Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 225: Market Divergence

I saw that the ChiNext Index was finally fixed at an increase of 1.58%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index was fixed at an increase of 1.23%, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was fixed at an increase of 0.67%.

Sectors, individual stocks...

Restructuring, shell resources and ST sectors led the gains in both cities, with the final increase being more than 2%; the GEM refers to the 'pan-mobile Internet' related concept fields in the direction, and the 'mobile games' and 'film and television media' sectors saw overall gains, second Due to the full-scale backdoor restructuring and ST sector.

Then, following the direction of the main board, many concepts of oversold also rebounded sharply today.

As for the leading decliners in the two markets...

Although the major core concept sectors under the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' rebounded slightly in the afternoon, they still led the two cities down throughout the day, including 'logistics, ports, real estate, foreign trade', etc. The industry sectors even underperformed the index across the board and closed underwater.

In terms of individual stocks, the more core popular concept stocks.

Xinwei Group hit the daily limit, with less than one million transactions throughout the day, which can be said to be a shortage of chips; popular shell resource stocks such as Rongshun Shares, Hilong Software, Century Huatong, Far East Shares, Weihua Shares, etc. have increased their trading volume and have become the center of the market. The most beautiful scenery; LeTV and Huayi Brothers hit their daily limit at the highest level during the session. However, due to the obvious decline in the market prices of the two cities at the end of the day, they did not close the market. In the end, they rose by 8.63% and 9.11% respectively.

The two heroes of 'mobile games', Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology, both hit daily limits today, which means they will start anew and challenge the previous historical highs. After the Shanghai Steel Union showed an obvious rapid rise in the intraday, the final increase was only fixed. At the position of 2.31%, it has not been able to break out of the trend change and downward pattern, but it is still strong enough to change some investment sentiments in the main line of speculation about the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'.

In the direction of the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’…

The stock price of Waigaoqiao was finally fixed at a drop of 8.75%, and the lower limit was not sealed. However, the performance was extremely weak throughout the day, and the selling pressure was also extremely heavy. It seemed that the main funds had completely given up; the Shanghai Stock Exchange dropped to the daily limit, and the price continued throughout the day. A total of more than 54 million yuan was traded. Compared with Friday's turnover of more than 2 billion yuan, it can be said to be an infinite drop, a real "soul-breaking one-word kill"; After Anxin Trust's intraday pulse, it was finally sealed at the lower limit, with a full-day turnover of 6.8 Around 100 million, which can be regarded as releasing liquidity, allowing most of the funds that were suffocated in the market to exit the market.

Among them, it is particularly noteworthy.

It was Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, a large-cap stock, that actually made up for its losses today. After a huge transaction, it was also sealed at the lower limit.

Among other major "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concepts such as Lujiazui, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment, and Shanghai Sanmao, the first batch of stocks that were heavily speculated also fell sharply following the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group today. The shape, trend and emotional lethality are even more tragic than on Friday.

Faced with such a closing result...

Almost all market investors know that the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' is completely finished. Even if there is a rebound after violent adjustments, it may not be able to exceed the heights set by the continuous speculation in the past month or so. So ...At this moment, the investment group that still holds stocks related to the main concept of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" seems quite pessimistic in their inner emotions and expectations for the future.

Among them, especially the investor group who also holds Shanghai Stock Exchange.

That mentality was simply a breakdown.

Unlike the main line of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', which still has large-scale investment groups, other investors in the market are filled with joy when faced with index trends and market trends that clearly exceed expectations today. The upward trend of the index has not ended, and it is believed that the market outlook is still promising.

Among them, investors who have caught up with the hot spots of restructuring and backdoor transactions are even more excited.

They all believe that the reason why the market was able to reverse today and break out of the positive trend of opening low and rising upward is entirely driven by the hot topic of restructuring and backdoor. They believe that the main line of speculation, restructuring and backdoor, can completely take over the "Shanghai stock market" in the coming time. The main line of the free trade zone has opened up a new market situation.

“I don’t think the main line of speculation of ‘restructuring and backdooring’ can succeed the main line of ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ and lead the market forward.”

In the discussion on the online stock forum, some investors expressed clear objections.


"It is obvious that the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' has nearly 200 concept stocks, and the industry sectors and concept stocks involved are almost all over the entire market. Its hype has been through the industry sectors and concepts involved. Stocks can obviously drive the entire market sentiment and can carry tens of billions of large capital inflows. Can the main line of speculation of 'reorganization and backdoor' be achieved?"

"In the final analysis, the fundamentals of the tickets on the main line of 'restructuring and backdooring' are still very poor, and there is no room for imagination and expectations in terms of their quality."

"In addition, these tickets are basically small tickets worth hundreds of millions or more than one billion, and the funds they can carry are very limited."

"Even if all prices are raised, the impact on the market will not be enough."

"After all, the upward trend of the index needs to be driven by heavyweight index stocks. Can the hot hype of 'restructuring and backdoor' boost finance, two barrels of oil and infrastructure?"

"Do you have to be so narrow-minded?" Someone retorted, "The current hot spot in the market is the line of 'restructuring and backdooring', which is true, but extending through this line is the oversold small-cap stock market in the entire market. That is to say, through 'restructuring and backdooring', the 'oversold market' is also linked. At the same time, in the direction of GEM today, 'mobile games' and 'film and television media' are also doing well."

