Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 221 Siphoning funds, the market is rotating!

At this time, the stock price of Rongshun shares was fixed at 11.12 yuan, with a total market value of more than 500 million, fully circulated, and a total of 1.89 million transactions in the entire call auction, less than 2,000 lots.

Hilong Software's stock price is fixed at 13.21 yuan, with a total market value of more than 1.3 billion and a circulating market value of almost 800 million. During the entire collective bidding stage, a total of 2.31 million transactions were completed, close to 2,000 lots.

LeTV’s stock price is fixed at 31.23 yuan, with a market value of about 15 billion and a circulating market value of about 5 billion. During the entire collective bidding stage, more than 3 million yuan was traded, close to 1,000 lots, and the current stock price is showing an obvious decline.

The share price of Huayi Brothers is fixed at 27.93 yuan, with a market value of about 14 billion, and a circulating market value of about 5 billion. The transaction volume during the entire collective bidding stage was lower than that of LeTV, only more than 2 million, and the stock price also showed a low opening trend.

However, due to LeTV and Huayi Brothers, there is currently no obvious bad news.

And it does not belong to the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" related concept section.

Therefore, although the market opened lower following the market index and low investment sentiment, the selling on the market was not very serious.

Of course, based on the current stock prices of these two checks, compared with the lowest point at the beginning of the year, especially in March, the increase has more than doubled.

After Su Yu turned his attention back to the market and made transaction arrangements.

The time has quickly come to 9:30.

Su Yu looked at the market that had resumed beating and trading after the suspension, and at the fund sub-account he operated, re-planning the 800 million funds that he operated independently.

He began to quickly invest funds into several stocks such as Rongshun Co., Ltd., Hilong Software, LeTV, and Huayi Brothers.

And with his rapid buying.

At 9:32, the share price of Rongshun shares rose by more than 5%, and it was likely to hit the daily limit.

After Rongshun shares, Hilong Software's growth rate also crossed the 5% range. During the same period, LeTV and Huayi Brothers made changes, almost synchronously pulling up their branches, and the market buying was surging. , extremely strong.

Then, at 9:33.

A number of shell resource concept stocks such as Haoningda, Weihua Stock, Zhenghe Stock, Lianxin Yongyi, Tianrui Instrument, Century Huatong, Far East Stock, Sunlaida... have moved up one after another, and the buying volume can increase rapidly. , the capital attacks, each wave became stronger than the last, directly pushing up the stock price rapidly, and the rush to raise funds was extremely obvious.

At 9:34, the ST sector also moved on a large scale. Many stocks that were on the verge of delisting were attracted by funds and appeared red or even rose sharply.

At 9:35, in the concept of restructuring, the restructuring stocks that were successfully restructured this year and whose stock prices were at low levels were also strongly attacked by funds.

In just 5 minutes...

It seems that there is a huge main force of funds in this field, desperate to raise funds and build positions.

And at the same time.

For sectors related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept, as well as popular core stocks, the outflow of funds on the market continued the trend during the call auction, with crazy outflows. Of the nearly 200 concept stocks, only less than 10 were in the red, and all others were in the red. out of a downward trend.

Moreover, under the circumstances that the Shanghai Stock Exchange is still sealed at all costs.

Essence Trust, a core concept stock, also fell in a lightning wave after the market opened, directly hitting the limit and losing liquidity.

Of course, as the main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", it is the most core stock.

After Waigaoqiao fell briefly and almost hit the lower limit, it pulled up again. The stock price slowly rebounded. Within five minutes, the decline retracted to less than 5 points.

It's just that for this check, although the decline is shrinking, the overall flow of funds on the market is still there.

There is still a huge outflow.

"Mr. Xu, this stock was successfully listed through Xinwei Group. From the beginning of the call auction, it was clear-cut in grabbing funds on the concept of restructuring and backdoor. It launched a fierce attack at the beginning of the market and simply did not give other funds at the low level. Opportunity to enter the position." In the changing market conditions, in the trading room of Zexi Investment in Shanghai, Zhou Kan reported urgently while operating, "And this fund is a wide-scale attack. Several stocks we are familiar with Shell stocks are also within the attack range of the other party's funds, and all our orders at the beginning of the market have failed. Now... we have no cost advantage, and we do not have any dominance in our hands. Do you want to follow?"

"Follow!" Xu Xiang said without hesitation, "The main line of speculation on the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' is over. A huge amount of chips are piled on it. There is no money to pull it up. At this time, this capital With the listing of 'Xinwei Group', we are clearly attacking the concept of backdoor reorganization. We obviously want to build this concept into a new main line of the market, so as to take over the main line of speculation of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' and withdraw crazily. funds to complete the market rotation.”

"And, as you said..."

