Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 231: Position increase completed

Under the overall surge in the index, the concepts of the two city sectors...

Whether it is popular concepts such as 'restructuring and backdoor', 'mobile games', 'oversold rebound', 'film and television media', and 'Apple industry chain' that are enthusiastically pursued by funds, or 'port', which suffered huge adjustments in the early stage and was abandoned by funds. , logistics, real estate, trade' and other 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' related concepts have formed a relatively good trend this morning. There is no sell-off, only continued rebound.

In terms of individual stocks...

The oversold "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" mainline stocks, as well as the "restructuring backdoor" and "mobile Internet" mainline stocks have also received the attention of funds, either bottoming out or rising strongly, the stronger is stronger.

All in all, the market trends of the two markets throughout the morning were extremely exciting and strong.

As long as during the trading hours, investors who participate in buying will basically make a profit at the closing time.

"Wow! The market trend today is really hot. It's a rare big explosion."

Seeing such midday closing results, as well as the all-out hot spots for speculation on various concepts, the retail investors participating in the market on the online stock forum also expressed excitement and excitement.

"Suddenly, a bull market came overnight, with thousands of stocks hitting their daily limits!"

"There are nearly 2,000 stocks in the entire market, and more than 1,700 of them have gone up. You can make money even if you buy them randomly."

"Even this guy, Shanghai Stock Exchange, has had its daily limit lifted today, which is enough to show how strong the market market is in the morning. Sure enough... the small and medium-sized board and the GEM are the future."

"Even the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is about to reverse last Friday's losses. It's really strong."

"The index has reached this point. The upward trend has been completely confirmed, right? The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has accurately stepped back to 2100 points. This breakthrough... is really perfect, technically perfect!"

"But overall, the GEM index is still going better."

"Well, from a technical analysis, the GEM index looks like an old duck head. If this old duck head is formed, the height of the space that will be opened up in the future is unimaginable."

"Is the bull market coming?"

"I don't know, but the market has obviously entered a state where it is easy to rise but difficult to fall."

"Well, most of the funds that were waiting to buy at low prices after the market crash last Friday have obviously gone out of business again. Overall, the evolution of market conditions and the direction of the index are indeed stronger than before. It’s too much.”

"And I feel that the main market trend has returned to many concept stocks with the GEM and small and medium-sized boards as the core!"

"Yes, yes... Look at the stocks that have risen this morning. In addition to the 'restructuring backdoor' in the oversold rebound field, Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Huayi Brothers, Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology, etc. have soared. Huake Financial, Anjie Technology, LeTV... these stocks are all popular stocks that have surged in the early stage. What does this mean? I think it means the hype style from April to early August, and It’s back!”

“Is the GEM King Returning?”

"Sure enough, the theory that the strong will always be strong has always been the truth in the stock market."

"These tickets generally increased at least double during the rapid surge of the GEM index from April to August. For me who is seriously afraid of heights, I can only watch."

"People who are afraid of heights are always miserable!"

"There is always a truth in the stock market, that is, cheap chips are worthless, and valuable chips are never cheap. Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, LeTV... these popular stocks The valuation and stock price do seem to be expensive, and the increase this year is indeed very large. However, the changes in its fundamentals, as well as the expected explosion of business scale and performance profitability, are still very strong. Overall, its cost-effectiveness , no worse than some stocks at low prices.”

"Moreover, next month, the performance of these third quarter reports will be released one after another."

"I feel that the main funds launching a comprehensive offensive at this time definitely have a great purpose. I guess they are speculating on the third quarter financial reports of these tickets."

"No matter what the reason or motivation is, just follow the main funds."

"Today, these popular stocks have so much inflow, especially checks like Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, and Huayi Brothers, which have an inflow of hundreds of millions of dollars. I don't believe that such a large amount of capital inflow is just to provide Those who still hold positions at high positions take over and carry the sedan chair, there must be a big market here..."

"Yes, we small retail investors can't see that far, so... we just need to follow the main funds."

"If the index reverses and the market spreads, it will definitely still rise. In this case, I don't know what to worry about? If you haven't bought it, just follow it without thinking in the afternoon."

"The stocks I bought yesterday from Fortune Road have all reached their daily limit today. What can I follow this afternoon?"

"Although the stocks bought by Fortune Road yesterday have all reached their daily limit, the concept sector to which the stocks he bought belongs, and there are still many core concept stocks that have not reached their daily limit. Just follow the trend. Based on the market trend in the morning, I think The two popular concepts of 'restructuring and backdooring' and 'mobile games' will still be the hot spots with the strongest market speculation."

"Not necessarily. I think there are quite a lot of popular concepts that broke out today."

