Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 200 The deepening development of the main market!

"Waigaoqiao resumes trading, is this the return of the real dragon?"

"Guess how many boards Waigaoqiao will have after it resumes trading?"

"At least it won't be worse than the number of consecutive boards of Shanghai Materials Trading, right? After all, Waigaoqiao is the stock with the strongest logic in the main line of speculation of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and this check carries the benefits of fixed increase The direction of the resumption of trading and private placement projects is still the platform construction of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', the real mainline core stocks!"

"4 boards, 5 boards, or 6 boards?"

"I think we should at least double the starting point. After all, this check is not only the core, but before the suspension, it did not go through a round of pre-heating speculation like the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Its current stock price is basically still in history. It is in a good position, and this check has not been speculated by hot money in the past three years. Looking at the semi-annual report, there are no large institutions lurking. The internal chips can be said to be very clean, and it is definitely starting from the 7th board.”

"No matter how many boards there are, as long as the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' can still rise, the market cannot avoid Waigaoqiao stock."

"Yes, yes, this is the absolute leader, and it is also the only listed company among the core commercial development projects of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'."

"I didn't say anything, tomorrow this check will definitely explode if people rush to raise funds."

"Not only that, I'm afraid there isn't much money to buy it at all, right?"

"Don't think about it, it must be shrinking and hitting the limit. It depends on some people holding positions on the market. Is there any need for money urgently and plans to sell."

"Hey, but even if there are investors who are desperate for money and are willing to sell, it will be a feast for big funds."

"Yes, they have channel advantages!"

"Even if big funds have channel advantages, we can't give up a little bit of hope. I decided to stay up until 12 midnight today to place orders on time."

"I agree too. As long as you can buy this check from the first five boards, you will definitely make money!"

"Haha... It's just like buying new stocks."

"It should be said that it is even more exaggerated than new stocks. I remember that before the IPO was suspended, many new stocks had broken prices, and Waigaoqiao's check will definitely increase by at least 50% or even double."

“The resumption of trading in Waigaoqiao should also drive other core stocks of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ concept, right?”

"That's for sure. The leading stocks have resumed trading, and attention has increased rapidly. Tomorrow, other core concept stocks in the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' will definitely rise as well."

"I also think there is a spillover effect after all!"

"Then I will place an order tonight and directly grab the bargaining chips of the Shanghai Stock Exchange tomorrow. No... grab both stocks."

"Yes, yes, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Dragon and Tiger List exploded today, and coupled with the stimulation of Waigaoqiao's resumption of trading, the market will definitely not be much worse tomorrow."

"'s a pity that I didn't take advantage of such a good opportunity today."

"Who would have thought that Fortune Road would continue to increase its position at a high level? But... everyone, tell me, does Fortune Road have any lurking positions in the Waigaoqiao stock?"

"It shouldn't happen, right? The suspension of trading in Waigaoqiao was so sudden that no one expected it."

"But there may be something lurking. After all, on the day before Waigaoqiao's trading was suspended, it suddenly hit the daily limit. Although it didn't make the list that day, the attitude of rushing to raise funds was too obvious."

"Whether Fortune Road is in this leading stock or not, it should not affect the trend of this check after the resumption of trading."

"Indeed, and logically speaking, it is most appropriate for Waigaoqiao to resume trading at this time."

"The management and the institutions involved in the private placement must also want to take advantage of the benefits of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' to push up the stock price, right? Otherwise, there is no need to be so anxious about resumption of trading."

"This is for sure, otherwise how can institutions participating in private placement make money?"

"Hey, these institutions that participated in the fixed increase can directly get the bottom chips of Waigaoqiao, which is really a huge profit. Compared with the price of their participation in the fixed increase, after Waigaoqiao's resumption of trading, they can get at least double the float. Ying!"

"In terms of floating profit, with the current favorable situation, we must have made a profit."

