Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 277 The belief in the bull market collapses!

"Okay!" Li Meng responded, and then quickly issued instructions to the traders.

Immediately afterwards, in less than half a minute, large selling orders with tens of millions or billions of dollars of capital were placed on the market of popular stocks in the concept field of "securities and venture capital".

I saw...

Huatong Securities' increase suddenly fell from 8.95% to 6.31%. Within one minute, the new transaction volume reached 126 million.

The price increase of Huaxin Securities also dropped from 7.31% to 5.11%. Within one minute, the new transaction volume also exceeded the 100 million yuan mark.

Huashang Securities, Luxin Venture Capital, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Tuozhong... and many other stocks.

Almost instantly, the price dropped by 3 points, and the real-time transaction interface exploded in volume.

At the same time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, which was fully driven by "securities and venture capital", rose to an increase of more than 2%, reaching a maximum of 2477.77 points. It also experienced a rapid plunge. Within a minute or two, the increase shrank to less than 2%, and The time-sharing interface also shows the current situation of rapid amplification of capacity.

"Come again, who is throwing such a large amount?"

I saw the index diving rapidly from a high point, and in the field of "securities and venture capital", many popular stocks such as "Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, Huashang Securities, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, Luxin Venture Capital, Tuozhong Shares" suddenly exploded in volume. Down, within Yanjing, Shenhua Fund, the 'Blue Chip Select' product fund manager Chang Li frowned and said speechlessly: "Such a good market sentiment, such a good market trend, such a concentrated market follow-up effect, how can Why can't we wait and let the emotional catharsis be completed, and then sell when the index forms a greater siphon effect near 2,500 points and creates more abundant liquidity? They are all short-sighted guys!"

"With such concentrated selling, it seems...that a large institution has chosen to take profit and exit the market." Next to Chang Li, Lin Zhaoye, director of the Fund Management Department, added, "However, today's market sentiment is better than in previous trading days. They are much stronger. The trading volume and follow-up effect of each stock are also extremely strong. As long as there is no consistent selling expectation, this market... I am afraid it will not be so easy to fall."

"I'm not worried that this capital will bring down the market." Chang Li said, "I just feel that some institutions are really short-sighted."

"The market sentiment is so strong today..."

"And after yesterday's differentiation, market sentiment quickly turned into a consensus. It is obvious that this is a sign that the market is going to fully rise."

"Coupled with the fact that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is currently away from 2,500 points, there is less than 2 points of increase."

"At this point, when the market has formed general bull market expectations, there is a huge opportunity to overcome expectations. As long as the market does not encounter major negative attacks in a short period of time, it can be said... At this juncture, 2500 points will inevitably rise. It was conquered under the strong expectations of the broad market investors.”

"And there may be major negative market consequences..."

"As far as we know, there is only one aspect of 'market IPO restart'. However, the resolution of the internal committee of regulators will not be held until Friday, which means that this news must be clear, and the time point will be at least after the close of trading on Friday. This is It gives the market ample room for market conditions to develop.”

"And even if the message is clear."

"The 'Securities and Venture Capital' sector is also a good sector for the 'market IPO restart'. I really don't know...what is there to be afraid of?"

"The performance of each institution's main funds is different, and naturally the trading strategies are also different." Lin Zhaoye laughed and said, "We believe that the best time to take profits has not yet come, but others may not think so. There is no point in complaining. , let’s do what we should do first!”

"Keep an eye on stocks such as Orient Securities, Orient Venture Capital, and Shibei High-tech."

"As long as these stocks can remain stable and there is no large-scale profit-taking or eagerness to leave the market on the road to wealth, then it won't be a big problem."

In Lin Zhaoye's view, this round of "securities and venture capital" market prices is entirely supported by emotions.

As for the impact on market sentiment, the appearance of one or two large institutions is simply incomparable to the impact of Fortune Road's crash.

Chang Li nodded and replied: "The market for 'securities and venture capital' has risen so rapidly. Wealth Road's capital should not have grabbed many chips in this field. At the same time, the profit margin of his positions should be It’s not big. Based on his past operating style, I guess he won’t exit the position in advance to take profits before he is emotionally exhausted.”

"Hopefully!" Lin Zhaoye said, "Although there is a high probability that this fund will not pursue many chips in the line of 'securities and venture capital', the buying and selling behavior of its seats has a profound impact on the sentiment of the majority of retail investors and hot money in the market. The impact is quite large. I hope he can continue to lock up positions and let the market's investment sentiment continue for a while. In this way... we can hand over an excellent report card at the end of the year."

