Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 278: Shocking the market, the list exploded with 1.1 billion!

"This trend is really tragic!"

In the trading room of Zexi Investment Company in Shanghai, Zhou Kan looked at the closing situation. It took him a while to recover, and he felt confident: "Not only did the Shanghai Stock Index fail to reach 2,500 points, It even lost 2,400 points, and the one-day amplitude exceeded 100 points. Countless funds were trapped on the top of the mountain chasing the high."

"The killing was indeed brutal enough." Xu Xiang responded and sighed, "Originally, I thought that under the relatively abundant liquidity, when the news of 'market IPO restart' was not officially publicly confirmed, as the core popular sector of the market, 'Securities, venture capital' Even if the expectations are full and the trend reaches a peak, there should be a buffer before the trend completely turns around. Now it seems... I am overthinking it. Today, the main funds are selling above 2480 points. , It’s really sharp.”

"Will it be the road to wealth?" Zhou Kan asked.

Xu Xiang thought about it for a while and said: "It seems... like the style of Fortune Road, but whether it is exactly the same has to be verified by the Dragon and Tiger List."

"If it is really the road to wealth..." Zhou Kan said, "then our previous judgment is completely correct."

"It's probably not wrong." Xu Xiang looked over the 100,000 huge orders that were placed instantly when the market opened at Oriental Securities, and said, "In fact, today's market is going like this, even if there is a Shanghai stock index of 2480 Above the point, the funds that smashed the market were intensified, but the more reason was that the market's incremental funds could not keep up. There were too many short-term profit orders on the market, and the Shanghai Index simply did not have the ability to hit 2,500 points. "

"Indeed!" Zhou Kan said, "In fact, when the Shanghai Stock Index failed to break through 2,500 points for the first time and was unable to move upward, the market's super main players should guide the index to slowly decline, look for point support downwards, consolidate the foundation, and clear the backlog. The large amount of profit taking in the market, as well as the unstable floating chips, should not have pulled the two major weights of 'insurance and banks' to force an upward attack of 2,500 points."

"Second attack..."

"The market clearly shows a state of incremental growth, follow-up funds, and lack of follow-up."

"Under such a state, the Shanghai Stock Index is facing the restriction of strong pressure level above, and it would be strange if the huge profit-taking chips and unstable floating chips for short-term profits on the market do not take advantage of the high position to rush out and smash the market in one fell swoop."

“In the final analysis, it’s still a question of incremental funding.”

"Without huge incremental real money being invested into the market, it is simply a dream if the index wants to reach new highs step by step and continue the so-called bull market."


Zhou Kan paused and continued: "The main institutions that control the main market of 'securities and venture capital' are too greedy. The securities sector has been trading high for several consecutive trading days, and the incremental funds in the market cannot keep up." Under the circumstances, it’s time to stop and take a rest.”

Xu Xiang smiled and said: "The greed of people is endless. Do you think these major institutions that promote the main line of 'securities and venture capital' really care about whether the market can go bullish? Do they really care about the foundation of market development?" Is it stable? They won't. The essence of this wave of market... It is these major institutions that have heavily invested in blue-chip securities. They want to take advantage of the information gap of "market IPO restart" and the difficulty of the previous market. The high sentiment created by a series of continuous money-making effects creates the momentum of a bull market, which can temporarily lead to a wave of market relief or harvest short-term profits."

"Actually, they know better than anyone that the market is unlikely to produce a comprehensive bull market at this time."

"We also know better than anyone that the incremental funds in the market cannot safely push the Shanghai Stock Index past the 2,500-point position and into a new space."

"I guess... they originally wanted to take advantage of market sentiment and the news of 'market IPO restart' to push the index to briefly cross 2,500 points, and reap the strongest follow-up orders and various funds chasing highs. Yes, I just didn’t expect... someone was faster than them. Before the market sentiment completely reversed, before the index touched the 2,500-point mark, they got there first and picked the peaches in advance.”

Speaking of this, Xu Xiang couldn't help but smile and continued: "If the main funds for picking peaches in advance today are really the road to wealth, then I can only say... it's a beautiful smash!"

"These major institutions take advantage of information gaps to violently harvest the market."

"Then you should have the consciousness to be harvested."

