Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 207: Complete profit stop!

"According to Brother Su's past methods, if he wants to clear his position, he will never use this method." Sun Yu said, "For three consecutive days, the sales funds have been more than 100 million. This is obviously to prevent the Shanghai Stock Exchange. There is not enough liquidity on the market, so we know that the market will continue to rise, so we take profits in advance. Think about it... If the Su brothers really only have more than 300 million chips in hand, they have obviously made a breakthrough in the Shanghai stock market. In the second wave of the market, the index has also escaped from the shock range, and Waigaoqiao, a sentiment benchmark stock, is still shrinking. With no sign of heavy volume, will it reduce its positions so early and give up profits in the later period? ?”

"What's more, the daily turnover of the Shanghai Stock Exchange is over RMB 1 billion."

"The total holding chips are really more than 300 million. With the average liquidity of more than 1 billion, it is a bit difficult to get out in one day when encountering extreme market conditions, but at most two days, it is enough to clear the position and leave the market."

"Brother Su is often known for his sharp profits in short-term operations. If you resume trading, his operations on the Shanghai Stock Exchange are basically very extreme."

“Moreover, the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ line is much bigger than the ‘Internet Finance’ line.”

"The amount of funds accumulated has also increased."

"Even if the market suddenly turns from strong to weak, there is a relative process and it won't be too extreme."

"This logic will not be unclear to a real short-term market master like Brother Su."

"So, in my opinion, his continuous early position reduction does not make sense logically. The only reasonable explanation... can only be said that he has a very heavy position in relevant core stocks. Even with the current sufficient liquidity, It will take a lot of time to come out safely."

"Awesome!" Zhao Qiang replied, "You better understand him."

"I'm just guessing." Sun Yu replied, "The real situation will either wait until you ask him personally, or you will have to wait for subsequent market verification."

Zhao Qiang said: "It is inconvenient for me to ask such questions involving key position data, and even if I ask, Brother Su will definitely not answer. After all, now that he is in charge of fund operations, he is not only responsible for himself, but also for The investors who invested in him are responsible.”

"But, I thought about it carefully."

"Brother Sun, I think your analysis makes sense."

"Brother Su gives me the feeling that he is extremely clean and decisive when it comes to trading. This time he appears so grindingly, it is indeed not like his usual style. So... I can only follow your instructions. Logic explains it.”

"Yeah." Sun Yu responded, thought for a while, and then said, "'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' is such a big main line. Except for the last time when checks were opened for Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Lujiazui, Pudong Jinqiao, and Jinjiang Investment, Su The brother's path to wealth appeared once, and then only the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock saw a total of 150 million sales, which is abnormal compared to the size of the fund he is currently in charge of."

"I'm thinking……"

"He must have huge positions in other directions."

"It's a pity that his fund net worth disclosure and shareholding disclosure have been suspended. We can't see the approximate data, so we can only rely on guesswork."

Zhao Qiang said: "There are a lot of funds following his trend in the market now. If the net value of the fund and its holdings are really disclosed, then I'm afraid there will be a big problem, but...whatever, before the news of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' is announced, , I could sense in advance that there were huge speculative opportunities in the 'Shanghai local stocks' sector. With Brother Su's keen market sense, it was impossible not to make large-scale arrangements in advance."

"Just watch..."

"Actually, I don't quite believe that he is on the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', just this little movement."

During the exchange between the two, the entire market was concerned about the clearance of goods on Fortune Road and Fusheng Road, about the Shanghai Trade Dragon and Tiger List, about Waigaoqiao, about the concept of continued hot financial reform, and about the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" The discussion on the main line of speculation, which has been heated for more than half a month, is still continuing.

And the popularity of the discussion continues to remain unabated.

In this still hot mood, the market ushered in another trading day.

At 9:15 on Friday, September 14th, the vast majority of stocks in the two cities, especially the core concept stocks of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", still opened higher.

Among them, Waigaoqiao continued to rise by the daily limit, with the stock price at 50.88 yuan, achieving 13 consecutive boards since the resumption of trading. The initial limit of 496,000 orders was closed, which was not the slightest decrease compared with the previous days, and the initial selling order remained at 496,000. Extremely low position, only 92 hands.

The core stock of the ‘financial reform’ concept, Anxin Trust, continued to open higher at about 5%, and its strong status remains.

Mainline core stocks dominated by two institutions, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, showed a flat opening, but the selling was not large. The initial call auction order was only more than 1,000 lots.

As for the Shanghai Stock Exchange that was sold on a large scale by Su Yu...

This stock opened sharply lower at around 3.5% without anyone maintaining the market, and more than 2,000 orders were sold. Compared with other core stocks, this stock appeared relatively weak.

