Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 202: Dragon Head Faith!

Seeing this closing situation.

In the market, the future expectations of the majority of investors for the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' have once again been opened up, and the discussion intensity has also returned to the previous peak. When the Dragon and Tiger List was refreshed, everyone saw that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Regarding this core leading stock, Jiefang South Road continues to increase its position.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion about the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange and the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone".

It soared further and reached an unprecedented intensity.

"Oh, my God! The chief executive is still continuing to increase his position in the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange. How optimistic is he about this check?"

"This is called big hot money, a big pattern!"

"The chief helmsman really perfectly interpreted the concept of leading tactics, I admire him."

"Looking at the data on the Dragon and Tiger List, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will definitely have to rise tomorrow. It has been 11 in 13 days. I wonder where this check will land in the future?"

"I feel like it can at least double. After all, it is the only leader in the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'!"

"The key point is that Fortune Road and Fusheng Road are also locked up today. The two big guys are converging on the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange. If you don't come on the fifteen or sixteen boards, you won't be able to live up to the names of the two big guys, right? "

"Looking at today's situation, the hype of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line will definitely not end in the short term. As the saying goes, the market will not stop, but the leader will not die. As the leader of this big main line of market, Shanghai Stock Exchange focuses on the entire market. With the vision and funds, coupled with the support of the two big bosses, it will definitely not be a problem to move up four or five levels."

"People who are afraid of heights are miserable. If you want to buy one, buy the absolute core faucet."

"The leading strategy is to stand at the leading position. Yesterday I said that we should go to the Shanghai stock market, and sure enough, today the check has reached the daily limit."

"Tomorrow we will continue to have a full warehouse of Shanghai's material trade. We will have two big bosses from Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road to support us. I'm afraid!"

"Indeed, if the core leaders don't dare to go up, then don't be short-term."

"If Jiefang South Road continues to increase its position at this position, it should continue to look upwards to see the room for doubling. After all, according to the data on the Dragon and Tiger List of this check, the two big guys, Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road, have a huge share of this stock. The total buying funds are at least in the hundreds of millions. If they don’t continue to create enough space, they will not be able to sell goods at all.”

"At least it depends on the height of the third board. After all, without a 30% increase, they really can't ship goods."

"The height of the third board is higher, right? Waigaoqiao has just resumed trading, and it will at least rise until the opening of Waigaoqiao. After all, without the opening of Waigaoqiao's single board, the market has not taken over the check of Shanghai Materials Trading at all. As the leading stock, funds will always be entrenched in the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange."

"Whatever it takes, just follow the trend."

"Yes, with such sufficient liquidity and trading volume in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, there is no need to worry that the trend of this check will suddenly stop. After all, the market has already joined forces. As long as there is still funds in the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' Under the circumstances of the hype, even if it peaks, it will never be the top, and there will be enough opportunities to play.”

"Anyway, there is no way to get wealth. If I don't get out, I will focus on the way to wealth."

"I only follow the Fortune Road. As long as there is no Fortune Road seat on the Dragon and Tiger list of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, then I will hold on to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, no matter whether the Shanghai Stock Exchange is the next one." Shanghai Steel Federation, I will do this anyway, no one can try to wash me away!

Many retail investor groups are having heated discussions and are unanimously optimistic...

At this moment, among the hot money groups in the market, everyone has obvious differences regarding this check.

In the main hot money group in Yuhang where Su Yu is located, Jia Liping from Anhe Road in Yuhang said: "The Shanghai stock market has risen so far. The expectations should have been fully reflected, right? Jiefang South Road continues to increase positions at this location. The motivation is a bit intriguing. , 11 boards in 13 days, which is already considered the height of speculation among the first-class monster stocks this year, how can it continue to rise in the future?”

"I also think that the Shanghai Stock Exchange's check has met the expected response." Said Yilu Hot Money on Qianjiang Road in Yuhang, "The follow-up is purely emotional premium. At this time...the main funds that previously intervened in this stock, If you want to liberate South Road and Mr. Su's Wealth Road, you have a natural cost advantage. You can continue to hold positions and wait for the moment when the sentiment turns from strong to weak. However, it is really unwise to continue to accumulate OTC funds in this stock. Anyway, I don’t dare to follow because I’m afraid that the Chief Rudder and Mr. Su’s one-word soul-severing knife will appear again.”

Hot money on Mingsheng Road in Yuhang said: "Even if the sentiment is at a premium, according to the current market enthusiasm, it can get out of at least two or three boards, right? I think there is still room for the Shanghai stock market. In fact, everyone should not look at the 11 boards in 13 days The trend seems to indicate that this check has been hyped to the extreme, and there is little room for expectation.”

"We have to look at the internal chip composition of this check!"

