Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 209: Leaving the warehouse Waigaoqiao!

"The energy is too much."

Hearing Xie Wanting's words, Zhou Guohua nodded slightly and continued: "The main reason is that the check from Shanghai Stock Exchange failed to be sealed at the daily limit today. The impact of such a fast blow on the market sentiment is really great. , causing the market’s main funds to worry about the continued relay.”

"Also, today's market was pulled too fast in the early trading stage, and low chips were changed hands, which was not enough at all."

"Coupled with the fact that the Shanghai Stock Index is at 2,200 points, there is tremendous pressure."

"So, on the whole, if the volume can be so large, if in the afternoon on the main concept of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', many core popular stocks once again have insufficient acceptance and large-scale profit taking, then it will The situation is very dangerous, especially..."

Zhou Guohua paused and glanced at the surface of Waigaoqiao.

Then he continued: "Waigaoqiao, a stock that is a bellwether for market sentiment, would be the most terrifying thing if it were hit by the funds lurking in the market once the market opened with heavy volume!"

“Generally speaking, the current market is on the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ line.”

"The hype must have reached an extreme level. At this stage, if we continue to relay, there will be few profit opportunities, but the risk of loss will be great."

"Yeah!" Xie Wanting nodded, "I think so too, so...teacher, we should reduce our positions in an all-round way and set up the stop-profit line, right?"

"It should be so!" Zhou Guohua smiled and said.

"And..." Xie Wanting paused and then asked, "Teacher, what do you think of the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock market's trend in the morning? That stock... that stock when the Shanghai Stock Exchange hit the daily limit , the sudden crash caused the entire main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' to collectively loose funds, I think it is a bit abnormal."

"It can be said that the entire market's plunge this morning was caused by this fund."

"Without this wave of diving, the market volume would not have been so large. The main funds in the market would have taken over, and they would have been relatively aggressive. The main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' market will continue to rise. Pulling it up for a while will not cause huge hidden dangers to the market trend in the afternoon."

"There are many hot money active in the market, and there are many masters..." Zhou Guohua said, "Although Fortune Road, the two core main forces of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, has cleared its stocks, Jiefang South Road is still there. This is an extremely fierce force. The main force’s market speculation acumen is no worse than that of Fortune Road.”

With that said, Zhou Guohua briefly told Xie Wanting about the historical performance of the Jiefang South Road fund.

Let her have a general understanding of this fund, and always pay attention to the movement of this fund in future operations.

"The leading strategy, the chief rudder of the Mingzhou Death Squadron." Xie Wanting muttered these words and said with a genuine smile, "It feels like a martial arts world."

"The domestic hot money ecosystem is originally a martial arts world." Zhou Guohua smiled and said, "Whether Zexi's funds appear as hot money seats or private equity institutions, in the domestic financial market, they are They cannot be underestimated. Their market acumen is extremely strong. Once this capital gathers in a market area on a large scale, it often means that there are relatively large opportunities in this market area.”

"And, in the current market..."

"The capital scale of Zexi's family is already close to tens of billions, and their influence on the market is not small."

"That's it!" Xie Wanting fully understood, "So... the funds that spent on the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock this morning must have come from Jiefang South Road and Zexi?"

"It must be!" Zhou Guohua said, "Shanghai Materials Trading stock had no major institutions lurking before, and the chips were relatively dispersed. Then... the speculation process of this check in the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' Among them, the only main funds that are deeply involved are Fortune Road, Fusheng Road, Jiefang South Road, and Zexi funds. Other hot funds involved in the market suddenly cannot produce such a large amount of energy."

"And Zexi and his group were aggressive in selling this stock."

"It is enough to prove that they no longer want to trade this stock. They probably feel that the hype on the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line is over, and are preparing to take profits on a large scale."

"The two main funds have cleared their positions one after another." Xie Wanting said, "So...the check market of Shanghai Stock Exchange should be finished."

"And we can guess that this smashing fund is Jiefang South Road."

"Then, other active hot money players in the market can certainly guess that the two main players in this stock have left the market."

"If you look at it this way..."

"In the afternoon, the market acceptance situation of the Shanghai Stock Exchange is probably worse than I thought before."

"It depends on whether the main funds that took over Zexi's series of chips at a high level will choose to save themselves." Zhou Guohua said, "After all, judging from the midday closing results, the market is in the Shanghai stock market The overall retail sentiment on the main line of the Free Trade Zone has not collapsed. If there are major funds willing to save themselves, the afternoon trading trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock will not be ugly too quickly. "

"Of course, no matter how this stock goes today..."

