Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 210 Tens of billions of funds were trapped!

A huge amount of money was lost.

In one second, Waigaoqiao's closing orders, which had declined to 380,000 lots, were swallowed up by almost half, and its trading volume jumped from more than 13 million to 914 million.

At this moment, the attention of the entire market also gathered.

Institutions were shocked, hot money was shocked, and retail investors were shocked. They had never seen such a violent exit scene.

Of course, at this same moment, the blocking institutions and hot money players who were originally very calm, faced such a scene, and faced the sudden entry of 177,000 lots of funds, their hearts went up for a moment. When it reaches my throat, I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse.

Then, the next second.

Amidst the shock of countless people, countless follow-up orders began to gather on the Waigaoqiao market to sell.

At the same second, in the follow-up order arrangement, the order placing institutions, hot money, and even the majority of retail investors who had not been swept in by the 177,000 orders that were dropped from the sky began to quickly withdraw their orders.

Then, a few seconds later.

Originally rock-solid, after the resumption of trading, Waigaoqiao went beyond the 13-word daily limit. Its daily limit was quickly cleared, and the stock price plummeted.

9%, 8%, 7%…

In ten seconds, its stock price plummeted to the 5% increase range.

"Crazy, crazy, 380,000 orders can be opened instantly?"

At the moment when Waigaoqiao opened its daily limit and the stock price plummeted, the discussion and comment areas of the entire market's stock forum exploded.

"Am I really dazzled? In one breath, 177,000 sell orders hit the daily limit!"

"Damn it, 900 million, who is so powerful?"

"With such a huge amount of latent disk, it should be a large domestic institution, right?"

"Oh my god, I'm convinced! I have imagined many kinds of opening scenes in Waigaoqiao, but I never thought it would be like this. The amount of funds just now was so damn scary."

"177,000 lots. This capital is lurking in it. Isn't it a big profit?"

"Not only did I make a lot of money, I made a huge profit!"

"I never expected that Waigaoqiao would suddenly open the market with a sudden burst of volume. Ordinarily... before this fund hit the market, the entire market of Waigaoqiao did not increase its volume. If it persisted for a while, it would close. Why bother to sell it at this time? "

"With such a large amount of funds, unless the market is consistent and there is no lack of liquidity, it will be out of the market. After the Waigaoqiao market is naturally opened, it may not be so cheap to come up with 900 million in funds, and this will The profit from stock funds is so huge, it’s me... I’ll also lose it!”

"Nine hundred million, it's so scary!"

"With this smashing of funds, not only will the market trend in Waigaoqiao become ugly, but the whole market's main line of speculation on the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' will be finished, right?"

"Yes, Waigaoqiao is the emotional vane of the market's main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'."

"Now that the sentiment vane has collapsed, other stocks and concepts will definitely not be better either."

"Nonsense, as the core leader, Waigaoqiao has been closed, and its stock price is plummeting. Is it surprising that other stocks can do well?"

"Yes, yes, I didn't look at the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Within one minute, it hit the limit."

"Hey, it's really miserable. It feels like these 900 million funds have directly destroyed the entire market."

In the anxious discussion of many retail investors, in just two or three minutes, the entire market situation has undergone earth-shaking changes. The previous signs of enthusiasm disappeared the moment the Waigaoqiao market opened.

I saw...

The three major indexes, Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Composite Index and ChiNext Index, fell rapidly.

All the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept stocks that have sealed their daily limits, except for a few straight-line stocks that are obviously stimulated by other major benefits, have... exploded one after another.

In the ‘financial reform’ concept sector, the five natural daily limit stocks, including Anxin Trust, all exploded.

And each stock's market and selling volume are endless.

With the concept of 'regional free trade zone', there are a total of 6 natural daily limits, including Chongqing Development, all of which have exploded, and none of them can be stabilized.

Real estate, logistics, ports, finance and other industry sectors.

