Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 259 The power of trends

In this mood where everyone is both anxious and expectant.

On October 9, the second day after the holiday and the second trading day after the holiday came, the three major indexes, namely the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index, continued to open higher.

Among them, there are two main lines: ‘mobile Internet’ and ‘smartphone industry chain’.

It is still an area where funds are gathering and market investors are rushing to pursue it.

"It feels like the market sentiment has not been affected by yesterday's market trend at all." Seeing the market opening higher overall, at 9:17, inside the trading room of 'Yuhang Investment', Li Meng said, "Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, LeTV, Huayi Brothers, Fenda Technology, Internet Speed ​​Technology and other stocks, after sharply rising and falling yesterday, all of them have stabilized at the opening of today, and there are no signs of serious financial losses."

Su Yu nodded slightly, stared at the changes in call auctions in the two cities, and said with emotion: "This is the power of trends! With the ultimate money-making effect, coupled with the deliberate maintenance of the regulators, the final incremental funds and emotions in the market will not be lost. When expectations are exhausted, the market will not stop suddenly.”

"But without the basic logical support of the bull market, such a main rise..."

"Once it comes to an end, the subsequent adjustments will have a huge impact on market sentiment and confidence. In other words, how hot and radical the trend is at this moment, then... how drastic the subsequent adjustments will be, How difficult it is.”

"However, the market is going like this, and regulators are constantly adding fuel to the fire in the market."

"It's still very beneficial to us."

"At least we don't have to worry about the liquidity problem when we reduce our positions, and the time period for reducing our positions and taking profits should be shortened a lot."

“But if the market rises like this, our cost of opening positions in securities and venture capital will also rise accordingly.” Li Meng said, “The overall valuation level of the market has been raised, and stocks that are at low levels and valuation depressions will Funds will also pay attention, or the relevant main funds will help themselves and passively push up the stock prices of these stocks."

Su Yu smiled and said: "There is no such thing as the best of both worlds. This increase in the cost of building a position will have little impact on our overall investment strategy."

While the two were talking, the time had passed 9:20.

It can be seen that after the initial five-minute call auction time, the overall increase in the market did not fall back much during the real call auction session.

"Mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain" are two main lines of core concept stocks.

Most of them remain at a high opening range of 1%.

In addition to these two main lines, the "reorganization and backdoor" concept that broke out yesterday continued to perform today. Most concept stocks opened higher. Among the several concept stocks that hit the daily limit yesterday, two showed a one-word daily limit trend, and two The support and opening range are above 7%.

As for the core flag-leading stock, Xinwei Group continues to maintain a straight line and has not increased its volume.

In addition to these two major areas, the check "Potential Hengxin" that was obviously positive appeared at noon yesterday. In today's call auction, it also showed an unlimited straight-line trend, with the stock price reaching 9.74 yuan.

Then, 9:21, 9:22, 9:23...

As time goes by, related popular concept stocks, as well as the overall market call auction trend, become more and more exciting, rising step by step without any fall back.

Finally, 9:25 arrived.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index opened higher by 0.53%, while the ChiNext Index opened higher by 1.01%, regaining the 1,300-point mark.

"The market trend is so strong!" Faced with such an exciting opening scene, within Yuhang Jingda Investment at this moment, even Mu Yao, who had been kicked out of the company's trading department by Gu Chijiang, couldn't help but exclaim He sighed, "Brother-in-law, this must be the beginning of the bull market, right?"

Gu Chijiang glared at him and said angrily: "Do your own thing and don't analyze blindly."

Taking advantage of the market conditions in September and October, the net value of the company's funds, under Lin Tingzong's operation, finally recovered significantly and almost turned a loss into a profit. As for Pengyuan Real Estate, due to the new fund of 'Yuhang Investment' The investment limit at the time of issuance, as well as their company's excellent investment performance during this period, and the other party did not mention the complete withdrawal of capital, made him finally feel relieved.

