Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 232: Market differentiation and concentration!

"Okay!" Li Meng responded, "I also think this is more reasonable."

Currently, the entire fund's holdings in GEM's "pan-mobile Internet" related fields have exceeded 2 billion, which can be regarded as an absolute heavy position.

In addition, we include the holding chips in the line of 'backdoor reorganization' and the chips that have been suspended from trading.

If they still want to maintain control of the stocks they hold in the next market change, then it will be impossible to invest the remaining more than 600 million in liquidity.

Because after everything is put in...

When the liquidity in their hands is exhausted, once the market trend of the stocks they hold goes beyond their expectations and they need to control the market and stabilize their emotions, they will not be able to operate flexibly.

And, typically, whether it's a fund or an individual investor.

The position level of 80% is almost equivalent to a full position.

"The rest..." Su Yu paused and continued, "are the individual stocks held in the two main lines of speculation, 'restructuring and backdooring' and 'pan-mobile Internet'. In the subsequent evolution of the market, the weak will be gradually eliminated and the strong will be retained." , making subtle adjustments to positions."

During the discussion between the two, the time came to 12 noon.

Su Yu asked everyone to go eat quickly, and then around 12:40, everyone returned to the trading room again.

During this period, the market issued two important midday announcements. One was the wholly-owned acquisition of Yinhan Technology by Huayi Brothers; the other was the suspension of a company called 'Plum Blossom Umbrella', which was related to Shanghai Youzu Network. The merger, acquisition and reorganization matters were unanimously approved by the supervisory authorities.

“Another game company, listed under a backdoor scheme!”

After seeing the midday announcement issued by the market, Li Meng returned to the trading room and sighed: "It seems that after the 'mobile game' and 'restructuring and backdooring' come together, it has really become the strongest outlet in the market."

Su Yu chuckled and said: "There is an example of Changqu Technology being madly speculated by market funds after its merger, acquisition and reorganization. Currently, whether it is various types of capital on or off the market, as well as major game companies that meet the conditions, which one Don’t you want to go public under this trend and reap the dividends of market valuation? After all, shares only have value after they are listed and cashed out.”

"Right!" Li Meng nodded, "I feel like the several recent restructuring and backdoor incidents that have been announced involve game companies."


Li Meng paused and then said: "These two important announcements should have a relatively obvious positive effect on the market trend in the afternoon, right? It is estimated... that after the market opens in the afternoon, the two major announcements of 'mobile games' and 'reorganization and backdooring' will In the main concept field, related core concept stocks are about to set off a wave of daily limit."

"I really didn't expect that the two market trends we provoked would suddenly come so fast and so violently."

"It is true that the market changes and emotions intensify much faster than I expected." Su Yu said, "But this is not a bad thing for us. After all, the more unprepared the market is to rise, the better to lurk in advance. The main funds of each department will be less.”

"And this means..."

"If they want to get enough chips and participate in this main line of the market on a large scale, they have to constantly be forced to lift the sedan for us, raise the stock price, and obtain chips, thereby limiting the duration and height of the market. It has to be higher, after all, only in this way can they have enough profit space to move around."

"And we can get more profits from it..."

"Well!" Li Meng said, "Fortunately, when we were laying out the main line of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', we did not completely clear most of the stocks in the GEM 'Pan Mobile Internet' line, otherwise According to the speed of market changes, we have no time to adjust positions and exchange shares, let alone complete the established investment strategy.”

"The larger the amount of funds, the more forward-looking thinking will be required." Su Yu continued, "Otherwise, you will have to give up many market opportunities."

The amount of funds they currently manage is already quite large.

It is no longer possible to operate as frequently as before, frequently entering and exiting one or two stocks, and violently raising the net value of the fund through concentrated speculation.

Instead, we must proceed steadily and carry out speculation through a broad-based layout of the main line.

During the simple exchange between the two, 1 o'clock in the afternoon had arrived, and the two suspended markets resumed trading.

