Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 239: The company develops and its interests go hand in hand!

"Yeah!" Li Meng continued to nod and asked, "What do you think about the establishment of the second fund and the arrangement of the trading team?"

"In terms of position building ideas, should we continue to focus on the GEM direction?"

"But the current index has been rising for eight consecutive years. In the direction of the GEM, the concept field related to the 'pan-mobile Internet' that we previously laid out has now become a well-known brand. The expectations are almost exhausted, and the average increase in related popular stocks has been 3 or 5 times, to intervene at this time... From the perspective of risk and profit ratio, it is quite passive!"

"As for the trading team..."

"Our company currently only has one mature trading team. These are the people you have taught us in the past few months since our company was established."

"Although there has been a big recruitment drive recently, the number of traders is still seriously insufficient."

Su Yu heard Li Meng's worries and said with a smile: "As for the opening of the second fund, there is no need to worry. You are right. In the current market, the 'pan-mobile Internet' line is expected to be almost exhausted. Chasing at a high level will be quite passive if it encounters a drastic adjustment, so... you have to be patient and wait."

"About the trading team..."

Su Yu thought for a while and said: "At present, the trading tasks of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund are not very heavy. The key members can be divided into two to form two trading groups. For the other vacancies, continue to recruit and train. We will strive to complete the establishment of the company’s two trading teams by the end of the year.”

"As for the overall investment strategies of the two funds, trading rules and the like, they are still completed by the two of us."

"Okay!" Li Meng responded, "After being divided into two trading groups, who will lead the new trading group? Liu Yuan or Zhu Tianyang?"

"What do you think?" Su Yu asked.

Li Mengmeng thought for a while and said: "Liu Yuan is better in terms of trading talent and execution of trading strategies, but her temper is too boring and she doesn't really like to communicate with other traders. In terms of team management ability, she is better than Zhu Tianyang should be weaker, I think... as the core of the team, Zhu Tianyang is more suitable."

"Okay, let Zhu Tianyang do it!" Su Yu responded.

His views are basically the same as Li Meng's.

Liu Yuan and Zhu Tianyang were the first traders in the company that he personally interviewed and recruited.

Judging from the comprehensive results of trading talent, daily trading, and order execution, Liu Yuan is better than others, but her management ability is indeed not reflected at all. Overall...its growth rate is still too high. If it is too slow, it is not enough to take on the important task.

On the contrary, Zhu Tianyang is obviously more active.

In addition to work, I can also maintain very harmonious and good relationships with other traders.

"And..." Li Mengmeng thought for a while and then said, "As the company adds more and more employees and departments, our office area may have to be expanded."

"Originally, I don't usually feel crowded."

“But today, our company is so crowded that we don’t even have a place to stay.”

Su Yu smiled and said, "That's true. Given the current scale of our company, others may not believe it if we say it is a tens of billions-level private equity company."

"How about this……"

Su Yu paused and continued: "Tomorrow I will ask the administrative director, Mr. Gao, to talk to the operations manager of Jinmao Tower and rent out the first floor below our company. This way, there should be more than 1,000 square meters of office space. Areas, divided into departments, plus conference rooms, reception rooms, training rooms, etc., should be enough.”

"The 'Yuhang No. 1' fund will not conduct net settlement until the end of the year, which means that the company will have sufficient repayment at the end of the year." Li Meng said, "Our company's cash flow should not be sufficient now. At this time, we are expanding on a large scale. , coupled with the company’s increasing daily operating expenses, is the cash flow sufficient?”

Su Yu thought for a while and said: "I can borrow another 20 million from my personal account to the company, and I don't have to worry about money. As long as I am still the boss of the company, there will be no problem of sufficient cash flow. No matter what, there will be no problem in ensuring the company’s normal expansion and normal operations.”

He still has 116 million in cash in hand.

With this money, we can maintain the company's operations, not to mention the end of this year, even by the end of next year, there will be no problem of cash flow depletion.

"Okay!" Li Meng responded.

Seeing that Su Yu had already made plans for the company's development, he didn't say any more.

Then, after a tiring day, the two of them stopped exchanging opinions on market conditions and other issues. They simply washed up and went to sleep.