"However, don't forget that the chips obtained by participating in the fixed increase have a lock-in period, which is at least half a year, or even one or two years. The stock price of Waigaoqiao will definitely rise in the short term, but in the long term , it’s really not certain how long we can stay in a high position!”

"Are you thinking about institutions? To be honest, it's ugly enough for the institutions participating in this wave of private placement to take advantage of the chips."

"It's ugly enough, but in any case, it is a huge benefit to be able to formulate a fixed increase plan for the project development of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. This fixed increase plan not only confirms that Waigaoqiao is the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' The city's free trade zone has developed designated commercial development enterprises, and it has also opened up unlimited space for imagination to Waigaoqiao."

"After all, the fundamentals of this check were not very good before, and there was not much internal liquidity."

"Now, these problems have been solved."

"Well, this fixed-increase plan has indeed confirmed Waigaoqiao's core leading position in the main line of speculation of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and at the same time opened up unlimited possibilities for the subsequent development of the Waigaoqiao enterprise. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s a stroke of genius.”

"In any case, this check is the one with the strongest future expectations and the largest imagination space in the current market. It will definitely be speculated by various major funds, and its speculation space will also directly affect the Shanghai stock market." Trade Zone's main line of speculation is high."

"Indeed, regardless of whether you can buy the chips for this check, you must pay attention to the trend of this check in the near future."

The news of the resumption of trading in Waigaoqiao spread further and further, and its discussion topics and attention skyrocketed. Within an hour or two, it became the most popular stock in the market.

In the market, there are various main funds.

Many major funds, including hot money, private equity, public funds, and brokerage proprietary funds, have also turned their attention to this check, and they are rushing to place orders at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, intending to rely on the channel advantage to seize tomorrow's market. The first position to declare a buy when the market opens.

Of course, in the meantime…

For example, Zexi Investment, Jingda Investment, and Shenzhen Stock Market's first-line hot money players, when focusing on the actions of Fortune Road's funds, inevitably bought the stock of Fortune Road in Shanghai today and exited the position. The matter of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology is connected with Waigaoqiao's resumption of trading.

And amid this extremely explosive topic discussion, as well as the change in sentiment that has quickly heated up the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'...

The market welcomes its second trading day, Wednesday, August 23.

At around 8:30 in the morning, Su Yu came to the company. After a short morning meeting, he walked into the trading room and sat in front of his usual computer, waiting for 9:15 to arrive.

“I really didn’t expect that Waigaoqiao would resume trading so soon.”

After everyone was ready, Li Meng sat next to Su Yu, looking at the Waigaoqiao stock that had been ranked the most popular, as well as the online stock forum where the discussion was still fierce, and said: "This round of regulatory changes The approval process is also lightning fast, completely different from usual."

Su Yu chuckled and said: "This is natural, a special project, special channel approval."

The core location of the entire "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" project development is located in the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Bonded Port Area. As the only commercial development listed company in the port area with relevant qualifications, Waigaoqiao is responsible for this top-level design. The development of the project is an important task, and since it has the endorsement of numerous big names, it is not surprising that the private placement plan has been given the green light all the way.

"Guess how many boards will be opened after Waigaoqiao resumes trading?" Li Meng said with a smile.

He knew that the fund account managed by Su Yu had an extremely heavy position in this stock, so he naturally hoped that this check would go through a few more boards, so that the company's fund performance could be improved with the help of this stock.

Su Yu smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Li Mengmeng thought for a while and said: "According to the divergence of the trend of the single board after the announcement of the positive results of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Lujiazui, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, and Shanghai Materials Trading, Waigaoqiao can at least reach the 5th board. In terms of height, coupled with its unique logical attributes and the positive bonus of fixed increase, it can add two to three boards of space, that is, between 7 boards and 8 boards. This is basically the overall market expectation. ”

"Between 7 and 8 boards." Su Yu smiled and said, "Have you underestimated the potential of this stock?"

"What do you think?" Li Meng asked.

