Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 216: You have to vote even if you try to sell iron!

Determines the subsequent operation strategy and hype direction.

Su Yu looked at the trend of the external market again and saw that the external market was still continuing its upward trend in small steps. Moreover, the financial calendar showed that there were no particularly important meetings recently, and there were basically no events that affected the entire financial market. Major bad news.

So, I went back to hanging out on the stock investment forum, and didn't fall asleep until it was close to 12 o'clock.

The next day, after waking up...

Su Yu first drove Shi Yuling to the school to report, and then at Yang Hao's invitation, they had lunch together.

"The matter of Kumho Group's backdoor purchase of Ancai Paper has been finalized, right?" Su Yu said with a smile in a private room of a high-end Chinese restaurant, "Your mental state seems to be much better recently than a while ago. It seems... Love is indeed the best medicine to cure pain!"

Yang Hao laughed and said, "Stop making fun of me."

"Is your relationship with Miss Ni confirmed?" Su Yu asked again.

Yang Hao replied: "To be honest, I'm still a little hesitant, but Xinyu should still have no problem with me."

"Master, why are you hesitating?" Su Yu chuckled.

"I'm used to being dissolute, and suddenly someone treats me so well. I feel... to be honest, I'm a little scared." Yang Hao said, "I'm afraid that in the end, I will let him down."

"You are already such a scumbag, why are you still afraid of this?" Su Yu looked at him in surprise.

Yang Hao coughed slightly and said: "That's different. I...well, I have no taboos against girls, but I can still tell which girls should be touched and which girls should not be touched. I know what's good and bad. If I agree to the other party , and then don’t keep what they say, in the end, the Ni family will not only not be my help, but will become my new resistance."

"Then what you you want to give up the help of the Ni family?" Su Yu asked.

Yang Hao replied: "Kumho Group's backdoor listing has basically been settled. Even if I have the help of the Ni family, I have nowhere to rely on for the time being. Didn't you say you were waiting to change? Now the whole situation has changed. Since it has become an open card, the only way to solve it is to put everything on the bright side."

"Okay!" Su Yu said, "You decide for yourself whether you want to take back control of Kumho Group. I... can only give you the advice I can as a friend."

"I know that." Yang Hao nodded, "No matter what, I still have to thank you."

Su Yu chuckled and said, "No need to thank you. After all, you have helped me a lot, haven't you? Oh, by the way... Where is Lin Yaozu, why haven't you taken him around recently?"

"His father called him back." Yang Hao said, "The coal industry is very sluggish this year, and there must be something wrong with his family."

"Well, the price of thermal coal has dropped by about 45% since the beginning of the year." Su Yu said, "It is indeed tragic, and the cycle is downward. It may be even worse next year, but with the size of Wufeng Coal, it should still be able to sustain Can you live there? It should be almost done until the leader of Shenhua Coal Industry starts to lose money."

"Don't talk about this..."

Yang Hao knew that he was no match for Su Yu when it came to talking about the economy, investment cycles, and the like, and the two of them were not at the same level of understanding in this regard, so he paused and changed the topic: "Yuling Where is the girl? How are you doing recently? I promised to go see her, but I haven't been free recently."

"I just sent her to school." Su Yu said, "I paid some money to convert her student status into a formal student status, so that she can complete her college studies."

"Enter Zhezhou Technology and Business University through special admissions?"

Yang Hao was a little surprised and said: "Then you have put in a lot of effort. This thing can't be solved just by spending money."

"Well, I asked Mr. Qian, who has great hands and eyes, to find a school leader." Su Yu said, "And then I spent about five to six hundred thousand. In the past, this amount of money may not be small money to me, but now... …It’s not worth mentioning.”

"I remember that Yu Ling is not your biological sister, right?" Yang Hao said, "It's not easy for you to do this for her. Even in the cultivation system, you don't have to work so hard to cultivate her."

"What are you talking about? You!"

Su Yu glared at him and said: "A drop of kindness should be repaid with a spring of water, not to mention that her parents are more than just a drop of kindness to me. Now that her parents are no longer alive, I can do my best to let her live." It’s better to be able to enjoy some of the life experiences that you should have enjoyed, what’s the problem?”

"I didn't say there was any problem." Yang Hao said, "I just think you are... a very caring person and worthy of being a friend. Of course, Sister Yuling, I am lucky enough to have a brother like you, who also cultivated blessings in his previous life. .”

"I can only say...lucky among misfortunes." Su Yu replied.

In fact, before his rebirth, he had never met Shi Yuling in his original trajectory. He didn't know how the other person was doing, nor had he participated in the other person's life.

"Where's Ivana? Is she in good condition?" Yang Hao paused and then said, "I haven't been to the hospital recently."

"I didn't go to the hospital either," Su Yu said, "but I heard from Yu Ling that it's still the same as before. His recovery has been okay, but he just can't wake up."

"If this girl... is like this for the rest of her life, what are you going to do?"

