Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 220: Linkage in Conceptual Markets

Faced with such an opening scene, in the entire market, the mentality of a large number of retail investors who were chasing the main concept stocks of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" at high levels on Friday was immediately shattered.

"Hey, the market closed right after it opened, and the whole position was occupied in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. I really don't need to read it."

"Anxin Trust is also dead. This check is obviously not affected by Fortune Road. It is controlled by a group of hot money in the Shenzhen market. I didn't expect it to open so low. It is almost the same as the Shanghai stock market."

"Depending on the situation, there should be hope for Waigaoqiao, right?"

"It's difficult. It opened so low and the call auction volume was so large. It's difficult to pull it up. But fortunately it was an institution that took over the Fortune Road chips on Friday, and the institutions' smashing of the market should not be as fierce as hot money."

"I hope that after the official opening, Waigaoqiao can bring a market, otherwise... today will be completely finished."

"Is it over already? Judging from the entire collective bidding process, there are basically no traces of major funds appearing to rush for funds and take the initiative to attack the core mainline stocks of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. On the contrary, today's restructuring and backdoor concepts seem to be There are signs of momentum, and the call auction stage is going very well.”

"If Waigaoqiao is built, it should stimulate some market sentiment."

"In addition to institutions, there are still almost 2 billion chips that are currently in serious losses after taking over orders at high prices on Friday. Waigaoqiao's market is not small. Now profit orders and hold-up orders have been pressed on the market, and funds are required. It’s quite difficult to solve this problem and raise the stock price!”

"More than that..."

"If there are better ways to make money in other directions in the market, the funds that were originally thinking of buying Waigaoqiao at the bottom and continuing to work on the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line may also be attracted, so... in In my opinion, if the two sectors of restructuring and backdooring come together, not only will it not be a good thing for the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', it will actually be a bad thing."

"Hey, it's too difficult. It seems that the only way to stop the loss is to close the position."

"It's good to be able to stop the loss. At 9:15, I started placing the lower limit to pay orders. As a result, I couldn't get ahead at all. Looking at the tens of thousands of large orders that were blocked in front of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, I felt that I was not the best person today. Want to get out."

"After leaving the road of wealth, I feel like a chicken."

"It's true. In the past, Fortune Road didn't mess up the market. I didn't expect that once Fortune Road started to mess up the market, it would be more violent than anyone else."

"Haha... Is this the time to blame Fortune Road?"

"Didn't Fortune Road start selling the core leading stock of Shanghai Materials Trading several days in advance? I didn't buy any more in the future. If I weren't greedy, when Fortune Road first exited the position, I wouldn't have bought it. I was able to stop profit at a high level, but I have to blame... I blame myself for being too greedy. I sold out all the stocks last Thursday, and the price rose so sharply on Friday morning that I didn’t make any profit.”

"Yes, Fortune Road actually gave you enough reminder before it came out. It has been selling for several days in a row. If you don't pay attention to this, you deserve to lose money."

"The correct way to follow the trend is to buy quickly the next day after seeing Fortune Road appear on the buy list, without asking about the price. Then when Fortune Road appears on the sell list for the first time, no matter what the market trend is at that time, you must not Stop, now I can see clearly that in the entire market, in terms of judgment of the market trend and understanding of the market's long and short sentiments, there is no one more than Wealth Road, and Wealth Road has to buy and sell, in the core leading stocks that are being speculated. , basically a bright card.”

"No one wants to complain. It's just this trend that makes it a headache to realize."

"Hey, sell what you can. Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road were all cleared on Friday without any hesitation. This proves that the market must be extremely miserable today without the guidance and initiative of these two popular funds to take over the market. , it is simply impossible to reverse the main line of speculation of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', which has fallen from a high level."

"Yes, just look at the stock market of Shanghai Stock Exchange and you can see the style of the 'Giant Whale Gang' in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. There is no pattern at all, just 'nuclear button to grab liquidity', what the hell... simply It doesn’t have the style and structure of the top hot money in the market.”

"Hey, speaking of it, this is the second 'one-word soul-cutting knife' that I have eaten in the past two months when chasing short-term goals. The first one was Shanghai Steel Federation. It seems that I am following the trend in the wrong way. Eat meat. I never caught up, and even after being beaten, I didn’t miss a beat. The capital of 200,000, after more than 2 months of speculation, turned into 80,000.”

"Brother, you are a bright light in the market. Next time you buy something, tell me and I will sell it immediately!"

"It's Waigaoqiao that feels like it was directly destroyed by Fortune Road. Originally, everyone expected that there would be a second wave after the opening, but now no one dares to think about it."

"It can't be said that Fortune Road was demolished. The main reason is that there were too many overdrafts in front of Waigaoqiao."

"Yes, originally everyone expected it to open on the 7th or 8th board, but it turned out that it only opened on the 13th straight board, which exceeded the expected increase by almost 50%. This can predict that this stock, no matter how popular it is, will open. Opening the market must be the peak of the hype, and taking over the market must also carry huge risks.”

