Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 227 The road to wealth is everywhere!

"Yanjing Minghua Road Sales Department?"

Su Yu stared at the dragon and tiger lists of Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology, pondered for a while, and sent a message to Lin Antu from the company's market intelligence department: "Director Lin, help me check the Yanjing Minghua Road Sales Department of Huaxin Securities This seat belongs to which hot money or private equity institution."

It's not easy for this restaurant to be able to keep up with him twice.

"Okay, Mr. Su!" Lin Antu responded.

Then, about ten minutes later, Lin Antu sent him a message back: "Mr. Su, please make sure that this seat is a private equity seat just like our company. The name of the private equity company that uses this seat is ' Anlan Fund's asset management scale is no smaller than that of our company."

"Anlan Fund?" Su Yu frowned slightly.

I don't have any obvious impression of this private equity fund in my mind.

Seeing Su Yu's reply, Lin Antu continued: "This fund company has not been established for a long time. It has only been 2 years and 5 months so far, but its performance has been good since its establishment. The fund manager of its company is named Zhou Guohua. , this person used to be the manager of the Huanuo Mixed Selection fund of Huanuo Public Fund Company. Speaking of which... he can be regarded as a relatively capable and qualified old man in the fund circle."

"Zhou Guohua?" Su Yu was a little surprised, "I know this person, and he is well-known in the industry. So this person is no longer at Huanuo? Is Anlan Fund the company he started on his own after leaving Huanuo Fund?"

"No!" Lin Antu continued to report, "According to the information disclosed when Anlan Fund was established, the main investor of this company is not Zhou Guohua, but Xie Zhenhua, who is the actual control of the well-known 'Zhenhua Capital' Man, Zhou Guohua only holds 40% of the shares in Anlan Fund. Of course...according to the information I have obtained, the entire Anlan Fund is still fully managed by Zhou Guohua."

"Zhenhua Capital!" Su Yu was obviously shaken in his heart.

This capital investment company is considered a very influential capital group in the domestic capital investment circle. It has invested in many industries. Of course, the equity structure behind it is also quite complex, with looming state-owned assets and various backgrounds of capital. It is also interspersed with shareholdings. Although Xie Zhenhua is the actual controller of the entire capital group, this figure who is known as the "godfather of investment" in the domestic capital investment community actually does not own the entire "Zhenhua Capital" series. Complete dominance.

But anyway...

Zhenhua Capital and others can be regarded as a force that cannot be ignored within the Yanjing Capital investment circle, and even within the entire domestic capital investment circle.

"Behind Anlan Fund is actually Zhenhua Capital." Su Yu said with emotion after a brief moment of confusion, "No wonder this private equity fund company can make plans in advance on Waigaoqiao to keep up with our pace in order to revitalize the company. With the connections and capital background involved in the Hua Capital family, as well as the Xie family’s decades of connections and capital accumulation in Yanjing, it’s not surprising that they can get first-hand information on important policy issues. ”

"As for being able to keep up with Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology... it should be Mr. Zhou Guohua's personal judgment."

After all, the other party is a star fund manager in the industry who has been famous for many years. His past performance is relatively strong whether in the bull market or the bear market. Moreover, in Su Yu's mind, this person is still a good person in the field of stock investment. A long-distance player who can handle various styles.

Just such a person...

When there are obvious changes in the market conditions and there is a significant deviation in the main line of speculation, it is impossible not to discover it.

Therefore, it is normal for the other party to find opportunities when he uses funds to vigorously attack stocks such as Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Huayi Brothers, LeTV, etc., and quickly follow suit.

Of course, when Su Yu quickly investigated the seat of ‘Huaxin Securities Yanjing Minghua Road Sales Department’ and the background of Anlan Fund Company...

Yanjing, inside the Anlan Fund, in the trading room.

Xie Wanting, who had always been extremely curious about the funds of 'Huashang Securities Yuhang Fortune Road Sales Department', also obtained information about 'Yuhang Investment Company' and Su Yu himself from Zhou Guohua.

"This person is only 24 years old?" Xie Wanting looked at Su Yu's information and felt very shocked and surprised. "It has only been two years since graduation, and before founding the 'Yuhang Investment' company, she only worked at Huaxin Securities." I have been working as a customer agent in the Shenglu Sales Department for one and a half years. Isn’t this amazing? Before starting a business, I didn’t have any practical experience or strong background capital to help?”

"It's amazing, and that's not all..."

Zhou Guohua sat next to Xie Wanting and chuckled: "I heard that this person made his first pot of gold by doing financial management for clients in just a few months after resigning."

"In other words, this guy started from scratch and relied on the customer resources accumulated in the past."

"During the A-share bear market, it only took a few months to earn the tens of millions of capital required to open a private equity company. The speed of capital growth is simply unimaginable."

"Well, it's really unimaginable." Xie Wanting continued to look at the information in her hand and replied, "In the past half a year or so, although the market is not bad, it is not much better. This person... basically had no practical experience before. With so much experience, why can you be so good when you first enter the market? Could it be...that this is the so-called trading talent?"

