Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 215 The concept of ‘backdoor reorganization’ Dongfeng!

"Kumho Group's backdoor listing should be an urgent matter under the current fierce internal disputes." Su Yu took over and continued, "After Yang Hao broke with his father, if Yang Jincheng cannot complete the company's reorganization as soon as possible, Going public will further enhance the interests of shareholders who support him, and then...many people within Kumho Group may turn against each other again."

"After all, the foundation of Kumho Group was not laid by Yang Jincheng."

"Although Yang Hao is young, has a shallow foundation, and has never shown himself to be trustworthy, after all, after the breakup, he represents the interests of his mother, Su Yuhu, the real founder of Kumho Group, a large real estate company. At the same time, it also represents the interests of the group of seniors within Kumho Group who have not yet been dismissed, and even many old teams that have not yet been completely reformed and changed by Yang Jincheng."

"In other words, if Kumho Group does not go public now, it will expand the profit pie."

"Then, the collision between the new and old interest groups within it will become more and more intense, and the split of the group will become more and more intense."

"Of course, we cannot participate in the Kumho Group's backdoor listing opportunity."

"What people need now is for large institutions and securities firms to help with listings and provide funds to participate in private placements. Our company currently does not have the qualifications or network to enter this circle."

"As for the potential layout in the secondary market..."

"With the current size of our fund, participating in such a speculative opportunity can only be said that even if the bet is right, it is better than nothing, and the overall net value of the fund will be limited."

"So, there is no need to waste this time and effort."

"The larger the amount of funds you have, the more you have to learn to give up some market opportunities."

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded and said, "I'm just curious... If Yang Hao is dissatisfied with his father and wants to get back his inheritance rights and even control over Kumho Group, how can he do it?"

"It's unlikely for the time being." Su Yu said, "But in the future, there is no chance at all."

"After all, no matter what..."

"Yang Hao has a lot of cards he can play. For example, he is not only the son of Yang Jincheng, but also the son of former Kumho Group Chairman Su Yuhu. In addition, the Kumho Group shares he holds are no more than Yang Jincheng is much lower, and in addition, anyone in the Kumho Group who is dissatisfied with Yang Jincheng can be regarded as his allies."

"I also heard that he has been very close to the eldest lady of the Ni family recently. I guess he should know how to fight back against his father."

"But if Kumho Group is successfully listed, the shares currently held by Yang Hao will be greatly diluted." Li Meng said, "Would it be more difficult in the future?"

"It's just that more institutions, backdoor companies, and a large number of retail investors have entered the market." Su Yu said, "His shares have been diluted, Yang Jincheng's shares will also be diluted, and Xinxin The institutions that have entered the market, as well as the backdoor companies, are basically only interested in profit, and they are not Yang Jincheng's die-hard forces, at most... they can be regarded as intermediate forces, so... their impact is not big. "

"Ni family?" Liang Bin listened for a long time and then answered, "Young Master Yang is trying to pull off a handsome man trick and borrow foreign aid?"

"Haha... the beauty trick." Su Yu couldn't help laughing, "Liang Bin, do you think this guy Yang Hao can be considered a handsome man? And... as far as I know, Miss Ni is one of the few beautiful men. As for the beauty, if someone likes him, he will make a lot of money, right?"

"Then you are definitely not as handsome as Su Yu. You are charming." Liang Bin responded with a smile, "Do you still remember the sales department where we used to work and the counter Xiaoya who has always had a crush on you? You deleted his contact information. Later, I heard that she is still treating you..."

"Stop!" Su Yu frowned, "Can we not mention the past?"

"Okay, don't mention it." Liang Bin smiled, picked up a glass of beer, had a drink with Su Yu, and changed the subject, "Recently, He Qian and I have investigated several potential start-up companies with financing needs. According to your They are all looking for emerging industry companies in the field of 'mobile Internet', oh... there is also a P2P company among them."

Su Yu said: "P2P companies will not be considered. For others, next week you can show me your research report and the other party's financing plan, and then we will study the final investment target."

"Su Yu, aren't you optimistic about the future of the P2P industry under 'financial innovation'?" He Qian asked, "I see that many investment institutions, and as far as I know many well-known investment banking institutions, are moving towards 'Internet finance' This industry is crowded, and the country’s policy support is quite strong. It seems that... financial innovation will catch the express train of ‘mobile Internet’, and the future prospects will be very broad.”

"Can these P2P platforms, which are currently heavily invested in by institutions, be regarded as financial innovations?" Su Yu chuckled, "This is just moving the credit business to the Internet, and its risk control is still seriously unqualified, and traditional businesses cannot catch up. The express train of the Internet may create miracles, but at the same time, it may also cause certain disasters by leveraging the information advantages of the Internet. This industry... I am afraid there will be a lot of chaos in the future, so I think it is better to invest prudently."

"Agree!" Li Meng continued, "I am also cautious about the emerging field of 'Internet finance', especially the P2P platform business with the most crazy expansion. My understanding of financial innovation is that traditional finance, with the help of the Internet, With the advantage of information, we can provide faster and more rapid services to individuals, instead of tearing a hole in credit and packaging loans from private institutions and even many private loan sharks into network technology companies under the banner of 'financial innovation'. It really transformed into something new.”

"Real financial technology, financial innovation."

"It is information service platforms and trading software platforms such as Flush and Oriental Fortune that make traditional market transactions faster and more convenient with the help of network technology and mobile Internet; and many banking and securities institutions are working hard to develop Things like mobile banking and handheld trading software.”

