Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 269: The gap in trading talent!

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has broken through the 2390 mark. It looks like... it has reached 2400 points today. There is no suspense!"

As the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index continues to break through, the securities and venture capital concept sectors continue to rise, and in the relevant sectors, there are waves of funds chasing the rise and raising funds. The vast retail investor group in the market is also very excited in their hearts and discusses feverishly. Talking about the market situation.

"There must be no suspense. This wave of securities and venture capital prices will at least double."

"Securities are the starting engine of the bull market. Compared with the growth rate of the securities sector in the last bull market, doubling is a minimum, and three or five times is not a problem."

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index lags behind the ChiNext Index too much. This wave must make up for it, and we will directly look at 2,700 points."

"The bull market is really here!"

"I didn't say anything, just do it, a stud, a full position of securities."

"This is the first time this year that the securities sector has increased by more than 5%, right? That's awesome! All funds from all walks of life have gathered in the securities and venture capital sectors."

"Big players such as Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, and Huashang Securities have increased by almost 7%."

"The index keeps hitting new highs and securities are in full riot. What is this not a bull market?"

"The eagerness of Fortune Road to enter the position yesterday is proof. I bet... Fortune Road is definitely still buying on a large scale today."

"I feel that the two huge main closing orders of Orient Securities and Orient Venture Capital in the early trading were the work of Fortune Road."

"Oriental Securities, Oriental Venture Capital, and Zhezhou Oriental Three Checks have become conceptual leaders in the field of 'securities and venture capital', right?"

“With the blessing of the seats on Fortune Road, this is obvious.”

"Of these three checks, I feel that Dongfang Entrepreneurship will go further."

"I am optimistic about Oriental Securities. Generally speaking... the logic of the outbreak of securities is still much stronger than that of venture capital. And although Oriental Securities has a larger market, those who attack the securities sector are the super main funds of the market. With an investment of hundreds of millions, in comparison, Oriental Securities is just suitable for the entry and exit of super main players, while Oriental Entrepreneurship is obviously smaller and has insufficient liquidity. As for Zhezhou Oriental... the trend of the straight board is naturally good in terms of chip undertakings. Not even close."

"Agreed, let's continue working on Oriental Securities tomorrow."

"Don't be too optimistic, everyone. In this round of riots in securities and venture capital, the entire 'big finance' field, insurance and banks, have obviously not moved much. It feels like a hidden danger, and I am afraid it will drag down the market."

"In the bull market, in the 'big financial' field, the elasticity of securities is inherently the highest. Banks and insurance usually move later than securities. When the securities sector rises in the first wave, banks and insurance will definitely move. Furthermore... ...This is the start-up stage of the bull market, and it is not the comprehensive bull market stage in the middle and late stages of the bull market. The market is inherently rotating, and not all stocks in the two cities will rise at this stage."

"It makes sense. We should pursue securities first, wait for the securities to rise to the point, and then grab chips from insurance companies and banks at low prices."

"The two major sectors of securities and venture capital have soared, which has seriously siphoned off active funds in other areas of the market. The main lines of popular concepts such as 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', and 'reorganization and backdoor' have been adjusted continuously. I don't know what the market is going to be." When the time comes, I can switch back to the GEM. It is really uncomfortable to hold the check from Hua Qingbao these days. Just watching the index rise sharply, not only do I not make money, but I am still losing money."

"Should the Shanghai Stock Index close the growth gap with the ChiNext in one go? The market should not be able to return to the main line of popular concepts in the early stage so quickly."

"Come out of Huaqingbao and chase Oriental Securities in the securities sector!"

"Yes, the market leader has obviously switched. Hua Qingbao's adjustment should not be over yet."

"It's okay to pursue Dongfang to start a business. Anyway, the 'Oriental' stocks have already formed a linkage. Before the stock prices of these checks double, no matter which one you catch up with, you should make a profit."