"According to the early dragon and tiger list data of this check and yesterday's trading volume data after the one-word board was opened, the chip structure of this check is relatively stable, and it is the real starting point of market speculation. , it cannot be calculated from before the announcement of the benefits of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', but can only be calculated from yesterday when the straight board was opened. After all, the chips on the market have basically changed."

"At present, except for the two main funds of the chief rudder and Mr. Su, others do not have much different cost advantages at all. Although the holdings of the chief rudder and Mr. Su are not small, according to the dragon and tiger list According to the data, the total is about 300 million, which is less than half of the current daily transaction volume of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Compared with yesterday's transaction volume of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, it was less than one-third."

"Such a major capital means it has a cost advantage."

"At the peak of their emotions, they can't smash the board in one breath."

"So, this check seems to be very high, but in fact, the risk of subsequent relays within the third board is not great, and the certainty is higher than many low-level concept stocks with daily limit today."

"I agree with what Lao Liu said." Hot money on Beitan Road, Shaoxing added, "Before the opening of Waigaoqiao, Shanghai Materials Trading was the only leader in the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. If it takes over Come on... The market trend of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line will continue, so the space height of the Shanghai Stock Exchange must be opened up. After all, only this stock has further opened up the space, and the market is not interested in this line. , only then can we have higher expectations.”

"In general, this check has formed an extreme situation of market capital synergy."

"If the market continues, there will be no way to avoid this check. At least until the core leader, Waigaoqiao, opens its market, the market cannot avoid it."

"If there is a clear divergence low in the Shanghai Stock Exchange tomorrow, I wouldn't mind continuing the relay."

"Agree!" Jinhua Changyuan Road's hot money also agreed, "Individual stocks have different opinions, and then the market trends. I don't look at other people, but Mr. Su and the chief rudder are both top players in the market. Mr. Su locked up his position today. , the chief rudder increased his position, this action proves that it is absolutely impossible for the Shanghai stock market to come to an abrupt end tomorrow."

"Where's Brother Zhao, what do you think?" During the exchange, Yu Hang'an and Jia Liping from Lu hurriedly @Zhao Qiang.

Zhao Qiang browsed through everyone's opinions and said: "Originally, when the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened yesterday, I took profit and exited the market. Unexpectedly, Waigaoqiao suddenly announced the resumption of trading in the evening, causing me to make less money. A lot of profits, hey... But having said that, I don’t dare to continue pursuing the position of Shanghai Stock Exchange. After all, if I continue to pursue it, I really won’t have any cost advantage in holding positions, and I feel uneasy.”

"But if you don't feel at ease, it will be difficult to hold on to the bargaining chip."

"Let me ask you, without the cost advantage, can you withstand Mr. Su's violent trend of frequently washing the market from floor to ceiling in the Shanghai Steel Federation?"

"I can't bear it anyway."

"In terms of room for growth in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, there is a high probability of 30% to 50% room for growth, but the trend will never be flat."

"As for the downside, both the chief rudder and Mr. Su like to use the 'one-word soul-cutting knife'."

"That would be scary."

"Moreover, even after being killed by the 'One-word Soul-Severing Knife', if the Shanghai Stock Exchange can come up with a double head to solve the problem in the future, the time cost and opportunity cost lost will be quite large."

"So, at this stage..."

"Since I've already exited the market to take profit, I won't follow him anymore."

"Brother Sun, what do you think?" After Zhao Qiang finished speaking, he smiled and started @Sun Yu.

"Me?" Sun Yu thought for a while and said, "I don't think we can just look at one stock. Looking at it comprehensively, if the game value of Shanghai Stock Exchange is still the highest in the current market stage, then it is worth participating. , if there is a stock with better gaming value than it, then give up this stock appropriately.”

“I think everyone’s understanding and logical recognition of the market is different.”

"Natural selection would also make a difference."

"Furthermore, since the main line of this round of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' was born, I have never bought a check from the Shanghai Stock Exchange, so I can't give any opinions."

"If I had to choose..."

“I think the hype route for other regional free trade zone concept stocks that extends from the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ is good and worth betting on.”

"The sub-line must continue, but the main line cannot fail, right?" In Sun Yu's speech, Jinhua Changyuan Road hot money said, "In this way, Mr. Sun still agrees with the rising logic of the Shanghai stock market."

"The flag will definitely not fall, but whether it is a continuous rise or a high-level fluctuation, we really can only wait for the market's verification." Sun Yu said, "The only thing I can be sure of is if Waigaoqiao's future Compared with the trend, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has exceeded expectations, so it is certain that the Shanghai Stock Exchange can continue to speculate, but this time span is relatively long, and there are many uncertainties during this period."