"Actually..." Chang Li paused, somewhat disapproving of Lin Zhaoye's high opinion of the market influence of Fortune Road's capital, and said, "Although Fortune Road's capital has a certain influence on market sentiment, , but in the face of market trends, it is still not worth mentioning.”

"The current market trend has already taken shape."

"'Securities and venture capital' have also become the market areas with the strongest continuous profit-making effect in the two cities."

"Even if Fortune Road crashes out of the market today, I estimate that this market trend will not stop until the news of 'market IPO restart' is completely clear."

"At least... the market high point should be around 2,500 points."

Lin Zhaoye noticed Chang Li's emotional change, smiled, and said: "Old Chang, I'm not saying that Fortune Road's capital will definitely affect the market trend, but I think we are pursuing the premise of maximizing market profits. , and we must not forget potential market risks.”

"This is not a real bull market after all..."

"We cannot deceive ourselves into this falsehood."

"The 'Securities, Venture Capital' line has been on the rise. Up to now, the relevant sector index has increased by about 20%. In terms of individual stocks, such as Orient Securities, Orient Venture Capital, Zhezhou Oriental, Shibei High-tech, and Zijiang For corporate and other stocks, the level is almost 50%."

"And leading first-tier securities firms such as Huatong Securities and Huaxin Securities have also experienced an increase of almost 30%."

"At this time, our expectations can no longer be kept at a high level. We must pay attention to the risk of market correction and close at the most appropriate opportunity!"

"Don't worry, Lao Lin." Chang Li nodded slightly, "I have been keeping an eye on the market and will not miss the opportunity. At least I think that even if the Shanghai Stock Index cannot really break through the 2,500-point mark, under such strong market expectations, how can it be done? You can touch them all.”

"And, look..."

Chang Li paused, pointed to the changing market conditions on the big screen in the trading room, smiled, and said: "The 'Securities, Venture Capital' sector, as well as the index trends, have been recovering after the plunge just now. Well, it seems... before the midday closing time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the related concept sectors of 'Securities and Venture Capital', as well as its core popular stocks, will be able to reach new highs and regain lost ground."

"This is the best!"

Lin Zhaoye stared at the market changes on the big screen, responded, and stopped talking.

And as the two of them continued to pay attention...

Sure enough, before the midday closing time, when the time passed 11:03, the 'Securities, Venture Capital' sector index and the Shanghai Stock Index completely recovered the previous plunge and hit a new intraday high, with the Shanghai Stock Index breaking through in one fell swoop. At the 2481.23 point, there is less than 1 point of increase away from the 2500 point mark.

"The index was recovered so quickly!"

Seeing the Shanghai Stock Index hitting a new intraday rebound high, Li Meng stared at the market changes in the trading room of Yuhang and Yuhang Investment Company at this moment, and was a little surprised: "Mr. Su, we have reduced our funds by 1 billion in a row. , however... it did not have any impact on the board."

Su Yu nodded slightly and responded: "The siphon effect of the Shanghai Composite Index of 2500 points has begun to occur. At this moment... active funds in the entire market are flowing into the main board brokers and the entire 'big financial' weighted sector. In this kind of situation... Under the liquidity, our 1 billion funds did not cause much traces on the market, which is normal."

"Keep losing weight..."

Su Yu paused and continued: "Take advantage of the moment when the market has the most abundant liquidity in the field of 'big finance', and sell positions on a large scale to stop profits."

"If you miss this opportunity, wait until the market sentiment weakens a little."

"When everyone discovers that the 2,500-point pressure mark is not so easy to break through, then... the huge amount of funds we have in hand will not be so easy to sell at high levels."

The company's two main funds have invested a total of nearly 8 billion in the "securities and venture capital" line.

Now, counting the profits, we also include the 1.7 billion chips that were significantly reduced in positions yesterday, and the 1 billion chips that have been reduced in positions so far this morning.

In their hands, there are still about 7 billion chips left in the warehouse.

In order to reduce such a huge amount of chips to the overall 20% position level mentioned by Su Yu, there are still about 4.6 billion chips, which needs to be reduced quickly.

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded.

Without hesitation, he continued to instruct traders to significantly reduce their positions and sell against the various funds chasing the market.

And at the same moment...