"Compared with a group of pre-concept hot leading stocks such as 'Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, and Internet Speed ​​Technology', 'Oriental Securities, Zhezhou Oriental, Oriental Entrepreneurship, Shibei High-tech, and Zhangjiang Hi-Tech' A group of stocks are indeed at a low level and are in the period of explosive speculation, so there is not much room for the stock price to rise."

"Fortune Road should be to reduce positions in several popular concept sectors such as 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', and 'reorganization and backdoor', and then quickly pursue positions in the concept fields of 'securities and venture capital'. I think 'securities, The market situation in the venture capital sector is far from over, so it is still very appropriate to adjust positions and exchange shares at this time."

"Yes, follow Fortune Road and you will be right!"

"I'm afraid that if I catch up, the market will turn back to the previous hot spot on the next trading day."

"In fact, if you don't want to chase hot spots, it is also a good choice to hold on to stocks. After all, in the bull market stage, during the market rotation, all stocks will have their turn. Instead of chasing hot spots quickly, it is better to stick to them. Anyway, my reaction If you are slow, you often can’t keep up with the rhythm, so you have no choice but to stick to it.”

"No matter what method of operation, the most important thing is what suits you."

"You just need to know that this is a bull market. If you have money, just add to your position. As long as the index keeps rising, individual stocks will rise no matter what. It's just a matter of how much. But no matter how much it rises, you can still make money."

"Yes, yes... the index keeps reaching new highs, so just buy without thinking at this time."

"Haha... After the last bull market, after 6 years, the time for the market to pick up money has finally arrived again!"

"Buy, buy, buy! If you don't buy it now, you will definitely not have chips at this price in the future."

“Don’t buy at 2,000 points, chase after 3,000 points!”

"This is the best time to make money in the market. If you don't know how to increase your position at this time, speculating in stocks is really in vain."

Among the heated discussion topics among retail investors across the market, the voices that are optimistic about the market outlook and the sentiment of going long have basically converged.

That is to say, the bullish sentiment in the market has reached its peak stage.

"The fermentation of market sentiment and the trend of the market are really developing much faster than I expected!" Observing the extreme bullish sentiment in the market, Xie Wanting from Yanjing and Anlan Fund was slightly surprised and said, "The market trend is It spreads and ferments so quickly, it probably won’t last long.”

"This round of market prices in 'securities and venture capital' is essentially driven by news. The time window for speculation is that only the news of the restart of the market's IPO is roughly confirmed internally, and the hazy period from the official announcement cannot last too long. "It's been a long time." Zhou Guohua, who is beside Xie Wanting, said, "Coupled with the intensification of Fortune Road's initiative to increase positions, the deliberate guidance of the main institutions on the market, and the bull market effect that everyone expected, the market spread rapidly, and in two days it was fully It is reasonable to explode.”

"Yeah!" Xie Wanting nodded, "The teacher is right, but with the market changing like this... it's even harder for us to follow up. Originally, my expected margin for the 'Securities and Venture Capital' market was 20%. , As a result, it was only the second trading day after the market broke out, and the increase in related sectors exceeded 10%. Our positions in this field are seriously insufficient. If we follow up at this time, the profit and loss ratio will not be very cost-effective."

Market sentiment and market conditions fermented too quickly...

Then, without any bottom position, their follow-up holding costs will be quickly and significantly raised.

In addition, this market lacks the support of the basic logic of the industry, and its sustainability is doubtful. It is very risky to pursue high positions and seek profits in the later period.

"If you can't follow up well, then don't follow." Zhou Guohua said with a smile, "There is no shortage of opportunities in the financial trading market. We don't have to fight uncertain battles. The line of 'securities and venture capital' has a high probability." It’s the last craziness of this rebound, so it’s no shame to miss it.”

This year, they have seized on several main lines of speculation such as 'Internet Finance', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', 'Mobile Internet', and 'Smartphone Industry Chain'. The performance of several major funds has led to domestic private equity products. They are all at the forefront of the performance rankings.