I saw that 'restructuring and backdoor' related concept sectors and their core concept stocks, as well as 'mobile game' related concept stocks, stimulated by the two announcements at noon, continued to be crazy about retail investors, hot money, and other major funds. The attack indeed set off a rising tide.

Then, at 1:22, the ‘film and television media’ section also exploded across the board.

Among them, LeTV quickly hit its limit, with its stock price hitting 37.53 yuan, an increase of more than 20% in two days. Its market value also exceeded 16.5 billion, and its intraday transaction volume expanded to 430 million.

At 1:36, as the market prices in the two cities continued to rise, the growth rate of the GEM index exceeded 3%, and the index point stood at 1175 points.

At 1:48, compared with the previous two trading days, the ‘Shanghai Free Trade Zone’ concept stocks were picking up.

The stock price of "Shanghai Wumao", which was once closed to the daily limit, soared to a drop of nearly 3% and recovered by more than 7 points.

At 1:53, the small and medium-sized board index also rose by more than 3%, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose by more than 1.8%, and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index rose by more than 2.3%. The two cities were in hot conditions, ushering in a general rise, and completely reversed the index decline last Friday.

At 2:02, the daily limit of stocks in the two cities broke through to 65, which was almost as high as the day when the news of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" was announced.

At 2:12, the growth rate of the GEM index hit the 3.5% mark, and more than 90% of the stocks in the two cities rose. The money-making effect was demonstrated to the extreme.

At 2:26, ​​after the turnover of the two cities once again exceeded 110 billion, the index, as well as individual stocks, began to fall back.

At 2:32, the Shanghai stock market turned downward at a rapid speed, and its decline expanded from about 2%, the rebound high, to about 7%, and there was a trend of closing down the limit.

At 2:43, the Shanghai stock market fell back to its daily limit. The main concept stocks of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', which had once recovered, once again encountered heavy selling. At the same time... the 'restructuring backdoor' concept sector, which set off a daily limit trend, and shell stocks Resource stocks and many stocks that have rebounded from oversold prices have also seen some loosening in their markets, and many concept stocks have hit their daily limits.

At 2:46, the number of daily limit stocks in the two cities fell from 71 to 62.

At 2:49, the Shanghai Stock Exchange struggled for a while at the lower limit, and was completely blocked by large orders again. The intraday transaction volume exploded to about 1.5 billion.

At 2:52, the growth rate of the ChiNext Index fell back below 3%, and the turnover between the two cities reached 123 billion.

At 2:53, in many core popular concept fields such as "mobile games", "reorganization backdoor", "shell resource concept", "oversold rebound", "film and television media", etc., relatively marginal concept stocks have been hit one after another. The stock price dropped significantly after being hit by a large amount of selling.

At 2:54, the differentiation of major popular concept sectors became increasingly obvious.

At 2:55, LeTV, which had once closed its daily limit, went viral. The stock price fell back to around 7 or 8 points, and the market value also fell back to about 16 billion.

At 2:57, when the Shenzhen Stock Exchange entered the final closing call auction session.

Funds originally flowed into the "oversold rebound" concept stock sector on a large scale, but began to show a slight outflow of funds. This means that many large investors who held positions on the market lost a lot of chips in the late trading.

Subsequently, the short closing call auction ended at 3 p.m.

I saw that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index was finally fixed at an increase of 1.36%; the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index was fixed at an increase of 1.78%; the Small and Medium Enterprises Index was fixed at an increase of 2.39%; and the ChiNext Index, which led the gains of the two cities, was fixed at an increase of 2.66%.

Overall, although the two cities still saw a significant decline in gains in late trading.

But the market performance is still quite hot.

Among them, the number of stocks with daily limit in the two cities has remained at more than 50, second only to the day when the news of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" was announced.

Especially the two conceptual sectors of ‘mobile games’ and ‘reorganization and backdooring’.

