Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 268: Real and fake bull market!

And after Dongfang Ventures closed the daily limit in seconds.

In the securities sector, Oriental Securities also ushered in a huge number of large orders in an instant.

"It seems that the market has formed the expected inertial thinking we want." Seeing Oriental Securities closely following the changes of Oriental Entrepreneurship and rapidly increasing its volume, Li Meng said happily, "Zhezhou Oriental, Oriental Entrepreneurship, and Oriental Securities have three branches Stocks have already formed a linkage and are likely to become the leading concept in the main line!"

"Yes!" Su Yu nodded slightly, "It is linked, but we have to wait and see how the continuity will be and how the hype will ferment."

Creating a concept faucet is not that easy.

Although the current financial attention and popularity of these checks have increased, they still lack some momentum in driving the 'securities and venture capital' sector. We have to wait for the concept of 'securities and venture capital' to continue to advance and market sentiment to After further fermentation, the pioneering and leading role of these checks has been generally recognized by the majority of investors in the entire market. Only after they have passed the threshold of 'three boards becoming a monster' can they have the capital to lead the concept.

"The market sentiment is still good today, and the news of the resumption of the IPO in the market has obviously not spread from the inside to the outside and cannot have an impact on the market sentiment." Li Meng said, "In addition, our 'Fortune Road' seats continue to buy With the support of the news, the probability of these checks becoming the leading concept in the main line of speculation of 'securities and venture capital' is still very high."

"It all depends on the actual trend of the market!" Su Yu said with a smile, "No matter how the market evolves, as long as the main line of speculation is on the line of 'securities and venture capital', there is nothing to worry about."

Nearly 8 billion funds are spread across more than 40 stocks in the "securities and venture capital" line.

Regardless of the main line of speculation in the end, which check comes out, as long as it can drive the entire market line and open up new heights, then they will be the biggest profiteers in the market.

"Judging from the general bull market expectations in the current market, the logical support of the concept of 'securities and venture capital' is still very solid." Li Meng said, "The market was pulled too fast yesterday, and many investors obviously failed to keep up. Today, in The investment sentiment in the 'securities and venture capital' field is still continuing to ferment. Depending on the situation... the market in this line has obviously not reached the peak of sentiment, and it is still going up."


Li Meng paused, looked at the potential Hengxin in the market, which had already reached its daily limit for eight consecutive days, and continued: "The check you bought with the Fushenglu seat on the potential Hengxin, the trend is so strong that it's a bit abnormal. From the good news Since the announcement, there have been 8 consecutive boards, and there are still no obvious differences on the board.”

"I really didn't expect that the highest space board in the current market is actually a stock that has nothing to do with the main market."

"After all, it is a 30-year contract with China National Offshore Oil Corporation involving billions of dollars." Su Yu said, "Such a contract is enough for small and medium-sized enterprises to come back to life during the industry downturn, so … There is still room for expectation and imagination, and of course, being able to get out of the 8-game board is indeed a bit beyond expectations.”

"Before, the market felt that there was no room for speculation in the petrochemical industry, but now the potential trend has clearly exceeded the market's general expectations. Then..." Li Meng thought for a while and said, "Do you think this market's only 8-list stock can drive the petrochemical sector?" Want to take a walk?"

"I know what you are worried about." Su Yu smiled and said, "You are worried that if the main line of the market is dispersed, based on the current market turnover situation, the market height of the 'Securities and Venture Capital' line will be different due to Active funds in the market are dispersed and the ability to undertake is weakened, thus the height of speculation is further suppressed."

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded, "That's what I'm worried about."

Su Yu said with a smile: "There is no need to worry at all. The logic of the sudden increase in the check of Potential Hengxin is caused by changes in fundamental expectations when the company received a long-term large order contract, not by changes in the fundamentals of the petrochemical industry. , there is no duplication.”

"So, its good news and better-than-expected performance cannot drive the entire sector at all."

"But the explosion of the 'securities and venture capital' market line is completely different."

"The hidden benefit is the restart of IPOs in the market. The overt benefit is the arrival of the bull market, the market turnover has increased month-on-month, and the brokerage and venture capital businesses will all see month-on-month increases."