Such results... Zhou Guohua is already very satisfied.

Therefore, he felt that it was okay not to eat the last fish tail meat.

Under Zhou Guohua's encouragement, Xie Wanting thought for a while and said, "I'll pursue some chips from first-class securities firms such as Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, and Huashang Securities. The current market liquidity of these large-cap securities firms' stocks has already When activated, with extremely abundant liquidity, even if extreme situations occur in the market, you can retreat in time and will not be trapped in the market due to lack of liquidity or other reasons.”

After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

After taking charge of the 'Enterprising No. 3' fund product, she has not made any achievements yet, so naturally she wants to improve the performance quickly.

Zhou Guohua knew that Xie Wanting was very mature in considering the issue of transaction risks. Seeing that she insisted on doing so, he did not refuse. He nodded slightly and said, "Okay, you can do whatever you want. It's just these large-cap heavyweight stocks. Although liquidity is relatively sufficient, the required take-up orders are very large. Once the sentiment of the "securities and venture capital" market line recedes slightly, these large-cap heavyweight stocks will not be able to go up, and the upward space for stock prices will be limited. It’s extremely limited.”

"If you can make a little profit, you should make a little profit!" Xie Wanting smiled and said, "It's hard to judge the market correctly in advance. If I don't enter the market and make some profits, I always feel a little unwilling."

"You..." Zhou Guohua sighed softly, "I still haven't completely changed my mentality."

"Yeah!" Xie Wanting responded without making any excuses.

Seeing her like this, Zhou Guohua thought for a while, and then said: "But some things are easier said than done. If you want to achieve big losses and big wins, and be calm, it's not that easy. You should slowly understand it and grasp it well." Risk, as long as you don’t lose your principal, it’s not a big deal.”

Some things, if you don’t practice them, you will never experience or understand them.

In his opinion, Xie Wanting is very talented, but her temperament and mentality are a little worse. Now... give her a fund that is not large enough and let her operate independently.

Zhou Guohua believes that she can grow up quickly and mature.

"Thank you for your tolerance, teacher, I will work hard." Xie Wanting responded, gritting her teeth gently.

Then, as the market continued to advance, she began to gradually increase her position in large-cap stocks of first-tier securities firms such as Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, and Huatong Securities.

Immediately afterwards...

After 11 o'clock, the Shanghai Stock Index encountered strong resistance after hitting the highest point of 2406.21, and a large number of selling emerged. Whether it was the 'securities, venture capital' concept sector, which is the core hot spot in the market, or other concept sectors, they all fell back. trend, and during the fall, the time-sharing volume can be enlarged.

Finally, at 11:30, the market closed at noon.

The Shanghai Index was priced at an increase of 2.03%, lost the 2400 point mark, and closed at 2394.42; the GEM was designated at a 1.03% increase. Although it was still far behind the Shanghai Index, it completed the counter-package of the previous day's trend and once again set a new record It reached a new intraday high and returned to 1360 points.

In addition to indexes, sectors and individual stocks.

The 'Securities and Venture Capital' concept sector still led the gains in the two cities, with both gains exceeding 5%. The cumulative number of daily limit stocks in the two major sectors reached 13, including the core concept stocks Orient Securities, Huaxin Securities, and Guangda Securities. , Zhezhou Oriental, Dongfang Venture Capital, Shibei High-tech, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, and Zijiang Enterprises all hit the daily limit during the session. Heavyweight stocks such as Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, and Huatong Securities stabilized at 6 or 7 points of gains.

Concept sectors related to 'Mobile Internet' and 'Smartphone Industry Chain' remained slightly red, and still underperformed the Growth Enterprise Market Index. Among the core concept stocks, Hua Qingbao stabilized at a 2-point decline after a sharp dive in early trading. The position fluctuated. Changqu Technology's decline was similar to that of Huaqingbao. Fenda Technology rebounded from underwater to the red market and performed relatively strongly. Wangsu Technology suffered a large amount of selling from major funds today, with the deepest intraday decline reaching 4.36%, and released a huge There are obvious signs of loosening in the chip structure.

