Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 230: Attack on all fronts!

"Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology, are there any major benefits?"

After a brief surprise, Li Meng came back to his senses and said in surprise: "The speed of the increase is too fast. This rush to raise funds does not take into account the cost at all!"

"There may not necessarily be any major benefits." Su Yu stared at the stocks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology that have reached their daily limit, as well as mobile phones such as Meisheng Culture, Yuanji Technology, and Huayi Jiaxin that are still rising. Game' Concept Stock replied, "It may also be industry-wide benefits that lead to a change in market expectations."

With the popularization of 4G networks and the comprehensive upgrading of smartphones.

Since March and April, the 'mobile game' industry has been on the verge of a double explosion in performance and scale, with new games with tens of millions of monthly revenue emerging one after another.

Today, although the core concept stocks of this concept hot spot are no longer low.

But overall, its future expectations are still strong, and the performance and business scale of relevant core companies are still on the road to double explosion.

Therefore, this hot concept and industry sector have been adjusted for more than a month.

As long as there is a disturbance in the industry and funds gather, it is not unusual for large-scale speculation in this direction.

After all, there are many market smart people and smart money.

If he can detect such an opportunity and vigorously increase his position, then...when the market style has obviously changed, other major funds that are only one step behind him will definitely be able to do so after a rough market analysis. Detect opportunities in this direction.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand the move to quickly grab funds.

"Then what should we... do?" Li Meng asked, "Our positions in the two stocks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology have not reached the position we expected to increase our positions."

"There is no need to be obsessed with these two checks." Su Yu said, "There are one or two hundred concept stocks in the entire 'pan-mobile Internet' field, and there are dozens or hundreds of more core stocks. Since the two checks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology If it’s not easy to buy, then just add the funds originally used to increase the position of these two checks to other core concept stocks.”

"The explosion of the mobile Internet has opened up more industry space than just 'mobile games'."

"From 4G network construction, to mobile phone smart terminal equipment, to 'mobile payment', 'Internet finance', 'new media' and many other conceptual fields, they all belong to the main line of 'Pan-Mobile Internet', and the entire main line is driven by market trends. Then it must be that all straight lines are linked at the same time, which will produce a sustained market trend and a sustained money-making effect."

"So, although the two checks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology exceeded our expectations and came out of the adjustment situation ahead of schedule, we were unable to better follow up the chips and complete the planned increase in positions in these two stocks, but overall Generally speaking, these two checks have little impact on our overall investment strategy."

"Okay!" Li Meng responded, "Then I will add the overflow capital from these two checks to Fenda Technology and Internet Speed ​​Technology. After all, except for the conceptual field of 'mobile games', Fenda Technology and Internet Speed ​​Technology Internet Speed ​​Technology should be the stock that you mentioned has the most stable chip structure, the strongest fundamental expectations, and the highest popularity and financial attention in 4G network construction and intelligent terminal equipment development."

"Yes!" Su Yu replied, "After the launch of the new Apple smart watch, sales have been overwhelming for several months. Fenda Technology has obvious technology accumulation in this track and has close cooperation with Apple. , new products are about to go on sale, and in the future, regardless of performance and business expansion scale, it will easily exceed expectations."

"As for Internet Speed ​​Technology, in the context of 4G network construction, not to mention, it has been a favorite stock of institutions in the past six months. In the past two months, other related concept stocks have corrected by more than 20%. 30% of the time, this guy... didn't even fall much."

"Oh, and..."

Su Yu paused and then said: "The direction of the market change is becoming increasingly clear. No matter which branch is increasing positions, we cannot hesitate at all."

"Buy against the selling orders on the market, and many 'pan-mobile Internet' conceptual fields such as 'Internet finance', 'film and television media', 'wearable devices', 'mobile payment', 'information network construction', and 'Apple industry chain' should be used It’s time to attack on all fronts.”

The market trend changed much faster than he expected.

Through the strong rush to raise funds for stocks with the core concept of 'mobile games' just now, it can be seen that...many smart funds in the market have realized the actual general direction of the market transformation, which is centered on small and medium-cap stocks. GEM, small and medium-sized enterprises board.

At the same time, we are also aware of the main concept of ‘mobile Internet’.

I am afraid that it will carry a large amount of funds in the market and become a market opportunity with strong sustainability and a large profit-making effect.

In essence, the change in the direction of the entire market was caused by his large-scale capital accumulation and buying.

Therefore, he will definitely not tolerate a stall where the market has shown signs of an outbreak.

On the contrary, because of his own hesitation and lack of reaction, other major funds were able to take the lead and take the initiative to speculate on the main line market.

"Okay!" Li Meng nodded.

Then, he immediately ordered the traders to attack the target stocks across the board against market selling orders.

And with their rapid buying...

Hundreds of millions or even billions of funds were poured into the market of many stocks, including LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, Oriental Fortune, Flush, Tianyu Information, Huake Financial, and Xinwei Communications , Goertek, Ofilm Technology, Anjie Technology... twenty or thirty concept stocks, etc., all showed obvious changes.

At the same time, the concept of "mobile games" exploded.