"The trend of the market is indeed very strong!" Lin Tingzong, who was promoted to the position of fund manager by Gu Chijiang, laughed and said with some enthusiasm, "Emotional aspects, financial aspects, the attitude of regulators... everything is in full swing The trend is turning, and whether it is the index, related popular sectors, core popular stocks, whether its technical trend or fundamental trend, it is also improving across the board."

"From the end of September to now, we can clearly see that the trend is accelerating."

"Coupled with the external market, the trend is also very good, maybe... the bull market has indeed arrived."

"Manager Lin's insights are still so unique." Mu Yao looked at Lin Tingzong, who was already the mainstay of Jingda Investment in the eyes of his brother-in-law, gave him a thumbs up, and continued to ask with a smile, "What about Lin Tingzong?" Does the manager think there will be any new changes in the core main line market with the greatest market potential?"

Lin Tingzong thought for a while and said: "Probably not. During this period, the investment logic of the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' has gradually deepened, and has not only been generally recognized by market investors. , and regardless of the analysis of industry fundamentals, or the development space and performance space of related core companies, the stock prices of these core popular stocks are far from their peak at their current position."

"I have a strong premonition..."

"In the future, these two main areas will see a number of bullish stocks that are ten times or even dozens of times bigger."

"Ten times, dozens of times of great stocks, and a batch of them?" Mu Yao was extremely shocked. "What Manager Lin said... is really domineering!"

When he heard this, Gu Chijiang on the side was also a little shocked.

"The explosive power of 'mobile Internet' has been initially reflected in the performance explosion of the 'mobile game' industry sector this year." Lin Tingzong continued, "And 'mobile game' is only a very large part of the 'mobile Internet' field. It’s just a kid’s industry.”

"In the future, with the comprehensive improvement of 4G construction and the comprehensive popularization of smartphones."

"The user base of mobile Internet has exploded ten times, a hundred times, or a thousand times compared to now."

"With the carrier of 'smartphone', people's demand in the field of 'mobile Internet' is also expanding infinitely."

"For example, all current PC needs can be transferred to smartphones in the future with the support of 4G networks."

"Games, online videos, news forums and other entertainment needs."

"Work needs such as social networking and investment."

“According to the current ‘smartphone’ terminal functions and network development trends, they can be copied and implemented.”

"The unlimited expansion of demand will naturally breed an overall expansion of profits."

"So, in my opinion, the future of the two major conceptual areas of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' is infinitely bright, and their core stock chips will become increasingly scarce and precious, regardless of the market. Whether there is a bull market or not, I believe that individual stocks in these two main areas will significantly outperform the market in the future."

"Originally, I just thought there were some investment prospects in these two areas, but I didn't go too deep into them."

"But later, when I saw the position data of the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund released by the 'Yuhang Investment' company, and learned about the crazy layout of major Internet companies and primary market capital in these two fields, I became aware of it. … These two areas are definitely the investment opportunities with the greatest market potential in the future.”

Speaking of which...

Lin Tingzong glanced at the time, looked at Gu Chijiang, and continued in a deep voice: "Mr. Gu, the market trend has significantly exceeded our expectations. We must take into account the situation that the bull market has arrived and appropriately change our investment strategy. .”

"How do you want to change it?" Gu Chijiang asked.

Lin Tingzong said: "It is said that bear markets focus on quality and bull markets focus on momentum. This is the same truth. However, the current market potential and momentum are the two concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. The main line, so... I want to adjust the position structure of our company's funds to the positions of these two main concepts."

"Add positions at a high position!" Gu Chijiang's heart skipped a beat and he hesitated.

Lin Tingzong continued: "Looking at it from the perspective of a few months or half a year, at this time, the core concept stocks related to the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are definitely at an absolutely high level, but if K The line is stretched, and looking to the future, based on the industry’s outbreak and development space, here... it is still a significant bottom position, and chips are very scarce."

