Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 228: Market Hype Depression!

“Damn it, Century Huatong has actually been suspended!”

"Not only has the trading been suspended, but it was also rumored earlier that there is finally a plan to acquire Tianyou Software and Qikool Network with a fixed increase of 1.8 billion. At this point, Century Huatong will get rid of its original traditional business and fully transfer into the field of 'mobile Internet', right?" ? This merger, acquisition and reorganization has opened up all the room for imagination in terms of fundamentals!"

After seeing the news, the stock of Century Huatong, along with topics related to "Wealth Road", directly became a hot search topic in stock forums across the Internet.

"Wealth Road is really awesome, we've hit it again."

"Could it be inside information? The timing of this move is a bit coincidental."

"No, this is not the only stock that Fortune Road sold today, and its buying volume on Century Huatong is far less than that of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology. If it is insider information... Fortune today The road will definitely quickly seal the daily limit of World Huatong, and those who eat alone will never let Rongshun Shares and Hilong Software take the lead."

"Huh... Insider information? Fortune Road's market layout and attack route are always logical. Do you need to rely on insider information to operate? Some institutions in the market like to do this."

"Before Fortune Road sold core stocks related to the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', didn't many people say that Fortune Road lurked through inside information? As a result... As far as I know, the report was reported to the exchange's supervision department. , everything was lost, and there was nothing unusual about the entire transaction on Fortune Road."

"It's not like concentrated buying, a sudden rise, and no opportunity for other funds to follow up. How could it be insider trading?"

"It can only be said to be a combination of luck and strength."

"The suspension of trading in Century Huatong should further stimulate the market for the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor', right? Tomorrow, Far East Holdings, Rongshun Holdings, and Hilong Software have the same expectations, and they will definitely go the same way. Alas... originally I was thinking of playing in tomorrow’s relay, but now I see there’s no chance.”

"The market is definitely going to intensify, not only in the big concept of 'reorganization and backdoor', but also in the conceptual field of 'mobile Internet'. There are definitely opportunities. After all, the companies that Century Huatong is acquiring are in the field where they plan to transform in the future." The business fields are all in the 'mobile Internet' industry!"

"Well, it's also possible that the 'mobile games' and 'film and television media' that are changing today are, in a sense, also part of the big field of 'mobile Internet,' right?"

"No need to guess, it is the next big market opportunity, and it will definitely explode in the field of 'mobile Internet'. After all, Fortune Road is mainly attacking today, but it is this field. The two checks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology are very likely to be just Two of the stocks bought by Fortune Road, such as LeTV and Huayi Brothers, have almost hit their daily limit due to heavy volume today. I think... I am afraid Fortune Road also bought a lot of chips."

"It makes sense, it makes sense..."

"Well, anyway, the line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' cannot be touched. Next, we will either go to the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor', or we will go to the strong leading stocks in the field of 'mobile Internet' related concepts on the GEM. I feel like The market will inevitably develop in these two directions."

"I don't have that many ideas. Anyway, just follow Fortune Road and buy."

"Yes, Wealth Road bought a total of four stocks today. One of them is suspended tonight, but the other three stocks, I don't believe they will all be in a straight line when they open tomorrow? As long as they are not in a straight line, which one can be bought? Whichever one I buy, it doesn’t matter if I chase the high, anyway... I’ll determine the path to wealth."

"With the same idea, if you analyze and analyze, it's better to follow the trend without thinking."

Everyone continues to have a heated discussion...

At this moment, Su Yu looked at Century Huatong's trading suspension announcement and felt a little surprised in his heart. He sighed: "This is really luck. I won a trump card with just one move."

After the amount of funds increased, he would buy related concept stocks in batches for this kind of concept speculation.

There is no emphasis on betting on the hope of restructuring of a stock.

Of course, his original intention was not to bet on the hope of restructuring of these concept stocks, but to speculate on their stocks based on the logic that these concept stocks "have hope of restructuring."

Unexpectedly, a blind cat actually encountered a dead mouse.

In fact, he has market memory of the market outlook and knows the general direction of market development, but he does not remember the restructuring trend and time nodes of every stock in the market, so...this time he bet on the restructuring and merger of Medieval Huatong , it was really just luck, even he himself didn’t expect it.

"It seems that when things go well, even luck will be on our side." Li Meng also saw the announcement and said with a genuine smile, "The suspension of Century Huatong has become a new trend in the short-term market after Huachuang Information Testing, After ST Ancai, the third stock to be reorganized and suspended from trading, the market's expectations for 'reorganization and backdoor' have suddenly opened up. It is estimated that tomorrow... the market prices in this field will continue to diverge."

"The market is fermenting too fast, which does not bring much benefit to us." Su Yu responded, "After all, we did not plan in advance. We can only follow the market sentiment and speculate together. The profit margin will be slower than the sentiment." During fermentation, it will appear smaller.”

"Because emotions ferment too quickly, a large number of retail investors in the market will become more reluctant to raise funds."

"The funds that follow up from the outside will also become more aggressive in raising funds."