"This fund attack is very fierce. Basically, if there are chips on the market, they will take the initiative to take advantage of them without hesitation."

"This proves that they probably didn't have much leverage before this."

"Looking at the market of these stocks with the concept of restructuring and backdooring that have been boosted by changes, almost all of them are rising in volume and price, and the volume is increasing at a rapid pace. This further proves that this fund is a real motive for raising funds, so... Then of course we don’t have to hesitate anymore.”

"Besides, judging from the current market, there is only wind in this direction."

"Okay!" Zhou Kan responded quickly, and then immediately issued the order. At the same time, he quickly used the funds in the fund account to follow the other party and sweep across the market of relevant concept stocks.

And with the addition of Zexi Investment...

The entire restructuring and backdoor concept-related sectors, and even the ST sector, with nearly 100 stocks, are experiencing increasingly intense and frequent changes.

At 9:38, Rongshun shares hit the daily limit, with the stock price reaching 12.03 yuan, an increase of 10%. The turnover was more than 37 million yuan, and the turnover rate was about 7%.

At 9:42, Hilong Software also hit the daily limit, with the stock price reaching 14.32 yuan, an increase of 9.99%, with a turnover of more than 42 million yuan and a turnover rate of about 5%.

After the two stocks hit the daily limit, basically all large orders worth hundreds of millions were immediately sealed.

Then, after the two stock branches closed their daily limit, many people had expectations of restructuring and backdooring, such as Haoningda, Weihua, Zhenghe, Lianxin Yongyi, Tianrui Instruments, Hilong Software, Far East Holdings, Shenglaida, etc. All stocks have also faced more powerful financial attacks.

Of course, during the same period, LeTV and Huayi Brothers also experienced linear growth.

There is a stream of funds, which is constantly devouring the two checks from the selling market, and forcefully drives the stock price upward.

However, although the stock price movements of LeTV and Huayi Brothers have remained relatively consistent with those of Rongshun and Hilong Software, no investor in the entire market has connected these two checks with the hype of the restructuring concept.

Then, as the time entered 10 o'clock, Weihua Shares and Far East Shares became the third and fourth shell resource concept stocks to hit the daily limit after Rongshun Shares and Hilong Software.

And it's this time...

The concept of restructuring and backdoor was brought out under the continuous strong attack of funds, attracting the attention of investors in the entire market.

"I didn't expect that after the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line was completely sluggish, those who came out to rotate the market were actually shell resource stocks and ST stocks, which are the three non-junk stocks in the market." Seeing sectors related to restructuring and backdoor concepts , has been leading the market like an unstoppable force, siphoning active funds from the entire market. At this moment, inside Yuhang Jingda Investment, Gu Chijiang said in surprise, "Old Lin, the line of restructuring and backdoor purchasing has begun to siphon market funds. Next, The main line of early speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' will probably lead to more serious blood loss, right?"

"If the active funds in the market recognize that the emerging speculation lines of restructuring and backdoor concepts have a sustained profit-making effect and are the most profitable speculation areas in the current market..." Team Leader of the Trading Team of Jingda Main Fund, Team Lin After a long pause, he replied, "The 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line will indeed cause more serious blood loss."

And actually...

While the two were talking, the market had already reacted accordingly.

I saw that Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Lujiazui, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, Shanghai Sanmao, Chongqing Development Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank and other popular core stocks in various speculation branches of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' were being reorganized and As the concept of backdooring was being frantically scrambled for funds, it fell further and further.

And this phenomenon is particularly obvious on Waigaoqiao.

On Waigaoqiao's market, the trend of pulling up from the bottom with great difficulty at the beginning of the trading day and retracting to a maximum decline of 3% was completely reversed in an instant. Its trend turned downward and the decline once again expanded to around the 7% decline at the beginning of the trading day. , there are signs of capital outflows, and the actions of position holders on the market to cut losses and profits have become more and more intense.

"Hey, we are always lagging behind the market step by step!"

Hearing Team Leader Lin's words, Gu Chijiang sighed helplessly and ordered: "Hurry up and clear all our position chips on the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', otherwise this trend will continue. In less than a minute, our previous profit retraced one point, and in the end, the little profit we finally made was just water in a bamboo basket, and it was all in vain."

"We are already clearing out our positions as much as possible." Team leader Lin said, "The key is that there are two checks in the stocks we hold. Today they have dropped to the limit and cannot be sold at all."

"I know that." The more Gu Chijiang listened, the more annoyed he felt, and he frowned and said, "Old Lin, why do you think Yuhang invested in this person named Su, and every investment strategy can stay ahead of changes in market conditions?" To be honest... I have never seen such a person in all my years of working in the industry.”

"Maybe...maybe this is called investment talent!"

Team leader Lin also felt incredible and responded helplessly.

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