As for the 'restructuring and backdoor' concept sector, it still led the decline in both cities. The core concept stock, Xinwei Group, fell tragically to the limit, setting the third consecutive limit-down since the peak, killing countless hot money main players and retail investors who took over the market at the top. Hilong Software has also exceeded its daily limit, and other shell resource stocks such as Haoningda, Weihua, Tianrui Instruments... have also plummeted, and have been completely abandoned by speculation funds.

Of course, among the conceptual hot spots that were almost completely destroyed in the early stage, there is still a bright spot today.

That is 'Internet finance', a concept sector that has been speculated twice by the market this year. It has become active again with the concept of 'securities and venture capital'. Among them, the old monster stock 'Shanghai Steel Union' even closed at noon. Recently, it has embarked on an extremely sharp daily limit trend.

And besides these...

In the petrochemical sector, the 'Potential Hengxin', which has been attracting much attention, closed its daily limit for 8 seconds in early trading. Before closing at noon, when the Shanghai Stock Index plunged slightly, it reopened the daily limit and closed it again in a flash, with a hint of profit. Large-scale pouring means that the market sentiment and chips are divergent.

The "oversold rebound" line, the hot state of more than a dozen stocks hitting the daily limit yesterday, has not been able to continue today.

Only a sparse three or five stocks can still maintain a relatively strong state, with an increase of more than 5%. The others... are all fluctuating at low levels, or in other words, opening high and moving low.

In short, during the whole morning's trading...

Although the market is still somewhat polarized, it is obvious that everyone is more aggressive in chasing hot market trends.

This shows that market sentiment and investor confidence, instead of declining, are getting stronger.

As for the decline and sluggishness of the popular concept market in the early stage, this is only due to the limited expansion of market turnover, and there are not so many active funds and undertakings to continuously support the progress of multiple main lines of market. There are also...some people have smelled it. Smart money, sharply reducing positions and taking profits to avoid risks.

Seeing this midday closing scene...

Regardless of whether they made no money in the morning trading or the market investors who made money, they are all very happy and excited. After all, the Shanghai Stock Index really crossed the 2,400-point mark during the session, refreshing this record. It has rebounded to a new high, as well as a new annual high, and the volume of the two markets has been slightly enlarged compared to yesterday.

Of course, what excites everyone even more is the continued crazy performance of the ‘Securities and Venture Capital’ sector.

This confirms the market truth of "when a bull market breaks out, securities go first" and further establishes the confidence of the majority of investors in the market for a bull market.

So, we didn’t wait until the market opened in the afternoon.

In the market, a large number of remarks on increasing positions and topics about entering the market have emerged one after another.

Even in various investment forums in the market, topics related to ‘fund investment’ and ‘fund trading’ continue to become popular.

“It really feels like I’m dreaming back to the bull market!”

Just before the market opened at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, fund manager Zhou Kan from Zexi Investment in Shanghai said with emotion: "The investment sentiment in the market is overwhelming. Funds from all walks of life are chasing hot spots and buying them almost regardless of the cost. There are constant off-market positives. Everyone’s expectations are getting higher and higher, and at a glance... it’s hard to imagine that these are all false prosperity.”

Xu Xiang, who was sitting next to him, laughed and said: "This is the charm of the market. The gongs and drums are noisy, but it is precisely the time when the curtain is about to end."

"It's a pity that we didn't participate in this wave of craze before it came to an end." Zhou Kan said, "Wealth Road is really a genius. It was able to use the IPO to restart this potential hurricane and hype the market to this point. It's really It leveraged large sectors like 'securities'."

Xu Xiang said: "It's not a pity to miss the opportunity. It's just the road to's worth learning!"