"Even if we go back and see..."

"In August and September, the adjustments of Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, LeTV, and Huake Financial were drastic enough, right? However, after the market conditions changed again, their prices changed in less than a week. Within a short period of time, they all reached new highs and recovered all the losses from the previous adjustments.”

"Under the long-term logic, the principle that the market's strongest will always be strong is very solid."

“As the industry continues to explode and future expectations become stronger and stronger, especially when the current regulatory authorities are clearly stimulating market sentiment, and the number of market investors is also increasing sharply on a large scale, these have solid logical support. , core stocks that are not short of popularity and sentiment, I am afraid it will be difficult to have the sharp retracement in August and September, and it is time for people to build positions safely again. I am worried that the longer we wait, the more we wait, the more we want to participate in these two measures. The cost of the main line market will become higher and higher.”

Seeing Lin Tingzong's slightly excited expression...

Gu Chijiang pondered for a while and thought of the other party's point of view. In the recent period, it has indeed perfectly matched the market and brought huge profits to the company's fund. It should still be of considerable reference. And he thought of "Yu Hang" Investment', a private equity institution that he claims to be his opponent, the visible investment direction announced by it is indeed the two major areas of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' mentioned by Lin Tingzong, and currently this private equity institution does not have Any sign of position reduction.

So, after a slight hesitation, he nodded: "Okay, Lao Lin, go with what you think. I also think the market has been bearish for many years, and it's time for a change."

"Both are optimistic?" Mu Yao was a little surprised when he heard the conversation between the two.

At the same time, there was also some excitement.

Although he was expelled from the company's trading department by Gu Chijiang, he could still use his personal account to conduct stock trading operations. The reason why he came over from time to time to inquire about information and got closer to Lin Tingzong for the better was because he wanted to cheat. Some information to help you follow the trend and make money.

Therefore, at this moment, he heard that both of them continued to be optimistic about the direction of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'.

Naturally, I noticed a huge opportunity to make money.

"New high, new high..." Mu Yao's heart was already welling up when he saw that the trading had officially opened, and stocks such as 'Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, and Internet Speed ​​Technology' continued to charge towards new highs. He felt the urge to take a big gamble, "The guy surnamed Lin has a very good understanding of the market. Since he is so optimistic, it is really worth using the leverage, haha... Five times the leverage, no need to be ten times better." As long as the stock price doubles, I can create a 'wealth myth'."

Ever since he was taught a lesson by Su Yu, he had been holding his breath in his heart.

Now, the opportunity has come... He feels that he will be able to take advantage of the bull market to create a new myth of wealth and profit, and suppress Su Yu's limelight.

Thinking about it, he quickly walked out of the trading room.

He began to contact the securities companies where he opened accounts and over-the-counter financing institutions, preparing to take advantage of the bullish market and plunder excess profits in the market.

And just when Jingda Investment judged that the bull market had arrived, it began to further change its investment strategy and make aggressive investments...

At this moment, many similar institutions in the market are doing the same thing.

After all, the money-making effects of the two main conceptual lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are really too tempting. And after in-depth analysis, in these two fields, whether it is industry development space or The changes in corporate fundamental expectations are indeed impeccable.

Therefore, under the guidance of emotions, everyone is excited and upward in the market trend.

The call for a bull market is becoming more and more fierce.

All they can do is pinch their noses and frantically chase the core concept stocks of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' that have been speculated several times at high prices. Many people and many institutions are also anxiously buying them at market prices. , Chasing the stock price, for fear of not being able to buy chips.

"It's crazy..."

Seeing that within half an hour of the opening of the market, the two core main line-related concept sectors of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' had attracted more than 3 billion in net inflows, within Yanjing and Anlan Funds, Xie Wanting's expression suddenly , was quite surprised: "The more overvalued it is, the more it grows crazily. Suddenly, the market seems to be losing its rationality!"

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