The next day, September 28, Friday, the last trading day before the National Day.

Su Yu came to the company and based on the results of the discussion with Li Meng last night, he held an internal company meeting and made corresponding arrangements.

At the same time, he injected 20 million yuan into the company account from his personal account.

Recorded as an interest-free loan to the company.

"Mr. Su..." After Su Yu made arrangements for the company's follow-up work, his assistant Li Xiaoling walked into the office and reported, "In your public mailbox, you received an invitation from the Fund Industry Association for the Investment Exchange Summit. Letter, they invite you to attend an industry investment exchange summit held at the Huaxin Hotel in Yanjing on October 5th. I heard that this exchange summit is themed 'Future Investment'."

"Industry exchange summit, future investment?" Su Yu was surprised, "Mostly with a mission, right? I want to take advantage of the hot market to strike while the iron is hot, calling on public and private equity to enter the market in large numbers, go long in the market, and create a A bull market, and then we can restart the IPO?”

Li Xiaoling did not dare to answer Su Yu's speculation. She paused and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Su, how do you reply?"

Su Yu thought for a while and said, "Just say I will participate."

No matter whether the organizer came with a political mission or not, as the bull market was already approaching, he had already prepared funds through the "Yuhang No. 2" fund and was ready to increase the amount at any time. With the need to enter the market, it would not be harmful to him to participate in such an exchange summit.

Moreover, after working alone for so long, it was time for him to go out and meet some of the famous names in the industry.

"Okay!" Li Xiaoling nodded.

"Oh, by the way..." When Li Xiaoling was about to leave the office, Su Yu paused for a while and continued to give instructions, "You will inform Mr. Gao later and ask her to arrange a hotel so that people from our company can get together in the evening. Well, we have worked hard during this period."

The company has entered the tens of billions of private equity ranks, and the National Day holiday is about to begin.

He felt that it was still necessary to organize everyone to get together and celebrate.

After all, only when everyone has the mentality of developing together with the company, sharing weal and woe, and can fully enjoy the benefits brought by the company's growth, then... everyone will work harder and harder for the company's development.

in other words……

He believes that although he is the boss of the company, employees should also enjoy some of the dividends from the company's development.

Thinking about it, Su Yu called the company's operations manager Zhu Huirong after Li Xiaoling left.

"Manager Zhu..." Su Yu said, "This month, as well as the entire quarter since the establishment of the company, the performance appraisal data of each department should have been completed by now, right?"

This is already the last working day of the month.

He believed that with Zhu Huirong's ability, the department and employees' work assessment data must have been completed.

"Well, it's done." Zhu Huirong said, "If Mr. Su needs it, I'll ask Xiao Lin to pass the data to you for a look. Overall, all departments have exceeded their monthly and quarterly work plans. Among the employees, everyone’s performance is also very good.”

Start-up company, growing rapidly.

Coupled with Su Yu's reputation alone, everyone who joins the company is basically very motivated.

"No need." Su Yu said, "I don't need to read it. You can just contact Director Yao directly. Since everyone has completed their tasks well, the monthly performance bonuses will be paid according to regulations. What I want to say , this month... In addition to performance bonuses, should we give everyone a special bonus? After all, in the past few months, the company's development has exceeded our expectations. If there are achievements, we should give back, so that everyone can see bigger and better things. So much hope.”

"Special bonus?" Zhu Huirong was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "The employees will naturally be happy if they can get more money. By chance, this will have a great effect on improving everyone's work enthusiasm. I have nothing to object to it. of."

As long as the boss is willing to do this kind of thing, it makes no sense for her to object.

After all, she is also a member of the company's employees. If the boss gives her a profit, she will also be a member of the vested interest group.

"Okay!" Su Yu said, "Since you have no objection, let's pay double the salary this month so that the employees can enjoy a long holiday."

"Yeah!" Zhu Huirong responded, "It's just that I think this news needs to be kept secret in advance."

"Keep it secret in advance?" Su Yu was a little surprised.