"Of course, this does not mean that it is not good to use the advantages of network information channels to expand credit and activate the vitality of private funds. It just means that... in this direction, better policy guidance is needed. If the industry grows wildly, capital will pursue profits. Under all circumstances, these private institutional platforms have neither government credit endorsement nor internal systems like banks to underpin risks, so the uncertainty in their future is very great."

"In fact, some platforms have already shown some problems."

“Not to mention bringing private loan sharks online, there are even Ponzi schemes in which platforms use the guise of ‘financial innovation,’ ‘inclusive finance,’ and ‘people’s financial management’ to illegally attract savings and borrow new money to repay old money.”

“Without the two red lines of government credit endorsement and internal supervision system risk support, and the pursuit of extreme profits, the so-called path of activating the vitality of private funds will definitely go astray. Of course... this is also my personal understanding. , this emerging thing and new concept, no matter which direction I look at it, I don’t think it is new, I only think that the investment risks are far greater than the investment opportunities.”

"Okay!" He Qian said, "Since both of you feel that there are huge investment risks in this investment direction, we will have to avoid this area in our future investment choices."

"Oh, by the way, Su Yu..."

He Qian paused and then said: "Several of our former college classmates who wanted to come to our company have contacted me. What do you think?"

"As the head of the company's venture capital department, you have the power to recruit people." Su Yu said, "You can decide who you want to use and then communicate with Director Qin. But what I want to say is that we're Hang Investment Company is currently a small business, and the company is not a shelter. I welcome students who like our company and want to come in, but... the recruitment conditions cannot be changed, and everyone who comes in must be treated equally."

"If a company wants to develop, it cannot do without favors, but it cannot rely entirely on favors." Su Yu continued, "Fixed systems and procedures may have an upper limit for development, but they can guarantee a lower limit for development. The ancients said I don't shy away from relatives when promoting talents. As long as they are capable and talented, whether they are classmates or others, I welcome them, and so does 'Yuhang Investment'."

"Then I understand!" He Qian nodded and replied, "I asked them to submit their resumes to the company's human resources department and let them screen them according to the company's established recruitment needs."

In fact, after all, she didn't want to recruit familiar classmates to work together.

After all, she is now the head of a department. She is not comfortable letting her classmates come in to work under her. As a leader, she is not comfortable, and the classmates who come in must also be uncomfortable.

In this case, it is better to use new people, so that there will be no psychological burden.

"Li Meng, your phone number should have been blown up today, right?" He Qian asked with a smile on Li Meng after responding to Su Yu.

Li Meng replied: "I've turned on the do not disturb mode."

"Uh..." He Qian was speechless for a while and complained, "I am the stupidest one in terms of feelings."

"Oh, by the way, where is Wang Can?" He Qian asked with some doubts when she found that Wang Can didn't come today.

"He said he met a girl recently, and she seemed to be quite interesting to him." Su Yu said, "We went on a date right after get off work."

Everyone chatted while eating, and then dispersed until about 9:30 pm.

Su Yu and Liang Bin drank a lot, so Li Meng finally drove everyone home one by one.

At home, after Su Yu finished washing, he lay on the bed and looked through the explosion of message messages on his phone, choosing important replies, and then scrolled through stock forums, financial news, and new market announcements for a while.

"Ancai Paper announced the suspension of trading?"

Su Yu was a little surprised when he saw the trading suspension announcement issued by Ancai Paper in the new market announcement: "It seems that Kumho Group's backdoor listing should be made public, but it is a pity... Ancai Paper's The liquidity of the check was really poor, so I only bought about 7 million chips."

"However, the land on the outskirts of the city next to the Qianjiang River was finally picked out during the internal disputes of the Kumho Group."

"It should be of great use in the subsequent development of Qianjiang New City."

Of course, it was a good thing that he borrowed money from Mr. Qian and took over the land in advance.

Otherwise, it would be too late for him to regret it by the time he earns enough money from the market to buy the land before negotiating with Ancai Paper Group.

I thought about the follow-up layout of Kumho Group for a while.

Su Yu continued to slide the screen, browsing new market announcements and information, and then...then... he saw another company announcement that surprised him and was quite important.

That announcement was issued by Huachuang Information Testing.

The other party stated that it has completed the asset reorganization with Xinwei Group and will resume trading starting from next Monday, September 17, and the name of the listed entity will be changed from Huachuang Xinte to Xinwei Group.

"This asset reorganization is very fast!" Su Yu took a closer look at the announcement and said with emotion, "Minghui Capital has completely won this bet. The history of Xinwei Group has proven that although it is a scam company, The financial fraud was serious, but before the lie was exposed, it was still considered a well-known company in the domestic communications industry. This wave of backdoor listings, with the high profile of the chairman and the self-proclaimed fundraising for the listing, is In order to expand abroad, expand around the world, dig canals, build satellites, and benefit all mankind, the market premium should not be low. After all, it is backed by Huaqing University, and it is a business card of Yanjing’s communications industry, isn’t it?”

Thinking about this, Su Yu secretly smiled and thought: "Maybe... the market can take advantage of this east wind and have a sustainable market for shell speculation!"

Today's two important announcements are both related to backdoor restructuring.

And this line has been cooling down for almost 2 months after the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" broke out.

Now, when the entire IPO market is stagnant and companies that want to land in A-shares can only go through backdoor listings, the east wind is coming to hype this line and build it into the main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" It is still very good to temporarily replace the market when the market stalls, to maintain the market's enthusiasm for making money, and to shift the market's main line from the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' to the GEM's 'pan-mobile Internet' main line area.

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