There are more than 25 concept stocks with daily limit in total. It can be said that the money-making effect is extremely strong. As long as you participate in the speculation of these two concept sectors during the day, you will have a high probability of harvesting a stock with daily limit.

In addition to the core concepts of 'mobile games' and 'reorganization backdoor', other conceptual sectors such as 'film and television media', 'Apple industry chain', 'wearable devices', 'mobile payment', and 'Internet finance' are also different. Poor, the sector gains significantly outperformed the GEM Index.

There are many "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" related concept stocks that are just part of the "oversold rebound" feeder trend.

Its trend has somewhat exceeded the expectations of market investors.

Everyone thought that these stocks should have made a decent rebound after falling so much in just two or three trading days. However...a large amount of funds that followed during the session were still trapped in the late trading.

Especially the Shanghai Stock Exchange stock...

Many people did not expect that after the price limit was pried open, it could continue to close at the limit.

"Damn it, I couldn't make any money despite such a hot market today. I'm so depressed!"

After seeing the closing results, many people on the online stock forum were excited and excited, but there were also many people who complained and complained.

"Hey, I'm the same. I thought I could make money by buying at the bottom of the Shanghai stock market, but in the end... it was just a temporary gain."

"This check from Shanghai Stock Exchange is simply poisonous."

"How happy it was when it rose before, how happy it is now when it falls. 1.5 billion, and I got it again today."

"Haha... You are so tough! Dare you buy the bottom of the Shanghai stock market?"

"That's right. This check has already been sold out. It seems to be oversold, but in fact, from the bottom to the high point, the price of this check has increased by more than 4 times. At this time... it's not even halfway up the mountain."

“Hey, overall, the line of ‘oversold rebound’ is still far inferior to ‘restructuring and backdooring’ and ‘mobile games’.”

"This is inevitable. The 'oversold rebound' was originally just a speculation. It was just an emotional restoration. How much room can it have? It has rebounded sharply for two consecutive days, which is almost it. The two major concepts of 'restructuring backdoor' and 'mobile games' are just It’s completely different. Looking at the successive successful cases of restructuring and backdooring, as well as the new monthly revenue list of new games in the ‘mobile game’ industry, it’s really…”

"Well, the reason for the restructuring and backdoor speculation should be that the regulatory authorities have relaxed the regulations on restructuring and backdoor transactions due to the stagnation of IPOs, right? As long as the regulatory authorities relax the approval of restructuring and backdoor transactions, clean shell stock resources will become quite scarce in the market. Now, it has the conditions for hot speculation.”

"In fact, in the past two days, the main funds in the market have also been speculating according to this path and idea."

"As for the concept of 'mobile games', I feel that the hype should be about scale expansion and performance explosion, right?"

"No... I think the 'mobile game' concept combined with the 'restructuring concept' is the strongest. For example, Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology are really unreasonably strong."

“The line of ‘restructuring and backdooring’ is still the strongest.”

"If you look at the concept stocks that hit the daily limit today, they include 'mobile games', 'film and television media', 'Apple industry chain', 'wearable devices' and the like. Many of them have the concept of 'reorganization' in them. Related stocks without the concept of 'reorganization' are obviously weaker."

"Reorganize, reorganize... Next, just focus on this line!"

In the discussion of retail investors, the main hot money group at this moment, as well as many offline main capital exchange venues participating in market speculation.

Everyone is equally passionate about today's market performance, and at the same time a lot of emotion.

"With today's market performance, the surface market's hype path and the future market development path are becoming increasingly clear, right?"

"Well, the market fell back in the late trading, showing an obvious sense of hierarchy."

"The 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' line is the weakest. After the large-scale withdrawal of large funds, even with the help of good market sentiment, the rebound is weak, and basically the follow-up can be completely abandoned; the 'oversold rebound' line today There was an obvious collective decline. Among the stocks that exploded in late trading, this line also had the largest number of concept stocks. This shows that this concept has no sustainability. Basically, the main players who have been deeply trapped can save themselves and continue to make money in the future. The hope is quite slim and should be avoided.”