Zhu Huirong nodded and said with a smile: "Unexpected joy is a surprise, and it can also have a huge psychological impact on the employees, making them more grateful for the company and your kindness, Mr. Su. If you tell it in advance, everyone will be I thought that there was such a special quarterly bonus, but it lost its due effect, and the incentive effect for everyone would also decline a lot."

"Haha..." Su Yu chuckled, "That makes sense. Manager Zhu is indeed a first-class talent in operations."

"Thank you, Mr. Su, for the compliment." Zhu Huirong responded.

In fact, from her perspective, she was also surprised when Su Yu said that he would take the initiative to give special bonuses to employees.

After all, money... no one can have too much.

Normally when the company recruits people, the salary offered to employees is already about 30% higher than that of companies in the same industry for the same position.

In other words, in the development of the company.

As the boss of the company, Su Yu has never treated anyone badly in the company.

Even if such a bonus is not given, everyone will be satisfied and will not have any complaints.

Of course, issuing such a special bonus will further unite employees' attachment to the company and better inspire everyone's hard-working attitude.

After talking about business, Su Yu asked some more questions.

Then, Zhu Huirong left Su Yu's office.

Immediately afterwards, it was already noon. Su Yu took a look at the market conditions of the two cities and saw that the three major indexes remained flat and fluctuated. The trading volume was slightly sluggish compared to the previous few days. Related popular stocks and popular sectors also maintained a small range. The volatile trend is waiting for the arrival of the National Day holiday.

In the afternoon, the indexes closed in shock, with the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rising slightly by 0.23% and the ChiNext Index rising by 0.34%. They both maintained a red closing state and achieved nine consecutive positive trends. The net value of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund was also fixed. At the highest point, it reached the 10.78 position and the scale reached 4.312 billion.

Later, in the evening, the entire company, 86 employees, gathered at the Crown Hotel.

During the meeting, Su Yu summarized the company's achievements since its establishment and looked forward to a better vision for the future.

As for the employees, in addition to being happy to have two more days off, they also admire Su Yu's magnanimity and lofty ambitions. They feel that entering Yuhang Investment Company is a very right choice and extremely lucky.

In fact, after Su Yu became famous...

Now that their friends know that they work at ‘Yuhang Investment’, they are already full of envy.

After all, even if you look at the entire industry, if a company starts from scratch and reaches tens of billions of private equity, the development speed of 'Yuhang Investment' is unique.

Moreover, Su Yu is still so young.

Everyone knows that at this pace of development, both the future of 'Yuhang Investment' and the future of Su Yu will be extremely dazzling and have a bright future.

After the party, Su Yu and Li Meng returned to their residence.

Su Yu drank and let Li Meng drive.

"Su Yu, are you going back to your hometown on National Day?" In the car, Li Meng turned his head slightly and glanced at Su Yu, asking, "If you want to go back, we can be together."

"I want to go back." Su Yu responded, "But there is an industry investment exchange summit in Yanjing on the 5th. I have to attend it. If I go back to my hometown, I will be pressed for time. Running back and forth will make people very tired, so I thought about it and decided not to go back. Originally... I was thinking of letting you go with me. Since you want to go back to see your sister and parents, forget it. Think about it... Since the company was founded, we have been going there for several consecutive years. You've been too busy for months, so it's time for you to take a long vacation."

"Industry investment exchange summit?" Li Meng didn't know about this, "Then I... go with you to your parents' place. I'll tell them first that I can't go back if something happens."

Su Yu smiled and said: "It's okay, just rest. I can handle these small things, and... didn't you say you were going to take your sister to Yuzhou City University Hospital for a review? This matter cannot be delayed. After you go back...if you have any financial difficulties, remember not to be polite to me. I don't want my partner to be the same person who was stumped by the cost of my sister's surgery and begged all my friends and relatives."

"As the company develops, our morale should also improve."

"You are now, after all, the head fund manager of a tens-billion private equity company. You should be as confident as you should be!"

"Okay, my boss Su." Li Meng chuckled, "Don't worry, if you have any difficulties, I will speak up and I will not let you, a billionaire, go."

"Billionaire!" Su Yu smiled and said, "I used to think that this word was really far away from us, but now I think... it's nothing more than that."

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