first divergence in the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' in the warm-up stage and smiled. He still did not issue any operating instructions to the traders, and... the personal funds in his hand were also It is still lurking in the CSI 300 index futures and has not moved at all.

Moreover, due to the continuous rising of the index in the past few days.

His position on the Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Index futures has already made initial profits. The 300-lot position has made a profit of almost 30 points, totaling more than 3 million yuan.

Of course, such a profit amount.

Compared to the 'incident object' he wanted to snipe, it was naturally insignificant.

The positions of the entire fund were silent. When the time came to 11:20 a.m., the two cities still maintained weak fluctuations, with no obvious new hot spots emerging.

Su Yu looked at this boring board.

I thought that before the big news about the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ was officially announced, the market would just be like this, with nothing interesting to see. I was about to let the traders take a break and quickly go to eat and rest, when...

The two markets, which were originally as calm as water, suddenly experienced collective changes.

The entire 'big financial' sector, especially the banking sector, includes Chinese Commercial Bank, Huaguo Bank, Huanong Bank, Huajian Bank, China Commercial Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Ping An Bank...etc., a large number of hundreds of billions, trillions The core weight stocks have experienced epic buying orders of 100,000 lots, hundreds of thousands lots, or even millions of lots.

And with the emergence of countless daily buying orders that shocked investors...

The Shanghai Stock Index, which was originally sluggish and fluctuating underwater, instantly transformed into the market, like small-cap stocks that were boosted by hot money. The index soared into the sky, showing a straight upward line.

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