Not to mention the daily limit stocks related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' within the sector, even the entire industry sector index plunged rapidly in just two or three minutes, jumping from a red plate status exceeding the index to a Underwater, the rise turned into a fall.

Marginal low-level concept stocks, and some new free trade zone concept stocks that are related to each other.

At this moment, the entire line was also changing from strong to weak, diving like crazy.

Among them, the stock of Yiyatong has been tracking the Shanghai stock market, falling all the way to the limit.

The core popular concept stocks in the early stage, such as Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, as well as Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, Lujiazui, Shanghai Sanmao and other stocks, have plunged even more fiercely, especially Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. Thousands of large orders were sold continuously, causing these two stocks to recover all the previous intraday gains within a few minutes and hit new intraday lows.

Even the ‘Internet Finance’ concept section on the GEM.

At this moment, also affected by the concept of 'financial reform', stocks related to the concept plunged crazily. Among them, Shanghai Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. plummeted and went straight to the limit.

It can be said that after Waigaoqiao suddenly opened up...

The entire market, which could still maintain a little bit of bullish sentiment, suddenly collapsed, and all profit takers were rushing out.

In this situation, the time jumps to 2 o'clock.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index's gains shrank to less than 0.5%, which is the same as the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index.

Shanghai Materials Trading, Shanghai Steel Union, Yiyatong, and Duolun Shares fell by the limit. Among them, Shanghai Materials Trading and Duolun Shares broke out of the sky-and-floor trend; Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank turned from rising to falling, and continued to hit new intraday lows. ; Anxin Trust exploded, and the stock price fell back to around 4%; after the opening of Waigaoqiao, the stock price rebounded slightly, reaching about 6.2%, under fierce trading conditions, but there is no hope of rising to the daily limit.

Then, at 2:10.

The three major indexes recovered all gains throughout the day, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index began to turn from rising to falling. The good upward trend was seriously damaged, and the market profit-taking selling and panic were further amplified.

At 2:13, after struggling for a while, the Shanghai Stock Exchange completely closed the limit, sealing more than 70,000 orders.

At 2:15, Essence Trust's growth fell back to about 2%, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group fell more than 2%, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank fell 1%, and the turnover exceeded 4.5 billion.

At 2:18, Waigaoqiao once again faced a huge wave of selling. The stock price fell back to 4%, completely losing hope of a return to closure, and the transaction volume soared to 2.1 billion.

At 2:20, Aijian shares hit the lower limit, becoming the third Tiandi stock in the two cities.

At 2:25, panic selling and profit selling further intensified. 90% of the nearly 200 concept stocks in the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" in the two cities were in decline, which was in contrast to 85% of the concept stocks during the peak market sentiment in the morning. The upward trend is completely different.

At 2:30, the Shanghai Stock Index fell by more than 1%, falling below 2150 points.

At this time, the number of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept stocks in the two cities has dropped to the limit, exceeding 10.

"Damn, the funds that smashed Waigaoqiao's stock are simply sick." In a situation where the entire market's sentiment about the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has completely collapsed and reversed, Magic City, Zexi Investment Inside the company, in the trading room, Xu Xiang stared at the market, looking at the Shanghai Stock Exchange that had closed down and the more than 100 million in chips that had not been sold out. He felt angry for no reason, "Obviously there was no increase in volume. It is not good to sell the market on Monday." Really? What the have to get ahead of me."

In the Shanghai stock market, there are nearly 400 million chips.

After missing the opportunity, he worked hard to get close to 300 million.

If Waigaoqiao hadn't suddenly opened the market, which directly brought down the investment sentiment of the entire market and caused all the profit-taking orders to rush out, according to his estimation, he would have been able to use the remaining more than 100 million chips. It came out before the market closed, but now... With more than 100 million, how many lower limits will it take?

"Zhou Kan..."

After being depressed for a while, Xu Xiang asked: "Where are the other held stocks? How many chips are still left?"

