Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 214 Future Development Plan

"Yes, we need to hurry up on the personnel issue." Su Yu replied, "I have told Qin Haowen to recruit people as soon as possible."


Su Yu thought for a while and then said: "For the second fund, which is the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund, we cannot follow the rules of 'Yuhang No. 1', especially when investors subscribe In terms of share, we must make restrictions to allow the fund to cover as many investor groups as possible, so that the fund’s network of interests can be expanded wider, so that our foundation will be deeper.”

"Are there any restrictions on the subscription quota?" Li Meng said in surprise, "Will this offend some large customer groups again?"

"No," Su Yu said, "As long as we treat everyone equally."

"Then since the subscription share needs to be limited, I'm afraid the scale of fund raising must also be limited, right?" Li Meng said.

Su Yu nodded and said: "Yes, my idea is to set the fundraising scale at 5 billion. After all, the current market liquidity is not particularly abundant. It is difficult for large funds to enter and exit, and the larger the fund size, the higher the net worth. The more difficult it is, if we want to continue to create a beautiful fund net value curve, the initial scale cannot be too large."

"Okay!" Li Meng nodded, "I have no objection."

"Others, such as hierarchical management fees and profit sharing, generally do not need to be changed." Su Yu said, "Of course, we can continue to discuss the specific details later."

After speaking, Su Yu glanced at the time.

Seeing that it was already 6:15, I couldn't help but smile to myself and said: "When I used to work, I hated the boss' delay in getting off work. I didn't expect it to be so soon...I have become the person I once hated. Okay, everyone...get off work, there will be no short meeting today."

As he finished speaking, the traders in the trading room stood up and said goodbye to him.

"It's not like you have become someone you hate." Li Meng smiled and said after all the traders left, "At least as far as I know, no one in the company thinks you are harsh or difficult to get along with. On the contrary, they think you are harsh and difficult to get along with. You are an approachable boss and a courageous and capable person."

"Besides, haven't you noticed the way our company's traders look at you?"

"Wang Can won't say anything anymore."

"Liu Yuan, her eyes are filled with admiration for you."

"I taught them how to make money, and they worshiped me. That's right." Su Yu smiled, "But... looking at you like this, are you jealous of that girl Liu Yuan?"

Li Meng rolled his eyes at him lightly and said, "Su Yu, when did you become so narcissistic?"

"The power of money!" Su Yu chuckled softly, "Based on the net value of our company's first fund, the current profit of our company is already in the 1 billion level."

"Then I have to congratulate you for becoming a billionaire." Li Meng said with a smile.

"Haha..." Su Yu laughed loudly, "You are not bad either. In a few months, when the net value of the fund is settled at the end of the year, you will get the company's profit dividends and fund performance commissions. How can you say that you can also buy it in Yuhang? Being able to afford a house can greatly change your family’s situation.”

"Yes." Li Meng nodded, with a look of longing in his eyes.

She followed Su Yu out of the company, was silent for a while, and said, "Su Yu, thank you!"

"Suddenly, why are you thanking me?" Su Yu asked in surprise.

"Thank you for letting me start a business with you." Li Mengmeng thought for a while and said, "Thank you for teaching me a lot of market trading knowledge and principles. During this time, I feel that I have grown a lot. Our understanding of the market is completely different from before.”

"It's good if you feel you have some understanding." Su Yu said, "I regard you as a comrade from the bottom of my heart."

"Comrade?" Li Meng didn't quite understand.

"Yes!" Su Yu said, "The kind of comrades who can fight side by side in the domestic and foreign financial markets in the future."

"Foreign financial markets?" Li Meng said, "In the future, do you still want to explore foreign financial markets?"

Su Yu said: "This is inevitable. In fact, in a sense, the A-share market is just a small pond with limited carrying capacity. If the company's future asset management scale expands to tens of billions or even hundreds of billions, It will become increasingly difficult to operate, and it will be better to choose foreign financial markets when the time comes."

"But domestic capital has never been successful when going overseas, surrounded by foreign investment." Li Meng said, "In fact, our country's financial development has only lasted more than 20 years, regardless of the system or the market. Establishment and borrowing from foreign countries, our historical experience is insufficient, and our funds go overseas, it may be difficult to harvest some fruits!"

"There are difficulties, but there is no chance of winning." Su Yu said, "Overseas capital groups are not so scary, and we cannot be timid before fighting."

"Well, this matter is still far away..."

"Let's wait until one day when our company's asset management capabilities reach that point, let's talk about it."

"Oh, by the way, you said before that you wanted to treat me to dinner?" Su Yu said with a smile, "Originally I was thinking of going to see Yuling. In that case... let's go together and eat hot pot together. , Sigh...I've been so busy lately, and it's true that I haven't had hot pot for a long time."

After saying that, he took out his mobile phone and called Shi Yuling.

