Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 208: The confused ‘chief rudder’

"Suddenly, where did such a huge selling volume come from?"

Seeing that the Shanghai Wu Trading stock was hit by tens of thousands of consecutive large orders on the daily limit board, the stock price plummeted, and the entire upward trend was ruined. Xu Xiang stared in the trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai. The market was changing rapidly, and I was very shocked: "50,000 hands, 180 million chips. According to the historical trend of this check for more than a month and the data performance of the Dragon and Tiger List, it stands to reason... At this time, there should not be such a trend It’s only right that the main funds exist, and in the disclosure of this check in the semi-annual report, there are no large institutional positions lurking!”

"Mr. Xu..."

During Xu Xiang's brief contemplation, Zhou Kan's face also changed drastically, and he said urgently: "The Shanghai Stock Exchange was hit by this fund, and the market sentiment has completely turned from strong to weak, and today's trading volume is too large. The chip structure has been loosened, and it is simply impossible to unblock it at this time without paying a huge financial price."

"What's even more worrying is the flash crash trend of the Shanghai stock market."

"It has quickly affected the market sentiment of all the main concept stocks of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. Now, strong stocks such as Yiyatong, Aijian Shares, Duolun Shares, and Chongqing Development Co., Ltd., which originally had their daily limits closed, have also opened their markets. , and there are a large number of selling orders surging out of these stocks.”

"Fortunately, Waigaoqiao is still relatively stable and there has been no significant increase in volume."

"Now, what do we do?"

"Waigaoqiao is stable, Essence Trust has released a wave of volume, and has maintained the trend of four consecutive boards, which proves that market sentiment has not completely collapsed." Xu Xiang thought for a while and quickly issued an order amid Zhou Kan's urgent report. The instruction, "The volume of physical trade in Shanghai has exceeded 1 billion, and the strongest selling force of this wave just now has passed. On the market, at the moment after the flash crash, the pressure on the market is not great. Try to use a single order of 10,000 lots , pull up the stock price quickly and see how the market reacts, if..."

What he said later had not yet been said.

At this time, another market price sell order of 10,000 lots appeared on the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

This order directly brought the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange, which had briefly hovered at a 5% increase, back to the opening price, and the stock price plummeted again.

Here we are…

Xu Xiang's eyelids twitched, and he had already noticed that there was a serious problem with the funds following the trend of this stock.

Because there were just five consecutive large orders of 10,000 lots and 180 million yuan of funds, the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange was knocked down by 5 points from the daily limit. But now, with only one large order of 10,000 lots, the stock price has almost dropped again. The 5-point increase has been knocked down, which has proved that under such extreme fluctuations, the mood of funds to follow the trend is rapidly declining, and there is not much funds left, and they are willing to take over and follow up here.

"Wait a minute..."

Seeing such changes in the market, Xu Xiang hurriedly took back the order he had just issued and continued: "There is no need to test the market. Sell. Sell with liquidity. This check has peaked."

"But our position in this check is not small." Zhou Kan said anxiously, "Selling against liquidity will be very harmful!"

"We don't care so much anymore." Xu Xiang said, "While Waigaoqiao and Anxin Trust have not yet opened, and the market sentiment has not completely fallen, everyone still has some expectations in their hearts, just sell it, don't worry about the price, as long as If there is liquidity, quickly exit the position to take profits.”

"at this time……"

"The point where market sentiment turned from strong to weak has already appeared."

"If we hesitate any longer, the liquidity on the market will be even worse, there will be fewer funds that dare to take on it, and we will become more passive."

"At the same time, other 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' stocks we hold can now be sold together."

"Once the Shanghai stock market collapses completely, all the popular concept stocks under the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' will not be able to survive alone under the influence of emotions."

"Okay!" Zhou Kan responded seeing the seriousness of the situation.

Then, he quickly issued instructions to traders to frantically reduce the entire fund’s holdings of all concept stocks on the main line of speculation in the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’.

And as they reduce their holdings...

After briefly recovering part of the decline, the Shanghai Stock Exchange fell rapidly and was directly driven underwater.

At the same time, more and more stocks were blowing up, and stocks were rising and falling. There were even several popular concept stocks in the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', which were rising from around three to five points in an instant. Being smashed into the water by tens of millions or even billions of huge orders.

Of course, amid the extreme changes in the entire market, popular concept stocks have fallen back one after another.

As the retail investor group in the market that is the slowest to perceive market sentiment and market abnormalities, at this moment, most people still hold some hope, thinking that this is just a normal correction after the rapid intraday rise, and believe that 'the Shanghai stock market has The main line of speculation about the trade zone is not over yet. After all, Waigaoqiao still maintains the shape of a straight board, and Anxin Trust still maintains the trend of four consecutive boards.