"This is an industry-wide, clear shift in expectations amid changing macro conditions."

"What finally led to the market explosion."

"The logic of underlying speculation is different, and the continuity and intensity of the market are naturally different."

"Then there's the difference in expectations..."

“The market has been devastated by the bear market for many years, and with the suspension of IPOs in the market, brokerage business, listing sponsorship business, and proprietary investment business have all been hit hard, and the market has not expected it, so valuations have fallen again and again, far from it. Underperforming the market.”

"But now, the market is widely expected to enter a full-blown bull market."

"Many people even think this is a bull market."

"For securities and venture capital stocks that are far behind the market trend, the basic logic and expectations have completely changed."

"It is because this industry has sufficient development flexibility and performance potential."

"This is the basic reason that supports this market line to explode in an all-round way and continue to be rapidly attacked by market funds."

"And what we want..."

"I just hope that before the market's expectation of a 'bull market' is falsified, we can use this expected change in the 'securities and venture capital' sector to hype the market conditions and emotions to the extreme, and take advantage of the market's IPO restart news before the news comes out to reap the benefits." Considerable profits were made.”

"Okay!" Li Meng responded, "Maybe I'm overthinking."

Su Yu smiled and said: "Suddenly, 8 billion funds were invested in the market. Even a small market fluctuation would cause profits and losses of hundreds of millions. It is normal to be stressed, but anxiety cannot change anything. In fact, … We are in the trading market, and when necessary, we still have to learn to face it indifferently.”

"Faced with indifference?" Li Meng murmured.

Su Yu nodded and said: "Yes, face the market indifferently. As long as you feel that your analysis and logic are correct and the current actual trend of the market is in line with your expectations, then just implement the established plan indifferently. Don't think too much. If it’s more, just treat it as... investing money, it’s just a pure numbers game.”

Why do most investors in the market see a huge gap between the performance of real offers and simulated offers?

It is a mentality problem that causes them to think too much and look forward and backward to seek the so-called "optimal investment" during real-time operations, thus missing both buying and selling opportunities.

"Okay, I'll give it a try!" Li Meng calmed down and replied.

In fact, the more they trade together, the more she realizes that the gap between her and Su Yu is greater in terms of trading and market analysis.

Faced with such a large-scale investment in a single main line of the company's funds, she can't help but feel anxious, thinking about many, many unnecessary risk issues, and will be worried about every fluctuation in the company's fund's net value.

But Su Yu wouldn't.

In her eyes, Su Yu was extremely calm and decisive when executing trading plans and formulating investment strategies.

No matter whether the investment is 100 million, 1 billion, or 5 billion, it seems that there is no difference at all to Su Yu.

While the two were talking, the time had passed 9:35.

The market prices related to the concepts of 'Securities and Venture Capital' are still booming. Among them, 'Oriental Securities', which is their core attack, has also hit the daily limit at this moment. The turnover in 5 minutes exceeded 800 million, and is hitting the daily limit. Then it was blocked by lightning and became the first stock to hit the daily limit in the securities sector today.

After Zhezhou Oriental, Oriental Venture Capital, and Oriental Securities all hit their daily limits.

In the conceptual field of 'Securities and Venture Capital', hundreds of stocks have almost collectively risen. A surge of active funds poured into the 'Securities and Venture Capital' concept sector like a tide from other parts of the market, causing this Investment sentiment in the field has risen again, and various investment groups are following the trend and rushing to raise funds.

And with securities, a sector with extremely high index weight attributes, the volume has surged.

The Shanghai Stock Index was also pulled up rapidly at the beginning of the session, with an increase of more than 1%, and the index point reached above the 2370 mark.

"The volume has increased compared with yesterday, and the market is showing signs of diverging to more concept-related sectors and stocks. It seems... the continuity of the 'securities, venture capital' market line is out." Yanjing, at this moment Within the Shenhua Fund, Lin Zhaoye, director of the fund management office, laughed and said, "The news of the IPO restart in the market has been completed and the internal resolution is completed. It is estimated that it will slowly spread to the market next week. We...should be able to learn from this market line , get 20% to 30% profit, right?”