This morning, after he received the definite news that the IPO market was about to restart, he fully understood the layout of Fortune Road.

"Hiding the truth and concealing the secrets..."

"Then, with the help of seats on the Dragon and Tiger List and trading actions, all the funds following the trend and the public equity institutions gathered in the fields of securities and venture capital will be used to promote the market. It is estimated that these current market prices will not end until the final moment. In the market, investors who are eager to participate... can never guess that they are the target of the other party's harvest and the source of profits for the other party to continue to create performance legends."

"We... are actually only one step behind." Zhou Kan said, "Mr. Xu previously judged the two main market trends of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', as well as the conclusion that the market is rebounding, not reversing. It has always been correct, but we did not think in the direction of restarting the IPO, and did not seize this opportunity in advance, so this potential blockbuster news will only leverage market opportunities."

Xu Xiang smiled helplessly and said, "But the word 'just' you said is the insurmountable talent gap between traders."

“Different people look at the market from different angles.”

“Nature discovers opportunities and uses them in different ways.”

"Wealth Road can identify opportunities from clues in the market and changes in regulatory attitudes, and use this opportunity to decisively adjust positions and leverage market conditions."

"And we can't..."

“You can only realize that you missed an opportunity when the market conditions change significantly.”

"This is the essential gap in trading talent between us and Mr. Su of Fortune Road, and it is also the source of the gap in performance between Zexi and Yuhang."

"But investment is always a long-distance race." Zhou Kan said, "Now Wealth Road can barely hide its tracks and lurk to harvest, but when his capital size becomes one level larger and completely catches up with our Zexi Investment, he will not be able to Through this kind of trading method, we can make huge profits in the market."

"By the time……"

"What everyone is competing for is purely market analysis ability and ability to grasp macro opportunities."

"In this regard, Mr. Xu is already one of the top figures in the market that I have ever seen. I think if the investment cycle is long and the amount of funds traded is enlarged, Mr. Xu and our 'Zexi Investment' will not be better than Wealth road, and ‘Yuhang Investment’ is poor.”

Xu Xiang got a little comfort from Zhou Kan's words, pondered for a moment, and said: "Indeed, the larger the amount of funds for trading, the more limited the choice of market opportunities. When the time comes... If you don’t avoid shortcomings, you will grow long. With tens of billions of funds, you can barely move in the short-term market. But when it reaches tens of billions, I am afraid that the market will rarely be able to accommodate the short-term market. If you think about it carefully... I really want to see it. Let’s see how Mr. Su will operate after he becomes powerful, and whether he can maintain such a sharp performance myth.”

Everyone has limits...

Xu Xiang believes that if he manages more than 50 billion in capital, it will be difficult to guarantee excellent performance. After all, the larger the capital, the fewer opportunities and choices, the more troublesome it is to move around, and it is more difficult to hide his tracks. It is extremely easy. Being followed, sniped, and seizing an opportunity will probably only have a very limited impact on overall performance improvement.

This leads to the fact that at a very large scale, an excellent product fund manager will also become mediocre.

In the market, there are countless fund managers who manage small-cap funds with strong performance, but large-cap funds with mediocre performance.

While the two were talking, the time passed exactly 1 p.m., and the stagnant disk began to beat again.

Amid the excitement, the index continued to rise from where it stopped in the morning. The conceptual fields of "securities and venture capital" continued to be violently attacked by funds. Active funds in the entire market, after the mood fermented at noon, also moved further towards " The two core hot concept areas of securities and venture capital converge, and there are countless investors who are aggressively pursuing high prices and raising funds.

At 1:05, the Shanghai Stock Index once again reached the 2,400 mark, and the securities sector rose by nearly 6%.

At 1:12, Huatong Securities tried to counter the market, and a series of large buying orders with a capital level of 300 million appeared on the market.

At 1:13, Huatong Securities closed the daily limit, and the transaction volume exceeded 2.5 billion. At the same time, Huaxin Securities and Huashang Securities rose by more than 8%. In the field of "Internet Finance", Hua Ke Financial reached its daily limit.