She considered that the Waigaoqiao check already had a daily limit before the trading suspension, and felt that the height of 7 to 8 boards was almost the limit.

Su Yu continued with a smile: "Waigaoqiao's logic and future expectations are better than those of Shanghai Materials Trading, right? Shanghai Materials Trading can reach the height of 10 boards in 12 days, but Waigaoqiao cannot? I guess... …The number of consecutive boards for this stock after the resumption of trading is at least 10 or more.”

"No way, if you can really get out of 10 straight boards, that will be the height of 11 consecutive boards." Li Meng said, "Without the exchange of chips, the market cannot form a synergy. It will be difficult to rely solely on good support, right?"

"Then why don't you take a gamble?" Su Yu said with a smile.

Li Meng thought for a while, then finally shook his head and said, "Forget it, every time I bet with you on market forecasts, I always lose. It's too unchallenging."

"Okay!" Su Yu said with a smile, "Then let the market verify it!"

After saying that, Su Yu paused, thought for a moment, and then said: "At this stage, Waigaoqiao itself is not the focus of attention. After all, the check will definitely go the same way in the early stage. There is no doubt that we need to pay attention... ...It is during the period when this check is on the line that it will drive the main line of speculation of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' and even the relevant sectors of the entire market. This is what is worth participating in and can bring us extra profits. "

"What do you think?" Li Meng asked.

She also believes that the resumption of trading in Waigaoqiao can drive the main line of speculation of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" and even other sectors of the entire market.

And, predictably…

With a lot of funds, during the Waigaoqiao straight board period, Waigaoqiao's chips could not be bought.

It will definitely overflow to other related stocks and attack other similar stocks, thus forming a main line extended speculation market with Waigaoqiao stock as the core.

"I don't have any ideas." Su Yu said, "At present, except for the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which is likely to continue to be speculated by funds with the help of Waigaoqiao's resumption of trading, other sub-sectors on the main line of speculation of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' , sub-concept market, I am not sure, I can only take one step and take a look."

As the two talked, 9:15 had arrived.

Su Yu and Li Meng stopped talking. They both turned their attention to the computer interface, closely watching the trends of several "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" core stocks such as Shanghai Wutian Trading, Waigaoqiao, and Shanghai Hong Kong Group. At the same time, they also Observing the overall call auction opening conditions of the two cities, I made mental predictions.

I saw in the eyes of the two people...

Waigaoqiao's stock price jumped from the closing price before the suspension, which was 14.36 yuan, to 15.79 yuan in an instant, an increase of 10%, with more than 900,000 orders closed at the daily limit; the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange jumped from yesterday's closing price of 19.23 yuan to 15.79 yuan in an instant. 19.90 yuan, an increase of 3.51%; while the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group opened slightly higher by 1.01%; other relatively core stocks such as Pudong Jinqiao, Lujiazui, Jinjiang Investment, and Shanghai Sanmao opened higher by 0.3% to 1%. Among them, it is relatively weaker.

"960,000 initial closing orders, are you crazy, these people?"

When Li Meng saw Waigaoqiao's initial closing order, he was extremely shocked: "It's over a billion. When did the market become so rich? When did there be such a large amount of incremental funds?"

"It's really an exaggeration." Su Yu looked at the close to 1 million yuan bill and said, "Who said the market is short of money? What is lacking is the money-making effect and confidence. Looking at the scene of various funds rushing to raise money in Waigaoqiao, it proves As long as the market is heated up and the money-making effect continues, incremental funds will not be a problem at all. Confidence is more expensive than gold!"

"With so many daily limit buy orders, there is no way to buy any chips on the market!" Li Meng said, "It's really a waste of money."

Su Yu smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone will cancel the order after knowing clearly that they can't buy the chips."

"At the same time, so many pending orders also prove that it is a good thing."

"After all, the funds that closed Waigaoqiao are all active funds in the market. When they clearly know that they cannot buy chips and withdraw their orders on a large scale, the spillover effect of their funds will affect other stocks and sectors. "

"I hope so!" Li Meng nodded.