"These guys have been talking about hot money disrupting the market order all day long, talking about value investment and core values. They feel that the hype in the GEM direction is all nonsense. As a result, they go into battle naked, and their appearance is worse than hot money. They need to learn a profound lesson. , we need to tell them not to speculate blindly in the future, thinking that they are the best in the market!”

Xu Xiang was born as a wanderer and a member of an informal academic school.

What I can't stand the most is these institutional traders who pride themselves on their status and academic qualifications, shout about various investment schools, and at the same time are arrogant and think that they are the leaders of the market.

Therefore, at this moment, someone can openly and openly harvest these guys on the board.

Let these people suffer a dull loss, grow their memory, and let go of their posture. He is also very happy in his heart.

"Yeah!" Zhou Kan responded and continued, "If the person who smashed the market today is really on the road to wealth, then Mr. Su's pick will probably make many people hate him."

"In the financial trading market, everyone makes money based on their own abilities. What's so hateful?" Xu Xiang said, "They are only allowed to harvest others, but others are not allowed to harvest them? Besides... we can see the path to wealth from the clues on the market. The traces of heavily involved in 'securities and venture capital', these main institutions that violently pull the market, madly build momentum, and lure retail investors to follow the trend can't see it, or are unwilling to see it driven by greed, so what can they do?"

"Today, with this market trend..."

"Above 2480 points, especially the "insurance and bank" changes, storming 2500 points, and the whole market is losing blood at that moment, even if the funds suspected to be the wealth road do not hit, other main funds in the market will also hit Yes, because the bulls have exhausted their power and the market trend has reached a reversal point."

"The so-called trend is unstoppable. What is a trend? This is a trend!"

"That's right!" Zhou Kan paused for a while and said, "These core major institutions have the advantage of information channels. They know clearly that the line of 'securities and venture capital' does not have the underlying logic support of the bull market. They ignored the risk of insufficient incremental funds in the market, kept inciting emotions, and consumed active funds wildly, resulting in a serious lack of market support and a sudden reversal of trends. Indeed, no one can blame it."


Zhou Kan thought for a while and then said: "If the funds invested today are indeed from Fortune Road, then with the influence of Fortune Road seats on the market, I am afraid that the market trend will be quite ugly in the following days, and' In the securities and venture capital sector, I am afraid there will be no chance for a decent rebound."

"Yes!" Xu Xiang responded, "I have always considered this, so even if I guessed that the path to wealth would be heavily invested in the 'securities and venture capital' line, and all the major institutions in the market were desperately trying to pull this line, This is why we dare not intervene with heavy positions even when the market is online.”

"This wave of market is over..."

"The market is going forward, and there really is no breakthrough direction in the short term."

"The GEM and small and medium-sized boards have been suppressed by the potential bad news of the 'market IPO restart'. The main funds of Shiqu should not be involved in this field, not to mention the 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industries with the strongest future expectations. In the field of core concepts related to the chain, although there have been some adjustments, time and space are not enough. Many funds chasing positions at high levels have not yet made up their minds to stop losses and close positions. The upward pressure on the market is huge. "

"Except for GEM and small and medium-sized boards..."

"Securities and venture capital, the two major sectors that will benefit from the resumption of IPOs, have been hyped in advance. Even if the news comes out, it will be a good thing that turns bad, and there is no expectation."

"Other directions on the main board include non-ferrous metals, real estate, infrastructure, consumption, medicine and other fields."

"Basically, there are no strong future expectations to start with, and there will be no chance of triggering a mainline market."

"So... I'm afraid we have to take a break from now on."

"Of course..." Xu Xiang thought for a while and then said, "While watching the show, you can also continue to pay close attention to the movements of the funds on Fortune Road. I can't see clearly the next market opportunity in the market, but this fund But he is very good at lurking and looking for opportunities, and maybe he will find a new breakthrough for us."

After saying that, Xu Xiang returned his gaze to the frozen board and began to review it.

And looking forward to the announcement of the Dragon and Tiger List today.

At this moment, inside Yuhang and Jingda Investment, there are two trading rooms.

Different from Xu Xiang's calmness and expectation, Gu Chijiang and Lin Tingzong had a look of fear on their faces after seeing such closing results.

If they hadn't reacted quickly, they would have started to reduce their positions and take profits on a large scale from the beginning of today's trading.

I'm afraid they will also have to be trapped in the market today with heavy positions. After all, many of the stocks they had heavy positions in before have all been pushed to the limit today.

