Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 201 The essence of short-term speculation!

"I guessed the market price correctly, but not the individual stocks."

In the Magic City after the market closed at noon, in the trading room of Zexi Investment, Xu Xiang looked helplessly at the market and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that as the market's speculation deepened, it actually developed in these directions."

Yesterday, and even the day before yesterday, he added a large number of new positions in the core stocks launched in the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", as well as in the core concept stocks in the early stage.

However, the result...

Stimulated by the resumption of trading in Waigaoqiao today, the market has indeed chosen the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" line to continue speculation.

It's a pity that I didn't choose those popular concept stocks in the early stage.

Did his large-scale speculative move to increase positions completely come to nothing?

It accurately predicted the changes in the main line market, but completely avoided almost all concept stocks that were attacked by funds on a large scale under the main line market.

This is even more uncomfortable than not predicting the market change and not increasing the position.

It's just like a person buying a lottery ticket and missing out on the jackpot, which is as regrettable, helpless and depressing as it is.

"Indeed, no one thought beforehand that funds would attack in these directions." Zhou Kan stood next to Xu Xiang, feeling very helpless in his heart, "These funds did not speculate on the core concept stocks, but chose to speculate on those concepts that were not How pure is this stock, and its fundamentals have little to do with the 'free trade zone'."

"Even more outrageous..."

"It's the changes in the entire industry sectors of real estate, logistics, and ports, as well as the changes in local stocks in places like Yuzhou and Tianjin. It's really incomprehensible."

“How can a top-level design plan like a free trade zone be approved just by asking?”

"Even if there are expectations for this in these two places in the future, at this moment, when the plan for the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has just been released, it is too impatient and unreasonable to hype the concept of free trade zones in these two places. A few, right?"

"There are also those stocks that have no performance or fundamentals that are forced to be related. Do these guys deserve to be called 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept stocks? It's simply..."

"Generally speaking, the market today is going a bit unreasonably and completely unexpectedly."

"Fortunately, the logic of the two checks of Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group is still unanimously recognized by market funds, and it is still going strong today."

"It's the check from Waigaoqiao..."

"We didn't snipe in advance and didn't have any chips on this stock. It's a pity."

Xu Xiang listened to Zhou Kan's slightly complaining voice, pondered for a moment, and said: "It cannot be said that the market is random speculation. Careful analysis can still make it clear that the main funds in the market avoid the more core concept stocks and focus on non-core stocks. The logic and reasons behind the gathering of marginal low-level concept stocks and new concept stocks that have a hard pull-up relationship, as well as concept stocks in the free trade zones of other two cities, and low-level stocks suitable for speculation in core industries."

"Actually, now that I think about it..."

"The logic of such a choice for funds from all walks of life in the market is very simple."

"Those are the stocks that moved today. They have clean internal chips, moderate market share, low stock price, no large-scale profit taking and latent trading, and they are more or less related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. Plus On the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, and Waigaoqiao, the three core concept leading stocks with the strongest logic have opened up new space, making it easier for these stocks to rise than those popular concept stocks that have been speculated in the early stage. , easier to speculate, the profit and loss ratio of the operation is large, and the relay risk is small..."

"Hey, overall, I was too confident before."

"That was not considered."

"However, it's not too late now."

"Since the main funds in the market do not follow up in the direction we previously expected, then we can only take the initiative to adjust positions to follow them."

"Today is the first day that the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' will develop into a path of deep speculation."

"Just these tickets that came out today..."

"Shanghai Materials Trading, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, and Waigaoqiao are taking the lead and constantly opening up space. It will not be a one-day trip market, so if you intervene in time now, you can still get a piece of meat."

"Real estate, logistics, ports."

"New concept stocks, marginal low-level concept stocks, local free trade zones..."

“As the market develops further in the future, how will funds choose to invest?”

Of course, although Xu Xiang feels a little frustrated at the moment, he is still a little bit happy beyond his expectations that the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" line can extend so many sub-concepts and drive opportunities in so many directions. of.

After all, the main line market is developing deeper and deeper.

Then, it proves that the expected space for speculation of this main line, the larger the development time and space, the easier it is to make money.

Because the deeper the market develops, it proves that all kinds of funds are involved in this line, and the harder it is to withdraw.

Of course, he still has a hint of happiness...

It was he who took hold of the leading stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange and increased his position on a large scale yesterday, and he continued to increase his position today.

As long as Waigaoqiao does not open up, the main line market will not collapse.

He believes that this faucet will never fall.

Even if his bets in other directions are not correct and he is a step too late when the market changes, with the heavy position of this stock, he can still reap huge profits from this main line of speculation.

