Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 226 Three people were shocked at the same time!

Today's market trend can be regarded as quite extreme.

The main line of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" has completely declined, and all the major funds gathered on it have fled.

Correspondingly, restructuring backdoor and oversold rebounds have led almost all mid- and small-cap stocks in the two cities to achieve a reversal, repairing the market sentiment that was hit to the point of almost collapse.

But among them, two very clear lines suddenly gave birth to new branches.

And this branch line, judging from the results of his analysis at this moment, the traces of the main financial attack on the market are actually more intense than the two directions of restructuring backdoor and oversold rebound.

Especially the two stocks of LeTV and Huayi Brothers.

Compared with all GEM constituent stocks, these two stocks can be considered to have relatively large market capitalizations. They are also among the few mid- and large-cap stocks that can carry hundreds of millions or even billions of main funds in and out.

Today, on the market of these two stocks...

When Xu Xiang analyzed his transaction slips after the market closed, he found at least five or six consecutive super large orders of more than 5,000 lots. In other words, without knowing it, the main funds flowing into these two checks today, coarse cloth estimated, They are all above 80 million, or even over 100 million.

And the main capital inflow of over 100 million level, coupled with the abnormal movement that is close to the daily limit.

This had to draw his attention.

What's more, in addition to LeTV and Huayi Brothers, the two core weighted stocks on the GEM, Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology, two daily limit stocks, also showed signs of the main funds pushing up the stock price and taking advantage of the chips.

"Zhou Kan, in terms of market information, there really isn't any special good news about LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Huaqingbao, and Changqu Technology?" Xu Xiang pondered for a while and looked to the side. Zhou Kan asked, "The increase in these votes today is a bit weird, and there is no obvious logical support!"

"Except for market rumors that Mr. Jia of LeTV is going to enter the mobile phone industry and smart TV industry, there is no other news." Zhou Kan replied, "But with this news, I think LeTV's stock price has almost tripled this year. Under the circumstances, it shouldn’t be considered a benefit beyond expectations, right?”

"As for Huayi Brothers, to be honest, I don't see why it is so strong. The annual growth rate is even more exaggerated than LeTV. It's simply..."

"As for the two checks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology, it should be a strong attack by market institutional funds, right?"

"After all, the mobile game industry is experiencing a full-scale explosion today. The number of mobile games on the market with monthly sales of over 10 million is increasing every month. Investment institutions are quite optimistic about the performance expectations of this industry. This should be the reason why the stock prices of these two checks cannot fall at all and refuse to adjust."

"Isn't there such a way for institutions to build positions?" Xu Xiang said in a deep voice, "And today's index has increased, and the GEM index has completely separated from the Shanghai Index. I feel... it's like the previous two cities using the 'GEM' The model of hyping the core line seems to be returning quickly with the end of the hype of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', while the continuity of hype hot spots such as restructuring and backdooring and oversold rebounds is always questionable."

"Yeah!" Zhou Kan replied, "To be honest, Mr. Xu, the market activity of the GEM, as well as the fundamentals, future growth expectations, performance expectations, etc. of its core weighted stocks, are indeed better than those of the big guys on the main board. The only thing that’s better than that is… the location doesn’t have any advantages.”

Calculated based on annual increase.

The increase in the heavyweight sectors and heavyweight stocks in the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is basically zero, or the average increase should be a decrease.

The GEM refers to weighted sectors and weighted component stocks, with an increase of at least 40%, and the average increase may exceed 50%.

"The strong are always strong, and the weak are always weak!" Xu Xiang sighed, "We cannot ignore this."

"now that……"

Xu Xiang paused and then said: "There are main funds that have turned around the core component stocks of the GEM, and the areas where these main funds are attacking will still be the areas with the strongest market expectations for some time to come, so we have to follow In this regard, short-term hot spots such as restructuring, backdoor transactions, and oversold rebounds usually occur in waves. After a period of continuous speculation, funds will soon withdraw, leaving nothing but feathers."

"Unless we can really bet on the stocks of restructuring backdoor..."

"Otherwise, if we keep going deep into these hotspots, we may not have time to retreat in the end."

"Mr. Xu... is worried that the funds from Fortune Road have also been involved in the hot concept of restructuring and backdooring on a large scale, right?" Zhou Kan said, "This fund entered the market silently, but it came out in a violent storm. No, To be honest, if we continue to go deeper, it will be really difficult to deal with this capital."

"in this way……"

“It would be better to have core GEM stocks with clearer layout logic, obvious market continuity and better overall future expectations.”

"That's the truth." Xu Xiang said, "We must always be vigilant about the capital of Fortune Road and not make the same mistakes made in the Shanghai stock market again."

Before Fortune Road came along…

He considers himself a master of emotional speculation and short-term opportunity speculation in the market.