"Next Monday, this check will definitely be a front-runner. After all, the Dragon and Tiger rankings will come out this afternoon, and everything... is a clear sign."

As the two discussed...

At this moment, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is in a trading room on Yincheng Middle Road.

Several hot money tycoons in the market were in a dilemma facing the Shanghai stock market that had already been fixed. At the same time, they continued to criticize the capital seat of 'Jiefang South Road'.

These people belong to Guotai Junan Shanghai Xinzha Road Sales Department, Huatai Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road Sales Department, Orient Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road Sales Department, Orient Securities Wuxi Xinsheng Road Sales Department, just like the current Xu Xiang, They are all well-known hot money in the Magic City.

Of course, there are others who are different from Xu Xiang...

They often hang out together on the Dragon and Tiger List, and are nicknamed the ‘Giant Whale Gang’ in the Magic City by the vast retail investors in the market and various well-known hot money players.

"This guy Xu Xiang is so useless. We were kind enough to help him carry the sedan, but he actually smashed the plate and killed everyone." Among the several people, the older person from the Xinzha Road Sales Department in Shanghai said, "This Guy, it’s been several years since I came to Shanghai from Mingzhou, and my appearance in the A-share market is still so ugly.”

"What Xu did today is really not authentic." Another middle-aged man from the Yincheng Middle Road Sales Department of Huatai Securities in Shanghai responded, "Old Chang, what should I do this afternoon? What if Xu happens again? Damn it, we will suffer a big loss this time."

"How about we take over all the chips from Xu and continue to speculate?" Another man who looked to be in his thirties and belonged to the Wuxi Xinsheng Road Sales Department where the capital belongs suggested, "The market in the morning. The overall sentiment has not gone bad. Although Waigaoqiao has not yet opened the stock market with heavy volume, there are still expectations for the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange. If we continue to take over the investment and continue to speculate, maybe... If you quit, you can still make a fortune.”

"The person named Xu has a lot of chips in his hands!" The last person among the few who had been silent, the man sitting at the sales department of Oriental Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road, said.

"It's quite a lot, but as far as the Shanghai Stock Exchange is concerned this morning, the one with the surname Xu should have sold at least 300 million." The younger man from the Wu Xi Xinsheng Road sales department who spoke before said, "Even if the surname is Xu's number of chips in the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock is equivalent to that of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road stocks, which is not much. He still has 50 to 60 million to last. However, he had previously intervened in the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock. For other hot money in stocks, the buying volume is not large, only 10 to 20 million, and does not pose a threat. If we work together, we can catch the market and continue to move upwards."

"Old Chang, what do you think?"

After hearing the words of the man from the seat of 'Wuxi Xinsheng Road', the man from 'Huatai Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road' who spoke before asked the oldest man from 'Xinzha Road'.

To be honest, if they can catch the order together, he wants to continue to make orders. After all, they were hit at the daily limit in early trading and suffered heavy losses during the day. If the market of Shanghai Stock Exchange is allowed to be like this If they collapse, if there is another large-scale collapse of funds within the market that week, they may face continuous huge losses. I am afraid that they will not be able to get out without a loss of 20 to 30%.

In this case, it is better to take over the chips and take advantage of the market sentiment before it completely collapses.

Continue to make another wave of trading upwards, attracting more retail investors to come in to take over the orders, and then leave the market when the liquidity is good. After all, most retail investors buy ups rather than downs, and continue to invest funds to pull up. The risk of further emotional collapse caused by allowing the other party to smash the market is lower.

Lao Chang from 'Xinzha Road' pondered for a moment and said: "The four of us currently only have 150 million available funds in total. If we can't catch the order and all the funds are invested, we will die even worse. What if?" Does the person surnamed Xu have more than 350 million lurking chips in the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock?"

"Through the observation of the historical dragon and tiger list data of Shanghai Stock Exchange, the number of chips of the person named Xu should be in the range of around 350 million. That's right." The younger man from 'Wuxi Xinsheng Road' said, "Brother Chang , we have to take a gamble, otherwise if we don’t accept the opponent’s hit in the afternoon, the market liquidity of Shanghai Stock Exchange will only become more tense, and the funds on the market will collapse faster. By then, the stock price of this check will definitely There will be a panic crash.”

"If today's check goes all the way..."

"Then next Monday, with Xu's trading style, he will definitely create a 'one-word soul-killing knife' to cut off all the main funds in the field that failed to appear."

"Old Wu, what do you think?" Old Chang from Xinzha Road pondered for a moment, then turned his attention to the man from Orient Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road who spoke last.