Yuhang, inside Jingda Investment, in the trading room, Mu Yao, who has already cut off most of his positions and freed up funds on the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', saw the 'securities and venture capital' section Many popular core stocks are not afraid of adjustments at all, and their trends are extremely strong. They are afraid that if they don't take action, they will chase positions when the index is above 2,500 points.

Therefore, without waiting for the index and "securities, venture capital" related concept sectors, and core concept stocks to fall back, they aggressively pursued positions and bought them.

"What the hell... You still have to chase hot spots. Only by chasing leaders can you have a future!" Mu Yao finally relaxed when he saw that the position he had just bought was already on the road to profitability and was making up for the losses in his account. After taking a breath, he said to himself, "The dragon's head is not as good as a dog. I'm really right."

His huge losses were caused by chasing the 'passed leader'.

Therefore, he has a profound understanding of this wise saying that is popular among short-term investors, and at the same time... he will not make the same mistakes again.

And just when he was fully chasing positions in the "securities and venture capital" field, waiting for the Shanghai Stock Index to break through 2,500 points.

In the core trading room of the fund next door.

After consultation with Lin Tingzong, Gu Chijiang and Lin Tingzong are still making every effort to significantly reduce their positions in stocks related to the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. Moreover, stocks in the 'securities and venture capital' fields, which are in full swing and are experiencing full-scale riots and breakthroughs, are basically reducing their positions. is an unbought stock, maintaining a complete short position in this sector.

According to Lin Tingzong's words...

That is, since the opportunity to build a position has been lost, and the bull market pattern has not been completely determined, there is no need to pursue any higher prices.

Follow Lin Tingzong's operating strategy.

In trading, since you have lost the first opportunity and the most suitable opportunity to build a position, you can only wait for the clear investment opportunity on the right side. After all, only in this way... can the investment risk be minimized.

And at the same moment...

Yanjing, inside Anlan Fund; Modu, inside Zexi Investment; Shenzhen Stock Exchange, inside Xiniu Fund Company.

All fund managers and core traders, after having roughly guessed the motivation of wealth road, have now chosen the same operation as Jingda Investment. The majority of retail investors, hot money, and institutional groups have followed suit and are optimistic that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will break through 2,500 points. On this occasion, I chose to retreat bravely!

Of course, Minghui Capital, which had been reminded by Su Yu a long time ago.

At this moment, Xu Zhongji has completed the liquidation of each of his funds and maintained short positions.

However... Facing the market's continuous breakthroughs, it was obvious that it was about to break through 2,500 points. He was actually beating the drum in his heart, and he was not sure whether he was clearing out fund chips and completely giving up the main opportunity of 'securities and venture capital'. Right or wrong, after all... After he speculated on the logic of the market's IPO restart based on Su Yu's reminder, he inquired carefully and did not hear any conclusive news in this regard.

Moreover, what made him speculate even more...

It is Su Yu's Fortune Road seat, which has not appeared on a large scale among the sold seats in the Dragon and Tiger lists of the two cities recently.

"Mr. Xu, the market has been going really strong in the past two days!" Fund manager He Hong stared at the market changes, "The Shanghai Stock Index is approaching 2,500 points. Looking at this situation, maybe there will be a 100-point positive today. We ... Is it wrong to completely liquidate positions and give up the main opportunities of 'securities and venture capital'?"

Xu Zhongji looked away from the big screen showing the market prices, glanced at He Hong, and asked, "Do you think you are wrong?"

"No!" He Hong laughed awkwardly and said, "In essence, our line of 'restructuring and backdooring' is very correct. In the past few trading days, after we fully cleared our positions, 'restructuring and backdooring' The trend of this line can be described as terrible.”

"It's still Mr. Xu who is wise..."

"If we don't completely clear out our inventory at that moment, we'll be out regardless of the cost."

"Now the net value of the fund has probably retraced almost 15%. It's just... it's a pity to miss the main trend of 'venture capital and securities'."

"It's a bit of a pity, but there is nothing we can do about it." Xu Zhongji sighed softly and said, "Who would have thought that the 'securities and venture capital' line would be out of control as soon as it started? And... we are clearing all positions. When the 'restructuring and backdoor' line was launched, the 'securities and venture capital' line had already fully exploded, and by that time... we had lost the opportunity and the advantage of building positions."

"Under the circumstances that the logic of the bull market is not completely certain..."

