Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 238 Ten billion private placement!

Same as the first fund.

This time, the 'Yuhang No. 2' Fund still chose the offline subscription method, and the subscription time was limited to September 27th and September 28th. After two days, the fund will be fully funded regardless of whether it has raised funds. , will close the subscription channel and enter the closed operation stage.

It’s 8 o’clock in the morning, and it’s not officially time to go to work yet.

Countless large investors gathered at Jinmao Tower where Yuhang Investment Company is located.

At 9 o'clock, when Yuhang Investment Company officially began to accept subscriptions for the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund, the office area of ​​several hundred square meters within the entire Yuhang Investment Company was already crowded with people who came after hearing the news. Investors, at the same time... under one fund share subscription contract after another, millions or tens of millions of funds continue to flow into the fund custody account of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund product.

At 10 a.m., enthusiastic investors rushed to subscribe.

The sales of shares of the ‘Yuhang No. 2’ fund exceeded 1 billion in just one hour, and the average number of shares subscribed by each investor reached more than 5 million.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, two hours after the launch of the 'Yuhang 2' fund, its fund sales share exceeded 1.8 billion, with more than 500 investors subscribing, and several elevators in the entire Jinmao Building were blocked, and the entire Yuhang Building was blocked. Aviation Investment Company is still overcrowded.

At 12 o'clock in the morning, the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund went on sale for 3 hours.

Its fund sales share has reached 2.5 billion, and the number of subscribing investors is approaching 1,000.

At noon, when everyone realized that the fund sales had already exceeded half, and it was very likely that the bid would be full in the afternoon, many people did not even bother to eat lunch in order to queue up to get a number, for fear that after they left, they would come back and there would be no more money. Opportunity to subscribe for 'Yuhang No. 2' fund products.

In fact, as time went by, even the corridors of the entire office area of ​​Yuhang Investment Company were filled with people.

Moreover, these people are all high-net-worth investment groups with assets exceeding tens of millions, elites from all walks of life.

"It's so shocking!"

As a local financial media reporter who came here after hearing the news and followed up for interviews, Huang Ling looked at the scene in front of him and was extremely shocked: "This is the most popular scene I have ever seen. It is better than the crowded scenes at the train station during the Spring Festival travel period." , which is even more exaggerated. I really didn’t expect that... these wealthy people with at least tens of millions of assets would fight to the death at all costs to buy a fund product.”

"This is the charm of wealth!"

Behind her, another man carrying a camera with difficulty said with emotion: "Hey, it's a pity that I can't afford one million, and I can't reach the threshold. Otherwise, I would also grab the subscription quota. That's the 'Wealth Road'! One quarter , the tenfold performance growth is simply a miracle.”

"I can't afford 1 million." Huang Ling smiled and continued, "But I know that the news we collected today should be popular."

She has never seen such a heated investor subscription scene.

Well, I believe many other people in the market must have never seen it.

In this way, the unexpected news effect will definitely be achieved after they reveal the subscription scene of Yuhang Investment Company's 'Yuhang No. 2' fund product, and it will definitely arouse heated discussion in the market.

"Hopefully!" The man covered in sweat and carrying a camera responded, "After all, we managed to squeeze in. If we can't get a hit, it would be a big loss."

While the two were talking, 1 o'clock in the afternoon had arrived.

After an hour's rest, the subscription work for the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund product continued.

I saw...

At 2 p.m., the sales share of the ‘Yuhang No. 2’ fund product had exceeded 3.4 billion.

At 3 p.m., the sales share of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund product exceeded 4 billion, with only 1 billion left to reach the full bid.

At this time, the investor group gathered in Yuhang Investment Company has not seen a significant decrease.

At 4 p.m., the sales share of the ‘Yuhang No. 2’ fund product exceeded 4.5 billion, and the total number of investors who subscribed exceeded 2,000.

