Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 276: The market stops when market sentiment is crazy!

In the direction of the GEM, the two main concept-related sectors of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', as well as their related core stocks, although after the previous continuous adjustments, some funds have begun to buy the bottom and go long today, but the market performance , is still relatively weak.

As for the concept sector related to ‘restructuring and backdooring’ that has been abandoned by funds in recent trading days.

Today is still the weakest area of ​​the market.

In the entire GEM and small and medium-sized board fields, only 'Internet Finance' stands out, continuing yesterday's strength. Its core concept stocks 'Shanghai Steel Union, Huake Financial, Hengsheng Electronics, Flush, Oriental Fortune, Jinzheng Shares', etc. have all appeared It is obviously opening higher, and the increase of Shanghai Steel Union is almost opening higher than the daily limit. The rush for funds is quite intense.

"Active funds in the market are further concentrated in the fields of 'securities and venture capital'!" At 9:21, in the trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai, Zhou Kan saw the call auction performance of the market and said with emotion, " Surprisingly, despite the obvious divergence trend yesterday, the mood and trend quickly became consistent again."

"Fire is cooking oil, eager for quick success!" Xu Xiang smiled at Zhou Kan's emotion and said, "With such rapid emotional progression and forced pullback, the market should not be far from ending."

The Shanghai Composite Index reaches 2,500 points, which is the absolute upward pressure mark.

Coupled with the growth in market turnover, it is obvious that it cannot keep up with changes in market conditions.

Nowadays, various main funds, as well as market regulators, major brokerage institutions... Various market leading forces have not only failed to allow the market to slow down, strengthen the market foundation, and stabilize the internal bargaining chips under extreme emotional conditions. Instead, they aggressively pull the market, take advantage of extreme emotional changes, wildly consume active funds in the market, and overdraw the future potential of the market. This approach brings market speculation.

It seems fierce and the money-making effect is huge, but in fact it has no continuity at all.

"Then we..." After hearing Xu Xiang's words, Zhou Kan paused and replied, "Should we immediately reduce our positions and stop our profits, and transform our trading strategy into a fully conservative state?"

Xu Xiang pondered for a moment and said: "But it doesn't matter. After we exited the popular mainline concepts such as 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', and 'reorganization and backdoor', we have been far away from the biggest risk point in the market." Securities , venture capital' line, although the market has developed very radically and sentiment has changed quickly, but logically speaking, it is still the beneficiary sector of the 'market IPO restart'. Even after the expected ebb of the bull market, the market fell back. In the process of the market IPO restart changing from a dark line to a bright line..."

"There is still a certain level of market logic support, and there should be no situation where the market's liquidity will be completely lost."

"So, with our chips on this line, there is no need to rush to take profit and exit."


"We were slow to get the news. We didn't get the upper hand on this line, and we didn't have many chips in hand. Even if an extreme situation occurs, based on the amount of active funds accumulated in this field and the current situation of these stocks, With liquidity, we can also sell very quickly to achieve the purpose of exiting.”

"I just don't know..."

Xu Xiang paused and continued: "How much chips has the Fortune Road fund bought in the field of 'securities and venture capital'? If Fortune Road is on this line, it will be like the original The market hype of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone' is the same. If a heavy position...or even a full position is involved, the subsequent market price...may be very good."

He is on this line and does not have many chips, so he cannot affect the macro trend of the market.

And he also knew that the rise of the 'Securities and Venture Capital' line was completely ignited by many major institutions in the market. With the news of 'market IPO restart', it was triggered by the logic of the bull market. It can be described as extremely... Ugly.

Now, he feels that Fortune Road has signs of large-scale lurking in this field, has completely taken the lead in market conditions, and can use chips to influence the macro trend of the market at critical moments, then... he will naturally look forward to it The road to wealth can have a chance with these ugly major institutions.

After all, when it comes down to it…

He and Fortune Lu Su Yu were both from market wild backgrounds, not regular soldiers, and were completely different from these major institutions.