"It's so dangerous!" Gu Chijiang sighed, "Old Lin, it's better that you see the opportunity quickly."

Lin Tingzong nodded slightly and said with emotion: "To be honest, I didn't expect the market to reverse so quickly. Fortunately, this round of market conditions... Although we were short, the stocks we held were not at their highest point. , withdrew a lot of profits, but in the end we still avoided the biggest risk.”

"You are already very powerful!" Gu Chijiang said, "We happened to have a massive reduction at the highest point of the index, and... fortunately we did not pursue the line of 'securities, venture capital', look at 'securities, venture capital' Today's trend, although the securities sector still maintained a red market despite this comprehensive plunge, but in terms of amplitude and retracement, the market investors who chased "securities and venture capital" higher today were the ones who were killed the most. What a tragic batch!”

"I won't talk about the general trend of more than 20 points like Wanqi Enterprise's."

"Huatong Securities, Orient Securities, Orient Venture Capital, Shibei High-tech, Zijiang Enterprise, Zhangjiang High-tech and a large number of popular stocks in the 'securities and venture capital' sector, which have ample liquidity, all have a retracement range of almost 10 points. ah."

"Look at this comparison..."

"Open low and go low. Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology, which have closed their daily limits, are not so miserable."

"The 'securities and venture capital' line was really brutal today." Lin Tingzong said, "This massacre trend and the bull market atmosphere of the market were immediately washed away. I am afraid that the subsequent trend will be... difficult!"

Gu Chijiang responded: "Indeed, in the previous market adjustment, market sentiment and expectations did not collapse significantly. As long as expectations and sentiment are there, the market trend will easily regain lost ground. But this afternoon's plunge... the entire market There is almost no resistance, the selling force is all out, and almost no decent takeover dares to take over.”

"What's even more worrying is..." Lin Tingzong continued, "Today's Fortune Road funds must have crashed!"

"Yes!" Gu Chijiang said, "The 100,000 consecutive large orders made by Orient Securities when it opened were really terrifying. It must have been the funds from Fortune Road, and the overall collapse of the market also came from Orient Securities. From the moment the market opened, the following effect of this capital and its influence on the market was really great.”

Lin Tingzong said: "I'm afraid it's more than that! Today's deal... the damage to wealth is probably not a small sum of several hundred million."

"That's right!" Gu Chijiang nodded, "'Mobile Internet' and 'Smartphone Industry Chain', the two core conceptual areas of the GEM, I'm afraid Wealth Road will also have a massive sell-off, otherwise... in this field, There won’t be so many stocks that have dropped to the limit, and these stocks in the late trading...have almost completely lost their liquidity.”

"Let's look at the Dragon and Tiger list!" Lin Tingzong said, "I always feel that today's Dragon and Tiger list will be unexpected."

As he said that, he began to carefully review the stocks that Fortune Road had participated in, hoping to find more traces of Fortune Road's trading before the Dragon and Tiger List was announced.

At this time, they were in the trading room next to the two of them.

Mu Yao, who successfully adjusted his position today and chased Huatong Securities and Huaxin Securities with full leverage, stared blankly at the frozen disk on the computer screen, feeling flustered and anxious to the extreme.

He lost again, and it was a big loss.

In his personal position account, after he exhausted all the liquidity and borrowed frantically to replenish his margin, the account was only 1.2 percentage points away from the forced liquidation line, which meant that if his account lost another 1.2 points, the position would be liquidated. , not only the principal returned to zero, but also a huge debt of more than 20 million yuan.

And a loss of 1.2 points...

Almost all he needs to do is open slightly lower the stocks he has a heavy position on tomorrow, and that will be achieved.

It can be said that if he does not continue to replenish the margin, under today's market trend, the liquidation of the position tomorrow is inevitable.

Of course, while he was flustered and anxious, the only thing he was happy about was that his account held the forced liquidation line today, giving him one day to replenish his margin.

"How to do how to do?"

Staring at the computer screen, he kept asking himself.

The market has gone like this, and the expectations of a bull market have almost come to nothing. He really regrets it at this moment. He should never have taken such a heavy leverage on the opportunity on the left.

Of course, what made him even more speechless and angry...

During this period of time, he was really unlucky to the extreme. No matter what stock he bought, the stock price fell. The index rose and fell, and the index fell even more sharply, causing his mentality to completely collapse.