At 4.47 pm, 6 hours and 47 minutes after the subscription of the 'Yuhang 2' fund product started, the 5 billion established fund shares were fully subscribed. From this moment on, 'Yuhang 2' 'Fund products are closed and entering a lock-in period.

Later, many investors who failed to obtain the right to subscribe for fund shares returned disappointed.

And what’s more…

Some investors who previously subscribed for shares of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund product, but those who failed to obtain shares of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund product, will start to deal with these investors after they leave the Yuhang Investors Company. The terms of the subscription agreement for the shares of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund product in hand were transferred at a premium of 10% to 15%.

In the blink of an eye, at the moment when ‘Yuhang 2’ was officially closed.

The share agreement for this fund product has generated a premium of 10% to 15% in the over-the-counter private transfer market, becoming a disguised futures product.

And it was around 5:30 pm.

As the local financial media in Yuhang reported the live sales news of Yuhang Investment Company's "Yuhang No. 2" fund products, it directly detonated the domestic fund industry and even the entire financial investment community.

"Five billion fund shares were sold for more than 6 hours and were sold out in seconds?"

Facing the news reports, some senior practitioners in the fund industry in the market were shocked beyond belief: "This is private equity, and the starting investment threshold is only 1 million. This is... too exaggerated!"

"What's even more exaggerated is that the subscription activities for this fund are still conducted offline!"

"It's so explosive! Even at the peak of the bull market, when market sentiment exploded and public funds issued products, there was no such speed!"

"Fortunately, what was issued was a private placement. If the funds of 'Fortune Road' were issued as a public fund... the scene and the scale of the fund-raising would be unimaginable."

"Among funds with a level of over RMB 2 billion in the industry, there has not been a 'Japanese disk' in public fundraising for six years, right?"

"Let alone funds above 2 billion, even if the range is lowered to the threshold of 1 billion, there has not been a 'sun disk' in 6 years."

"Awesome! It's so awesome!"

"Yuhang Investment Company, a private equity institution, has refreshed everyone's understanding of the entire industry today. The 5 billion fundraising quota was empty in more than 6 hours. It is really unimaginable."

"Looking at the news reports, the other party also set an upper limit on the fund subscription share. An investor can only subscribe for a maximum of 10 million fund shares. This is the most terrifying thing. After setting the upper limit of subscription share, it still refreshed According to the fundraising time record of funds of the same level in the industry, if there is no upper limit on subscription shares... I am afraid that the time for this fund to reach its bid will have to be at least two to three hours earlier."

"A true battle to become famous!"

"The performance has set a new record in the industry, and the time to raise funds to meet the bid has also set a new record in the industry. This President Su will probably become a legend in our entire domestic fund industry."

"Hey, I heard that he is only 24 years old. It's just... comparing people to each other can make people angry to death!"

"This is market genius. Ordinary people can't compare to it."

"However, 5 billion funds is already considered a large amount of funds. Fund investment at this level can no longer be mainly short-term. In the future, Mr. Su, will he be able to make this new fund the first?" The performance level of a fund is still quite doubtful."

"There are doubts, but it does not affect the expectation that he is at the height of his power in the minds of market investors at this moment!"

"Do you know the market premium of the over-the-counter transaction of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund that has just been closed? In just a moment, it has soared to about 15%. It's simply... a 1 million fund. The share subscription agreement contract can be resold in a few hours and you can earn 150,000!"

"If it is a 10 million fixed-price share subscription agreement, if it is resold, you can earn 1.5 million, which is directly equivalent to an ordinary commercial house of nearly 100 square meters in Yuhang."

"Holy shit, is it true? The fund that has just been closed has been speculated into futures in the over-the-counter market before a position has been officially opened?"

"What is true cannot be fake, and what is false cannot be true! Many investors who have not subscribed for the shares of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund are purchasing share subscription contracts for the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund at a premium of 10% to 15%." .”

"Isn't this outrageous? Is this money so easy to make?"