"There should be no problem." Chang Li, the main product fund manager, stood beside him and said with a smile, "As Director Lin expected, after hot money fully participated, the market obviously intensified faster. This is only the second day. This main line of the market is showing signs of comprehensive spread.”

Lin Zhaoye nodded and said: "This proves that the wealth of Fortune Road has a considerable influence on retail investors and hot money in the market!"

"It's not that small." Chang Li said, "It's a pity that his vision is a bit poor."

In his opinion, Fortune Road and all hot money in the market follow the logic of the bull market and quickly pursue positions in "securities and venture capital", which is a popular main line, which is to provide wedding clothes for institutions like them, so... from the bottom of my heart Here, he doesn’t think Fortune Road’s capital is anything special in terms of market transactions.

"Newly established private equity institutions are inferior in terms of information channels." Lin Zhaoye said, "But their hype methods are still very sharp."

"Look at the market changes this morning..."

"With the release of the positive news from Zhezhou Oriental, the funds from Fortune Road should also increase their positions in Oriental Venture Capital and Oriental Securities."

Chang Li nodded and said: "I estimate that this channel of funds is also continuing to increase its positions. When Zhezhou Oriental announces good news, it can focus on the hype of the 'Oriental Department' and build Oriental Securities and Oriental Entrepreneurship." It has become a core popular stock in the two major fields of 'securities and venture capital'. He does have some talent for short-term speculation, but he forgot that he is not the main force in controlling the market on the key stock 'Oriental Securities'."

"Let's continue to wait..."

"When the funds from Fortune Road come in, they will help us drive market sentiment to the highest point, and also help us completely open up the stock price space of Orient Securities, which we have a heavy position in."

"Then we can take advantage of the moment before the news officially comes out to completely harvest the funds."

“Once this group of funds is suffocated on the market after a heavy position is involved, the premium space and influence of his seat in subsequent market transactions will be greatly reduced.”

Through the advantage of news channels, we can seize market opportunities.

Especially when I happen to be on the road to wealth with the stock 'Oriental Securities', it is often beneficial to think that I can use this stock to harvest the current market. It is admired by the majority of investors and even many big names in the industry. Appreciating the wealth and funds, I couldn't help but feel excited.

After all, it can bring down the current ‘Way of Wealth’, which has never failed in market transactions.

It’s still a very satisfying thing.

"Well!" Lin Zhaoye nodded slightly and reminded, "Everything must still seize this opportunity and earn as much market profit as possible as the first condition. Competing on the market, on the premise of perfectly harvesting profits, it is possible Yes, but don’t put the cart before the horse and forget the core.”

Chang Li replied: "Director, please rest assured about this."

In the financial trading market, the only criterion for judging ability is the amount of profit.

For a fund manager, the most important thing is naturally the performance of the fund he manages, so... although he intends to compete with Fortune Road on the stock market of Oriental Securities, the ultimate goal is the key The core of it, he will never forget.

During the conversation between the two, the time reached 9:45.

Market conditions have undergone new changes.

The Shanghai Stock Index broke through 2375 points, and the increase expanded to more than 1.5%, once again setting a new high for this round of rebound. The overall increase in the securities sector has now exceeded 3.5%. Following the daily limit of Orient Securities, Everbright Securities, Xinhua Securities, and Western Securities successively Daily limit, among which... the core leaders of the sector, Huaxin Securities and Huatong Securities, both rose by more than 5%, and their turnover exceeded 1 billion, continuing to increase their volume significantly.

In the venture capital concept sector, the number of rising stocks has now exceeded 6. The overall growth rate of the sector still exceeds that of the securities sector, leading the gains of the two markets.

As for the core main concept sectors such as ‘mobile Internet’, ‘smartphone industry chain’, and ‘restructuring and backdooring’.

Except for sectors related to the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring' that are still falling, other... After a sharp dive at the beginning of the market, they have stabilized at this moment and fell into sideways fluctuations.

"Fortunately, I woke up and reduced my position significantly!"