"Why did it go like this? Why!" He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. "Even if you adjust, it won't plummet like this. Who the hell is wrong? You are sick. A good trend was just destroyed."

As for the main fund that hit Oriental Securities today above the 2480 point, triggering a complete market collapse.

At this moment, he was filled with hatred to the extreme.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he hates or gets angry, the market trend will not change, and the funds he lost will not be returned to him.

And the next trading day...

If he does not continue to replenish the margin, his position will be liquidated and he will be liquidated again.

Of course, even if he continues to replenish his margin, it is still unknown whether he can prevent losses from expanding and recover some losses under today's carnage-like trend in the securities sector.

After all, at this time...

The investment sentiment of the entire market has completely reversed. From the previous fiery and crazy state, it has cooled down rapidly. What is more serious is that the vast number of retail investors have become more serious in the major stock trading forums, communities, post bars and other communication venues on the Internet. The crowd is already in mourning. Most of them were trapped in today's chasing high school, and they are standing on the hill. They have no money left to cover their positions and take over the subsequent market.

"Today's dish was smashed. I want to die!"

In the stock trading forum, some retail investors who were trapped in chasing high prices and suffered extremely heavy losses today lamented.

"It's really a bucket of cold water in my pocket, and my heart is mostly cold. I never thought that today's market trend would end like this."

"The stocks I hold were still rising at the beginning of the market, but at the end of the day they were all pushed to the limit. Is this really a bull market? Tell me...does anyone believe it?"

"What a bull market! Look at how the securities and venture capital sectors have been smashed."

"Hey, I didn't touch 2500 points, and I lost 2400 points. This market... is really blind!"

"In an instant, all the faucets collapsed, and there was no continuity. This is so... I don't even believe it when I say it's a bull market. It's a pity... I understood it too late."

"The main force is smashing the market today, it's completely merciless!"

"The main reason is that market liquidity collapsed after 1:30, and it was obviously impossible to go up to 2,500 points."

"You shouldn't be dealing with insurance companies or banks."

"Yes, it is stupid to attract funds from insurance companies and banks. It takes so much effort to raise funds for securities, and the securities sector alone has swallowed up more than 7 billion active funds in the market. Insurance and banks are larger than securities. Bank, how much can it swallow up? There is so much money in the market to support such a big guy? Just think about it and you know it’s impossible!”

"The collapse of Orient Securities' opening market has also had a huge impact."

"The market truly lost control from the moment Orient Securities opened its trading."

"That's because the main positions of Fortune Road are concentrated on the stock of Orient Securities. The collapse of Orient Securities means that Fortune Road's large-scale shipments, coupled with the stupid main funds, will pull the market at that moment. If insurance companies and banks cannot bear the burden, then...can all the funds in the market not follow suit?"

"It makes sense. It was a crazy dive at the end of the session. It's really disgusting. If you can't go up, don't force it in the early session. If you maintain a volatile situation, there won't be so many people chasing high prices. Just the scene in the early session... I'm especially Everyone thought that the rising limit of the securities sector was coming, but the result... is this!"

"If you don't create an illusion and don't let everyone chase after it, how can you harvest it?"

"Hey, indeed! Who told us all to be leeks?"

"What the hell... I hate market scams the most. These main force who rush to buy securities have no conscience."

"Actually, it's not a scam, right? Didn't you pay attention to the sharp market jump in the morning? In fact... it was a signal at that time!"

"Now that I think about it, that dive was indeed the best time to appear!"

"Yes, yes, that wave of funds coming out is really smart."

"However, it was the dive that was retracted and the index reached a new high that led me to think that the Shanghai Stock Index would definitely capture the 2,500-point mark, and I hurriedly chased the position. Unexpectedly...that was the real scam. , if the index did not continue to rise after that wave of diving, my losses today would not be so heavy."

"What's even worse is that after chasing highs this morning, I watched the market jump sharply in the afternoon and couldn't sell anything."

"It's poisonous. This trend... is really poisonous."

"I no longer believe in the bull market. In the past few years, I just believe that the bull market is coming. I have suffered big losses again and again. Every big loss is due to my firm confidence."

"Same thing, the bull market is the real big scam."

"Those brokerage firms and so-called analysts who brainlessly sang the bullish call should all be damned."

"Haha... As of noon today, those securities firms and analysts were still crazily bullish. I didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly."