“Then there was the hype about the ‘shell resources concept’, the hype about the restructuring concept, the hype about many popular concepts in the early stage in the direction of the GEM...”

“Among them, shell resources and the concept of reorganization are still the strongest.”

"Of course, core stocks that carry recombinant genes, such as the 'mobile game' concept sector of the GEM, the 'film and television media' concept sector, and the 'Apple industry chain' concept stocks, are also going quite solidly, and there should be a lot of follow-up. There is room for upside and we can take over.”

"I think the hype potential and continuity of the concepts of 'reorganization' and 'shell resources' are not as good as those core concept sectors of the GEM and its related core concept stocks."

"Because of the hype of the concepts of 'restructuring' and 'shell resources', there are similar problems to the 'oversold rebound' line, that is, they have no sustained expected expansion, and can only be in the initial market expected space, and then Piggybacking on rising emotions."

"That means they don't have much hype."

"Also, the concept stocks of 'restructuring' and 'shell resources' are basically small-cap stocks worth hundreds of millions or more than one billion, with very limited liquidity. Coupled with the spread of sentiment in this line, in the successive 'restructuring and backdoor' Stimulated by the good news of success, it intensified too quickly. The entire market has a strong willingness to lock up chips on these two lines, and this shows that in the rapid advancement of the market, the exchange of chips will be seriously insufficient."

"As for how the market will evolve after the exchange of chips is seriously insufficient, everyone should have an idea."

"Therefore, I believe that the two lines of 'restructuring' and 'shell resource' speculation are very likely to be a wave of market trends, which will peak in up to five trading days."

"However, the direction of the GEM, which is changing at the same time, relies on various conceptual hot spots developed by the 'mobile Internet'."

“Not only are its sectors and industry expectations constantly changing, but also the evolution of emotions and the exchange of chips are much more sufficient than the two lines of ‘restructuring’ and ‘shell resources’.”

"So, I judge that the market trend of related popular concept sectors in the direction of GEM should be able to go further."

"It seems... although the market trend is becoming more and more obvious, there are still big differences in the judgment of the main line of subsequent market speculation!"

"The Dragon and Tiger List is about to be refreshed. Let's take a look at Wealth Road and other core hot money players in the market. Which aspect will they focus on?"

"Yes, let's look at the choices of the core players in the market."

"The trends of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology today are extremely enchanting. I wonder if the funds sealed by the main seal will still lead to wealth?"

"There are also early popular stocks such as Huayi Brothers, LeTV, Fenda Technology, and Wangsu Technology. They are also going very strong today, with almost daily limit trends lined up. I don't know who is the main force behind these stocks. what idea?"

In the discussion room among the big players, 5:30 pm arrived, and the dragon and tiger rankings were refreshed.

I saw that almost all of the stocks on the list were popular stocks that moved frequently today.

Among them, such as Rongshun Co., Ltd., Hilong Software, Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Huayi Brothers, Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology, Huake Financial, Shanghai Materials Trading, etc. are all listed online.

And among the stock disclosure seats on the list...

Fortune Road still occupies four seats, and all of them are on the buy list. Among them, Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology, Huayi Brothers, and Huake Financial all have buy-in amounts of more than 50 million. At the same time... Wangsu Technology appears In terms of institutional seats, Huayi Brothers has appeared in the 'Huaxin Securities Yanjing Minghua Road' seat that has been closely following Fortune Road.

In addition to Fortune Road on the list, Jiefang South Road is also on the list.

And judging from the disclosed data of the Dragon and Tiger List, the amount of funds bought by Jiefang South Road today is much greater than that of Fortune Road. Especially in the two stocks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology, Jiefang South Road’s purchases The amounts were both above RMB 100 million. With two checks, a total of 273 million chips were purchased.

As for the stock of Shanghai Stock Exchange, which was pried open and then closed down to its limit.