"Chasing higher in sectors like 'securities and venture capital' does not conform to my operational logic after all."

"Hey, there is no such thing as the best of both worlds. If we miss this opportunity, we can only accept it. Otherwise... if we change the strategic plan at this time and chase higher, it may really be more than the gain is worth the loss."

"If the index really stands at 2,500 points this time, what should we do?" He Hong hesitated and continued to ask, "We can't continue to be short positions, right?"

Xu Zhongji thought about it for a while and felt a little anxious inside.

To be honest, such a strong trend in the market was beyond his expectation.

Originally, he expected that the market would go short after taking a short position, but he still felt a little uncomfortable when he really went short, with the brokerage sector rioting and the index hitting new highs one after another.

"Take a step and take a look!" Xu Zhongji thought for a while and said, "If there is a clear investment opportunity on the right side of the market, which proves that our investment strategy is wrong, then it is reasonable to make immediate adjustments. As for now ...It’s better to take a look first and wait until the certainty comes out.”

Although he felt that it was a pity that the market was empty.

But deep down in his heart, he still agreed with the basic logic of the bull market that Su Yu said when he was in Yanjing, and he always believed that the time for a comprehensive bull market in the market had not yet arrived.

Of course, at the same moment.

In the trading room of Yinghui Fund in Shanghai, Liu Guanhai, the fund manager who held completely opposite views to him, was very happy as he stared at the market of securities breaking through like a rainbow.

After he turned long, he had filled up all the fund positions in securities in two days.

At this moment, the 'Yinghui No. 1' fund product he managed was already fully stocked with securities, and in two days, the entire net value of the fund soared by 6%, but he finally felt proud.

"Xiao Shao, do you still have any questions about bullish behavior in the market?"

With a smile on his face, Liu Guanhai glanced at the leader of the trading team who had previously opposed his full pursuit of positions in the bull market of 'securities and venture capital', and asked.

Shao Xiaoyun replied: "I reserve my opinion, but for now... the manager is right!"

All trading ideas and logic ultimately need to be verified by the actual market trend, and will be reflected in profits and losses. Judging from the actual trend of the current market, Liu Guanhai's trading strategy is correct, and this real-time investment strategy also gives The company's fund products have brought greater profits.

But Shao Xiaoyun is still skeptical about whether the market can become a comprehensive bull market.

"You..." Liu Guanhai shook his head, "I have market analysis skills and trading talent, but sometimes my ideas are too conservative. If we don't catch up in time this time, we will completely miss the mark. If you want to enter the market again, the purchase cost will be much higher."

"In trading, sometimes...the timing is just a split second."

"If you can't grasp it, you will have to pay a lot of cost space."

"Well, thank you manager for your guidance." Shao Xiaoyun nodded, quite agreeing with what Liu Guanhai said.

"Manager..." Shao Xiaoyun paused and then said, "Do you think you can make it past 2,500 o'clock today?"

Liu Guanhai looked at the trading time and said: "Today's half-day trading volume, compared to yesterday, is still not much larger. I want to go directly, which is stressful, but even if I can't get through today, I can get through tomorrow. The index is here and has exceeded 2500 points. It should be It’s a done deal, after all, everyone is looking forward to it.”

"Why do I think it's not that easy?" Shao Xiaoyun said, "The wave of market diving at around 10 o'clock today, although it seems to have been resolved now, but the wave of chips smashing the market was very violent and physical. The volume looks huge, and managers all know that market expectations have been formed, and everyone is looking forward to the Shanghai Stock Index breaking through the 2,500-point pressure mark and opening up new market space. Don’t these super main funds know this?”

"I always feel that the main funds that smashed the market have a lot of background, and... they mean something!"

"you say……"

Shao Xiaoyun pondered for a while and said: "Could it be Fortune Road's funds? If that wave of diving was caused by Fortune Road's damage, then the market would be in big trouble. After all...if the afternoon dragon and tiger list, Fortune Road has appeared on the selling list on a large scale. In the main line of 'securities and venture capital', it has been beating high for 4 or 5 consecutive trading days. Once all the huge profits are squeezed out, then The market sentiment reversed in an instant, and... this must be under the condition that the market cannot have any negative effects. If any negative effects happen to occur at this time, the situation will be even worse."