"They are all braggadocios, none of them have real abilities. To believe them is worse than to believe a dog!"

"If the market is like this today, it will definitely open lower tomorrow. In the future... it will be more difficult for the market to reach the 2,500-point position, right?"

"Don't think about 2,500 points. The index has most likely peaked."

"This ghost market, let's look at 2200 points for support, and maybe... it will even go to 2000 points."

"What the hell... I have been busy for more than a month. I chased the high today and took all the profits. Alas... I will clear my position tomorrow. There is no way to play in this market."

"Every time the index took a huge plunge before, it could be recovered the next day. What is the probability that it can be recovered this time?"

"It feels like the concept that can be taken back this time is extremely low. After all, all the popular concepts and all the main market hot spots have really collapsed today, and there is no new concept or sector that can take over the market."

"I also feel that the concept of being able to make up for it tomorrow is extremely low."

"Unless today's Dragon and Tiger List can exceed expectations, everyone will find that the wealth road has not yet emerged, and the market will have a big benefit in the evening. The Dow Jones Industrial Average can rise 1,000 points to match the situation."

"Haha... I'm afraid none of the conditions you mentioned can be achieved."

"Today, all the leaders in the field of 'securities and venture capital' have collapsed, and the 'Three Musketeers of Oriental' have not been able to stabilize. Judging from the selling orders of Oriental Securities when it broke the market, Wealth Road is definitely out."

"Fortune Road's sell-off on Orient Securities should be widely expected by the market at this moment, right?"

"The key depends on whether Fortune Road has sold significantly in other stocks."

"If Fortune Road sells out its positions on a large scale to take profits, this...should be the point where the market trend turns, right?"

"Anyway, based on the Dragon and Tiger List, Fortune Road will sell out its positions on a large scale. Then I will follow suit tomorrow. I don't believe in other brokerage institutions, chief analysts, etc. In the A-share market, I will only sell out positions." Believe in the path to wealth.”

"I only believe in Fortune Road, but I don't know if Fortune Road has also reduced its position on a large scale in the two early core main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'? These two lines... are really today It’s a trend that is completely abandoned by all the funds in the market!”

"I guess they must have reduced their positions too!"

"But it shouldn't be all reduced, right? After all, Fortune Road has such a large position."

"Don't be afraid. Wealth is decreasing, so we just have to follow suit. Anyway, we are small retail investors, and our funds are easy to turn around. Even if we take it slow, no one can stay if we want to leave the market, unlike some big players in the market. The main institutions, after missing the opportunity to reduce their positions, cannot escape even if they want to."

"That's true! In fact, the wealth road is increasing and decreasing positions, and the market is constantly harvesting, but it can be regarded as a conscience. Basically... as long as you carefully observe the data of the Dragon and Tiger List, at every turning point, this road of funds is reminding you that as long as you don't If you are greedy, you can make stable money by following the path of wealth."

"Well, I feel that after Fortune Road has a large amount of funds, it does choose the main line market. As long as it is not pursued at the highest point, there is basically a chance to exit at a profit."

"That's for sure, otherwise would the seat premium and influence on Fortune Road be so great?"

"It's just that Fortune Road's positions are not transparent, and it's impossible to follow the trend better."

"What are you thinking? Transparent positions? Then you can't be sniped and killed by the main funds in the market? They are the main funds, and their purpose is to make money. They are not your nanny, and their positions are transparent... If you want to best follow the trend, it is better to directly It is most convenient to subscribe to the fund managed by Mr. Su of Wealth Road, but the threshold is a bit high, and you need at least a minimum investment of 1 million. Hey... when will I earn 1 million!"

In the midst of an excited discussion among retail investors...

Time passed quickly, and after a while, it came to 5:30 in the afternoon, when the dragon and tiger rankings were refreshed.

I saw that the seats of the 'Huashang Securities Yuhang Fortune Road Sales Department' that all market investors had been waiting for, and everyone was looking forward to it, finally revealed their true appearance on the Dragon and Tiger List, and it was beyond everyone's expectations. , appeared on the Dragon and Tiger list of 8 popular stocks, and instantly shocked everyone's attention!