"Hey, I'm chasing high again!"

"The index growth rate and the growth rate of popular sectors have both fallen back very quickly. What's going on?"

"Has the market reached a pressure level? It is not easy to break through 2200 points. It is a normal adjustment. I don't think there is anything to be afraid of. When the market digests this wave of selling pressure, it will definitely be able to go up."

"What's going on in the Shanghai Stock Exchange? After hitting the daily limit, this stock fell back too fast."

"It should be affected by the clearance of Fortune Road, right? But don't worry too much. This check changed hands very healthily today. I think the trend will reverse in the afternoon."

"It's not just the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Stocks such as Jinshan Development, Aijian, Dajiang, Duolun, and Chongqing Development that have reached their daily limits in early trading have all crashed at the moment. I feel that there is something unusual about today's market. Everyone ...In this case, we shouldn’t be able to pursue you, right?”

"Haha... It has risen so much and it is normal to hit the pressure level."

"The index has completely broken through, and these stocks are blowing up. I feel like they are washing the market. After all, if the main funds really want to ship, why bother to push it to the daily limit, go to all the trouble, and waste a huge amount of money?"

"The trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange's check since the opening of the one-word board has been violent fluctuations, and then it has moved higher step by step."

"Although today's fluctuations are more severe than in the past, there are a lot of large funds traded at high levels today. These funds were locked up during the session today, so I think the main funds will definitely stabilize the market in the afternoon and try to close the market. , otherwise if the stock price is allowed to fall like this, the main funds that are trading at high levels and on a large scale today will definitely not be able to ship goods tomorrow."

"Moreover, don't the two checks of Waigaoqiao and Anxin Trust still maintain a flat status?"

"To be honest, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which lacks wealth, is no longer the core leading stock in the market. Waigaoqiao and Anxin Trust are the soul of the market."

"As long as these two soul stocks can stabilize, the market will quickly recover after digesting this wave of selling at pressure positions."

"Furthermore, there are many positive expectations on the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'."

"After all, I heard that in mid-September, some policies and plans related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' will be released. The 'financial reform' is just the first wave. Various subsequent experimental reform policies will definitely have to be speculated. .”

"You're right, where are we now? If we say that the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has reached its peak, then we have to wait until Waigaoqiao opens the market and the second wave of speculation is over."

"I also think this is mid-stage hype at best."

"I still remember that when the Shanghai Stock Exchange's first-line trading board opened, there was a big adjustment on that day. Everyone said that this stock had peaked, but it turns out that the subsequent checks have almost doubled the increase so far. And... this check may double in size in the future."

"Yes, yes, people who are afraid of heights will always suffer."

"I bought it at the highest point when the Shanghai stock market fluctuated for a week in the early stage. At that time, everyone advised me to cut the meat, but the result...I have it now, and the floating profit has been more than 30%, let alone these 12 The amplitude is so high that if you have the ability, the main force will come to you all over the place, and you won’t be afraid.”

“The Shanghai Stock Exchange has indeed dropped more than 12 points since the daily limit, but if you calculate it from the opening price, it has dropped less than 4 points. There is nothing to be afraid of, at least... buy at this time It’s much more cost-effective to buy in than chasing high prices in the early trading, right?”

"Look, many tickets have started to withdraw quickly after they plunged rapidly."

"The Shanghai stock market is also rising straight up and is about to hit the red market."

"After the Shanghai stock index plunged, the index has now retreated and is quickly approaching the 2,200 point level again."

"Jinshan Development has successfully closed back..."

"After the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank stocks plunged, they not only recovered the losses, but also continued to hit new intraday highs."

"Wash the dishes, yes, definitely wash the dishes."

“In an upward trend, all dips and falls are buying opportunities.”

"Yes, yes, buy... If you don't buy at this time, you will definitely have to continue to chase higher in the afternoon."

"The average increase in all 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept stocks is less than 50%. As for the so-called '100-year plan', all concept stocks must be doubled first, right?"

Amidst the heated discussions among many retail investors, and in the situation where everyone still holds some hope...

At 11:15, after experiencing a violent dive, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index retreated again and touched 2200 points. At the same time, the collapsed sentiment was slightly restored, and the turbulent selling also weakened a bit.

At 11:17, the Shanghai stock market rebounded from a minimum decline of 3.21% to a rise of 1.23%.

At 11:21, Aijian shares were closed, and the concept of "financial reform" set off a small climax of capital chasing again.

At 11:23, the Shanghai Stock Index regained 2,200 points.

At 11:25, the Shanghai stock market's physical trade rose further to 3%, and the transaction volume exceeded 1.35 billion.

