Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 206 Speculation

"Haha, as expected..."

After seeing the data on the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s Dragon and Tiger List, in the trading room of Zexi Investment in Shanghai Stock Exchange, Xu Xiang laughed and said: “The sales on Fortune Road were zero, and the sales on Fusheng Road were 116 million. According to these two seats, In terms of the linkage relationship, this guy should have sold out all his chips today. In three days, he sold a total of about 368 million chips, making at least more than 200 million in profits, which is really impressive!"

"But without this capital, it will be a constraint on the field."

"Next, the Shanghai Stock Exchange should be able to better gather active funds and sentiment in the market, which will also make it easier for us to perform."

At this moment, the market's sentiment on the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has not collapsed. In addition to being the core popular leader of the market, the current Shanghai Stock Exchange has a lot of hot money groups gathered in its venue. However, The funds were relatively scattered. After Fortune Road and Fusheng Road completely left the market, the only heavyweight main funds in the market were Zexi Investment, and this... also meant that he had gained absolute control. .

"However, Mr. Xu..." While Xu Xiang was sighing, Zhou Kan thought for a moment and said, "After the funds from Fortune Road and Fusheng Road cleared their positions, a large number of follow-up funds following his seats will probably also sell. Although after this fund leaves the market, there is no risk of heavyweight main funds smashing the market in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, but the selling pressure of this check tomorrow may not be light. It is still very difficult for us to continue to maintain the market of this stock. .”

Xu Xiang smiled and said: "As long as Waigaoqiao can be stabilized, the risk of Shanghai's logistics trade is not great."

"The funds of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road are not the absolute main force in controlling the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange. The funds that follow its trend will not be too exaggerated, and the check of Shanghai Stock Exchange is The circulation and liquidity are much larger than those of the Shanghai Steel Union at the time. As long as the money-making effect of the main market is still not bad, such a selling wave can be fully withstood by the market."

"Where there are differences, there will be market trends."

"I hope that there will be relatively more funds to clear positions and leave the market tomorrow following the trend of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road."

"In this way, we can better form a sufficient chip exchange pattern at a high position, stabilize the chip structure at a high position, and keep the profit margin in a relatively balanced range."

"The key is... can Waigaoqiao be stable?" Zhou Kan said, "Since the resumption of trading, it has been 12 consecutive games!"

Xu Xiang said: "Looking at the popularity of this stock, the strength of today's closure, and the overall trading volume, I'm afraid it will have to continue to close up."

"It can be said that this check has become the absolute weather vane for the speculation space of the main line of the market."

"I guess, because it has such a large daily sales volume, it has been slow to increase its volume..."

"It may be that the main force of latent institutions in the market buys and seals itself. I am afraid that there are also many other major hot money players in the market who have taken the initiative to block the market, intensifying the connection space of this check, thereby leveraging the speculation in the entire market. If you want to take over this Stocks, the reason why you can get more huge profit opportunities from other speculative stocks.”

"The main lurking institutions hope that this check will have more connections and make more profits."

"As for the major players who are heavily involved in the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' and have been heavily involved in other aspects of the main line, they also hope that the board space of this check can be higher, and the market will be opened up for the vast number of retail investors." The main line hypes better risk acceptance, leading to better harvesting behaviour.”

"So, I guess..."

"After this check became a trend, it has now become a tool used by the main funds in the market."

"Under such circumstances, if this check does not exhaust the final expected space and potential, it will probably not be opened easily, and the main institutions lurking in the field will not be easily smashed. After all, at this time... for these lurking For the main institutions, one more board means a lot more profits!"

"And for Takahashi, who is outside the standard..."

"The growth rate of the Shanghai stock market is still relatively lagging behind."

"As long as Waigaoqiao continues to rise, short-term funds in the market and the majority of retail investors will have full expectations for the check from Shanghai Stock Exchange. In this way... it will not be too difficult for us to pull the market."

"I understand!" Zhou Kan thought for a while and said, "The market will continue until the leader dies."

Xu Xiang nodded and said with a smile: "In the short term, the most important thing is the game between emotions and chip structure. If the wealth road and the recovery road remain unchanged, or the market is smashed all at once, the Shanghai trading market will be ruined." If the bargaining chip structure is completely destroyed, then the room for speculation in the Shanghai Stock Exchange will be greatly restricted."

"Now, all of this capital has been cleared out through a gradual reduction of positions."

"But you don't have to worry so much."

As the two discussed the data on the Shanghai Trade Trade Dragon and Tiger List...

In the entire market, the vast retail investor groups are also discussing and heatedly discussing such a dragon and tiger list data from the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

"Today on the Shanghai Stock Exchange Dragon and Tiger List, Fortune Road and Fusheng Road are no longer linked. Based on the original purchase funds of Fusheng Road, now that the 116 million chips are out, it should be considered that all positions have been cleared and left. ? Does this mean that the main funds of Fortune Road and Fuxing Road have completely cleared the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange? "

"Based on the continuous data of the Dragon and Tiger rankings in these three trading days, it should be like this."