"Just let her lie in the hospital forever?"

"I haven't thought about this." Yang Hao said, "The worst I can do is spend some money and find someone to help take care of her. After all, it's all because of me that this girl is in this situation. I have to do something." compassion."

"Her missing sister...have you continued to investigate later?" Su Yu asked.

Yang Hao replied: "I checked and tracked her all the way. I only know that this girl was later sold to Genoa, Italy, and then she could not be traced."

"Genoa?" Su Yu asked doubtfully.

"Genoa is Italy's largest commercial port and important industrial center." Yang Hao said, "It can also be regarded as the core city of Italy. I studied in Paris before and have been there. It's quite beautiful."

"What about the glamor?" Su Yu asked.

Yang Hao knew what Su Yu was referring to. He paused for a while and said, "There are many churches and congregations there. I heard that there is a group called the 'Ndrangheta, which is quite active."

"Then do you think...this girl might still be alive?" Su Yu asked.

Yang Hao nodded without hesitation and said: "Obviously still alive. You have to know that top beauties are scarce resources all over the world. Do you want... to be noticed by this guy Chen Qingnian and take care of him?" Will the condition of a girl who has been cultivated for several years and then resold out of necessity be poor? And according to Ivana's expression, her sister should be only 15 years old now. At this age, her figure is in full bloom and her beauty is in full bloom. The most valuable time.”

"That's right..." Su Yu said, "No matter what color the capital is, its purpose is to maximize profits. As long as this girl has residual value to extract, she must still be alive."

Yang Hao nodded and said: "That's the truth. I will continue to investigate. Whether it is for the truth about my mother's death in a car accident or for my promise to Ivana, I must find this person. It’s just time... I don’t know how long it will take, I hope it’s too late!”

"Oh, by the way, Su Yu..."

Yang Hao changed the topic and suddenly remembered something: "Lipu Lighting has resumed trading. My previous ambush on this stock has all come to nothing. I need you to help me sell the relevant position chips as soon as possible."

"This... you can do it yourself, right?" Su Yu said, "Let me help you sell it, but I will charge a fee."

"How much does it cost?" Yang Hao began to inquire.

"In your current state, you can't afford this price." Su Yu smiled and said, "Lipu Lighting is a shell stock. The recent market speculation on the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has already Entering the final stage, Xinwei Group went public through a backdoor merger, Ancai Paper was involved in scandals with your Kumho Group, and Rongshun Group and Sunlaida were also involved in restructuring scandals. Recently... the concept of restructuring and backdooring The market trend of the main line should not be different, at least with the shareholder wind of Xinwei Group’s listing, it should be speculated by market funds for a while.”

"You take this opportunity to get on Lip Lighting while the liquidity is good."

"It should be possible to safely withdraw the funds in about half a month. Of course...based on the amount of funds you want to spend, the costs before and after exiting will fluctuate greatly. This is normal."

"Okay!" Yang Hao chuckled, "Your Su Gu Shen's suggestion is of course right."

"But..." Su Yu paused and then said, "You are so eager to withdraw funds, are you short of money?"

Yang Hao nodded slightly and said, "You guessed it right. There is a real shortage. My uncle's company recently had liquidity problems."

"Oh!" Su Yu said without asking any questions, "You do as I say, and I guarantee that you will escape unscathed."

"Thank you very much." Yang Hao said.

Su Yu smiled and said: "I received a commission of more than 10 million from you last time. Let's consider it as a free investment consultant for you this time. After all, you have been in a miserable state recently. As a friend, I can't take advantage of you, right? "

"Haha..." Yang Hao laughed, "Yes, you are richer than me now, but I didn't know you could make money so much. The last time I invested in your fund, I had to sell iron, pledge shares, and borrow bank loans. I invested my money in you, but now that I think about it…it’s such a pity.”

"That guy Lin Yaozu is actually much cheaper!"

Thinking about it, Yang Hao couldn't help but muttered, and said with emotion: "I was just talking at the time, thinking about getting a big customer for you, but I didn't expect... This guy is just eating, drinking and having fun, and he has done nothing. , I really made a net profit of at least 150 million from you!"

"According to his investment of 120 million at that time, he made far more than 150 million." Su Yu said, "To be precise, up to now, the market value of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund share held by this guy is 9.6 billion, in less than three months, a net profit of 840 million was made.”

"Of course, in accordance with the profit distribution rules when the fund was established."

"If the current net value of the fund is used for ex-dividend settlement, his profit should be more than 400 million."

"F*ck!" Hearing this, Yang Hao's eyes widened in shock, "With an investment of 120 million, in less than three months, you can get a net profit of more than 400 million? Su Yu... you are really the god of investment. , Damn it, Lin Yaozu, if he heard what you said, he would probably die of laughter in his heart, oh... Not only him, but his parents would probably die of laughter when they heard what you said, and they would have to come all the way from Tiyuan. Come and thank you in person.”

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