"In hindsight, right? When the check came out on Friday, could you resist not buying it?"

"Not really, but I didn't expect that Fortune Road could be so deeply ambushed and have so many chips on Waigaoqiao."

Many retail investors discussed one after another and decided to cut off their positions and stop losses in time...

At 9:27, Su Yu stared at the opening results of the two markets and asked: "How is it? How much money was purchased in the call auction for the more than 30 concept stocks distributed to you?"

"The capital consumption has just exceeded 50 million." Li Meng said, "In the last minute of the call auction, there were several major funds competing with us to raise funds, so... in the last minute, our new orders did not How many transactions have been made, and as you said, no one usually pays attention to these tickets, and the liquidity is very limited. We can’t get many chips in a short while.”

"50 million." Su Yu frowned slightly, "It's a bit slow!"

More than 30 concept stocks were bought for a total of 50 million, so each stock was only worth more than 1 million, which was actually somewhat different from his expectations.

"After the official opening, if the trading becomes more active, it should be much faster." Li Meng said, "And we already have a considerable number of positions in the stock of Xinwei Group, which can be regarded as the dominant force on the market. Funding, hyping this line should not be difficult.”

"Minghui Capital has much more chips in Xinwei Group than we do." Su Yu said, "But this time...if Xinwei Group becomes the emotional bellwether for market speculation on backdoor and restructuring concepts, it can be compared with Minghui Capital." Mr. Xu from Hui Capital needs to cooperate again and tell him not to throw away his chips so easily."

In Su Yu's opinion...

In his opinion, Xinwei Group will definitely become the next "Waigaoqiao" team on this hype line.

And when Xinwei Group has become the new core hot leading concept stock in the market, and the market speculation on the lines of restructuring and backdoor is high, then it is necessary to use this check to leverage the entire market's speculation on this line. He got emotional, actually... Part of the reason why he dared to take this line without lurking in advance was that, relatively speaking, he was able to control the stock market of Xinwei Group.

In other words, he can delay the opening of this stock as long as possible.

The market speculation space is expected to be released.

"In addition to Xinwei Group, which is a bellwether stock in the concept of restructuring and backdoor, we have stocks in Haoningda, Weihua, Zhenghe, Lianxin Yongyi, Tianrui Instruments, Rongshun, Century Huatong, Hilong Software, Far East Co., Ltd. , Sanleda... Among these concept stocks, which one, or which ones, should be used as a breakthrough point to make market decisions?" Li Meng paused, and then said, "Hilong Software has spread rumors that there are too many The scandal of Siwu Network Technology Company; Rongshun Co., Ltd. and Sanqi Online Game Company are also involved in the scandal. The previous shell stock movement, this check was heavily speculated by funds. I just don’t know why the news has changed in the past two months. Stopped."

"There seem to be rumors about Century Huatong and Tianyou Software..."

"There also seem to be some market rumors about Weihua and Haoningda. These are all things we can take advantage of."

"With backdoor and reorganization as the new economic field, that is, the 'pan-mobile Internet' field, and the stocks of well-known companies in the industry as backdoor and reorganization, these should be the focus of speculation!" Su Yu said, "You just said Rongshun Co., Ltd., Hilong Software, and Century Huatong are all available, plus Huayi Brothers and LeTV Internet Cafe. These two stocks currently have quite a lot of extensive mergers and acquisitions."

"Huayi Brothers and LeTV?" Li Meng was a little surprised. "Although these two checks also have the concept of restructuring, they seem to be in the same conceptual field as what we are speculating on... right?"

She believes that the concept of these two checks is a bit complicated and cannot be used as the main direction of funding.

"We are not simply going to work in the direction of restructuring and backdooring," Su Yu said, "but rather to use it as a transitional market to redirect the main line of speculation back to the core 'pan-mobile Internet' field of GEM. Go, so we should consider this aspect in our hype strategy, so that the market can naturally explore deeper logic during the peak stage of speculation, thereby diverting the main line of speculation and naturally taking over the market conditions."

“Moreover, aren’t half of the stocks currently held by our fund still popular stocks in the ‘pan-mobile Internet’ field in the GEM direction?”

"The direction and motivation of the hype...must be linked."

"In this way, we can seize the initiative as the market deepens and shifts step by step, and maximize the relatively generous profits in the market."

"We regard the two checks of LeTV and Huayi Brothers as stocks linked to Rongshun, Hilong Software, and Century Huatong. This is also to allow investors to explore the deep logic here and let the 'Pan-Mobile Internet' line has once again been widely recognized by the market.”

"I understand!" Li Meng pondered for a moment and nodded.

"I will handle the two checks of Rongshun Shares and Hilong Software," Su Yu said. "LeTV and Huayi Brothers will also be handed over to me. For the other votes, you can execute them according to the established investment strategy."

As he spoke, Su Yu cut all the trading boards of these four stocks onto one interface.

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