As Xu Xiang and Zhou Kan discussed, new strategic plans were made.

At this moment in Yuhang, within Yuhang Investment, Li Meng, who had finished his meal and returned to the trading room, couldn't help but sigh while briefly reviewing the morning market: "Mr. Su... no wonder you didn't let him do it before." We went back and continued to lay out 'Lujiazui, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, Shanghai Sanmao...' these secondary popular concept stocks, but we did not expect that the market would develop in a direction that was completely unexpected by everyone."

"Why is it unexpected?" Su Yu chuckled, "The attack attribute of short-term funds has always been to go where the winning rate of speculation is the highest and the profit-loss ratio is the highest."

“These so-called ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ concept stocks hit the daily limit this morning.”

"As well as stocks in real estate, ports, logistics and other sectors that have reached their daily limit and have risen sharply, they all have basic logic and are not rising randomly."

"Although I can't guess in advance which segments the funds will flow to."

"However, I know that those popular concept stocks with general logic that have been speculated in the early stage have generally risen by 30% to 50%, and the chip structure on the market, stocks with heavy latent orders, profit orders, and hold-up orders, will definitely It will not be the main target of funds after the main line market develops in depth."

"After all, in this market, even short-term funds, on stocks that are not absolutely popular leading stocks and cannot fully form the synergy of the market, are not willing to support the funds in the market and make wedding dresses for others."

"I understand!" Li Meng felt shocked when she heard Su Yu say this, and understood, "It turns out that the so-called market stocks, the worse they are, the more they are speculated. This is the principle."

Su Yu nodded slightly and replied: "In short, the essence of short-term is the game of risk and profit under the main line of expectations. Regardless of bear market or bull market, funds will go to the place where it is easiest to make money in the market, and this place has nothing to do with stocks. The texture is good or bad and the concept is good or bad.”

"Yes!" Li Meng nodded and said, "In the afternoon, will this situation intensify?"

Su Yu smiled and said: "It is inevitable that once the new hype logic is recognized by the market and many funds form a concerted effort, the market and emotions will accelerate."

"What about us, how do we do it?" Li Meng asked again.

Su Yu pondered for a moment and replied: "Speculation in real estate, ports, and logistics sectors, speculation in low-end and marginal concept stocks, speculation in new concept stocks, and speculation in other regional free trade zone concept stocks... Although there are market trends in these directions, the main force The attacks of funds in these directions are quite changeable. Unless there is a large-scale layout, you may not be able to gain much profit by biting stocks that are rising well today."

"After all, these stocks have no core logical support."

"They are just pigs riding on the east wind of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', and they are not sustainable or certain."

"We currently don't have much liquidity on hand, so we can't implement a large-scale layout."

"So, we can only give up on this direction."

"Compared with the opportunities in these directions, the two checks of Shanghai Materials Trading and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group have higher sustainability and certainty. With our amount of funds, we can invest in the entire 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' with these two checks. 'The market price is enough, and you don't need to pay too much attention to other edge lines."

"Okay!" Li Meng responded and stopped talking.

Then, at 1 o'clock, the two suspended markets resumed trading.

After the market opened in the afternoon, the several directions extending from the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" once again faced continuous attacks from active funds in the market.

There are also more and more stocks hitting their daily limits in various sub-directions of speculation.

Moreover, since these sectors and concept stocks are relatively dispersed, when funds attack these stocks, they can better drive other industry sectors and concept sectors in the two cities.

As a result, even though the GEM index fell into adjustment.

However, as the main line of speculation about the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" became more and more in-depth, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index turned red again and gradually moved higher.

Finally, when the market closes at 3 o'clock.

The Shanghai Index closed higher than 1.01%, achieving three consecutive positives, breaking out of the shock box and continuing to break through; the Shenzhen Index rose 0.56%, although not as strong as the Shanghai Index, but it also achieved three consecutive positives; the ChiNext Index closed down 0.13% , after two consecutive days of sharp gains, it closed with a small Yin cross, and its upward continuous rebound and breakthrough pattern has not been destroyed.

In addition to index performance.

Today’s market trends for sectors and individual stocks are completely tilting towards the line of ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’.

The number of relevant concept stocks with daily limit reached 23, which is even more than at the peak of the previous speculation. Moreover, the individual stocks with daily limit, the industries and regions to which they belong are even more comprehensive, covering almost all industries in the two cities. The sector has enabled more investors who participated in the main line concept speculation of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' to make money, and it has also made this main line of market speculation go deeper and deeper!

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