"Waigaoqiao has finished its 13-game winning streak since the resumption of trading."

Seeing the state of collective bidding in the two cities, Li Meng said in the trading room of Yuhang and Yuhang Investment: "And the volume has not been increased yet, it is really an exaggeration!"

"It's not surprising." Su Yu said, "This check has become the emotional indicator of the market. These chasing orders will not be withdrawn. Apart from us, there are no heavyweight lurking main institutions in the market, and there are no big funds taking the initiative to smash the market. Before market expectations are exhausted, it is normal to continue to maintain a straight line."

"Shall we...continue to operate according to yesterday's strategy?" Li Meng paused and asked.

Su Yu nodded and replied: "Yes, continue to operate according to yesterday's strategy, intensify emotions, go long and short, yesterday the market has differentiated again, and today we will maintain a wave of emotions to stimulate the market's final long potential. We It’s time to clear out all the chips on this main line.”

"Okay!" Li Meng responded.

Then, he began to instruct traders to use the withdrawn funds to quickly place orders in the call auction to maintain the market positions of Shanghai Stock Exchange, Anxin Trust and Waigaoqiao.

And with everyone placing orders...

The collective bidding trends of Anxin Trust and Shanghai Stock Exchange have risen rapidly, and the number of closed orders in Waigaoqiao has once again exceeded 500,000 lots.

"Hey, the collective bidding trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange was pulled out of the water so quickly."

Noting that the stock price trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange was somewhat higher than expected, Zhou Kan said in surprise from within Zexi Investment in the Shanghai Stock Exchange: "This stock's main buying funds are a bit sharp!"

"Most of them are just false orders." Xu Xiang smiled, "But even if it is a false order, this capital can lift the stock price from underwater, which is also a good thing for us."

"Zhou Kan..."

Xu Xiang paused and said, "Maintain it and raise the stock price step by step. As long as the confidence is maintained, the selling force caused by the liquidation of funds on Fortune Road and Fusheng Road is nothing to be afraid of. "

"Okay!" Zhou Kan responded.

Then, he quickly placed orders and followed up with the rush to raise funds, creating a situation with strong market taking power.

And because the two major funds invariably protected the market, because the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange opened sharply lower at the beginning of the call auction, it has rebounded all the way...

Many retail investors who originally waited and watched quickly entered the market to grab funds.

In the end, when 9:20 arrived and the two main funds canceled their orders, the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange still maintained an increase of 1.2%, with a trading volume of more than 5,700 lots.

At 9:21, there was still no increase in volume in Waigaoqiao.

The collective bidding trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange once again exceeded the expectations of the concerned investors.

In the case of core stocks such as Essence Trust, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, the collective bidding trend continues to rise step by step and continues to increase in volume.

The entire "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" mainline related concept stocks have also become active again.

At 9:22, the Shanghai stock market rose by more than 2%, and the number of matched transactions exceeded 6,500. Although the growth rate of volume capacity has accelerated, there is still no tens of millions of main funds to hit the market.

At 9:23, Essence Trust’s share price rose by more than 7%, and there was great disagreement and consensus, accelerating the trend of listing on the board.

At 9:24, the 'financial reform' concept sector exploded again. The stock prices of previously differentiated stocks such as Jinshan Development, Aijian Shares, Dajiang Shares, and Duolun Shares all showed rapid rises in call auctions. It has also been amplified simultaneously, and the rush to raise funds is very obvious.

At 9:25, the collective bidding in the two cities ended.

In the end, the Shanghai stock market opened 0.23% higher, while the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index opened flat.

The entire market sentiment, under the influence of yesterday's differentiated market conditions, did not fall significantly, but continued to remain stable. Moreover, due to the core concept stocks of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", in today's call auction, it once again exceeded expectations. The trend, on the contrary, intensified sentiment in the last two or three minutes of the collective bidding, making the overall investment sentiment in the two cities pick up a lot in the last period of the collective bidding.

In terms of individual stocks...

Shanghai Materials Trading opened higher by 1.89%, with a total of more than 21,700 orders traded, with a turnover of about 70 million; Waigaoqiao continued to shrink the one-word board, with a total of more than 500 lots traded, with a turnover of more than 2.6 million; Anxin Trust opened higher by 8.35 %, with a total of more than 40,000 lots traded, an obvious situation of divergence turning into consensus has been formed; Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank opened higher by about 1%, and the trading volume was basically the same as yesterday.

Others include regional free trade zone concept stocks, ‘real estate, finance, logistics, ports’ and other industry stocks.

The ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ concept stock was popular in the early stage.