"Are you thinking too much?" Liu Guanhai said, "The stocks of Oriental Securities, Oriental Entrepreneurship, Shibei High-tech and other stocks in the main warehouse of Fortune Road are still blocked on the daily limit board, and there is basically no amount of energy. This can be said to be a big problem on Fortune Road. A large-scale exit? And...don’t overestimate the impact of this capital on the market.”

"Look at the two core main lines of his fund's main portfolio, 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain.'"

"How many people have you trapped in these days?"

"There is no such thing as an invincible myth in the market. This person... just stepped on the wind a few times."

"Let me see... this time, he didn't get many high-quality chips at all on the main line of 'securities and venture capital'. I remember that he didn't get many high-quality chips from Orient Securities, Orient Venture Capital, Shibei High-tech, etc." He still grabbed it at the daily limit, even if he later caught up with a lot of chips."

"He doesn't have any cost advantage on this main line."

"Smashing the plate at this time? Isn't it just hitting him?"

"But the manager didn't think that after Congcailu eagerly exited the position on the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', so far... the market situation has changed from 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. Has the GEM, which is dominated by 'Securities and Venture Capital', cut into the main line of 'securities and venture capital'?" Shao Xiaoyun expressed his worries, "I feel that the GEM and 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' are two The main line has been so weak recently and has been completely abandoned by the main funds in the market, because the main positions of Fortune Road have long been gone from those two main lines."

"I still remember Fortune Road's performance in the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'..."

"That's really a battle to become famous!"

"In my opinion, this is a fund that is very good at lurking. We cannot underestimate it, but we must also have an insight into its motives and traces on the market."

"Okay, I know it in my mind!" Liu Guanhai couldn't help but frown when he heard that the trading leader of his team actually praised a rival like Fortune Road so highly. The joy he felt just now was obviously lowered. He waved his hand and said, "You should continue to reserve your opinion. Whether it is right or wrong, the market trend will verify it."

After saying that, he turned his gaze back to the market prices displayed on the big screen in the trading room.

I saw...

At this moment, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has refreshed the intraday high to 2488.86 points, which is closer to 2500 points. As the securities sector that drives the index upward, the increase has also refreshed the intraday high, reaching the position of 7.01%, which is great for the entire sector. Comprehensively attack the daily limit and set off a trend of daily limit.

Even Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, and Huashang Securities are the market capitalization leaders of the major securities sectors.

The increases have also exceeded 8%.

The 'Venture Capital' concept sector, which also performs well, has also increased by about 6%. Within the sector, more than 10 stocks have reached their daily limit. Similarly, the 'Internet Finance' concept sector has also exploded, with its growth rate closely following that of 'Venture Capital'. After investing in the concept section.

As for the main concepts of early popular concepts such as 'mobile Internet', 'smartphone industry chain' and 'reorganization and backdoor'.

At this moment, the main funds have been completely abandoned. Related core stocks, such as 'Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology, Anjie Technology', etc., have all fallen sharply, ranking at the top of the decline list in both cities. , and all the funds on the market showed an outflow state.

Then, the time quickly reached 11:30.

The Shanghai Composite Index did not set a new intraday high, but the strong trading pattern of the two cities did not change, and the emotional state was still hot. The attitude of funds from all walks of life to follow the trend and chase higher prices is still strong.

After the midday close...

Everyone’s discussion about the market has become even more intense.

The organizations and media that sang many songs have even shouted the slogan of capturing the 2,500-point high ground.

However, under the influence of extremely hot and crazy emotions, when the market opened in the afternoon, the Shanghai Stock Index still failed to set a new intraday high and take another step towards the 2500 point mark. Instead, it was under a wave of extremely fierce selling orders. Ushered in diving and fell to the 2480 mark.

"I feel like securities can no longer expand their volume and cannot rise any higher!"

Seeing how the index charged several times but failed several times, in the market, among the retail investors who were paying attention to the market, someone finally discovered something was wrong.

"It's hard to support a tree alone, it's hard to support a tree alone! At this's time for insurance and banks to put their efforts into action."

"Yes, the growth of the securities sector has reached its limit. At this time... it is time for 'big finance' to collectively exert its efforts. As long as insurance and banks can move up 1.5 points, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can cross the important mark of 2,500 points, and as long as it crosses At 2500 points, a new space opens up, and the investment funds on the right side of the market who are still waiting on the sidelines will definitely come in a surge. By then... the market volume will be guaranteed."

"Indeed, it's just one step away!"

"This step will definitely be taken. After all, we have reached the threshold."