The Dragon and Tiger List shows that today all the ‘Giant Whale Gang’ in the Magic City were eliminated. Instead, four hot money linkage seats from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange took over.

Of course, what is particularly noteworthy is the two-buy position on the stock of Huayi Brothers.

That is the seat of the 'First Securities Company Shenzhen Huaxin Road Sales Department'. Most people in the market know that this seat is the seat of Ge Hongbin, a powerful figure in the hot money circle of Shenzhen City, and this big boss does not often take action. And the last time the Dragon and Tiger list was revealed was a year ago.

Seeing such data on the Dragon and Tiger rankings...

In the hot money group of large market players, which had previously had heated discussions and serious differences, as well as in many offline communication venues with large players, everyone's thoughts on the market outlook began to quickly converge.

"Fortune Road actually did not continue to increase its positions in the line of 'restructuring' and 'shell resources' speculation. Instead, it followed up by increasing its positions in large amounts in the popular concept stocks in the early stage of the GEM."

"It's not just Fortune Road, Jiefang South Road and Huaxin Road have all appeared."

"There are also institutions. Institutions are actually at a new high in Internet speed technology, and together with Wealth Road, they continue to increase their positions and buy. I really didn't expect it."

"What does this mean? It means that the big guys in the market are optimistic about the market continuity of popular concept sectors related to the GEM. They don't pay much attention to the two hot topics of 'reorganization' and 'shell resources'."

"The main problem is what I mentioned before. The two hot topics of 'restructuring' and 'shell resources' have caused emotions to ferment too quickly. The funds on the market are locked up seriously and the chips cannot be released. In addition, they are all small-cap stocks, which are liquid. It has limited flexibility and cannot support large amounts of capital in and out, so the big guys can only choose the GEM direction to switch to the main line market.”

"Also, Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology, which were dominated by Fortune Road yesterday, are actually dominated by Jiefang South Road today. You probably didn't expect it, right?"

"It's probably that the chief helmsman saw Fortune Road's motive, so he rushed to raise funds in advance."

"Haha... Judging from the two-day Dragon and Tiger ranking data, it is really rare to see Fortune Road being sniped! Now... on the most core hot topic of 'mobile games', the chips in Fortune Road's hands should be It’s not as good as Jiefang South Road, right?”

“Does the two companies’ frantic rush to raise funds also indicate that there is still a lot of room for follow-up in the two stocks of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology?”

"It's very possible! Otherwise, why are Jiefang South Road and Fortune Road so busy competing for funds?"

"Haha... Anyway, today's data disclosure of the Dragon and Tiger List is really clean. The ways of adding positions and speculations by the big guys are all revealed."

"Yes, the market will be more concentrated tomorrow!"

"At the same time, other hot concepts such as 'oversold rebound', 'restructuring', 'shell resources', ST sector shell protection' and other hot concepts will become more differentiated, right?"

"It should be so. After all, if the overall market turnover cannot be expanded on a large scale, differentiation and concentration are inevitable."

"Follow the core main funds..."

In the entire market, the main hot money groups are engaged in heated discussions; in the major financial media, they are reporting that A-shares have surged across the board and have reiterated the "starting point of the bull market"; in the external market, the external market is still calm, and regulators are also working hard to spread the word. , under the influence of calling for institutions to enter the market.

After a night of emotional fermentation... the market ushered in the second day of trading.

At 9:15, both cities opened higher across the board. The popular stocks that were sought after by market funds yesterday all saw relatively large increases, among which the most popular ones were Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Huayi Brothers, Rongshun Shares, Many checks such as Hilong Software even showed a one-line daily limit opening pattern.

Of course, among them, there are also some that shocked the entire market again.

That is the check of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which is a market monster. After the crowbar failed yesterday, it opened today and was once again collectively sold by investors holding positions on the market. There was a one-word limit-down trend, setting a fourth consecutive limit-down!

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