"Hey, overall, it's still a feast for shareholders!" Jia Liping from Yuhang Anhe Road sighed softly.

"Indeed, I didn't take the lead. In my current position, if I want to follow the leader, I am really passive." said Beitan Road, Shaoxing. "President Su is still very courageous. Under the leadership of the general rudder Yu Shanghai Materials Trading With this check, I still bought it even though I already had the upper hand.”

At the same time, other hot money in the market...

There are also obvious differences in the discussion on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's check.

Of course, at this moment, Su Yu was a little surprised that Jiefang South Road continued to increase its position in the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange, but he did not feel that this check had reached the top of the hype.

After all, after the main line of speculation of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ has blossomed in many directions, the money-making effects have gathered again.

Market speculation will only get higher with each passing wave.

Risks will not become apparent until all the branch lines that have blossomed in many directions have been speculated to the point where the funds to follow the trend are no longer sustainable, and the market for this main line has reached its peak.

Before that...

He just needs to hold his position safely and wait patiently.

Just when he decided to continue to hold positions safely and sit safely, the next day, August 29, Thursday, the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened higher and then fell back with a flash dive, with an amplitude of more than 14 for the whole day. %, in the end the daily limit was still sealed, and the transaction volume expanded to a sharp trend of 1.346 billion.

Of course, during this period, Waigaoqiao was still sealed at its daily limit, which remained at around 4 to 50,000 yuan.

Then, Friday, August 30th.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange closed a huge long cross negative line, and Waigaoqiao achieved its third board since the resumption of trading.

Over the weekend, when everyone was talking a lot, they believed that the Shanghai stock market was very likely to reach its peak, and the market style might change again.

On Monday, the Shanghai Stock Exchange hit its daily limit again, with the stock price breaking through to 25.59 yuan, the transaction volume enlarging to 1.537 billion, and the turnover rate reaching more than 20%, setting a new rebound high.

During this period, Waigaoqiao still maintained its shrinking daily limit, gaining the fourth board since the resumption of trading.

"What about the people who said over the weekend that the Shanghai stock market has reached its peak? Do you dare to stand up?"

Seeing that after the Shanghai Stock Exchange closed the long negative cross K-line with heavy volume, it was able to reverse the daily limit and hit a new high. The investor sentiment that had fallen back before was instantly pushed to a climax.

"It's awesome, this is the style of Longtou!"

"I just said that the market will not die, the leader will not stop, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange's daily limit today is really beautiful."

"It's been 13 boards in 16 days. Although it's not a continuous daily limit all the way up, this check is so stable. It looks like... the stock price has reached 30 yuan, there is no problem at all."

"Shanghai Steel Union can be promoted from around 10 yuan to as high as 70 yuan. Shanghai Materials Trading is definitely not bad either."

"Yes, yes, this is only a few times. Even if it costs more than 30 yuan, it is only 4 times the space. It is still far behind the Shanghai Steel Federation. Shanghai Materials Trading is the absolute core leader of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' There’s no reason why stocks can’t compare to Shanghai Steel Union’s check.”

"If we compare the height of the Shanghai Steel Union's hype, the current stock price of Shanghai Materials Trading should still be halfway up the mountain, right? If you look at it this way... then there's really nothing to be afraid of."

"Can it really rise to the level of Shanghai Steel Union? No way, Shanghai Materials Trading is much bigger than Shanghai Steel Union."

"It's only over 12 billion now. It's not that big, right?"

"But the circulating market is huge, with more than 7 billion in circulating market. If this continues to rise sharply, more and more relay funds will be needed."

"The market at Waigaoqiao is bigger than the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Can't it still rise?"

"There is also the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group. In recent days, the daily turnover of more than 2 billion yuan can also increase? The size of the circulation market has never been a problem in front of the absolute leader."

The trend of Shanghai stock market once again exceeded everyone's expectations.

At this moment, the inner emotions of the investors who are paying attention to this check have turned to fanaticism.

After all, the recent historical trend of Shanghai Stock Exchange has proved that no matter what kind of adjustment, it can be reversed the next day, and as long as you buy and hold the chips, you can make money and exit.

Such an ultimate money-making effect, as well as an ineffective adjustment trend.

It has repeatedly hinted at the vast retail investor groups, causing these groups to psychologically enter a state of fanatical following.

"The transaction volume has exceeded 1.5 billion." Su Yu briefly browsed through various discussion topics about the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange, thought about it, and said, "We will look at it later. If it continues to rise at the limit, the volume will If you can continue to zoom in, you should be careful.”

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded.