The market situation has completely turned and has formed a market pattern with the 'Securities and Venture Capital' sector as the core breakthrough. At this moment, within Yuhang and Minghui Capital, in the trading room, Xu Zhongji couldn't help but let out a long breath, and felt in his heart Calling for luck, he said, "If it hadn't been for Mr. Su's reminder, I would have been almost buried."

Several of their main funds from Minghui Capital have heavy holdings in the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring'.

At the same time, due to the explosion of the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor' after the end of September, their company's performance also exploded violently. Not only did they turn losses into profits, but they also made a lot of money, outperforming this year's index and Market.

Of course, if it weren't for Su Yu's reminder, Xu Zhongji understood quickly and immediately made strategic moves to reduce positions and stop profits.

Now I'm afraid I'll give back almost half of my profit.

After all, the stock they have invested the most in this round, namely Xinwei Group, has plummeted three times from the highest point in the past few days.

"The line of restructuring and backdoor transactions should be considered completely over, right?" Fund manager He Hong responded.

Xu Zhongji saw that the top five stocks on the decline lists of the two cities were all concept stocks in the line of 'restructuring and backdooring'. He sighed with some fear and said: "The trend of Xinwei Group's continuous falling limit is impossible to happen again. In the second wave of speculation, leading stocks have all been abandoned by funds. It is natural that other concept stocks that follow the trend are even less likely to have any market. Combined with the dramatic market reaction in the past two days, the market changes suddenly and unexpectedly. Meng Lie, it seems... what I guessed, the news about the market’s IPO restart, will most likely come true.”

Originally, he would not have thought so much just based on the changes and continuous explosion of 'securities and venture capital'.

But combined with Su Yu’s reminder...

In addition, the main line of the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor' suddenly collapsed across the board. Almost all the main funds in related concept stocks and concept sectors were fleeing regardless of the cost, which forced him to think in the direction of restarting the IPO. .

"It's a pity that we haven't caught up with the securities and venture capital lines." He Hong said, "Now these two core sectors have increased by nearly 10% compared with the lows of the previous two days, and the core stocks are now It’s basically at the daily limit, and there’s no way to get involved.”

"Give up, just give up!" Xu Zhongji thought for a while and said decisively, "Let's liquidate all the funds in our company and conduct annual net worth settlement. It is enough to seize the big wave of 'reorganization and backdoor' this year. We are not." Yuhang Investment's trading geniuses like Mr. Su are always content with what they have and take it as soon as it's good... That's okay. As long as the fund doesn't lose money and outperforms the market, then it's a good idea for the investors who subscribed to our fund. Accounted for."

"Recognize your abilities..."

"Sometimes, the golden mean is also a good policy."

"Clear all positions?" Fund manager He Hong was stunned for a moment before reacting, "What if... the market continues to reach new highs and really turns into a full-scale bull market, then it will be even worse for us to enter the market."

"There are so many eventualities." Xu Zhongji said, "I have thought about it carefully these past two days, and I still feel that the basic conditions for a bull market are not sufficient. In fact, in the extreme market trend of the past two days, the market has been closed. Hasn’t the amount continued to expand? It’s still stuck at around 120 billion.”

"Mr. Su is right, if credit is not wide and leverage is not available, the bull market will not come."

"Old He, please clear it..."

"Rather than having a few products of our company finally make a profit, after achieving the annual performance target, then returning the profits to the market, and failing in the bull market in the short term, it seems more acceptable to me."

"Okay!" He Hong thought for a moment, even though he didn't quite agree with Xu Zhongji's judgment.

But he still honestly started to implement the strategy and issued instructions to the traders to completely clear out the non-suspended stock chips in the fund account that could be sold.

As Minghui Capital continued to hit new rebound highs in the index, it unexpectedly cleared its positions and exited.

At this moment, in the magic capital, inside the Yinghui Fund, which has an asset management scale similar to that of Minghui Capital, in the trading room, at the Yanjing 'Future Investment' Summit, I met Su Yu and Xu Zhongji, and after the summit, Liu Guanhai, the manager of the 'Yinghui No. 1' product fund, who was shouting that he would never take orders at a high position, was shouting at the traders to follow up quickly, buy at market prices, and pursue positions in first-line securities stocks and popular venture capital stocks, wanting to quickly sell them. Fund positions are raised.