Let her get ready and drive to pick her up later, and then talked about having dinner together.

After this period of communication, Shi Yuling and Li Meng are now very familiar with each other, and they have become so-called sisters.

"Then let me call He Qian and Liang Bin too!" Li Meng said, "I've seen them two, and they've gotten quite close recently."

"Isn't it?" Su Yu said in surprise, "Our company does not advocate office romance. Of course...if we are really interested in each other, I can't beat the couple."

"There are signs of this, but I'm not sure." Li Meng said, "Let me ask He Qian specifically what he thinks."

Su Yu thought for a while and said, "Forget it, let it take its course. As long as the two of them don't affect their work, that's fine. After all, aren't both Liang Bin and He Qian single at the moment?"

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the underground garage.

Afterwards, the two got in the car. Su Yu picked up Shi Yuling and went to a hot pot restaurant that he had frequented before. At the same time, Li Meng also notified He Qian and Liang Bin.

"Yuling, are you going to report to school tomorrow?"

During the meal, Su Yu asked.

"Yeah!" Shi Yuling nodded, "Brother, I'll go by myself tomorrow. I know where the school is."

"I'll give it to you!" Su Yu said, "Tomorrow is Saturday. I'm supposed to have a day off too. Oh, by the way... I asked Secretary Li to buy the house I rented for you before. You don't Have you always wanted to have a home in Yuhang? That house will be yours from now on, and you can live there as long as you want."

"Did you buy it?" A big question mark appeared in Shi Yuling's mind.

"It's okay, it's just a house with a few dozen square meters. Now, for your brother and me, this is a piece of cake." Su Yu said with a smile, "Even if it's just a school gift for you, after all, when you passed the exam earlier, I just said I’d give you a gift, but I’ve been busy since then and haven’t had time, so I’ll make up for it now.”

"Oh, right……"

Su Yu paused and then said, "Have you visited Ivana in the hospital recently? How is she?"

"After I could walk on my feet, I went there every week," Shi Yuling said. "The doctor said that Nana's recovery has been very good, but she just can't wake up. But I believe she will wake up one day."

"Oh, by the way, brother."

"Yang Hao paid a lot of medical and hospitalization fees for Nana in the hospital, and also hired the best nurses to massage Nana every day. I am very grateful to him, and I seems like he is not that annoying. .”

"Haha..." Su Yu said with a smile, "He is just annoying on the surface. He looks like an uneducated and restless playboy, but in fact, in his heart, this person still values ​​friendship. But he must be busy with a lot of things recently and can't take time off."

"Well!" Shi Yuling said, "I just want to thank him."

"Okay." Su Yu said, "The next time I see him, I will help you bring the message."

"Yang Hao..." Li Meng heard the name and thought of some recent rumors about Kumho Group, and said, "Chairman Yang of Kumho Group really has an illegitimate child?"

"Not one," Su Yu emphasized, "they are a pair of illegitimate children."

"A pair of illegitimate children." Li Meng said in great surprise, "This is big news!"

"The big news is probably not Chairman Yang's pair of illegitimate children, but the identity of the mother of the illegitimate daughter." Su Yu smiled and said, "The current internal power dispute within Kumho Group has a conflicting right to speak. , it should be quite intense, Yang Hao’s identity as the ‘Prince’ of this large real estate group may be completely ineffective in the future.”

"Wow, there is a dispute among the wealthy families!" He Qian on the side heard these words and couldn't help but gossip, "Su Yu, you haven't said that the stepmother of Young Master Yang Hao should be called stepmother, right? What is her identity? "

Su Yu smiled and said: "Well, after a while, there will be a lot of disturbing rumors. I won't disclose the details. After all, Yang Hao and I are still friends, so I Don’t rub salt into his wounds.”

"How did I hear about Kumho Group? It seems that it is not the foundation established by the current Chairman Yang." He Qian took over and continued, "And I also heard that Kumho Group is preparing for a backdoor listing and is preparing to land on the A-share market. .”

"Kumho Group's plan to go public through a backdoor merger is nothing new." Li Meng replied, "In the previous market, when Lip Lighting was suspended, everyone was speculating that it was related to Kumho Group's backdoor listing, but seemed This plan has been put on hold again, and the two companies have not conducted substantive restructuring transaction negotiations. However, there should be many people, institutions, etc.... still staring at this project!"

According to her understanding...

No matter how you say it, Kumho Group's backdoor listing is a big project. It can be regarded as a feast of capital. There are definitely many institutions that want to participate. After all, tens of billions of companies are listed and participate in the additional issuance of shares. , the profits that can be shared by the subscribing institutions are quite generous.

Of course, this actually has nothing to do with them at the moment.

Because with the current size of ‘Yuhang Investment’, they simply cannot squeeze in such project opportunities among the competition among many powerful institutions.

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