"Actually, it's not that securities can't go further. The key is that there is no super main force to close the leader of Huaxin Securities. As long as Huaxin Securities closes the market, the securities sector will definitely go straight to the collective daily limit."

"It's difficult to block a super large-cap stock like Huaxin Securities with a circulation of 100 billion!"

"It's really difficult. To seal this check, we need a starting capital of 1 billion!"

"It's a pity that Leader Zhang is still wandering around the Hong Kong stock market and has not completely returned to the A-share market. He will no longer be able to see his coquettishness as the leader of CEFC Securities."

"What about Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road?"

"The two elders are also top-notch hot money in the market. At this time... they should have such courage."

"There are too many institutions gathered on CEFC Securities. The operation methods of Fortune Road and Jiefang South Road are rarely in harmony with institutions. It will be difficult for them to block CEFC Securities!"

"Relatively speaking, it's easier to get 'insurance and bank' services, right?"

"It's also difficult. The logic of insurance and banks is not as strong as that of securities, and... the market volume is insufficient. Look at the popular main concepts in the early stage of the GEM. How have they been drawn?"

"It just depends on whether the agencies can work together here."

"We must work together. If we can't get through this wave, it will be too frustrating."

"Yes, if you can't get through it, the market is very likely to turn from bullish to bearish. After all, the important pressure level has reached. If you can't get through it, adjustments are coming. The profit taking has been accumulated in the market for so long, and I will never sit on the sidelines anymore."

In the discussion room, 1:42.

With the Shanghai Stock Index hovering between 2470 and 2480 points for nearly 20 minutes, the market finally began to choose a direction again.

I saw large-scale main buying funds and began to fully attack the insurance and banking sectors.

As everyone expected, when the growth of the securities sector has reached its limit and it can no longer continue to expand its capacity and attract funds to continue chasing higher prices, the main funds of various institutions have chosen to attract the two super big players in the market, insurance and banks.

However, in the insurance and banking sectors, future expectations are not strong and there is no hard logical support.

And under the current situation where there is not much follow-up capital in the market.

The strong attack of major funds from all walks of life not only failed to gather a surging trend of following the trend and a strong breakthrough trend, but just boosted these two super sectors that devour funds, and other market industry sectors and concept sectors further lost blood. , there was a collapse of main funds.

"Stupid, simply stupid!"

Seeing that the super-major institutions in the market were trying to stimulate insurance companies and banks to promote index deflation, in the internal trading room of Yuhang Investment Company, Su Yu couldn't help but cursed: "The market funds are obviously insufficient, yet you are still recruiting such a market gold-eating beast. , the index can only go up. If you try to leverage the core concept stocks of the GEM that have fallen sharply continuously and cleared a lot of profits, can't they? The difference is that the difference is between the small and medium-sized boards and the GEM. Rather than weight, why don’t you understand?”

At this moment, market expectations are still there.

According to his understanding, if the main players of these institutions are willing to promote the small and medium-sized boards and GEM, which are obviously bleeding heavily, maybe the index can touch the 2,500-point position, but doing so now... is completely hopeless.

"Li Meng, speed up and exit all positions without distinction!" Su Yu sighed and ordered, "The index has reached the critical value, 2,500 points cannot be touched, the market sentiment is about to completely reverse, and the gains in the market that were previously waiting and watching will If there is a profit, it is estimated that we will have to aggressively sell the market to stop the profit. The best window to reduce positions has passed, and in the follow-up... we will probably start to compete for market liquidity."

"Understood!" Li Meng responded and quickly issued relevant instructions.

At this moment, she also felt that the market potential had been exhausted and the power of the bulls was unsustainable.

As her orders were given...

The next moment, at 1:46, in the 'Securities and Venture Capital' section, almost all popular core concept stocks were listed, including Orient Securities, Orient Venture Capital, Shibei High-tech, Zijiang Enterprise, etc. The stock suddenly exploded with extremely terrifying energy.

Continuous large orders of thousands of hands bombarded the market.

Within one minute, Shibei High-tech and Zijiang Enterprises broke the market, and their stock prices plummeted.

Within two minutes, more than 400,000 closed orders from Orient Securities were exhausted. The two funds managed by Su Yu placed 100,000-level sell orders on this stock in one go.

Within three minutes, Oriental Ventures broke through the market, and its trading volume soared.

At the same time, waves of thousands of large orders were placed on the market of heavyweight stocks such as Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, and Huashang Securities.