"Xiao Shao, don't worry about the cost of opening a position, buy, buy..." Seeing the hesitation of the trading team leader Shao Xiaoyun, Liu Guanhai hurriedly urged, "Securities and venture capital are experiencing continuous riots, and the index has hit new highs one after another, and the technical indicators are comprehensive Passivation has shown that the market has really entered the bull market investment stage on the right side. Why are you hesitating at this time? If you fill up your position earlier, you will seize the market opportunity earlier."

"But manager... I always feel that the market is a bit lacking in stamina." Trading team leader Shao Xiaoyun replied hesitantly, "Look at the concept of 'reorganization and backdoor', as well as the two major concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' Popular mainline concepts in the early stage, as well as the index trend of the GEM.”

"They are all coming down from their high positions!"

"Moreover, although the GEM index is still rising slowly, the core component stocks in the GEM have no longer reached new highs."

“In the entire market, only the ‘securities and venture capital’ sectors that have been experiencing continuous riots have a strong money-making effect. Even the ‘oversold rebound’ line, which had an obvious money-making effect yesterday, is currently declining and has not shown any sustainability.”

"These...are not signs of the start of a full-scale bull market!"

"Also, and more importantly, the amplification of market turnover is very limited. It feels that the market is still in a state of stock game. In this state, once the weight is concentrated and the index is raised, it will not be stable."

"The annual growth rate of the ChiNext Index exceeded that of the Shanghai Stock Index by more than 30%. It was time for a correction to wait for the Shanghai Stock Index to catch up." Liu Guanhai completely disagreed with the analysis and judgment of trading team leader Shao Xiaoyun, emphasizing, "We have been focusing on the concept of speculation on the ChiNext Board. It cannot last long. Only when the core players return to the Shanghai Index and build stronger bull market confidence through the 'securities, venture capital' and even the entire 'big financial' sector can a further outbreak of a comprehensive bull market occur."

"And right now... all of this is happening."

"As for the limited amplification of transaction volume, this is normal, because the market's confidence and increment are gradually expanded as the bull market advances step by step. Level by level amplification cannot be achieved overnight."

"I had the same idea as you before. I thought the market was rebounding, not reversing."

"But the result..."

"After the National Day, the entire market was empty."

"Now the index has completely crossed the resistance position and recovered all the losses in the first half of the year, while the ChiNext Index has reached a record high."

"Under such circumstances, especially when market confidence has been fully restored and various large institutions have continued to increase their positions in core concepts and core sectors for many consecutive days, if we still adhere to the conservative strategy and keep the fund positions at a relatively The position is very low, not only does it not want to make progress, but it is also irresponsible to all investors who subscribed for our products."

"Securities and venture capital have moved from the bottom, and the volume has increased rapidly, with substantial capital inflows for two consecutive days."

"As long as the market is fully bullish, there is a glimmer of possibility."

“Now is the best opportunity to massively increase positions in these bull market’s best-benefiting sectors and the core chips.”

"Buy it..."

Liu Guanhai repeated again: "The leading stocks of first-tier securities companies, the core venture capital concept stocks that I have marked, buy them regardless of cost. We have fallen behind in terms of strategic response. At this moment... we cannot fall behind anymore."

Shao Xiaoyun heard Liu Guanhai's voice becoming more severe, continued to hesitate for a moment, and then nodded.

He quickly issued instructions to the traders and put the trading funds in his hands into the market, buying Huaxin Securities, which had now increased by 6.5%.

On the other hand, Yinghui Fund and Minghui Capital are completely opposite and are buying in large-scale full positions.

The time passed 10:20.

The Shanghai stock index rose by more than 2%, and the securities sector and venture capital concept sector increased by about 5%. The market prices of the two cities were completely focused on these two concept sectors, and showed a comprehensive trend of divergence. As for the popular concept lines in the early stage, as well as entrepreneurship In the direction of the board, except for those that are closely related to the concepts of securities and venture capital, such as the performance of many "Internet finance" stocks, the others are all showing an adjustment state of capital outflow.

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