"Judging from Fortune Road's buying data on the Dragon and Tiger List, the scale should not be large." Zhou Kan said, "But Mr. Xu, you also said that Fortune Road's Dragon and Tiger List is most likely to deceive others. Yes, so...According to the logical analysis you said, Mr. Xu, if wealth is on the line of 'securities and venture capital', it must be a state of large-scale positions, because only in this way... can it be explained... Why does he need to use his seat on the Dragon and Tiger List to cover up the motives behind his operation?"


Zhou Kan thought for a while and continued: "We can get the news that 'the market IPO is about to restart' after the 'securities and venture capital' line explodes. Based on the analysis of 'Yuhang Investment's past market intelligence capabilities, They must have gotten the same news as us."

"In that case..."

"If Wealth Road had not lurked a huge position before the market for 'securities and venture capital' broke out, it would have been impossible to buy only the few chips shown on the Dragon and Tiger list, and... even if Wealth Road As we thought, we feel that the main market line of 'securities and venture capital' does not have much continuity, the space is limited, and the time period for the market to break out is also limited. In the continuous surge, there are not many chips to intervene."

"Then... he should at least carry out large-scale lightening of positions in related core main areas such as 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' in the GEM weight direction to avoid the market switching between high and low amid the outbreak of 'securities and venture capital'. The siphon effect, and the restart of the 'market IPO', will cause a blow to the valuation and hype of GEM and small and medium-sized board concept stocks, right?"

"Unfortunately, except for the day when the hype of the two core main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' peaked, Fortune Road eagerly reduced its positions on a large scale. Subsequently, as these two main lines continued to plummet, , I didn’t even see the news of Wealthy Road reducing its positions again.”

"You must know the 'Yuhang No. 1' fund managed by Fortune Road."

"In the position data released in September, positions in stocks related to the two core main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are basically full."

"So, comparing his previous position data, and then comparing it with recent trading days, especially the 'securities and venture capital' line has exploded, and the two major GEM weights of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' When there are continuous adjustments to the main concept line, the motivation for buying and selling his seat on the dragon and tiger list."

"It is obvious that..."

"Fortune Road is indeed as Mr. Xu guessed. It has long withdrawn from the two major GEM weight concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' and has long since lurked into the 'securities and venture capital' line. This has deceived all major funds participating in the market, as well as the majority of retail investors.”

"Not bad!" Xu Xiang smiled and nodded, "My analytical skills are getting better."

Zhou Kan smiled and said: "I learned this from Mr. Xu, but according to our inference... Wealthy Road can complete the position adjustment without anyone noticing, and in advance with billions of funds. The main funds in the market have been working for such a long time, and it is really outrageous to find the logic that the 'securities and venture capital' line will inevitably explode, and to intervene heavily."

"If Fortune Road's recent trading activity on the Dragon Tiger List is really abnormal, if we hadn't known in advance that the 'market IPO' was about to restart, and if we hadn't been influenced by Mr. Very understanding..."

"General market investors really don't think or speculate in this direction."

Xu Xiang nodded slightly and said: "This is the power of Fortune Road's capital. It is as quiet as a virgin and as active as a stray rabbit. It grasps the timing and market trends extremely accurately, but never hesitates."

"This market..."

Xu Xiang sighed, and then said: "Although there is no smoke, it is the most cruel. Ability and trading talent are always the most important. If you can do it, you can do it, if you can't, you can't. After all, in the stock game market, every time you earn Every penny is plundered from other people's pockets, and no one in the world is willing to give money from his own pocket to others, so... people who are famous are definitely not famous!"

"At least... since I got into financial markets."

"This person on Fortune Road should be the person with the highest trading talent and the greatest potential for future growth that I have ever met, whether in reality or in a market competition."

"Yeah!" Zhou Kan responded, "His growth rate and wealth accumulation rate are indeed outrageous!"

After speaking, he turned his attention to the market trading interface again.

At this time, the time has reached 9:25, the two cities have completed the collective bidding, and are in a brief suspension stage.

And after collective bidding, the market prices of the two cities have been fixed...

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index opened higher at 2443.75 points, up 0.86%, continuing to set new rebound highs and new annual highs. The ChiNext Index opened higher at 1376.89 points, up 0.32%. Although significantly lower than the Shanghai Index, it still set a new high for this round. Rebound to new highs and all-time high positions.

In addition to indexes, individual stocks and sectors.