75% of these stocks have achieved a red and high opening trend, as if after yesterday's short adjustment, they have returned to a hot trend of all-out capital attack.

"Are you going to speed up for the final time?"

Seeing this opening situation, Su Yu was not happy at all. Instead, he frowned slightly: "It's coming faster than I expected!"

"Li Meng..."

Su Yu thought for a while and hurriedly ordered: "There is no need to wait for the Shanghai stock market to reach the limit before exiting the position. After the market opens, sell if there is liquidity. Of course... before the market sentiment has completely changed, there is no need to sell at a low price. As long as you see If there are investors who want to buy the upside, they will throw out their chips.”

"At the same time, the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group's bargaining chips and some of the Shanghai Pudong Development Bank's chips will be purchased later."

"After the market opened, everything was sold as I said."

"Today's market sentiment has changed faster than I expected. I estimate that this...should be the final point of the climax. We must complete the full liquidation and exit today."

Currently, the fund has almost 350 million chips left in the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange.

If according to his judgment, today is the final turning point for the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', then they will have an arduous task if they want to make a stable appearance.

"Okay!" Li Meng nodded in agreement, paused, and then said, "Will Waigaoqiao also come out?"

Su Yu was silent for a moment and replied: "Waigaoqiao is the emotional bellwether of the entire market. If there is an extreme change in this check, the entire market will inevitably be shaken. Therefore, you must first sell almost all the other stock chips before I can move." This stock is a bargain.”

"Once the market accelerates, we won't have much time left to quickly enter the market."

"The market has been positive for three consecutive times, and in the short term it has fully broken through from the bottom of the shock platform. The increase has been huge, and there is already a need to step back and adjust."

“The main line of ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ has been continuously speculated for so long.”

"From 'Shanghai local stocks', to the core concept stocks of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', to the comprehensive Shanghai concept speculation after the official announcement of positive news, then to the real estate, logistics, and trade sector speculation, and then to the regional free trade zone Hype, speculation in emerging concept stocks, financial reform concept sectors, and even speculation in the overall financial market..."

"Everything that should be fired has been fired."

"Moreover, all core concept stocks are now at an absolutely high level, and the profit margins have been extremely generous. The incremental funds required for continued speculation have reached a sky-high level."

"Under such circumstances, if the market quickly rises again, sentiment once again turns to divergence, and the market falls back."

"That's when profit-taking comes in droves and this main line of speculation completely collapses."

"Understood!" Li Meng responded and quickly conveyed the order to all the traders in the trading room.

Then, at 9:30, the two cities entered the formal bidding and trading stage. Active funds from all walks of life in the market continued to swarm towards the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ concept stocks that performed strongly in the collective bidding.

I saw...

At 9:32, Anxin Trust closed the daily limit, and the transaction volume reached 210 million, once again detonating the "financial reform" market.

At 9:35, Essence Trust’s follow-up stocks, Kingsoft Development, also hit their daily limit.

At 9:42, the Shanghai Stock Exchange's trading volume exploded and continued to rise. The stock price rose by more than 5%, and the transaction volume exceeded 630 million. Compared with the same period yesterday, the volume was increased by one-third.

At 9:51, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank once again rose to 5%, and more than 6 stocks in the entire 'financial reform' concept sector reached their daily limit.

At 10:01, Chongqing Development Zone hit the daily limit, and the concept of regional free trade zones changed.

At 10:15, the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group rose to 5%, and the transaction volume expanded to 1.46 billion, which was also a significant increase compared with yesterday.

At 10:23, the Shanghai Stock Index rose again to more than 1.5%, breaking through the 2,200-point position.

At 10:47, the Shanghai stock market's physical trade rose to about 8%, and the transaction volume exceeded 930 million. It is likely to continue to hit the daily limit.

At 10:56, the daily limit of stocks in the 'financial reform' concept sector broke through to 8.

At 11:02, the real estate, logistics, ports, finance, infrastructure and other sectors once again experienced comprehensive changes. The Shanghai Stock Index rose by more than 2%, and its point reached the highest position of 2115.

Then, when the entire market sentiment was surging and the Shanghai Stock Index was about to completely fill the pit of June’s plunge...

The Shanghai Stock Exchange, which had just hit the daily limit, encountered a huge amount of selling of hundreds of millions of dollars at the daily limit price of 37.44 yuan. The funds placed five consecutive large orders of 10,000 lots, annihilating all the main buying funds that dared to close the market. , driving the stock price of Shanghai Materials Trading straight down to around a 5% increase.

Then, as the market trend of Shanghai Stock Exchange reversed.

In the entire market, all stocks with the concept of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" saw a huge amount of selling almost instantly, and investment sentiment reversed instantly!

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