"Looking at industry news forums, this did happen. There was even an investor who completed such a transaction in less than 5 minutes after leaving Yuhang Investment Company after the 'Yuhang 2' fund was closed."

"Moreover, if you look at the online investor forum, those who are all seeking to purchase the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund share contract, the highest premium has already reached 18%!"

"Outrageous, simply outrageous..."

Under the bombardment of the news that "the new fund issued by Yuhang Investment Company went blank for more than 6 hours"; in the hot topic discussion of "after 6 years, the industry's first 5 billion private equity CD-ROM appeared"; The entire domestic fund industry practitioners were extremely shocked and exploded in their outlook.

The retail market at this moment...

Everyone is spreading rumors about everything that happened inside the "Yuhang Investment Company" today.

Outside the venue, especially among the investors who had successfully subscribed to the ‘Yuhang No. 2’ fund, everyone was even more excited and extremely excited at the moment.

Everyone thinks that they have obtained the code of wealth.

Even within the upper-class elite circles, many people have posted the share contract for subscribing to the "Yuhang No. 2" fund product on their WeChat Moments, considering it something worth showing off.

all in all……

With the net value performance of the ‘Yuhang No. 1’ fund as a benchmark.

Both retail investors and large investors have raised their expectations for the future performance of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund and have great expectations for this newly launched fund.

At the same time, as the fund manager, he is also the number one fund manager of two major funds.

Su Yu's reputation and reputation have been rising rapidly in the entire domestic private equity fund industry, as well as the entire domestic financial investment community, and he has become famous.

"You see, some people have already hailed you as the 'best performing brother in the private equity industry'."

Amidst the overwhelming news and publicity, Li Meng flipped through various topics about the company and Su Yu in the home they shared, turned his head and glanced at Su Yu next to him, and said with a smile: "You are now in the domestic financial world. , is no longer an unknown person, I really didn’t expect that we could reach where we are now in just a few months.”

After the successful fundraising of the ‘Yuhang No. 2’ fund.

The amount of funds they manage is basically approaching the 10 billion mark.

As for the capital volume of 10 billion, let alone the domestic private equity industry, even if it is placed among the current domestic public funds, it can still be ranked high.

"What's the 'best performance brother'?" Su Yu smiled, "Sometimes fame is just a burden. As high as it can lift you, then... when you fail, it can also bring you down. How tragic it is that the reason why our fund-raising operations for the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund were so smooth was based on the outstanding performance of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund."

"But a high starting point means high expectations."

"If we continue to manage the funds of the 'Yuhang No. 2' fund, we will not be able to achieve the same outstanding performance as the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund."

"Then, what awaits us in the future will be a lack of investor confidence and a 'Waterloo' in the company's development."

"The financial market is a place where myths and miracles of wealth are created!"

Su Yu sighed with emotion, paused, and then said: "But at the same time... it is a place where myths and miracles are annihilated. Our later tasks and the burden on our shoulders will be far heavier than our previous ones."

In his opinion……

Private equity funds are indeed a vast network of interests.

But the premise is that the person who operates this network must make this network continue to generate benefits and benefit all investors involved.

Then, as a trader, you can freely use this network and make use of the connections in this network.

Use these investors to work for you.

And if this network cannot generate benefits and the investors who participate cannot obtain tangible benefits, then they will naturally be backlashed by this network, fall from the clouds, and fall into the quagmire.

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded, "I do feel that the burden is heavier. The foundation of everything we have come to now is supported by extremely profitable performance. If the follow-up... once our fund performance drops to If it is mediocre, then naturally our company’s development will also become mediocre.”

"Whether starting a business or investing, it's like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat!" Su Yu said, "So even if it is a tens of billions of private equity, there is nothing to be proud of. After all, what we are in charge of is not the company's own funds. , and the road we have to go... is still very, very long."

Resurrected, with nearly ten years of historical memory and financial market trends.

What he wants is not just a tens of billions-level private equity company, but an achievement he has never achieved in his previous life, to build a 'financial empire'.

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