Then, as the two of them were shocked, time continued to move forward.

9:16, 9:17, 9:18...

When funds from all walks of life saw the terrifying daily limit order on the Waigaoqiao market, they recovered from the shock. Their inner expectations for this stock, and even their expectations for the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' Spatial expectations were changing in an instant, so...many funds, after knowing that they could not buy Waigaoqiao chips, began to quickly withdraw their orders and joined the Shanghai Stock Exchange, a leading speculation company that can still trade normally. The stock buying army is in full swing.

And with sudden shifts in expectations and massive spillovers of funding.

After the first two or three minutes, a number of core concept stocks such as 'Shanghai Materials Trading, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Pudong Jinqiao, Shanghai Sanmao, Jinjiang Investment' all received a large amount of capital buying, and their call auction trends , under the attack of these buying orders, it also quickly moved higher.

Finally, at 9:20, the real collective bidding session arrived.

Waigaoqiao's daily limit orders have dropped sharply from more than 900,000 lots to more than 500,000 lots; the increase in the Shanghai stock market has increased from more than 3 points at the beginning to more than 5 points; The gains of many other concept stocks such as Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Sanmao have also further increased to between 1.2% and 2.5%.

Of course, as these stocks continue to move strongly...

The 'Pan Mobile Internet' concept sector of GEM, which performed strongly the day before yesterday and yesterday, and its core popular stocks, are no longer strong in the call auction, but are weakening step by step, showing signs of ebbing funds. At the same time, some stocks on the main board Oversold stocks that rebounded sharply in the past two days performed relatively weakly in the call auction today.

As if overnight, the market returned to its previous rhythm.

9:21, 9:22, 9:23...

As time continues to pass, the core concept stocks related to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" have been further attacked by funds, and the related core industry sectors, such as the three core industry sectors of "real estate, logistics, and ports" have also been attacked. The whole sector received strong attention from funds, and the overall sector's growth rate increased step by step as the collective bidding time progressed, becoming the leading sector in the overall market conditions of the two cities.

Finally, at 9:25, the collective bidding in the two cities ended.

Waigaoqiao's closing order was fixed at 523,000 lots. During the entire collective bidding stage, 15 lots of chips were traded, which was exactly the same as the trend on the first day of the IPO of new stocks at the peak of the market; the Shanghai Stock Exchange finally opened 5.75% higher The stock price was fixed at 20.33 yuan, crossing the 20 yuan mark without any hindrance. During the entire collective bidding stage, 28,500 lots were traded, with a turnover of more than 50 million. Compared with the trading volume when the market opened yesterday, it must be It has shrunk several times; the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group opened 2.1% higher, with a trading volume of more than 50,000 lots, but the trading volume was much lower than that of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. This proves that the various institutions that entered the market yesterday did not intend to exit.

As for the core stocks of Lujiazui, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, and Shanghai Sanmao.

The opening situation is much weaker than that of Waigaoqiao, Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group. The volume has not been enlarged much, and the increase has not shown too much strength.


These were originally called the first-tier core concept stocks of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ when the positive news was announced.

At this moment, it has been clearly divided into multiple levels by funds.

Seeing such an opening scene, Su Yu knew that the checks of 'Lujiazui, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, and Shanghai Sanmao' had not been fully recognized by the funds. They had obviously fallen behind and would probably not receive the focus of funds in the future. Pay attention, it is difficult to follow the three checks of "Waigaoqiao, Shanghai Materials Trading, and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group" and speculate further together.

After all, the main market trend of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" continues to develop in depth.

Then, in the direction of speculation, various funds will be more stringent in the detailed selection of this line and the profit and loss ratio.

In other words, the deeper the market goes, the more funds will converge towards the most core leaders, or... choose fringe concept stocks that have not yet been hyped, as well as brand-new concepts that are newly related to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" Stocks are speculated at low prices. After all, in this way, funds can maximize the profit and loss ratio and eliminate the risk of taking orders at high prices and losing money.