The man from the "Oriental Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road" seat, who was called 'Lao Wu', thought for a while and replied: "It's nonsense, but it is a way. As long as Waigaoqiao's afternoon trading can continue, Keep it stable, let's take over the deal in partnership, and the difficulty of closing Shanghai's logistics trade will probably not be particularly great, but..."

Old Wu paused and then said: "I'm worried that the check from Waigaoqiao won't be stable today!"

"If this check cannot be stabilized, it will be even more impossible for the Shanghai Stock Exchange to be stable."

"The transaction volume in Waigaoqiao throughout the morning was less than 10 million." Xiao Hu, who is the younger of the four at the seat of 'Wuxi Xinsheng Road', said, "I think there is basically no possibility of large-scale opening of this check in the afternoon. Yes, and according to the common sense of changes in quantity and energy, it may not be possible to open the market next Monday."

"Old Chen, what do you think?" After Xiao Hu finished speaking, he looked at another companion who agreed with him in the seat of "Huatai Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road".

Lao Chen from Huatai Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road coughed lightly and said: "Old Wu, I don't think you need to worry about Waigaoqiao for the time being. Stocks like this high-priced conglomerate stock usually open for call auction. At the most dangerous time, as long as the subsequent call auction has passed and there is no significant increase in volume, it will be impossible to open the market again within half a day.”

"Okay!" Lao Chang, who was seated at Xinzha Road, thought for a while before saying, "Since Lao Chen and Xiao Hu both agree, and Lao Wu you don't object, then let's... take a gamble this afternoon."

"This guy named Xu..."

"I have long disliked him."

"From Mingzhou to Shanghai, in a few years, relying on insider trading with the advantages of information channels, he became the guest of major bosses. Does he really think of himself as a stock god?"

"This round, what we are fighting against is Jiefang South Road."

While several people were talking, the time had reached 1 p.m., and the two suspended markets resumed trading.

After the emotional fermentation at noon, the main line of speculation about the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" once again ushered in a group of funds after the market opened.

At 1:10 a.m., the Shanghai stock market hit a 5% increase, and the turnover quickly reached 1.5 billion.

At 1:15, the Shanghai Composite Index touched 2210 points, indicating that it was likely to reach a new rebound high and completely recover the lost ground.

At 1:17, three new stocks closed their trading limits, and in the 'financial reform' concept sector, five stocks once again exceeded their daily limit.

At 1:21, the Shanghai stock market's growth expanded to 6.5%, and the turnover exceeded 1.6 billion. For the first time in the afternoon, a large order of 10,000 units was purchased.

However, just when everyone is once again gathering expectations for the Shanghai Stock Exchange's daily limit.

Immediately afterwards, another large order of 10,000 lots fell from the market, knocking the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange back below 5 points.

Subsequently, two stocks with huge trading volumes, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, also saw large selling orders in the tens of millions, and selling orders on the market began to completely suppress buying orders.

At 1:23, the Shanghai Stock Index, which had reached its limit of 2213 points, fell back again.

Moreover, at this time, the time-sharing capacity of the entire market began to decline significantly, and the funds actively taking over the market also decreased significantly.

"Mr. Xu, the stock prices of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group have fallen rapidly. The power of market funds has been rapidly consumed in the afternoon, and now it is even weaker." Seeing the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and core stocks with higher trading volume, they have once again After a rapid rise and fall, Zhou Kan, who has been observing the market in the trading room of Zexi Investment in Shanghai, reported urgently, "The market has reached its peak, both in terms of volume, energy and sentiment."

"How much are the chips we have built on the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'?" Xu Xiang asked.

Zhou Kan replied: "It's already 40% out."

"Only 40%." Xu Xiang frowned, "Speed ​​up the speed, the energy and emotion will reach the peak, and then as the market selling increases, the market trend will really be like a landslide."

With the sound of his voice...

In an instant, the Shanghai Composite Index had plunged back to around 2,200 points. At the same time, the growth rate of the Shanghai Stock Exchange also fell again to about 3% at the midday closing.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, there seems to be a lot of ability to take over the check on the Shanghai Stock Exchange."

When the overall market prices of the two cities plunged again, Zhou Kan placed a sell order of 10,000 lots at the market price, only to find that this order was eaten up by a burst of funds without any sound, and even the Shanghai Stock Exchange's one-point increase was lost. The fight didn't go on, so he couldn't help but said in surprise: "I don't know which group of idiots are picking it up."

"Is there actually a large amount of main funds to undertake it?"

When Xu Xiang heard this, he was a little surprised. He smiled and said, "No matter who it is, since the other party wants it, then sell it all to him!"