"We only sold 55% of our chips today." Zhou Kan replied, "Under the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', we have held a total of 18 stocks. Even after Mr. Xu issued the order, We are trying our best to exit the position, but we can only reach this point. There are still close to 1 billion chips on the market, and... 4 stocks have dropped to the limit, and there is a lack of liquidity, so we can no longer exit the position."

"There are still 1 billion chips in the field?" Xu Xiang frowned even deeper when he heard this.

"It's my fault..." After thinking for a while, Xu Xiang sighed softly, "I didn't expect that the market sentiment would fail and change so quickly. I originally thought that Waigaoqiao would be able to maintain its two or three boards with this trading volume, but I didn't expect it. ...Looking at it now, Fortune Road’s capital is still prescient!”

"But our profit is quite generous." Zhou Kan replied, "Even if part of the profit is withdrawn during the exit process, there is no big problem."

"Yeah!" Xu Xiang nodded.

This round of hype about the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ lasted for nearly a month.

Although their company was not the most profitable institution in this hype feast, it could be regarded as fully seizing this wave of opportunities and making a lot of profits.

Therefore, there is no regret.

It's just that he couldn't fully grasp the selling point, which made him feel a little imperfect.

Of course, his performance is not perfect. It is based on the funds of Wealth Road and Fusheng Road. Compared with other market hot funds, his record is already considered unique.

"Don't worry about the stocks that have dropped to the limit." After a pause, Xu Xiang continued to order, "For other stocks that have not dropped to the limit, as long as there is liquidity on the market, you can give out as many chips as you can."

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index exploded in large numbers today, but it failed to continue its upward trend. Instead, it went out of a trend of rising high and falling, and then fell rapidly."

"This proves that the index is at the 2,200-point mark and cannot be overcome for the time being."

"In the follow-up, there is a high probability that the price will return to the upper edge of the 2100-point shock range, and whether it can stabilize above 2100 points is still an unknown question."

"If the index returns to the shock range of 2,000 points to 2,100 points, it will be even more difficult to predict the subsequent market trend."

"In this wave of index gains, the main line of support for the index's upward trend, the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line has reached this point. The overall chip structure has been destroyed, profit taking has been fully withdrawn, and various funds have taken over the market at high levels. If you successfully stand guard, the market situation... is likely to be over."

"In this way, you don't have to worry about the selling point."

"If you sell early, you can earn one more penny. If you sell later, the stock price will naturally be lower by one penny."

"With today's trend, the market will be uglier on Monday than today."

"Okay!" Zhou Kan responded.

Immediately afterwards, regardless of the cost issue when reducing positions, traders began to reduce positions at the market price, and even took the initiative to sell down, grabbing the remaining buying liquidity in the last half hour of trading.

And at this very moment...

I misjudged the trend of the market and took the order from Jiefang South Road. I could only stare blankly as I watched the Shanghai Stock Exchange drop to its limit and the entire market plummeted. Shanghai Xinzha Road, Huatai Securities Shanghai Yincheng Middle Road, Orient Securities Shanghai Stock Exchange Yincheng Middle Road and Oriental Securities Wuxi Xinsheng Road are the four main hot money investors.

At this moment, he was so angry that he was completely out of balance.

They never dreamed that the market conditions in the two markets would turn into what they are now in the last hour.

"Hey, I'm so confused by this answer."

"At least a 35% loss is expected. Alas... I feel so heartbroken that I can't breathe."

"I didn't expect that Waigaoqiao would die like this, and I didn't expect that today's good market sentiment would suddenly collapse like this."

"Once Waigaoqiao dies, there will be no hope for Shanghai's logistics trade."

"In today's market, no one can lift Waigaoqiao. If Waigaoqiao opens in the morning, relying on such extreme emotions, it will definitely still rise."

"The person named Xu is sick, and the funds that destroyed Gaoqiao outside the market are also very sick."

"Forget it, forget it, stop complaining and admit your loss!"

"I have never suffered such a heavy loss since I started trading in the stock market. This wave... I estimate that all of this year's profits will be filled in."

