Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 260 The market begins to lose its rationality!

"The trumpet of the bull market is blowing, and the ultimate money-making effect is superimposed, which is a natural market reaction." Zhou Guohua stood behind Xie Wanting, looking up at the market trend on the big screen in the trading room, and said with a smile, "This is the trend. The power of "When the market is really rising, both emotions and funds are constantly intensifying, and they are superimposed one after another, making you feel that the market conditions and stock prices can rise to the sky."

"So... is the teacher also bearish?"

Xie Wanting caught the key information in Zhou Guohua's words and asked with a smile.

Zhou Guohua turned his gaze back from the big market screen, glanced at Xie Wanting, smiled, and said: "The pace of the bull market is always silent when it really comes. Like this, it has not come yet. High-profile declarations often do not come true, of course... given the current overall market valuation and the obviously improving sentiment, there is no need to be too pessimistic."

"Yes!" Xie Wanting nodded, "I still believe in the judgment of Mr. Su from 'Yuhang Investment'."

"It seems that your impression of him is not generally good!" Zhou Guohua asked.

Xie Wanting replied: "It feels like... I really can't find any shortcomings, and the market insights and logic he mentioned do make sense."

"But Mr. Su was not on the dragon and tiger list yesterday." Zhou Guohua said with a smile.

"That doesn't prove anything." Xie Wanting said, "What if... the other party deliberately avoids the Dragon and Tiger List? I heard him say that when investing in our country, we must adhere to policies and cannot go against the ideas of the regulators. "

When Zhou Guohua heard what Xie Wanting said, he was extremely shocked: "He really said that? This guy is only 24 years old, right? He has only a few years of experience in market investment. How can he realize this level?"

"Is this really true?" Xie Wanting didn't really believe it at first.

Zhou Guohua nodded slightly: "This is a potential rule. Otherwise, how do you think many people say that China is a policy market?"

"In the policy market, the investment direction mentioned must closely follow the policy direction." Xie Wanting said, "The teacher is not saying that this is because domestic market interference is relatively serious. The tilt of the policy direction usually represents the tilt of government investment funds, which means Is there an expected improvement trend in the industry? It seems that it is not a matter of long-short attitude, right? Does it mean that within the existing rules, whether you are long or short, you must also look at the attitude of the regulatory direction? "

"In a market with strong intervention, every aspect must be considered." Zhou Guohua said, "If you don't follow this rule, many financial celebrities will be ruined! Of course... there are some things that you don't understand now, so naturally you don't understand."

After saying this, Zhou Guohua raised his head again.

However, in the stock market conditions displayed on the big screen, the core popular stocks, such as 'Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, LeTV' and other stocks, have all recovered the losses from yesterday's decline and set a new record. New highs, and volume and energy are also amplifying simultaneously.

And at the same time...

Driven by these core popular stocks, as well as the concept threads of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', the two largest GEM constituent stocks with the highest weight, the GEM Index also hit a new high for the year, and the index point returned to the 1320 position. , an increase of more than 1.75%.

"In addition to the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor' is also crazy today!" Xie Wanting paused and continued, "Xinwei Group's stock has successfully backdoored After going public, it was really unexpected that we were able to get out of the 13th consecutive market.”

“When it goes up, you focus on momentum, when it goes down, you focus on quality.” Zhou Guohua responded with a smile, “Although this company’s domestic business is not very good, the business prospects abroad are still very loud. As long as the story is told well, it can be given People's future expectations are very good, so when market sentiment is high and everyone's risk awareness is gradually decreasing, they will naturally be able to get a very high premium space. This check... can survive to the current level, although it is unexpected, but Considering the current market situation, it is reasonable.”


Zhou Guohua paused and said with a smile: "Wanting, have you noticed that the current trend of the entire market is basically based on reality?"

"From reality to fiction?" Xie Wanting didn't quite understand.

Zhou Guohua replied: "We only talk about expectations and not about actual performance. As long as the logical line of expectations is not broken, the speculation on the stock price will not end."

"This phenomenon has been like this since the GEM bottomed out in the first half of the year."