She rarely admires someone from the bottom of her heart.

But behind the wealth of Fortune Road, Su Yu's rise really shocked her and she had to admire her.

"It can't be said that there is no practical experience at all!" Zhou Guohua said, "Nowadays, when the brokerage business of securities companies is very sluggish, employees at all levels, in order to survive, illegally manage money on behalf of clients and speculate in stocks privately during work. This situation is not uncommon.”

"This person has the confidence to resign decisively..."

"In my heart, I should be quite confident in my investment capabilities and trading skills. I must have had real trading experience before."

"But even if he has actual experience, the speed of capital accumulation he has shown is still amazing." Xie Wanting said, "If it hadn't already happened, I wouldn't believe that there are still such people in the market, and there are A person who grasps every transaction and timing with such precision.”

"If the amount of funds he manages on behalf of clients during that period of time is above tens of millions, it is still possible to achieve the goal of going from zero to 10 million in a few months. After all, if the amount of funds he manages on behalf of clients is He has always been above 10 million in size, he just needs to triple his profits.”

"And twice the space, based on the several main market trends that have broken out in the past six months."

"As long as you catch a concept bull stock, you can achieve it, but it is not completely impossible."

"Of course, what is more surprising and not actually the things he did when he was accumulating initial capital, but his series of operations in the market after he established the private equity fund."

“On June 25, the fund was established at the bottom of the market and operations were immediately closed.”

"Immediately afterwards, a large number of positions were built in the core constituent stocks of the GEM, and with the help of the stock 'Shanghai Steel Union', the concept of 'Internet Finance' was continuously speculated; and then the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' arrived, and the other party shifted its position. Lurking and speculating on core stocks related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' and making huge profits."

"This series of operations has the same view as the majority of retail investors in the market towards this fund. It is not an exaggeration to say 'miraculous'."

"Just on the private equity fund rankings..."

"Although the fund 'Yuhang No. 1' has only been established for less than half a year, its performance performance is already among the best. In the private equity fund industry with a scale of less than 2 billion and a scale of more than 100 million, its annual net value is second only. Regarding the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's 'Manniu No. 1' fund, and this was the net value performance of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund more than a month ago, now... at this point in time, 'Manniu No. 1' should be far behind. .”

"So... the teacher thinks this person is really a trading and investment genius." Xie Wanting asked, "Rather than relying on other insider methods to seek huge profits in the market?"

Zhou Guohua chuckled and said: "There are many people who report insider trading on this channel of funds, but the exchange supervision department has never found any trace of insider trading. Moreover, this person's resume is very simple, his background is clear, and his age is It’s very light. Regardless of family, society, or life experience, it’s impossible to know any important people with profound backgrounds, let alone get access to any core inside information.”

"Our domestic financial sector, although it started very late compared to foreign countries, has a very shallow foundation."

"But the newly grown group of people, after absorbing hundreds of years of foreign experience and verifying their trading strategies in practice, there are still many talents, and there is no shortage of geniuses."

"for example……"

"Before the 'Wealth Road' money disrupted the market."

“In the hot money circle, Xu Xiang from Jiefang South Road didn’t develop the ‘leading tactic’ of emotional board relay based on the unique daily limit system of our A-shares and the habit of retail investors chasing ups and downs.”

"In a market with extreme profits, there is no shortage of smart people."

“This Fortune Road fund and the ‘Yuhang Investment’ company behind it are very worthy of our attention and worthy of our study.”

"Well!" In Zhou Guohua's voice, Xie Wanting nodded, "When the time comes...if I have the opportunity to go to Yuhang, I must meet this person named Su Yu."

Thinking about it, her eyes once again glanced at Su Yu's photo on the file.

He smiled and said to himself: "He looks quite handsome! I didn't expect that he is one year younger than me. It's totally unreasonable."

"Okay." Zhou Guohua continued while Xie Wanting was deep in thought, "Now that you know your opponent, you have to study the opponent's operating style and investment logic, and try to take the lead next time... or be able to do it. Continue to keep up with the pace of this capital and seize the commanding heights of the market, thereby quickly improving the performance of our company's funds."

"Well!" Xie Wanting continued to respond, "Teacher, don't worry, I won't let the situation on Waigaoqiao happen again. Since I have caught the tail of this capital and understood it, I won't let it happen again." If it continues to take advantage of me, hum...I will definitely get back the defeat at Waigaoqiao."

Zhou Guohua was very pleased to see the bright look in Xie Wanting's eyes and said: "As long as you have this enterprising spirit and unwillingness to admit defeat, I believe that in future market transactions, you can do what you said. , after all... There is no invincible god in the financial market. No matter how outstanding his trading talent is, this young man named Su Yu will definitely fail sometimes. Of course... some of his operating ideas and techniques, and The thinking logic for judging market changes is still very worthy of learning and reference.”

"Okay, this is what I want to say..."

"Next, review it carefully, and then... go out for a walk after get off work."

