Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 205: Pretending to be long, but actually selling short!

"What's going on? You're still too high!"

Seeing the gleaming 5% increase in the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the more than 5,000 orders bought by the main dealer on the market, the majority of investors who paid attention to this check all had questions in their hearts.

According to their understanding...

With Fortune Road significantly and continuously reducing its positions, the chip structure and uncertainty factors on the market have greatly increased, and profit margins have also increased simultaneously, the sentiment has declined and the stock price will inevitably open lower. But now this situation is exactly what they thought. no the same.

"I understand. If you look at the market charts of Waigaoqiao and Anxin Trust, they are both core stocks in the concept of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. The opening prices of these two stocks are obviously much higher than those of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. This shows that Everyone’s expectations for the market’s subsequent market trends are still expanding, which shows that Fortune Road cannot affect the overall market trend, haha... Let me just say that market leaders like Shanghai Stock Exchange definitely have no shortage of funds from the main market players.”

"Damn it, Waigaoqiao still has a straight line!"

"Not only is it flat, but the sales volume has expanded compared to yesterday, reaching the 500,000 level."

"It's awesome, it's awesome! No wonder the Shanghai stock market will open higher. Everyone... rush to raise funds. I have a hunch that the Shanghai stock market will rise by the limit today."

"Yes, yes, I'm afraid of a ball. There's no reason why Shanghai Trading is weaker than Waigaoqiao."

"Just benchmark against Waigaoqiao. As long as Waigaoqiao still maintains a straight line, the pace of the Shanghai stock market will never stop."

"What the hell...I didn't sleep well last night because I was afraid that the Shanghai Stock Exchange would kill me today. It's okay, it's okay..."

"Buy, keep buying, I don't believe it anymore."

"The trend has been upward, and Fortune Road's selling should have little impact."

"For Fortune Road and Fusheng Road, nearly 250 million chips have been put out. The most, the most...the remaining ones are only 100 million to survive, and 100 million cannot hit the market at all, so I'm afraid."

"Yes, yes, Jiefang South Road is still in the venue, and judging from the situation, Jiefang South Road has no intention of throwing it away."

"The chief helmsman has a great plan!"

"It makes sense. After Fortune Road sold a large amount of chips, it is actually good for the Shanghai stock market. In this way, the chips are more dispersed, and no one company is dominant and is afraid of being suspected of smashing the market."

"After the adjustment, this second wave only took two boards. According to the Shanghai Steel Federation's hype process, this second wave will have to be at least five boards, right? There must be no problem today."

During the discussion, the time passed 9:18.

In three minutes, the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange not only did not fall, but went up to a higher level, with an increase of about 6.3%. It was almost the same as the call auction trend the day before yesterday. Of course... during this period, outside Takahashi's market still maintains a shrinking one-word board, and the closing order remains at around 500,000 hands.

And what people don’t know…

The reason why the Shanghai Stock Exchange collective bidding went like this was beyond everyone’s expectations.

The driving force behind the scenes is precisely the Fortune Road and Fusheng Road funds that have been continuously reducing their positions and taking profits in the past two days.

At this moment, inside Yuhang and Yuhang Investment, in the trading room, Su Yu was smilingly instructing Li Meng and the entire trading team to transfer all the liquid funds withdrawn from the fund to the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Foreign Exchange in the form of large-amount principal purchases. On the three core leading stocks of Takahashi and Essence Trust, crazy orders were placed, stimulating the bullish mood on the market.

"Mr. Su, why are we doing this... for?"

Li Meng asked without understanding while placing orders.

Su Yu smiled and replied: "Shanghai Materials Trading, Waigaoqiao and Anxin Trust have become the core emotional targets of the main line of speculation on the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. In the collective bidding, we maintained The market performance of these three stocks is to maintain the hype sentiment of the entire 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'."

"But aren't we going to reduce our positions?" Li Meng asked.

"It is necessary to reduce the position, yes." Su Yu said, "But the prerequisite for reducing the position is to have sufficient liquidity so that we can enter the market safely."

"Obviously, after the market rose sharply yesterday and the day before yesterday."

"The profit margins accumulated on the market are already quite generous."

"If market sentiment once turns, the number of selling will be unprecedentedly intense, and we may not be able to grab enough liquidity."

"So, we can only maintain the market relatively and let the bullish sentiment last longer."

"Because only in this way can we have sufficient time to reduce our positions and take profits."

"At the same time, if we keep the bullish sentiment a little longer, it will not only buy us more time to reduce our positions and take profits, but also expand our profit margins."

"Also, according to the trend of Waigaoqiao, it must be a trend."

"The opening is the high point, and it is also the key turning point for market sentiment to turn from strong to weak."

“The moment Waigaoqiao opens, it should be the moment when the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ market ends quickly and the crazy hype ends. We don’t have much time...”

"As for us in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, we still have a total of 400 million chips that have not yet appeared."

"Compared with the liquidity of the Shanghai stock market, these 400 million cannot be released in one breath, so... it is necessary to temporarily maintain the market."

"Coupled with the market's current mood, there is still room for stimulation."

"It would be a pity not to take advantage of it."