"Damn it, next time you see Jiefang South Road, just smash it first as a sign of respect."

Amidst the helpless, bitter and extremely angry discussion among the four people...

Like the four people, other hot money and retail investors who have been completely deceived by the market are also in mourning at this moment, facing the market that continues to decline. They cannot understand why the market trend that was so strong in early trading suddenly reversed. Turn around and end up like this.

"The most painful thing is to take over the Shanghai Stock Exchange at the daily limit today!"

Before the market closed, the retail investors who had been cheated on the online stock forum were already in tears.

"It's the same thing if you take over Aijian shares on the daily limit. It's hard! A loss of more than 20% in one day has completely filled in the profit of a month of hard work."

"Aijian shares should not be as miserable as the Shanghai Stock Exchange. After all, there is still a possibility that the Aijian shares will be sold out next Monday. The Shanghai Stock Exchange stock may not be able to be sold next Monday. After all, I rushed in today. There are too many people. The turnover exceeds 2 billion. How many people have been buried? It would be strange if everyone doesn't press the "nuclear button" next Monday."

"The key is that the Waigaoqiao bridge was broken, and after it was broken, it was not renewed, which directly led to the collapse of the two cities!"

"Hey, it's all miserable. I took over Anxin Trust, and it was also a mess."

"I also took over Waigaoqiao. I originally thought that I might not be able to buy it if I placed an order, but I didn't expect that when the market really broke, I didn't even have time to withdraw, so I just stood guard at a high position."

"Hey, there's a lot of hot money buried today, right?"

"Just like the high-pitched trend in the morning, there is indeed a lot of hot money chasing the market at high levels, but there must be a lot of hot money making big profits today."

"The key point is the 177,000 orders in Waigaoqiao. It is simply shocking."

"Such a big order should be from an institution, right?"

"There are also five consecutive large orders of 10,000 lots that were directly hit when the Shanghai stock market reached its daily limit. Today, these two orders directly ruined the main market trend of the entire 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' in the entire market."

"The 50,000 lots that were smashed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange are definitely the Jiefang South Road owned by the chief helmsman."

"Hey, no matter what, I shouldn't have done anything today. I shouldn't have chased after the leader with all my heart."

"Chase the dragon to the crematorium, surrender!"

"Today's market trend, the index did not fall much, but the loss was really the worst this year. Next time... I really don't dare to chase higher."

Amid the complaints from the mourning crowd...

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the market in the two cities came to an abrupt end.

In the end, the Shanghai Composite Index closed down 1.43%, with an amplitude of more than 4% throughout the day, falling below 2150 points; the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index fell by about 1.2%, which was not as miserable as the Shanghai Composite Index.

In the specific market performance of the two cities, nearly 200 various concept stocks of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', which have been wildly speculated for more than a month, have all suffered heavy losses. Their related concept sectors have also changed from leading the gains in early trading to The two markets led the decline at the close, which can be described as dramatic.

Among them, core stocks...

After Waigaoqiao broke the market, it finally closed up 2.78%, with the stock price fixed at 47.54 yuan, and transactions for the whole day were 2.88 billion; after hitting a new annual high in early trading, the Shanghai Stock Exchange broke out of the sky-to-floor trend, and finally closed down 10% , the stock price was fixed at 3.063 yuan, with a turnover of 2.086 billion throughout the day; Shanghai-Hong Kong Group closed down 4.23%, with an amplitude of more than 8 points, and the turnover exceeded 3 billion; Shanghai Pudong Development Bank closed down 2.33%, with an amplitude of more than 5 points, and the turnover exceeded 3 billion 4 billion.

In addition to these core concept stocks, other "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept stocks are equally miserable.

Moreover, the two cities traded more than 120 billion yuan throughout the day, and the nearly 200 concept stocks under the main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" alone attracted nearly 40 billion yuan of funds.

Of course, this also means that at least tens of billions of funds are trapped on the top of the mountain today!

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