“The complete exit of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road means that the big monster stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange is really over?”

"I don't think so. Waigaoqiao hasn't even started trading yet. The overall hype increase of the Shanghai stock market is lagging behind Waigaoqiao. There is really nothing to be afraid of in this position. Even if Fortune Road is the market stock god, there is nothing to worry about." Maybe I’ll hit the bottom accurately every time and escape from the top accurately, right?”

"Hehe, don't mention it. Ever since Fortune Road appeared on the Dragon and Tiger List, it has been a precise hunt for the bottom and a precise escape from the top. No matter... no matter how high the Shanghai Stock Exchange can be in the future, it doesn't matter whether Waigaoqiao is opened or not. Open the market, since Fortune Road has shown clearing the stock of Shanghai Materials Trading, I will get it tomorrow."

"Yes, since we are following the trend, we must follow the trend immediately when buying and selling."

"However, this time Fortune Road and Fusheng Road totaled about 360 million in funds, and they didn't spend a day. They chose to gradually reduce their positions. It's a bit surprising."

"Isn't it good not to be the main force of the game?"

"In the past few days, the market sentiment has been good. Even if the market does not crash, it can go out safely."

"Wealth Road and Fusheng Road have been liquidated, but on the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the chief executive seems to have still not sold one share! This time, the two big bosses actually had differences on this stock."

"Well, I really didn't see any seats on Jiefang South Road."

"The position held by the chief rudder should not be much lower than that of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road, right?"

"Not only is it not low, I'm afraid it's even more."

"The chief rudder is still there, so there is a real possibility that the stock market will continue. After all, the chief rudder is also an expert at creating monster stocks!"

"I think we have to look at the trend of Waigaoqiao to link up with the Shanghai stock market."

"If Waigaoqiao continues to follow the straight-line board and continues to open up the market's connecting board space, then Shanghai Materials Trading, the only core leading stock in the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' main line that can benchmark Waigaoqiao, will There is no reason for it to fall, right? Moreover, although the funds of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road have cleared their positions and left the market, the chief helmsman is still there. This check also has a super main force controlling the market, and it is still the only one in the market who can buy chips at any time. Core leading stocks have even less possibility of falling."

"Yes, Fortune Road continued to sell yesterday, and everyone said this stock was finished, but the result... Today it didn't even open lower, but continued to rise by the limit."

"What does this mean? It means that the trend of big monster stocks like Shanghai Stock Exchange, which has formed a synergy in the market, cannot be controlled by one major force at all."

"I am optimistic that the Shanghai stock market will continue to rise, at least as long as Waigaoqiao still maintains a flat trend."

"If you want to follow the trend of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road, you should hurry up tomorrow. I'm still waiting for the Shanghai Stock Exchange to open at a low price to grab funds."

"Similarly, I originally thought of opening low today to grab some chips, but in the end, it didn't open low at all."

"Shanghai Free Trade Zone is such a big main line, and the media has shouted the slogan of a 'hundred-year plan'. How can I has to spawn one or two 5 times stocks, right? I don't ask too much, let alone 10 times. , at least the core leader has 5 times the space expectations, right?"

"But currently, whether it is Shanghai Stock Exchange or Waigaoqiao, they are only about 3 times, and they are still far away from 5 times, let alone 10 times. At this time, they look high, and they dare not pursue it. Later, they will wait until the stock price rises. If you get to a higher position, I’m afraid you’ll be even more afraid to chase.”

"For the big monster stocks that have come out, even if they are at the top, they will not be spires. As for our retail investors, as long as they are willing to leave the market, they cannot be trapped at all. In this way... as long as the stop loss position is determined and implemented resolutely, So what’s there to be afraid of? Just buy it.”

"Although I feel that the Shanghai stock market may still rise, I still choose to follow the path of wealth and clear my position tomorrow!"

"In this wave, I choose to continue to hold positions and wait and see. After all, not to mention that Waigaoqiao has not opened the market yet, even Anxin Trust has stepped out of the 3rd market. There is so much active funds accumulated in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. There is no reason to compare Essence Trust, a newly popular concept stock, is even worse.”

In the slightly divided discussion among retail investors...

In the internal communication groups of major hot money players in the market, as well as in online and offline hot money friend circles.

Everyone basically made the same judgment as Xu Xiang about the funds of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road. They felt that Fortune Road and Fusheng Road had cleared their positions in the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Of course, there are very few people who don't think so.

for example……

Yu Hang, a seat at Shaoxing Branch of Zheshang Securities. Zhao Qiang looked at the words Sun Yu had just typed on his chat software and said in shock: "Brother Sun, you said that Brother Su is definitely involved in the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange." And holding positions? How to judge this? No matter how I look at it... I can’t see the logic you said!”

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