"This is a very important feature of market speculation!"

“If this logical line continues and is recognized by more and more funds, and even the majority of retail investors in the market also agree with this logic, then the subsequent core market trends will really continue along this line. .”

"Isn't this... bad?" Xie Wanting asked.

Zhou Guohua replied: "There is nothing good or bad. The domestic market investment style always goes back and forth. In my opinion, there is no good or bad distinction between speculation and investment. What I want to say is...if this logic is true , then we can continue to make trading according to this logic."

"Jump out and watch..."

"Whether it is the concept of 'mobile Internet', the concept of 'smartphone industry chain', or the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor', as well as the concept of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' that has been shown before, in fact, it has always followed this logical line. Walking."

Xie Wanting pondered for a while under Zhou Guohua's guidance, then her eyes lit up and she said excitedly: "Teacher... this is really the case, and if you look at it this way, our stock selection will have a clearer goal."

During the continued discussion between the two, time passed by 10:25 unknowingly.

At this moment, the GEM index rose by 2%, and the index point reached 1325. The core stocks related to the concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' even increased by more than 5%, which was a huge impact. The daily limit is rising, and there is a trend of rising limit.

As for the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor', 6 stocks with daily limit have emerged.

And in addition to these three areas.

The "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" concept, which has been adjusted for a long time, has also seen many stocks that have risen sharply. Even the 30 cents check on the Shanghai Stock Exchange has encountered a crazy rush to raise funds for powerful large orders. Within two minutes, it was directly Close the daily limit.

All major concepts were fully reflected, with mid- and small-cap stocks in the two cities seeing rapid gains.

As time goes by, it increasingly stimulates the nerves of investors in the on-site and off-site markets.

So, at 11 o'clock in the morning, both hot money, retail investors, and institutional groups became more aggressive. The stocks hitting the daily limit one after another, and the stocks breaking new highs one after another, and the half-day trading volume of the two cities was, It has exceeded 70 billion, which is significantly larger than yesterday and before the holiday.

"The volume of the two markets has been enlarged again, and there is a possibility that Huaqingbao and Fenda Technology will rise by the daily limit!"

Seeing that the market trend showed an extremely strong upward trend, at this moment, inside 'Yuhang Investment', in the trading room, Li Meng frowned slightly and reported to Su Yu: "Mr. Su... If Hua Qing Baohe Fenda Technology has been closed to the daily limit, and our company’s seat on the Dragon and Tiger list today may not be hidden.”

"Then don't wait for them to hit the daily limit, press on them." Su Yu said, "Prevent these two stocks from being on the dragon and tiger list."

At this time, it was the second day after they made the decision to reduce positions, stop profits, and adjust positions. Most of the chips were still in the market, and their seats could not be exposed publicly.

And according to the number of chips their fund holds in these two stocks.

It is possible to suppress the market conditions of these two stocks no matter what.

"The market trend in the morning has caused the market sentiment to rise too much." Su Yu continued after giving instructions, "And the volume has already reached the 70 billion mark. In the afternoon, the volume of the two markets will follow up, and there is a high probability that there will still be a shortage. , the market trend will not be so drastic, we can suppress it to prevent these two stocks, as well as several core stocks that we have sold on a large scale, from being listed on the market."

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded and quickly executed the instructions.

"At the same time, the concept of 'restructuring backdoor' and the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' concept of oversold withdrawal are already diverting active funds in the market. If we press the market, funds will follow." Su Yu analyzed while watching the market. "After such a long period of rising prices and continuous heavy-volume promotion of core concept stocks such as 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', the main market institutions have fully participated, and the internal chip components have long since become quite complicated. Coupled with such a high level, hot money is following up, and the willingness to grab chips is not strong. A big rise is a high probability, but the probability of a daily limit is still very small."

"Eh... Mr. Su, Dongfang Venture Capital, where we have established a position, has major funds to raise funds on a large scale." As Su Yu was speaking, Wang Can, who was executing the order to open a position, suddenly reported urgently, "The stock price of Orient Venture Capital is rising linearly. There is a trend of board closure, should we... follow it?"