But now, the opponent is getting ahead of him in every aspect, which has forced him to be cautious and deal with it with all his strength.

There is also the change in the market today. The concept of restructuring and backdooring has arisen so quickly, and sentiment has spread so quickly... Such speculation techniques, although the relevant core stocks and the Dragon and Tiger List data have not yet been released, but he has already smelled it. A hint of 'Fortune Road'.

So, in the afternoon market.

After he saw that he had lost the opportunity to pursue the core stock bargaining hot spot of restructuring and backdoor speculation, he no longer asked Zhou Kan to buy other shell resource concept stocks. He gave up large-scale follow-up in this direction and only speculated. Received a small amount of funds.

With the conversation between the two people, they speculated, as well as the expectations of investors in the entire market.

At 5:30 pm, the new dragon and tiger list was announced.

I saw Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Century Huatong, Far East Holdings, Waigaoqiao, Anxin Trust... and other stocks on the Dragon and Tiger list.

In the seat disclosure of Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Century Huatong, and Far East Shares.

Wealth Road all appeared in the buy one position, and the total purchases of the four stocks exceeded 200 million, far exceeding the buying volume of the subsequent buy two, buy three, buy four, and buy five seats.

And two stocks, Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology, are on the dragon and tiger list.

The ‘Yanjing Minghua Road Sales Department’ seats that previously appeared on Waigaoqiao together with Fortune Road also appeared at the same time, ranking second in Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology respectively.

In addition to the four popular stocks that have reached daily limit on Fortune Road, there are two other popular stocks that have dropped by daily limit.

Among the seats on the Dragon and Tiger list disclosed by Waigaoqiao, two institutions that entered on Friday have left, and the hot money taken over on Friday has also been completely liquidated.

On Essence Trust's dragon and tiger list, a series of hot money in the Shenzhen market that has been dominating this check has also completely cleared its positions and left the market.

"Damn it, the road to wealth is really everywhere."

After seeing the disclosed data of the Dragon and Tiger List, investors in the entire market were shocked again.

"Yes, the buying and selling is so precise, it's seems that tomorrow Century Huatong and Far East Holdings will be on the same page!"

"I guessed that today's reorganization and backdoor concept hype, Fortune Road must be involved."

"But I didn't expect that Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology, the two 'mobile game' stocks, are actually focused on capital and wealth."

"What does this mean? Are the two lines parallel?"

"I don't know, but I am sure that the concept of 'mobile games' will be one of the hot spots in the future. After all, with the influence of the seats on Fortune Road and the market speculation funds, there will soon be a frantic rush for chips."

"Blast, the road to wealth is everywhere, I'm really convinced."

"Haha... There is no sales on Fortune Road today. There is no selling seat for the big boss on the entire Dragon and Tiger list. The market will definitely be worry-free tomorrow."

"Finally, I no longer want to sell, so I can buy with confidence."

"Century Huatong and Far East Shares, I will be here tomorrow. Don't just give me a chance to buy them. I haven't eaten meat for a long time."

"I feel like Fortune Road bought more than this amount of chips today, right?"

"I also think that Rongshun Shares and Hilong Software, which were not on the list but were the first to hit their daily limit, may also be the main buyers of Fortune Road."

"Although Fortune Road was not sold today, the institution that took over Waigaoqiao on Friday actually sold out its positions in Waigaoqiao today."

"To be honest, I didn't expect Waigaoqiao's ranking data at all."

“Isn’t it said that institutions are all long-term investments?”

"Nonsense, if there are expectations and hopes of making money, of course the institution is a long-term investment, but if it has no expectations and hopes, then why should it stay in the market? Do you know that it will continue to fall in the future and wait to continue to lose money?"

"Hey, Fortune Road and the institutions are all gone on Waigaoqiao. The 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line should be completely hopeless, right?"

"Look at the Dragon and Tiger List of concept stocks under the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'. This line will definitely fall tomorrow."

"It is estimated that the Shanghai Stock Exchange will not be able to open its doors tomorrow."

"To sum up, we still need to follow the path of wealth. Other institutions and hot money in various departments are unreliable."

At a time when many retail investor groups are once again having heated discussions based on the data on the Dragon and Tiger List...

At this moment, Xu Xiang, Xie Wanting, and Su Yu, who were inside Magic City Zexi Investment, Yanjing Anlan Fund, and Yuhang Yuhang Investment, all showed shock after seeing such data on the Dragon and Tiger List. look.

Xu Xiang was shocked that Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, and Fortune Road were also buying.

Xie Wanting was shocked when she discovered that the huge main force of funds that had shifted towards the GEM in the market turned out to be another path to wealth that could be described as haunting.

And Su Yu...

I was shocked that I could follow him twice from the seat of "Yanjing Minghua Road Sales Department", from Waigaoqiao to Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology.

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