"Generally speaking, we are not trying to really protect the market, but to stabilize our emotions so that we can sell better. Do you understand?"

After listening to Su Yu's words, Li Meng pondered for a moment and nodded: "Pretending to be long, but actually selling short, using emotions to better harvest the market, I understand!"

After saying that, she continued to place orders frantically.

As the entire trading team frantically placed orders, the stock prices of Essence Trust and Shanghai Stock Exchange continued to rise, and the number of closed orders in Waigaoqiao also continued to expand.

When the time came to 9:19, the increase in the Shanghai stock market expanded to about 7%.

Of course, when 9:20 comes around.

That is to say, when the time entered the real collective bidding stage where the orders could not be withdrawn, all the purchase orders that Su Yu asked everyone to place were withdrawn in an instant.

However, even if they withdraw these orders.

Many of the investors they lured in bought retail orders and large orders, but they still stayed.

And since they had no intention of taking profits during the call auction stage, the selling pressure on the Shanghai Stock Exchange was not great after 9:20.

"Surprisingly, there was no lower opening and no large-scale selling."

Seeing the real collective bidding performance of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, in the trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai Stock Exchange, Xu Xiang breathed a sigh of relief and was a little surprised: "Today's collective bidding trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange was somewhat beyond expectations. Ah, the overall market sentiment is stronger than I thought."

"Yes!" Zhou Kan responded, "There is a strong collective bidding trend, and Waigaoqiao is still flat and there is still no heavy volume."

"The check from Waigaoqiao is now basically the anchor of market speculation." Xu Xiang said, "Let's use this check as a guide. If there is heavy volume in Waigaoqiao, even if there is no opening, we have to stop it in time. We have reduced our positions, after all... Waigaoqiao has reached this point, and there is no chance of a second wave of speculation."

"I think so too," Zhou Kan replied, "Fortunately, Wealth Road reduces positions and stops profits at high points when emotions are fully divergent, and its influence on the market is extremely limited."

Xu Xiang pondered for a moment and said: "It's not that his influence has decreased, it's that the straight-line trend of Waigaoqiao is too unexpected, and it has increased the market speculation space. Furthermore... I thought about it carefully. I think, according to today’s collective bidding trend of Shanghai Stock Exchange, Fortune Road probably doesn’t have much chips left.”

"Otherwise, if he still has a lot of chips in his hand, he will probably lose it during the collective bidding."

"Oh, by the way, you have to keep an eye on the two checks of Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. Although these two checks are not dominated by hot money in the market, they are the two stocks with the most institutional involvement. If these two checks collectively weaken, selling will It has become heavy, and its emotional impact on the market is not low."

"At this point, the market should have entered the second half."

"It is also time for us to consider the issue of exit. After all, the real profit is only when the profit is in our hands."

While the two were talking, the collective bidding in the two cities ended, and the Shanghai stock market's growth rate fell back, but in the end it was still higher by more than 2 points, while Waigaoqiao maintained a flat trend. During the entire collective bidding stage, Only more than 600 lots were traded. As for Essence Trust, it opened at about 5% higher and still maintains a strong trend.

In terms of indexes, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index all opened slightly higher. The overall investment sentiment remained stable and there was no obvious decline.

Then, 9:30 arrived.

The main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" still serves as a market engine, attracting countless incremental funds and many follow-up funds.

But the general rise situation no longer exists.

The entire main line market, as well as various branch lines such as 'Financial Reform', 'Local Free Trade Zone', 'Fringe Low Concept Stocks', 'Early Popular Concept Stocks', etc., have also begun to differentiate clearly again, and the leaders are getting stronger and stronger. , more and more attention and funds are focused on, while relatively weak concept stocks have shot up and fallen back, showing signs of funds leaving the market.

In the afternoon, this phenomenon became more and more obvious.

And funds have begun to abandon the weak branch concept and return to the two major areas of 'financial reform' and 'core main line leader' with the highest profit-making effect and popularity. Other local free trade zones are hyped, real estate, logistics, ports, and finance. , infrastructure and other industries, the tide has largely subsided.

But in the end, core stocks still maintained an extremely strong trend.

Two core stocks, such as Anxin Trust and Shanghai Stock Exchange, also sealed their daily limits again after huge transactions, achieving three consecutive daily limits.

In particular, the Shanghai stock market fluctuated at a high level and closed in a straight line in the afternoon, creating new space.

Countless investors who were shrouded in the shadow of Wealth Road's continued reduction in positions slowly became excited and excited again.

Finally, at the close of trading at 3 o'clock, the Shanghai Index closed with a small red cross star, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index closed with two shrinking negative cross stars. The overall volume of the two cities could not be enlarged anymore, and the transaction volume increased from 100 billion to 100 billion. The threshold has slipped and shrunk to around 97 billion, but it is still considered good.

After the market closed, everyone was reviewing the market.

The new one-day dragon and tiger list was announced, and Shanghai Materials Trading continued to be on the list.

I saw that Fortune Road finally stopped selling, and Fusheng Road sold out 116 million chips, ranking one spot on the Shanghai Stock Exchange's list of sellers.

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