"Yes, there are many, so I don't know how to start at the moment?"

"Haha... It seems like a lot. In fact, there are only two main paths for speculation. One is the oversold rebound superimposed by 'restructuring and backdooring', and the other is 'mobile Internet'."

"The hot concepts such as 'mobile games', 'film and television media', 'Apple industry chain', 'mobile payment', 'wearable devices', '4G network construction' and 'Internet finance' are not all Is it the 'mobile Internet' hype derived from the 'Xinwei Group'?"

"So, in my opinion, there are actually only two hot spots, and there is only one core leading stock."

"It's a pity that Xinwei Group can't buy it."

"As for the rest, as long as you can catch up with these two hotspots, you can buy whatever you want."

"Okay, let's do it in the afternoon, let's do it directly, and recover the loss of nearly 40% in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which hit the daily limit three times in a row."

In the midst of an excited discussion...

At this moment in the Magic City, inside Zexi Investment, in the trading room, Zhou Kan stared at the frozen market prices of the two markets and said with emotion: "Mr. Xu is still wise and decisive. If we hesitate for a moment, the market sentiment has already exploded. If we make another move next time, I'm afraid the number of chips purchased today will be greatly reduced."

In the early trading, large orders worth hundreds of millions were used to grab funds, and the branch lines closed the operations of Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology.

It was the work of Zexi Investment.

"I didn't expect that market sentiment would pick up and the market develop so quickly." Xu Xiang said, "This wave of market sentiment was driven by Fortune Road. I'm afraid even they themselves didn't expect that the market would develop so fast. Can you build enough position chips?"

According to the buying volume of Fortune Road on the Dragon and Tiger list yesterday.

Within half a day today, the number of chips he asked Zhou Kan to buy far exceeded Fortune Road.

What's more, he directly blocked Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology in early trading, and he has fully grasped the initiative of 'mobile games', the concept sector with the highest hype expectations.

In this way, as long as Fortune Road wants to continue to speculate on this hot concept.

Then you have to continue to enter and carry the sedan chair for him.

"That's for sure." Zhou Kan responded with a smile, "This guy named Su on Fortune Road, even if he is a real stock expert, there is no way he can get ahead of us this time."

"Yeah!" Xu Xiang nodded slightly, paused, and continued, "Our chips in the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' should have all been withdrawn this morning, right?"

Zhou Kan responded: "A comprehensive retreat has been completed."

"That's OK." Xu Xiang said, "Let's fully switch to the market led by the 'GEM'. In the afternoon... use the funds withdrawn from the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line today to continue buying Enter ‘mobile game’ related concept stocks, as well as other early popular GEM core component stocks.”

"Looking at today's market situation, it's not just hot money in the market that is heavily involved."

"Even institutional funds may have been involved a lot, otherwise the market trading volume would not have suddenly reached such a large volume."

"Okay!" Zhou Kan responded, and then immediately made arrangements.

At the same time, within Yanjing and Anlan Funds, Zhou Guohua made the same investment strategy deployment at the suggestion of Xie Wanting, and fully shifted to the layout of the "mobile Internet" direction of the GEM.

Similarly, within Yuhang and Jingda Investments, Lin Yanzong is also stepping up his buying actions in this direction after seeing through the changing direction of the market.

Of course, Yanjing, Shanghai, Shenzhen...

After many institutional investors and self-operated investment departments of securities firms saw such market trends and index trends, many smart fund managers also realized this and believed that the market history from April to August would repeat itself. Focus more on investments in the GEM direction.

As the initial financial force driving this market change, it is within Yuhang Investment.

At this moment, Su Yu was counting the results of the morning's increase in positions. His expression looked quite calm, as if... all changes in the market were under his control.

"How?" Su Yu paused and asked.

Li Meng reported: “Throughout the morning, we increased our positions in a total of 26 stocks, with capital of 560 million, including LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Fenda Technology, Internet Speed ​​Technology, Tianyu Information and other stocks, with new purchases , are all around 50 million, and after the increase in positions, the overall position level of our fund has returned to 80%, and the current remaining available funds of the fund are almost 600 million."

"Okay!" Su Yu said, "The goal of increasing the position has been basically completed."

"Follow-up..." Li Meng paused.

Su Yu didn't wait for her to finish speaking, and answered with a smile: "Just keep 80% of the position level in the future. I won't buy the remaining 600 million funds for the time being, and reserve them for support when necessary. After all, the next market will The market may not necessarily go exactly as we expected.”

"Sometimes, we need this support fund to stir up emotions at critical moments."

"Then letting the main players hold positions can better reap profits, and even safely exit the market to take profits at the expected high point."

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