Many related concept stocks such as Meisheng Culture, Yaoji Technology, Huayi Jiaxin, etc., driven by Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology, which have already reached their daily limit, have also increased by more than 5%, resulting in the overall increase in the concept sector of 'mobile games' It exceeded 3.5%, directly surpassing the increase of the restructuring concept sector and becoming the first leading sector in the two cities.

Of course, during this period, restructuring and shell resource-related concept stocks also exploded continuously.

Among them, Zhenghe Shares, Weihua Shares, and Shenlaida also hit the daily limit. The number of stocks in the entire shell resource concept exceeded the daily limit, breaking through to a terrifying number of 8 stocks in just ten minutes after the market opened.

Then, at 9:52.

The sentiment of shell speculation has once again spread to the ST sector, and more than 6 of the nearly 50 ST stocks have hit their daily limit.

At 9:55, the growth rate of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Board Index and the Growth Enterprise Market Index exceeded 1.5% again. At this time, the Shanghai Stock Index rose only 0.46%, seriously lagging behind the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the Growth Enterprise Market Index. The performance on small-cap stocks is completely isolated from blue-chip and large-cap stocks.

Then, the trading time enters 10 o'clock.

The main funds are fully attacking the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring' and the concept of 'mobile games'. The growth rate of the two core concept sectors has far exceeded that of other concept sectors in the market, and the core concept stocks have gone straight to the daily limit, and there is no room for speculation. , all kinds of funds began to overflow from these two major concept sectors, and went deeper into the concepts of 'oversold rebound' and 'film and television media' that were relatively closely linked to these two concepts.

So, around 10:10.

Many mid- and small-cap stocks that were oversold have experienced a significant rise; in the film and television media concept sector, stocks with relatively active market conditions and good fundamentals, such as LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Guangxing Media, and Hua A number of stocks such as Digital Media and Tianzhou Culture also received a large amount of funds to follow up, and their stock prices continued to rise.

At 10:15, the ChiNext Index touched a 1.8% increase, standing at 1160 points, completely reversing last Friday's decline, while the scissor difference between the Shanghai Index and the ChiNext Index remained above the 1% increase.

At 10:21, following the outbreak of film and television media, the concept stocks related to the 'Apple industry chain' also received a lot of funding attention. Among them, Fenda Technology was the first to hit the limit, and the stock price returned to the 40 yuan mark, and the market value also reached 65 yuan again. More than 100 million, only 12% away from the previous historical high.

At 10:33, LeTV and Huayi Brothers once again rose by more than 5%, with turnover exceeding 130 million, continuing to increase their volume significantly. At this time, the Growth Enterprise Market rose by more than 2%, and the momentum was like a rainbow, showing the return of the king. .

At 10:43, the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring' and the total number of stocks in the ST sector exceeded the 20 daily limit, and the overall investment sentiment reached a climax.

At 10:48, stocks with the core concept of "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" fell sharply continuously, and in a few days, the overall decline exceeded 20%. Some funds ushered in the bottom buying. Waigaoqiao became the first to turn red, and then Anxin Trust also started trading. Although it has become popular underwater, only the Shanghai Stock Exchange is still on the lower limit. It has become one of the few stocks on the decline list of the two cities that has dropped the limit.

At 10:55, the first wave of funds began to disrupt the Shanghai stock market. However, after the inflow of nearly 30 million primary buyer funds, it did not move the market. Instead, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any waves.

At 10:59, affected by the 'financial reform', the 'Internet Finance' sector, which has been relatively weak during the GEM rebound in the past two days, changed. Huake Financial led the rise. Within a few minutes, the increase went from 3% to 3%. Near the increase, it jumped to more than 7%, and it is likely to hit the daily limit.

At 11:06, the growth rate of the ChiNext Index further expanded to 2.3%, and the small and medium-sized board index also expanded to more than 2%. At this time, the growth rate of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index passively climbed to about 1%.

At 11:15, 85% of the stocks in the two cities achieved gains, reappearing the general rise, and the half-day turnover once again exceeded a high of 60 billion.

At 11:21, the second wave of funds disrupted the Shanghai stock market.

A series of 300 million yuan of large order funds poured into the Shanghai stock market, and then... with the help of the market's hot investment sentiment, it successfully pried open the lower limit, causing its stock price to drop from the highest point to a sky-high price, and two. After hitting the limit, it rebounded very quickly.

At 11:22, the transaction volume of the Shanghai Stock Exchange instantly increased to more than RMB 800 million. Funds hunting for the bottom and funds fleeing frantically competed with each other.

11:25, 5 minutes before the midday close.

Huayi Brothers hit the daily limit, with its stock price reaching 33.48 yuan, a new all-time high, and its market value exceeded 15 billion for the first time, becoming one of the few industry giants in the "film and television media" industry sector with a market value of more than 15 billion.

11:27, 3 minutes before the midday close.

The stock price of Wangsu Technology has also officially exceeded the 70 yuan mark, and its market value has reached more than 14 billion, setting a new historical high.

Finally, at 11:30, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose at 1.26%, the ChiNext Index rose at 2.48%, the Small and Medium Enterprises Index rose at 2.22%, and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index rose at 1.96%. The two cities' half-day total turnover was 64.342 billion, compared with There was a lot of volume yesterday.

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