"Okay!" Zhou Kan responded.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to sell three consecutive large orders of 10,000 lots on the market.

These three large orders of 10,000 lots, with almost 100 million in capital, were placed at the lower limit price. He thought that the funds for the stock that had just been placed would still be received.

did not expect……

The other party only continued to take 11,000 lots before canceling the order at lightning speed.

As a result, this huge selling order directly penetrated the market of Shanghai Stock Exchange, causing its stock price to collapse by more than 5 points in an instant, falling to 4 points underwater, setting a new intraday low.

"F*ck!" Zhou Kan was extremely shocked when he saw the board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange being destroyed in an instant.

"What did you do?" Xu Xiang saw that Zhou Kan had directly intensified the mood of the market in an instant, causing panic selling to come out one after another. He frowned and said urgently, "Sell against the buying orders in the market, don't be so general. If the market goes down, sentiment will collapse directly, the stock price will go straight to the limit, and liquidity will become very limited.”

"I thought the other party would still pick up the fight," Zhou Kan said, "I didn't expect the other party to be so powerful, he was just a piece of paper."

When the two of them were stunned...

The Magic City at this time was in a trading room on Yincheng Middle Road.

The anger in the hearts of the four hot money tycoons, namely Guotai Junan Securities Shanghai Xinzha Road, Huatai Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road, Orient Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road, and Orient Securities Wuxi Xinsheng Road, has burst out. At the same time, there is an unspeakable wave. The depression and frustration are also spreading in my heart.

They joined forces to take over.

It's a pity that they didn't catch it at all. They didn't expect that the opponent on Jiefang South Road still had more than 100 million chips in their hands and hadn't sold it. Especially the 30,000 sell orders that the opponent had just plummeted, which directly killed them. We must continue to maintain confidence in the market.

"Damn it, didn't you say that the guy named Xu only has about 50 million chips at most?" Chang, the hot money manager of "Shanghai Xinzha Road" who has exhausted 95% of his cash, was extremely depressed and angry, "Why? One toss is one hundred million, one toss is one hundred million!”

Faced with this level of selling funds, they simply cannot accept it.

"You surnamed Xu, I have no sworn relationship with you." Lao Chen from Yincheng Middle Road of Huatai Securities also cursed with eyes wide open, "Isn't it better to slowly exit like Fortune Road? I have to go straight down and kill you. sister!"

"It's over, it's over!" Xiao Hu from Wuxi Xinsheng Road looked at the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange after another crash and then went straight to the limit. His face became a little pale, "Why is it so? Big selling volume? There is no reason that the person named Xu has more chips than Fortune Road. In this fucking day, he sold at least 450 million yuan."

"Hey, admit your loss, this check from Shanghai Stock Exchange is hopeless."

Lao Wu from Yincheng Middle Road of Orient Securities also sighed helplessly: "With a volume of close to 1.8 billion, this volume of transactions and changes of hands, in the entire market, no major funds dare to take over, this one... We are all taking over for the person named Xu. Well, next Monday, I’m afraid it will hit the limit!”

When several big bosses saw the market trend of the Shanghai stock market, they were irreversible and felt so heartbroken that they couldn't breathe...

At this moment, inside Yuhang and Yuhang Investment, in the trading room.

Su Yu stared at the stock market of Shanghai Stock Exchange, which had completely collapsed and was almost approaching the lower limit. The liquidity of the market was also decreasing sharply. He asked Li Meng: "Now, have all the chips been sold out?"

"Yes!" Li Meng nodded, "All the chips in the three stocks of Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, and Shanghai Stock Exchange have been sold out at this moment."

"Okay!" Su Yu said with a smile, "Then it's time to clean up the last positions on the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'."

After saying that, he held the mouse with his fingers, and then quickly slid the cursor to the one-click clearing button for the fund account he was operating.

At this moment, in the fund account he operates.

A total of 177,000 foreign Gaoqiao chips are held, with an average cost of 13.12 yuan, a profit of 387.80%, and a market value of 901 million.

Then, the next second, 1:55:48.

Su Yu clicked the button to clear the position.

A total of 177,000 lots of chips were submitted to the transaction reporting process, and all were reported to the exchange within one second according to the continuous sell orders of 10,000 lots.

Then, the next second, 1:55:49.

177,000 orders, totaling 900 million yuan, fell from the sky and instantly hit the market that was sealed by the one-line daily limit board of Waigaoqiao.

PS: These two chapters, which are over 10,000 words, are to make up for yesterday, and there should be two more chapters to follow!

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