And checks like ‘Lujiazui, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, Shanghai Sanmao’.

Although it can be regarded as a core concept stock in the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" line, its logical hardness and future direct positive impact on performance imagination are obviously not as good as those of Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Stock Exchange and Waigaoqiao , and the overall hype increase of these checks is currently significantly higher than other similar concept stocks.

This means that these checks are in the eyes of the main funds that are currently speculating in the market.

It is no longer cost-effective.

In fact, just as Su Yu predicted...

At 9:30, after the two cities officially started trading, Shanghai Materials Trading and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group still received a large number of active and large funds. The trading was extremely active, and those who performed well in the collective bidding were Lujiazui, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, and Shanghai Stock Exchange's 30-40 checks rose slightly at the beginning of the market and then quickly fell back. The selling was severe and the buying orders were insufficient. In less than ten minutes, they fell into decline again. in the state.

At the same time, in addition to Shanghai Materials Trading and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, which are still performing strongly...

Among the two cities, the industry sectors represented by Shanghai Materials Trading, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, and Waigaoqiao, as well as core stocks with good performance in the ports, logistics, and real estate sectors, have moderate stocks and are at low prices, which are suitable for speculation by active funds in the market. Concept stocks have also received a lot of attention from various funds and continue to strengthen.

Except in this direction, of course.

Market funds also avoid all the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept stocks that are not logical enough and have been subject to a wave of capital speculation in the early stage, and instead turn to low-level and marginal concept stocks that have not been speculated before, and are newly related. New concept stocks, as well as potential 'free trade zone' core concept stocks in areas such as Yuzhou and Tianjin.

Especially some stocks that were specifically related to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" in a series of announcements last night.

For example, if the company is planning to transfer its core business from Shenzhen to Shanghai, and is preparing to develop the second phase of the supply chain project in Yangshan Port, complete land acquisition in this area, and plans to establish Yiyatong, a listed company for warehousing and logistics in this area.

For example, Sunflower plans to invest 500 million yuan in Waigaoqiao District, the core development area of ​​the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", with the company's own funds to establish a logistics and trading subsidiary.

Such as rambling, robots that are preparing to establish strategic cooperative relationships with Waigaoqiao Company and Pudong Jinqiao Company.

These 'new concept' stocks that were forcibly associated with the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' have become the new favorites of the market at this moment, facing violent attacks from various funds, and their stock prices have skyrocketed.

At 9:47, after a transaction of nearly RMB 500 million, the Shanghai Stock Exchange traded at a strong daily limit, achieving the first market opening after adjustment, and setting a new all-time high, reflecting yesterday's trend.

At 9:51, Yiyatong hit the daily limit, becoming the first "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept stock to hit the daily limit among the "new concept" stocks that have tied the relationship.

At 10:17, the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group rose by more than 7%, and the turnover exceeded 1 billion again, significantly increasing the volume.

At 10:23, the early fringe concept stocks Haibo Shares and Oriental Ventures hit their daily limits, becoming the new favorites of funds in this direction, attracting countless attention.

At 11:02, Yuzhou Development’s stock hit its daily limit, triggering the first shot of speculation about “free trade zones” in other regions.

Subsequently, until the end of midday, the entire "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept was the main line of speculation, with individual stocks hitting their daily limit, breaking through to ten.

It’s just the related concept stocks that have gained today.

As well as its main direction of funding, it is significantly different from the areas that were previously hyped.

As for the so-called "main line core areas" stocks that have received large-scale speculation and attacks in the past, today, except for the two hard-core logic stocks of Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, they have not moved at all. They either fluctuated sideways or fluctuated sideways. It was weak and oscillating, with no sign of heat at all.

Let there be many big funds still lurking in this field, as well as major institutions that are not willing to take out positions and take profits.

I was very surprised for a moment, and even more angry!

PS: Two-in-one!

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