Su Yu heard Wang Can's words and hurriedly switched the computer interface to the real-time trading of Oriental Ventures stock. He paused and said in a deep voice: "This check is based on the concept of 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' that rebounded from oversold. , this main force in pulling the market should also follow this line.”

"Don't follow the market, just follow the established rhythm and continue to take small orders."

"If we follow up on a large scale at this time and expose our motives, we will lose more than we gain."

"Okay! Mr. Su." Wang Can responded, then released his finger from the mouse button, giving up the opportunity to buy with one click and buy a large order at the full market price, watching the other party keep pulling the market.

Then, about 3 minutes passed.

Dongfang Venture's stock price stopped rising at about 6.5% and fell into a volatile pattern again.

As for the main funds that ignited the market, after seeing the rise, it did not attract strong follow-up funds to join the market, and they obviously gave up.

Finally, the time reached 11:30, and the two cities closed at noon.

I saw that the Shanghai Stock Index rose by 1.56%, and the ChiNext Index rose by 2.43%. The index point rose from 1300 points in early trading to the 1330 line in one fell swoop, completely reversing yesterday's 'tombstone line'. Among them, the ChiNext Index also rose by 1.56%. It set a new annual rebound high and a new historical high since the index was established.

Sectors and individual stocks.

'Mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', 'restructuring and backdoor', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' and other conceptual main lines have performed well, and their related core concept stocks have also experienced sharp rises. The number of stocks in the two cities reached their daily limit, breaking through to 48 in one fell swoop.

Of course, among them, although a number of core popular stocks such as 'Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, and Internet Speed ​​Technology' have also risen in volume and price, setting new all-time highs one after another, there is no single stock. Daily limit, but the increases have been suppressed within the range of 5% to 7%.

However, no one thinks that these stocks are artificially suppressed.

Everyone thinks that these tickets, after several times of increase and speculation, are not small in terms of circulation and market value, and there is no hot money main force who dares to seal them.

After the close, noon.

Facing the sharp rise across the board, the market has fully recovered yesterday's lost ground.

Whether it is retail investors chasing after the trend, hot money making aggressive moves, or many institutions chasing up positions and grabbing high-quality chips in the market, at this moment, everyone is full of excitement and joy.

After all, the market performance in the morning not only liberated the majority of investors who were pursuing high prices yesterday.

Even the investors who chased without thinking today, basically no one lost money.

And in this surging and joyful market mood, in the afternoon, the trend of the market after it opened was beyond many people's expectations.

I saw that after the market opened at 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

Under the excitement, the major indexes continued to rise for a short period of time, and then completely lost their strength.

Then, at 1:21, one of the main funds tried to pull the market's most popular Hua Qingbao, but was directly hit by a large order of 10,000 lots and more than 80 million funds.

The entire market, which was originally very excited, seemed to have been poured cold water on it, and slowly fell back again.

Then, when the time reached 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when the turnover of the two cities exceeded the 100 billion mark again, there was another problem with the market funding situation, and it was unlikely to be able to absorb the selling.

Finally, the market still saw a plunge in the late trading period.

It's just that this wave of diving is obviously much gentler than yesterday. The growth rate of the ChiNext Index only fell back 0.5 points until the close, closing at an increase of 2.13%, and it still realized the long upper shadow line of yesterday. The trend has kept market investment sentiment, confidence and expectations at a high level.

Of course, the index performance is not bad and the market conditions in the two cities have remained hot.

After the transaction volume of the two cities reached 70 billion in the morning, it failed to reach even 120 billion in the end, which still left many people worried.

After the official closing...

Faced with the rise of more than 1,600 stocks in the market, and 64 stocks hitting the daily limit, the ChiNext Index rose by more than 2%, setting a new annual high and achieving a record high. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index also rose by more than 1.3%. Whether it was from major financial media or Analysts from various brokerage institutions have given very positive comments.

And the bull market theory is also becoming more and more popular in this rising environment!

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