"What is the result of reducing positions?" Seeing that the overall market sentiment was not completely destroyed under the influence of the rapid collapse of the Shanghai stock market, Su Yu had a hint of surprise in his eyes, looked at the time, and turned to Li Meng Asked, "How many positions do we have in the three checks of Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank?"

Li Meng replied: "We still have more than 30 million, almost 10,000 lots of chips in the Shanghai Stock Exchange; the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank still have more than 20 million each. With the current liquidity of these three checks, we have Just put some chips and you can get out at any time.”

"Okay!" Su Yu said with a smile, "So, it can be considered a safe appearance."

Li Meng nodded and continued: "Three stocks in the morning sold a total of 560 million chips, and also recovered 560 million funds. Now our fund's overall position level has returned to a lower position. If we take over Come down... the index will go back down and adjust, which is good for us."

"According to the market volume this morning, it will explode..."

Su Yu said: "It should be inevitable to switch styles and adjust the index."

Although at present, the speculation sentiment of various funds towards the main line of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" seems to have stabilized, the volume in the morning was too large, and the overall chip structure has been loosened.

In this situation……

If the amount of funds cannot keep up in the afternoon, panic selling will definitely occur again.

"Style switching?" Li Meng said, "If the hype of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' peaks, will the market style still shift to the GEM 'Pan Mobile Internet' related concept sectors and popular concept stocks?"

Su Yu nodded and said: "This is inevitable. The market currently only has these two directions, which have expectations and can carry billions or tens of billions of huge main funds."

"But there's no need to rush this time."

"Once the chip structure and hype sentiment on the main line of speculation on the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' completely collapsed."

"With the active funds and profit margins gathered on this main line being so huge, the market adjustment should be very drastic."

"We have ample time to react."

"And there are enough opportunities to carry out large-scale position adjustments when the market adjusts violently."

"After September, the hype expectations for the third quarter financial report and annual report are very close. We are at the cusp of the storm, and the industry is full of "mobile games", "wearable devices", and "smart terminal mobile phone industry chain". The performance of core stocks will definitely be the same.”

“These tickets, these areas, will be our next opportunity to invest.”

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded, quite agreeing with this.

Su Yu was quite forward-looking in planning investment strategies, which she admired very much.

While the two were talking, 11:30 arrived, and the hot trading conditions of the two cities were fully settled. The Shanghai Index closed at 2202 points, up 1.56%. The Shenzhen Index and the ChiNext Index both increased by about 1%, significantly lagging behind the Shanghai Index. increase.

In terms of sectors and individual stocks...

Although the concept sectors related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' have experienced a big plunge, they are still the absolute core of today's market. The four major industry sectors, such as logistics, ports, real estate, and finance, still lead the gains in the two cities. The overall increase is much higher than the index increase.

Among them, in the concept sector, the concept of ‘financial reform’ led the way, with an increase of 3.35%.

Other regional free trade zone concepts, low-level free trade zone concepts, commercial retail concepts, etc. also performed well, ranking at the forefront of the gains in the concept sectors of the two cities.

For core popular stocks, Waigaoqiao continued to shrink, with only 9.86 million in funds traded throughout the morning; the Shanghai Stock Exchange was an epic earthquake, with a maximum amplitude of more than 14% throughout the morning, and a half-day turnover of 1.42 billion, almost as much as the previous period The daily trading volume was about the same; after Essence Trust quickly reached its daily limit in early trading, a huge amount was released on the board for a time, but overall, it still maintained a good daily limit trend at the midday closing, stabilizing the entire 'financial reform' Investment sentiment in the concept sector; two stocks, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, recovered their intraday plunge amid huge capital transactions, and once hit a new intraday rebound high before closing at noon.

Other popular stocks include Yiyatong, Robot, Chongqing Development, Jinshan Development, and Aijian Shares.

Although there was a huge amount of money selling, and there was a huge dive for a time, the market sentiment finally stabilized, especially Jinshan Development and Aijian shares, which were closed before midday.


According to the market trends of the two cities in the morning.

The only ones that seem to be injured are the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the early popular concept stocks "Lujiazui, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, and Shanghai Sanmao" that were previously speculated and abandoned by funds, which once moved simultaneously with the Shanghai Stock Exchange. .

"Teacher, according to the market trend this morning, the chip structure on the main line of speculation on the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' should have been loosened, right?" Seeing such a midday closing result, Yanjing and Anlan Fund internals, after eating Xie Wanting, who carefully reviewed the market, pondered for a while and said, "I feel that the volume in the morning can be too much. According to the current market's highest turnover of only 100 billion, the market volume in the afternoon should be obviously insufficient! "

In today's market, more than 67 billion yuan was traded in the two cities in half a day.

Although such changes in quantity and energy finally saved the market sentiment that once collapsed, it still made Xie Wanting feel vaguely uneasy.

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