At 1:17, the Shanghai Stock Index rose to 2.67%, once again setting a new high for this round of rebound and a new high for the year. In the single securities sector, the net inflow of funds exceeded 2.6 billion.

At 1:22, in the two major fields of "securities and venture capital", the number of stocks exceeded the daily limit to 21, and the market showed a comprehensive outbreak and extreme spread.

At 1:33, when the securities sector rose to a maximum of 6.37%, and more than 6 stocks in the sector reached their daily limit, Wangsu Technology on the GEM once again encountered a huge amount of selling, and the decline expanded to about 6%, causing the 'mobile Internet' The two early popular main lines of "Smartphone Industry Chain" and "Smartphone Industry Chain" plunged again, which also triggered a risk aversion in the market to reduce positions and take profits at high levels, causing the index to fall again.

At 1:45, Wangsu Technology was heading towards the lower limit, and the internal chip structure showed a trend of collapse.

At 1:46, Hua Qingbao was affected by Internet speed technology and also experienced a sharp plunge. It originally fluctuated sideways, but the two early popular main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' were able to stabilize. Under the huge plunge of two popular concept stocks, they directly followed the concept of "reorganization and backdoor", and all related concept sectors and core stocks began to fall one after another.

At 1:48, this internal collapse originating from the GEM spread to the main board. The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell back passively and once again lost the 2,400-point mark. At the same time, the two core areas of "securities and venture capital" that support the market conditions suffered a complete collapse. The most intense selling in the day, the related sector index, quickly fell back by almost 2 points. "

At 1:52, Huatong Securities, which had been closed, opened its daily limit, and the trading volume surged to 3.2 billion.

At 1:55, in the two core sectors of "securities and venture capital", the total number of stocks with daily limit dropped from the peak of 22 to 14, and 8 stocks exploded.

At 2:01, the growth rate of the ChiNext Index fell back to 0.51%. The core concept stocks that were high in the early stage turned green across the board. Among them, Hua Ke Financial, which had hit its daily limit at 1:13, also fell back.

At 2:11, Wangsu Technology sealed the price limit, causing market investment risks to rise sharply.

At 2:13, Hua Qingbao hit the lower limit, but it was not sealed.

At 2:15, the growth rate of the two core sectors of securities and venture capital fell back to about 3.5%. The investment sentiment in the two cities fell significantly due to the collapse of the two leading stocks in the early market, Wangsu Technology and Huaqingbao. Funds The willingness to chase higher prices has also weakened significantly.

At 2:23, Hua Qingbao, which was hovering near the lower limit, encountered funds buying the bottom. It rose straight for a while, and the decline rebounded to around 7%. At this moment, Wangsu Technology opened the lower limit.

At 2:25, when Huaqingbao and Wangsu Technology were both out of the lower limit, the market sentiment, which was suddenly showered with cold water, began to recover and pick up again. The GEM index, which almost turned green, rose rapidly. The Shanghai Stock Index is also charging towards the 2% increase mark and 2,400 points.

At 2:31, as time entered the last half hour of the trading session, the short-term panic in the market passed. Securities and venture capital once again gathered funds, and the sector rose by 4.5%. Among the two major conceptual fields, the market was booming. Of the 8 stocks, 3 stocks have been closed.

At 2:44, the Shanghai Stock Index rose by more than 2% again, and the ChiNext Index rose by more than 1% again.

At 2:48, the securities sector rose back to 5%, and Huatong Securities tried to re-enter the market.

At 2:51, the time entered the last ten minutes of trading, and the inflow of funds in various sectors accelerated again. It can be clearly seen that after the market resolved the diving crisis and returned to the upward trend, funds that had hesitated before came in again to rush for funds. Of course... there are also some investors who are betting on the benefits of the weekend.