With hundreds of billions and 2 billions of funds, they rushed out of the market desperately.

The two cities ushered in crazy diving.

At 1:51, the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 2,465 points and lost the intraday shock support platform of 2,500 points.

At 1:55, the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 2,450 points, and the increase retracted to less than 2%.

At 2:02, the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 2440 points, and the increase retracted to less than 1%. On the K-line chart, it once again left a long upper shadow line.

At 2:15, the Shanghai Stock Index broke through 2430 points and returned to yesterday's closing position, swallowing up all the gains throughout the day.

During the 20-odd minutes when the index plunged wildly, the overall market situation also experienced a complete mutation.

I saw that the growth rate of the strongest securities sector in the two cities dropped from the highest increase of 7% to around 3.25%.

The growth rate of the ‘venture capital’ concept sector has also shrunk from a maximum of around 6% to around 2%.

As for insurance and banks, which were the main focus of institutions more than 20 minutes ago and were preparing to help the index break through, at this moment, they have been thrown into the green by the surging selling following the trend, and have been plunged into the water.

Various main line concepts in the direction of small and medium-sized board and GEM, and various early popular stocks.

This moment was even more miserable.

Among them, Xinwei Group once again went straight to the limit, and a number of early popular high-priced stocks, such as Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Wangsu Technology, and Fenda Technology, fell by more than 7%.

Then, in the market, shocked investors thought that such a sharp decline could be recovered in the late trading.

He also believes that any sharp drop in the market is a good time to buy.

When the time jumped to 2:30, more intense and crazy selling began to ravage the market, and a further rapid plunge came.

At 2:35, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index turned green, and the ChiNext Index fell 1%.

At 2:42, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell by 1%, completely covering the gap that opened higher, while the ChiNext Index fell by 2%, with more than 20 stocks in the two cities hitting their daily limit.

At 2:45, the core popular sectors, securities, fell back to around 2%, and the ‘venture capital concept’ sector fell back to around 1%.

At 2:51, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell by 1.5%, the ChiNext Index fell by 2.73%, and more than 30 stocks in the two cities had reached their daily limit, while the daily limit stocks had dropped from the peak of 42 to 12. Stocks that exploded. It can be said that it is everywhere, and... Among them, the potential Hengxin, which reached the highest level of 10 days and 9 boards, has broken out of the sky-and-floor effect. Venture capital concept stocks and thousands of enterprises have also stepped out of the sky-and-floor situation.

At 2:53, Huatong Securities, the core stock of the brokerage that had risen by up to 9 points, fell back to about 1%, and the whole-day turnover surged to the 4 billion mark. At this moment, Huatong Securities’ growth also dropped to Around 1%, the main funds in the two core stocks have changed from the previous large inflow to a large outflow.

At 2:55, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell by 2%, breaking through the 2380-point mark. Not only did it fail to touch the 2500-point mark, it even lost the 2400-point mark.

Finally, the market closed at 3 o'clock.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange was designated at 2378.36 points, a decrease of 2.13%, and the GEM was designated at 1315.32 points, a decrease of more than 3%.

As for sectors and individual stocks.

All industries and concept sectors in the two cities, only the securities sector, maintained a slightly red market, and the rest... all showed a downward trend, which was completely different from the situation in early trading or even at midday closing.

Among the falling sectors, the ST sector set off a wave of limit drops, with 15 ST stocks falling by their limit.

Then, sectors such as 'Mobile Games', 'Film and Television Media', 'Wearable Devices', and 'Apple Concepts' experienced larger declines, exceeding 4%, leading the decline in the two markets.

In terms of individual stocks, the popular high-priced stocks in the early stage encountered huge selling by the main funds. They were either at the daily limit or below the 7-point decline. The only strong securities sector did not have a single stock at the daily limit. The core leader Oriental Securities was smashed from the daily limit. After opening, it dropped nearly 8 points before giving up. In the end, it only rose 2.11%. As for other brokerage stocks... it was even more miserable.

After the close...

Faced with the huge reversal trend of the market today, facing this tragic situation of massacre.

All investors who yearn for and look forward to the bull market, including many major institutional and hot money players who are unaware of the potentially huge negative pressure on the market, feel at this moment...that a basin of cold water has been poured on them from head to toe, and their hot hearts are suddenly cold. As the situation continues, the belief in the bull market collapses one after another!

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