By holding this stock until now, the profits have far exceeded her expectations.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Su..." Li Meng paused and then said, "The line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has begun to be fully transferred to the branch line of other local free trade zones. The direction of its speculation has spread from the concept of "Yuzhou and Tianjin" free trade zones in the past two days to "Shenzhen, Yuezhou, Qingdao, Haizhou" and other local sectors. Related concept stocks have also been expanding. , funds are almost used to speculate in the new rather than in the old, and after one wave of speculation, they quickly switch to speculating on the next wave. Does this mean that this main line of market has entered the end?"

"It's not certain yet," Su Yu said, "but the sustainability of making money is decreasing, which is definitely a bad sign."

He believes that before the opening of Waigaoqiao, the hype of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' will definitely continue, but in the process of rapid transfer of market funds, it will still go in those directions. He also Not sure, but as long as there is still a money-making effect, there is no need to worry too much.

In the current market, although funds from all sources are flowing in quickly, they are speculating on the new rather than the old.

But generally speaking, its hype logic still relies on the main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone".

What's more, although the core leading stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange has begun to increase its volume significantly, the chips have begun to diverge, and the turnover rate has reached 20%, the mood is still very good, and there has been no situation where the chips on the market and the sentiment of retail investors have turned around at the same time.

This means that the key logic for the stock price to continue to rise has not been broken.

He can still hold the position.

Of course, when he locked up his position, he had no idea what Jiefang South Road, the main capital that currently dominates this stock, would do until he saw the data on the Dragon and Tiger List.

If the opponent is in this position and no longer maintains the board, then he has to hit it first.

As he pondered, today's Dragon and Tiger ranking data were refreshed again...

Su Yu took a look and realized that Fangnan Road was doing T. All hot money was involved, but the amount of funds involved was not very large. One seat could only cost less than 30 million at most, so he couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

The high position at this stage must be that the transactions of retail investors account for the main component of the turnover.

In this way, it can be seen that the market is still in a strong state due to the combined forces of the market.

Moreover, at this time, if a certain hot money group intervenes, it will easily break the balance of chips and emotions in the market.

After all, with small hot money, even if the market crashes the next day, it will not have a big impact on emotions.

The retail investors who follow the trend can completely consume the 20 to 30 million yuan in funds in an instant.

And if large hot money is involved, and the amount is more than 50 million, it will be difficult for the retail investors who follow the trend to resolve such a chip smash.

And at this time...

If the main funds that maintain the market are dominant, they are not willing to take over the market.

The entire positive market trend is very likely to turn sharply downward in an instant, and the market will be cut off as a result.

"We will continue to lock positions on Fortune Road and Fusheng Road, and do T on Jiefang South Road. The two big guys are very determined. We can still expect the market conditions of the Shanghai stock market tomorrow!"

After seeing the data on the Dragon and Tiger List of Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Discussions on related topics on major stock forums in the market remain unprecedentedly intense.

"It's necessary. This wave will definitely break the 30 yuan mark. I'll buy some more tomorrow. No matter how volatile it is this time, I won't get out."

"Faith, faith! It's said that holding a dragon head requires faith."

"Hey, it would be great to keep locking up positions like the big guys on Fortune Road. Now I have already made dozens of pips. As a result, after tossing back and forth and working for a long time, I made a penny."

"Indeed, it's better to hold on to it than to toss it back and forth."

“You shouldn’t be afraid, it opened so low today, what a great buying opportunity!”

" has been decided this time. Waigaoqiao will not open the market. After buying the Shanghai Stock Exchange, I will not sell it."

"Yes, concentration. To hold the dragon head, you must have concentration."

"Be as organized as a big boss..."

The next day was Tuesday, September 4th, amid the usual heated discussion.

After the Shanghai Stock Exchange opened higher as expected, it fell into a volatile trend of highs and lows. The shock lasted for five days, which wiped out countless investors who had great expectations for this stock.

During this period, Jiefang South Road continued to do T.

The stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange is in the price range of 23 to 26, but the daily turnover has gradually shrunk, from a maximum of around 1.5 billion to around 1.2 billion.

Then, it came to Tuesday, September 11th.

When news came out that the country would implement nine aspects of financial reform in the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone"; when Waigaoqiao exceeded the market's general expectations and opened its tenth one-word daily limit; when Yuzhou, Qingdao, There are reports from Nansha, Tianjin, Haizhou and other places that they are actively applying to join the free trade zone project...

Suddenly, funds, like a grass-cutting sickle, have swept through the entire market.

It has once again returned to the explosive market hype with "real estate, logistics, and ports" as the core, finance as the center, and local free trade zones as the core branches.

Also at this time...

In the price range of 23 to 26, the Shanghai stock market's leading logistics trading stocks, which have been in shock for many days, ushered in a breakthrough trend, directly opening 5 points higher, breaking through the previous high of 26.31 yuan, and attacking the daily limit in a flash.

PS: Two in one, there is only one chapter today!

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