At 2:55, Huatong Securities almost closed the daily limit, and its trading volume exploded to about 3.6 billion, ranking first in the two cities' trading volume rankings.

At 2:57, just before the final collective bidding, Hua Qingbao fell to 5.6%.

Finally, closing at 3 o'clock, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose 2.11%, fixed at 2397.88 points, and failed to reach the 2400 mark; the ChiNext Index rose 1.13%, fixed at 1356.32 points, although it failed to reach a new closing high, but Achieving a new intraday high can be regarded as a reverse of the K-line trend adjusted the day before.

Amid the overall surge in the index, the turnover of the two cities almost touched the 130 billion mark, which was much higher than yesterday.

Judging from the K-line trend, volume, moving average, MACD and other technical indicators, the market index trend at this time is extremely beautiful, and it does look like a bull market.

It's just that... in terms of individual stocks and sectors, the performance is quite divided.

The concept sector of 'Securities and Venture Capital' continued yesterday's trend and surged in volume, becoming the focus of market investors' collective attention; the two core concepts of GEM weights, 'Mobile Internet' and 'Smartphone Industry Chain', continued to adjust , the relevant core popular stocks all closed in the red; the concept of 'restructuring and backdooring' plummeted across the board, even worse than yesterday, with 5 stocks hitting the limit, which is incompatible with the market index's continued trend of new highs.

After the close...

Everyone was discussing the market intensely. The call for a bull market was still strong, and everyone was still extremely optimistic about the two core concepts of "mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain" that were being adjusted. Of course... Everyone has also expressed some concerns about the "reorganization and backdoor" concept sector that has performed very badly. However, no one can really guess the reason why this sector has undergone such a huge adjustment and has been completely abandoned by the main funds. They just think that it has risen too much and active funds have ebbed. , a very natural and benign adjustment.

"Do you think Fortune Road will appear on the dragon and tiger lists of Huaqingbao, Wangsu Technology, Oriental Securities, and Oriental Entrepreneurship at the same time today? I feel that Fortune Road will definitely sell Huaqingbao and Wangsu Technology and buy today. "Securities and venture capital" core stocks such as Orient Securities and Orient Venture Capital."

Amid the fierce market discussions, speculation about seats on the ‘Fortune Road’ is still the topic that attracts the most attention in the market.

"Fortune Road didn't sell any stocks in the direction of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' yesterday. There's no reason to sell them like this today, right?"

“I also feel that the fact that Netspeed Technology and Huaqingbao fell by the limit today was not caused by Wealth Road.”

"Both stocks are heavily held by Fortune Road. If it wasn't Fortune Road, who else could it be?"

"Maybe it's an institution, right? Institutions have the largest holdings on Netspeed Technology. Seeing the overall riot in securities, institutions will definitely make up for their chips in securities and in the direction of 'big finance.'"

"I hope it's not because of Fortune Road. After all, I didn't go out today!"

"As long as the road to wealth is there, I will be there. I also hope that it will not be the road to wealth. Institutions will be destroyed if they smash it. As long as the road to wealth is still there, everyone's confidence in holding shares will be there. The adjustments in the past few days will have to be taken back sooner or later. go."

"It's almost 5:30, let's take a look at the dragon and tiger rankings!"

"No matter what, today's wealth path is just net selling."

"Wealth Road will definitely continue to increase its positions in Oriental Securities and Oriental Ventures stocks, because I also followed them in the morning!"

"Come out, come out..."

Following the calls and heated discussions, the new Dragon and Tiger list was refreshed with the expectation of countless people. Hua Qingbao, Wangsu Technology, Oriental Securities, and Oriental Entrepreneurship, which everyone expected, were all on the list, and Zhangjiang Hi-tech, Shibei High-tech, Potential Hengxin, and Zijiang Enterprises are also on the list.

And with the announcement of the Dragon and Tiger list.

At this moment, the much-anticipated seats on Fortune Road revealed the true face of Lushan.

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