The two popular core lines of 'Securities and Venture Capital', as well as their related concept sectors, both increased by more than 4%. There were a total of 5 stocks that achieved a straight-line trend, including 'Zhezhou Oriental, Oriental Securities, Oriental Venture Capital, Shibei High-tech and Zijiang Enterprises', and other popular stocks in the same sector, also mostly opened higher than 5%, and the signs of capital pursuit and fundraising are extremely obvious.

The 'Internet Finance' sector has increased as high as 3.67%, second only to the two major concept sectors of 'Securities and Venture Capital', and it also appears to be extremely strong. Moreover, the core stock in the sector, Shanghai Steel Union, has stepped out of the straight-line board, and its stock price has returned to 60 yuan. , Huake Jincai, Jinzheng Shares, and Hengsheng Electronics all increased by more than 5%, and the signs of capital pursuit and fundraising are also quite obvious.

Immediately afterwards...

After these major concepts have attracted much attention from the main funds in the market and have been rushing to raise funds at high levels on a large scale.

Concept sections such as 'financial reform', 'mobile payment', and 'insurance trust' related to financial concepts also showed obvious changes.

On the contrary, it is the two major weighted areas of ‘insurance and banking’ in the industry sector.

Today's collective bidding is still lifeless. It should be that the main funds in the market have discovered that the active funds in the two cities are limited and cannot pull the two core weights, so they have not gathered in these two directions. Instead, they have begun to diverge, causing some speculation related to finance. Related mid- and small-cap concept stocks.

As for... those that have been weak for many consecutive days are the main lines of popular concepts in the early stage centered on the GEM and small and medium-sized boards.

Many popular concepts in the early stage, such as 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain', and 'restructuring and backdooring', are still undergoing adjustments today. During the entire collective bidding process, the main funds have traces of bargain hunting at the very beginning. Besides, after 9:20, the lightning disappeared again.

Among them, in the sections related to the main lines of these popular concepts.

The three major concept sectors of ‘mobile games’, ‘ST sector’ and ‘Apple concept’ led the decline in both markets.

Popular stocks in the three major concept sectors, such as Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Meisheng Culture, Anjie Technology, Fenda Technology, Shuobed, etc., all opened sharply lower, and the market ebbed completely, and the main funds were Traces of complete abandonment.

"Damn it, it's so low..."

Seeing such an opening scene, Yuhang, inside Jingda Investment, in the trading room, Mu Yao stared at the trading board and his personal position account. He had already borrowed money to replenish the margin twice, but he still had not escaped the forced liquidation warning. Data, the whole person is irritable and bored to the extreme: "The index is reaching new highs every day, but you are driving down and down every day, without even a decent rebound, do you still want to live?"

At the moment when I just raised the leverage, I saw the index hitting new highs one after another with great momentum.

The moment he saw his profit hit 30 million in one day, more than half of his personal assets.

He thought he had seized the opportunity. He thought he was the next stock god and the next market legend. However... the reality is always so ruthless.

Before he could come to his senses...

He is now burdened with 27 million yuan in loan sharking, and the funds to replenish the margin are already at a loss. If he continues to fall... not only will the wealth he has accumulated over the years be wiped out, but he will also be saddled with huge debts. When the time comes, he will really I don’t know if my sister and brother-in-law, who have tolerated him repeatedly, will continue to keep him in the dark.

Of course, it's too late for him to quit now.

At least, if you exit at this time, you will still have several million principal left after paying back the borrowed margin and interest.

But he could just quit... and when the market index was hitting new highs one after another and the bull market was already here, how could he be willing to do so?

"Adjust positions to pursue securities?" He gritted his teeth and kept weighing in his mind, "The active funds gathered in the line of 'securities and venture capital' have been slow to turn back to the GEM, 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphones' With the two core concepts of the industrial chain, I am afraid it will be difficult to have any decent rebound or reversal opportunities!"

"But at this time, positions are being fully adjusted. What if the adjustment is made and there is another adjustment in the 'securities and venture capital' sector?"

"If you don't adjust, if you continue to fall... I'll be really doomed!"

He thought carefully in his mind for a while, and finally, when 9:30 arrived...