"Under the influence of these two aspects, even if we have channel advantages and financial advantages, it will be difficult to obtain too many high-quality chips and low-level chips."

"Yeah!" Li Meng nodded and said, "But... didn't you say that our core focus is in the 'pan-mobile Internet' field of the GEM? How much can we earn from the 'reorganization and backdoor' line? How much, if emotions ferment too quickly, it proves that the expected space in this field will be filled up quickly, which will also help the market quickly flow in the next market direction after speculating on this concept, right?"

"That's right." Su Yu said, "Funds are like water, and the place with the strongest market expectations and the highest cost performance is the hype depression. After other places are hyped up, funds will inevitably flow into this depression. Therefore, in the 'reorganization backdoor' 'After the hype in this line is expected to be fully funded, it is inevitable that the market will flow into the 'pan-mobile Internet' field in the direction of the GEM."

"Of course, market expectations are related to the macro trend of the market, as well as macroeconomic aspects and industry fundamentals."

"It's a more dynamic thing."

"But the general direction, that is, the hazy direction, is not wrong."

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded, "I believe what you said. At the moment when 4G construction and smart terminals are booming, the 'mobile Internet' trend will definitely blow and become a huge outlet. , after all, the group of netizens driven by smartphones can be expected to be significantly larger than that in the PC era."

in other words……

Both believe that 'mobile Internet' is a huge incremental market, full of infinite possibilities, and can even replace one pole of the economy and drive a comprehensive recovery of the economy.

What they have to do is to squeeze in as much as possible.

The expectations of market investors are constantly expanding and changing, raising valuations and performance step by step, and then reaping huge profits from the market.

The two talked for a while, and then went to bed separately.

The next day, Tuesday, September 18, amidst the calm in the peripheral market, at 9:15, the two cities once again ushered in call auction time.

I saw...

Concept sectors related to 'restructuring and backdooring', such as 'mobile games', 'film and television media', 'wearable devices', and 'Apple industry chain', performed relatively strongly yesterday and received a lot of attention and discussion from investors in the market after the market closed. Concept sector sectors have opened higher.

Among them, related core concept stocks also encountered a rush for funds at the beginning of the call auction.

For example, Far East Stock, Rongshun Shares, and Hilong Software have all reached a one-line daily limit, and the initial closing orders have exceeded 10,000 lots; while the "Fortune Road" concept stocks with slightly larger plates, such as Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology The two checks also opened higher at close to 7 points.

As for other concept stocks that have received popular attention from the market...

LeTV and Huayi Brothers opened higher by 1 to 2 points; Waigaoqiao opened lower by 4.75%, Shanghai Materials Trading continued to fall to the limit, and the initial limit exceeded 200,000 orders; Anxin Trust opened lower by 7.83% , in three trading days, the retracement from the highest point has been almost 30%; after the failure of pulse sealing yesterday, Shanghai Steel Union also opened directly lower to about 5 points today. The initial selling pressure on the market was heavy, and funds were willing to exit the market. , which can be described as quite strong.

Generally speaking, in the initial collective bidding stage.

The overall market situation continues yesterday's trend. Related concept stocks and individual stocks are all strong and weak. The polarization is relatively serious.

At 9:16, the market began to change.

The core stocks of the concept sectors of 'restructuring and backdoor', 'mobile games', and 'film and television media' have further strengthened, and the call auction has increased higher and higher. However, within the sector, the fringe concept stocks that barely rose yesterday have increased from It started to fall back in the initial stage.

On the contrary, the initial call auction was extremely poor for nearly 200 concept stocks in the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone".

Relatively core concept stocks that have not experienced significant speculation in the early stage and have been significantly oversold in recent trading days have begun to receive some funds hoping to rebound.

At 9:17, this phenomenon became more and more obvious.

However, the selling pressure on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which has experienced huge gains, as well as core stocks such as Waigaoqiao, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, and Essence Trust, is still increasing. On the surface, the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" line, although diverging, has not An obvious opportunity. After all, the core stocks are immobile, and other oversold secondary concept stocks cannot make any big waves even if they rebound from oversolds during the session.

At 9:18, stocks that were oversold in the short term and oversold in the long term in the two cities began to be hunted by funds.

At this time, the oversold rebound line began to become obvious, showing greater potential and financial attention than yesterday, and seemed to have obvious continuity.

At 9:19, under the influence of high emotions, many concept sections flew together.

Almost all short-term and long-term oversold mid- and small-cap stocks in the two cities, except for those that are obviously negative, are almost all in red.

Then, 9:20 arrived.

After countless funds withdrew their orders, the market prices and sentiments of the two cities fell back slightly. However, the core concept areas, as well as many oversold mid- and small-cap concept stocks, are still in a strong red market state. Instead, the major weighted sectors of the main board, 'Shanghai Stock Exchange' Free trade zone' related core concept sectors are in a state of slight decline.

Here, the situation of funds breaking away from the weight and converging on mid- and small-caps, active hot money, and gathering popular concept sectors and popular concept stocks is back again!

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