“The line of ‘restructuring and backdooring’ alone cannot be compared with the main line of ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’.”

“But through the linkage of multiple main lines of speculation, many market trends can be generated. Not to mention continuing the upward trend of the index, there is no problem at least stabilizing the index at this stage, so... I don’t know the point of pessimism. Where? Are you really stuck in a bear market mentality and can't get out?"

"Yes, yes, in the early trading, judging from the overall market situation, it was indeed the 'restructuring and backdoor' line that was fully driving the market sentiment and market. But in the afternoon, the direction of the capital attack obviously began to diverge, and the GEM board 'Mobile Games' and 'Film and Television Media', and even all oversold stocks in the two cities have performed well."

"In any case, the market situation has indeed reached the time for the main line to switch again."

"Well, at this time, you should no longer have any expectations for the concept stocks that are the main line of speculation in the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', especially the concept stocks that are obviously high. You need to know... all the hold-up processes, that is It’s caused by making the short term into the long term and having unrealistic hopes.”

"What the hell, I wanted to clear my position too, but I had no chance at all. I was suffocated directly to the limit."

"Hey, the 'one-word killing' of the Shanghai Stock Exchange today is really brutal. The key is that the volume was so large on Friday. Now it is all suppressed. If there is no big money to pry it off tomorrow, I am afraid that with this The panic on the market of a stock has to be measured in two words.”

"It's all the work of Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road..."

"By the way, will there be a Fortune Road on the Dragon and Tiger list today? The big concept of restructuring and backdooring is so hot today. With Fortune Road's determination and ability to find opportunities, you should pursue it, right?"

"With Fortune Road's amount of funds, it's not easy for him to get in and out of these shell resource stocks and restructured stocks, right?"

"Do I have to buy one stock? Why not buy a few more?"

"Whether Rongshun Shares and Hilong Software will be listed on the Dragon and Tiger List? If they are listed on the Dragon and Tiger List, the leading funds of these two stocks should pay close attention to them."

"These two terms of turnover rate and intraday amplitude, are they not enough to be on the list?"

"Century Huatong, on the other hand, may still be on the list."

"What about the two daily limit stocks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology? No one pays attention to them? These two checks are both 'old lovers' bought by Fortune Road! Moreover, the increase and amplitude of these two checks today are sufficient, and they have the upper limit. If it meets the conditions, I think... maybe the road to wealth will appear here."

"Well, it's possible..."

“However, if Fortune Road starts to buy back the shares of ‘Old Lover’ on a large scale, wouldn’t it mean that the GEM is the future direction?”

"The overall growth rate of the GEM has significantly exceeded that of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index this year."

"Between the two, the gap between the two major indexes at more than 1,500 points at the beginning of the year has now narrowed to around 1,000 points. Coupled with the core concept stocks of the GEM, such as 'Internet Finance', 'Mobile Games', Concepts such as 'intelligent terminal equipment' and 'Apple industry chain' have been hyped from the beginning of the year to the end of July and early August. Many stocks have increased more than twice during the year, which is higher than the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line. The growth rate of many core concept stocks is even more exaggerated. At such a high level... it is unlikely that the market will switch back to the GEM direction, right?"

"I also feel that in the direction of the GEM, the hype expectations for the hot concepts and hot stocks have been completely overdrawn. When adjustments are not sufficient and performance has not fully caught up, it is difficult to continue to speculate. It is unable to accept active funds in the market, so... I think the overall direction is still on the two conceptual hotspots of 'backdoor restructuring' and 'oversold rebound'. At least the Shanghai Stock Index suddenly jumped from the lowest 2000 point line to the 2200 point line. Those are still there There is a need for stocks that are hovering at historical bottoms to make up for their gains, right?”

"I don't agree. Stock trading is based on expectations."

"The only direction in which market funds gather is in the areas where it is easiest to make money and where future expectations are strongest."

"The stocks that you said need to be supplemented by increases are basically stocks with extremely poor fundamentals and no future expectations. Just these stocks...why are they going up?"

"Also, if we talk about the bottom of history..."

"Then the current large financial sector, liquor sector, coal, steel, non-ferrous metals and other resource sectors are all at the bottom of history. Can these big players make up for the gains?"

"No argument, let's look at the direction of Fortune Road's attack. I believe in the direction chosen by the main force of this road."

"Yes, there is no need to fight for a long time. It is better to look at the trend of the wealth road. Anyway, now I understand it clearly. Analyze it, analyze it... In the end, it is still 250. In this case, it is better to keep an eye on the Dragon and Tiger List. As long as the wealth Wherever the road appears, in which field it appears, I will immediately follow the trend, and I don’t believe it... can I still lose?"

"Haha... Indeed, one analysis is as powerful as a tiger, and one glance at the operation is two hundred and fifty."

"Only when there are disagreements can the market prevail. It is said that buying is based on disagreement and selling is based on consensus. I think the more people quarrel, the market will be far from over."

Everyone was arguing fiercely, and they were all looking forward to the time when Fortune Road would once again appear on the Dragon and Tiger list buying seats...

Magic City, inside Zexi Investment, in the trading room.

After carefully reviewing the trading, Xu Xiang felt guilty: "I can understand the line of restructuring and backdooring. Many small-cap stocks with oversold stocks have rebounded from oversold prices due to the full outbreak of shell resource stocks. I can understand it, but which one of the two major sectors, 'mobile games' and 'film and television media', will fare well today?"

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