He still decided to liquidate his holdings on a large scale in a number of core popular stocks in the early market such as Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology, and LeTV, and transferred them to securities and venture capital. 'This core popular main line is being chased by strong stocks related to it.

And when he made a move to adjust his position.

When I want to chase hot spots and take advantage of the continuous rise in the "securities and venture capital" line to quickly turn around.

On the other side of the trading room where he was...

In the main fund trading room of Jingda Investment, after discussions between Gu Chijiang and Lin Tingzong, they also decided to reduce their holdings on a large scale, the two previously promising core lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', and to reduce the entire main fund's holdings. The position water level drops rapidly, and the profit-taking lock-up at the end of the year is carried out.

Therefore, under the combined effect of the two, the market has just begun to officially trade.

Concept sectors such as 'mobile games', 'Apple concept', 'wearable devices', 'electronic information' and 'network security' that have led the market decline, as well as their core stocks such as 'Hua Qingbao, Fenda Technology, Internet A number of stocks, such as Su Technology, Anjie Technology, Xinwei Communications, Subbed, Goertek, etc., once again encountered a large number of main selling orders, and their stock prices plunged rapidly, and the decline further expanded.

And in the meantime...

The fields of "securities and venture capital" and related core popular stocks have once again shown large-scale net inflows of funds, and stock prices have risen linearly.

Especially the two stocks of Shibei High-tech and Orient Securities.

Due to the weak sealing of these two stocks, the moment the market officially opened, the stock prices broke through a large number of profit-making orders. However... after breaking the market, there was no panic order, and the stock prices only fell slightly. When it reached the 9% increase position, it was pulled up by lightning, exploded with a huge amount, and then closed the daily limit again in seconds.

There is also the core weight of Huatong Securities, which failed to be closed yesterday and was listed on the Dragon and Tiger list. It was abandoned and reduced by institutions on a large scale. As well as the popular leading stocks in the two cities, this check opened significantly lower than the increase in the securities sector. Under the circumstances, as soon as the market officially opened, it was frantically pursued by active funds in the entire market. Tens of thousands of large orders and thousands of large orders were bought, covering the entire real-time transaction interface of this check.

Just 5 minutes...

Under the influence of the extremely crazy main buying funds, this check suddenly jumped 5 points. The increase jumped from 2.33% at the opening to more than 7 points. It seemed that it was once again accumulating strength to hit the daily limit, and in these 5 points Within minutes, its transaction volume soared to 800 million, which is comparable to the usual turnover of almost an hour and a half.

"Crazy, really crazy... the securities sector has gone crazy!"

I saw the weight of Huatong Securities, a 100-billion-dollar security, skyrocketing. I saw that within a few minutes, the overall growth rate of the securities sector exceeded 5% again. Not only did it reverse the decline of yesterday, but it also continued to set a new high for the index rebound. , and for a while... even the vast retail investors who were chasing the hot market trends showed a rather surprised look.

"This is the bull market, this is the bull market!"

"At the beginning of the bull market, the explosive power of the securities sector was so crazy."

"Have you never seen the situation in the 2007 bull market? The securities sector collectively hit the daily limit, and Huaxin Securities, the real core leader of securities firms, can also go out of the trend of continuous daily limit."

"Where is this? Just wait and see... the scene of dozens of stocks in the securities sector collectively hitting the limit will definitely appear. Wait until then... it will be spectacular."

"In the last bull market, Huaxin Securities experienced a maximum increase of 11 times, and its highest valuation almost reached a market capitalization of one trillion. At that time, Huatong Securities had not yet been listed. This wave... Huatong Securities should be the core focus, right? ? After all, this check is a leading large-scale securities company, and because it was a backdoor listing, most of the shares were locked for five years. Compared with the industry leader, Huaxin Securities, the circulating market is obviously several levels smaller, making great use of funds. Hype, and hype it, will have a big impact on the entire securities sector."

"Needless to say, Huatong Securities must be the leader in terms of market weight!"

"Oriental Securities should be a high-level leader in securities, right?"

"They are not bad. It can be said the bull market, these two checks are both big bull stocks with a 10-fold increase."

"Buy, buy... After waiting for 6 years, the opportunity finally came!"

“I didn’t say anything, we went directly to financing.”