"Go out for a walk more?" Xie Wanting looked at Zhou Guohua in confusion. After thinking for a while, she finally said with some clarity, "The teacher asked me to go out and observe more details of life and people's general consumption preferences. It is said that ‘investment comes from life, and truly great companies and products are closely related to our lifestyle and consumption patterns’. Is this what the teacher is saying?”

"Uh..." Zhou Guohua saw that she had misunderstood what he meant, and couldn't help coughing slightly, and said, "Wanting, you have been back to China for so long, how come I rarely see you going out to date or eat with friends? Ah? Young people still need to go out more often. After all... we still need to balance work and rest. On the contrary, as for the stock market, as long as the market continues to open, there will be no shortage of opportunities, so we don’t need to be so anxious. .”

“They say investment is a long-distance race.”

"There will be countless opportunities in the next few decades, so there is no need to rush."

Xie Wanting listened carefully for a while and realized that there was something in his words. She couldn't help but smile slyly and said, "Teacher, my dad told you something, right? He was busy with his, I was busy with mine, and I didn't cause any trouble for him. , why does he care so much? I just like to wait quietly and study these numbers and data."

"Besides... wasn't he the one who trained me into a talent in this field?"

"Originally, I wanted to study violin in college, but she insisted that I study finance. Now that I'm really interested in this field, is he uncomfortable again?"

"You can't let him have the final say in everything, right?"

"I have to make my own decisions about my own life."

"Besides, I'm really not interested in the young heroes from the official family, the young president of the consortium, etc. he introduced, and I don't have time to waste time eating with these people."

Zhou Guohua did not expect Xie Wanting to react so strongly.

Thinking about these things, I finally took it easy and it was not appropriate to talk too much, so I laughed twice, gave a simple response, and left alone.

Then, Xie Wanting looked at the time.

I picked up the information documents about Fortune Road, Su Yu, and Yuhang Investment Company again, and continued to study them.

At the same time, in the Magic City, inside Zexi Investment Company before getting off work, Xu Xiang stared blankly at the data on the Dragon and Tiger Ranking, feeling very depressed for a while.

"This really everywhere!"

While Xu Xiang was depressed, Zhou Kan sighed speechlessly: "No matter which line of speculation, there is a path to wealth. How come this fund responds so quickly? It seems that they are not following the market, but the market is following." This fund is going the same way, it’s just outrageous.”

"Experts can keep up with trends, and top experts..." Xu Xiang paused, "can create trends and market conditions."

"This kind of capital can often be one step ahead of the market. This time it hit the point where market sentiment changes and expectations are reached, which is indeed very powerful."

"Hey... I have repeatedly misjudged the operating capabilities of this fund, and I have lost opportunities everywhere."

"Then...what should we do now?" Zhou Kan said, "Are we still going to implement the original investment plan?"

Xu Xiang pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "We must, and we must quickly take out heavy positions to seize the chips of core concept stocks such as GEM. Since the road to wealth lies in the two lines of 'reorganization backdoor' and 'mobile games', If they are all planning, this capital will inevitably judge that after the market completes the theme and market switching, the overall main line of speculation will still return to the hype theme with the 'GEM' as the core."

"In this case, we have to be first."

"Restructuring the backdoor line, since the liquidity is limited and the funds that can be carried are also limited, then we should completely give up the opportunity to participate in this market and focus on the popular concept sectors in the early stage of the GEM, such as 'Internet Finance' and 'Mobile Games' ', 'Film and TV Media', 'Wearable Devices', and 'Apple Industry Chain' are all areas where we are increasing our positions. This time... we have to let the wealth path after the hype of restructuring and backdooring be done for us."

He believes in the opponent 'Fortune Road', but at this moment he has noticed the opportunities in the direction of the GEM.

But the focus is still on the hype of the concept of restructuring and backdooring, which has spread and fermented in a wide range of emotions and market conditions. It is too late to compete with them in the field of core concepts related to the GEM.

In this way, they have the opportunity to strike first.

"Okay!" Zhou Kan responded, "Abandon small opportunities and make big opportunities. This time, Fortune Road's funds will definitely not be able to take advantage again."

"Wait until they finish the 'reorganization and backdoor' line."

"We should have completed building positions on the core concept sectors of GEM."

"After that, if they follow up on the fundraising, then we can continue to increase the share price of the core stocks, forcing them to continue to support us."

"That's what I mean!" Xu Xiang nodded.

Every time he faced this opponent on the board, he was in a disadvantageous position. This time... the opponent was exposed on the dragon and tiger list in advance. Naturally, no matter what, he would not sit back and let the opponent seize the opportunity of the next main line market.

During the discussion between the two...

In the entire market, news and topics about the 'Wealth Road' are still in full swing in major stock forums and investment exchange groups.

And in the evening, when Century Huatong suddenly announced the suspension of trading, planned to acquire Tianyou Software and Qikool Network for 1.8 billion, and move into the "mobile Internet" field, the vast number of investors in the market even attacked Fortune Road stocks. The accuracy is breathtaking!

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