"When the bull market comes, the performance of securities companies will skyrocket. The securities sector is definitely the sector with the highest elasticity in the bull market. Use the financing from securities companies to buy securities, haha... I seem to have found the password to wealth."

"In the last round, securities firms did not have securities lending business, and their performance could soar more than 10 times under the amplification of the bull market. Now with the securities lending business as a performance amplifier, when the market trading volume catches up, and when investors outside the market After entering the market in a big way, when the market's leverage volume and the scale of financing and financing also catch up... the performance of securities companies is simply unimaginable."

"Whether it is speculation or investment, the current 'securities and venture capital' are the best market areas."

"Haha... I feel like I'm going to get rich!"

"I hope it can increase 10 times, because only if it increases 10 times can I recover my principal. In the past few years, I have lost 90% of my principal."

"Anyway, after six years of bear market, the market has now turned bullish, and the time to enter the market... has definitely arrived. The wave of 'securities and venture capital' is definitely a signal that the bull market is coming."

"I still have a time deposit of 300,000 yuan in China Commercial Bank, which has not matured yet. Look at this... I have to find a way to withdraw it tomorrow to add more positions. What the heck... the interest rate on deposits in the bank is 3 or 4 points a year. It was less than one day’s profit in the stock market, and I was really stupid at the time. If I had planned it earlier, I would have missed so many mainline trends this year.”

"Not to mention, although the overall increase of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index this year is not large, less than 10% so far, there are really many opportunities for speculation in the main market. Since June, 'Internet Finance', 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone', 'Restructuring backdoor', 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain' to the current 'securities, venture capital'... If you seize any of these market trends, you will basically get a doubling opportunity!"

"As for catching a few waves...that is now the legend of Fortune Road."

"Although the overall increase in the Shanghai Stock Index is not large, the GEM has almost doubled from a low of more than 700 points to more than 1,300 points now."

"So many people have outperformed the GEM Index?"

"Whether we can outperform depends on this wave of 'securities and venture capital' prices."

"I used to rely on Hua Qingbao to double my profits, but now I have returned some profits. Hua Qingbao is still doing poorly today. I am thinking...whether I should exchange all my positions into Huatong Securities."

"Change, must change. Outdated leaders are not as good as dogs. The market trends of the 'Securities and Venture Capital' sectors are clearly replacing the two popular main lines of 'Mobile Internet' and 'Smartphone Industry Chain' in the early stage. Don't change at this time..." Chasing higher in the later period is even more passive, and Hua Qingbao has risen from the bottom and has risen 6 or 7 times. Huatong Securities is still at the bottom. Take the wave of securities first, and then wait for Hua Qingbao's adjustment to end, and then look back. Wouldn’t it be great to come and eat from Hua Qingbao?”

"That makes sense, then I'll change them all!"

"The prices of Shenhua Coal and Huaguo Baosteel that I bought are also terrible. Do you want to change them?"

"Change, must change! Thermal coal prices have dropped by 40% this year. What future does Shenhua Coal have? The same goes for the steel industry. Market demand has long been oversupply and overcapacity."

"Securities, securities...In a bull market, only securities are king!"

"Before the brokerage doubled, all chips were scarce. Buy, buy, buy... At this time, there is only one word 'buy', which is the real password of wealth."

In the extremely heated group discussion, the securities and venture capital sector index trends reached new intraday highs and new highs again!

Finally, at 10:08, Huatong Securities once again began to hit the daily limit under the spotlight after its volume exploded to 1.9 billion.

And also at this moment...

Yuhang, inside the ‘Yuhang Investment’ company, in the trading room.

Su Yu stared at the securities sector index that had soared to 6.47%. He saw the main funds in the market and countless retail investors chasing the market prices in the securities and venture capital sectors. They were in a crazy state. His eyes flashed, and he couldn't help but immediately look to the market. Li Meng gave the order: "It's almost done, let's smash it! Huatong Securities, Huaxin Securities, Huashang Securities, Luxin Venture Capital, Tuozhong Shares, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech... all the stocks with daily limit that are not blocked by large orders, how much can they sell? Chips, just sell as many chips as you want, here... is almost the best time to take profit!

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