"Sold Huatong Securities for 420 million, Oriental Securities for 330 million, Shibei High-tech for 120 million, Oriental Ventures for 83 million, Zijiang Enterprise for 63 million, Wanqi Enterprise for 48 million..." Yan In Beijing, inside the Shenhua Fund, in the trading room, the fund manager Chang Youli was shocked beyond measure when he saw such data on the Dragon and Tiger List, "Only those who appeared on the list have more than 1.1 billion in chips. This guy ...How could he suddenly hold such a huge amount of chips? It’s outrageous, it’s outrageous!”

These stocks on the list have been frequent visitors on the Dragon and Tiger list in recent days.

Except for October 18, when the 'Securities and Venture Capital' sector first broke out, Fortune Road quickly bought 200-300 million chips, and then... followed up with almost 100 million chips in the follow-up. After taking the chips, the entire Dragon and Tiger list has never seen Fortune Road appear again.

He never expected that suddenly, Fortune Road would be able to sell more than one billion directly on the market, far exceeding the size of the other party's original position in the Dragon Tiger List.

"It seems... this kind of funds have been lurking in the market for a long time!" When Chang Li was surprised and dazed, Lin Zhaoye, director of the Fund Management Office, sighed helplessly, "The sales funds of more than one billion on the list, So it means that his actual selling funds are at least twice as much as those on the list. This wave...I am afraid that all of us will become the bearers who pull the tray and carry the sedan chair for him."

"Isn't his main position in the direction of the GEM? Isn't it in the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'? When will he adjust his position to the 'securities and venture capital' fields?" Chang Lili At this moment, he was simply furious and found it unbelievable, "It's impossible... He didn't have time to make plans at all. Moreover, even if he made plans in advance, what was the reason for getting involved in 'securities and venture capital'? What's the logic? We have only recently." This week, I learned that the IPO market will most likely restart, and there is no reason why his news channels are faster than ours."

"And, even if it's faster..."

"There's no reason to rush out for several days, maybe a week?"

"The investment of billions of funds will never leave any trace on the market in a short period of time."

"This guy... what kind of market logic is this guy following in his intervention? When did he change the main position direction?"

Chang Li originally thought that he already knew the capital trends of Fortune Road very well.

He also thought that the market conditions of the 'securities and venture capital' line were all under his control, but he didn't expect... In the end, he didn't take any advantage, but the other party got there first and picked the fruits.

What makes him feel even more hateful is...

The other party takes advantage of their position on the Dragon and Tiger list and keeps making false arrangements to lure them into inciting market sentiment and passively pull the market.

He could tolerate losses in trading, but after working hard, he finally found out that he had only made wedding dresses for others, but he had gained nothing. This made him feel depressed and angry to the extreme for a while.

"Lao Chang, since this stock has been out of positions on a large scale in the two main directions of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' on October 17, it has no longer been a core popular stock in the GEM direction. appeared on the list." Lin Zhaoye said, "Then the line of 'securities and venture capital' exploded, which coincided with the adjustment of the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', and it happened that the road to wealth was in 'securities, venture capital' The involvement of venture capital in this line is somewhat abnormal."

"Actually, we should have noticed the movements and motives of this fund a long time ago."

"In the end... I underestimated the enemy!"

"We still don't pay enough attention to this capital."

"But... now that the matter has come to this, it is useless to talk about it anymore. The best liquidity in the market and the timing of profit-taking have been robbed by Fortune Road funds. Subsequently, with the help of this fund, the dragon and tiger list will The influence of the seats has spread, as well as the convening of the internal committee of the regulatory authorities, and the news of the restart of IPO in the market has been confirmed... There will not be any good opportunities in the 'securities and venture capital' line."

"We haven't reduced our position to much today."

"The liquidity of this line will probably become increasingly sluggish in the future."

"We have to hurry up and leave the market while we still have profits in hand. Otherwise, when the news comes out, there will really be no expectations to take advantage of."

"This is the only way!" Chang Li sighed helplessly and responded.

Originally, he wanted to compete with Fortune Road on the market. Unexpectedly... the difference he expected did not appear at all. The stock price of Oriental Securities was immediately destroyed by Fortune Road. And he also failed miserably when he misjudged the evolution of market conditions.

Similarly, at this moment, Yanjing, Magic City, Shenzhen City, Yuhang, Jinling... all over the country.

Countless major institutions gathered in the fields of "securities and venture capital", and also did not have time to enter the market early, got greedy, and were harvested by the wealth road.

Everyone stared blankly at the Fortune Road sales data on the Dragon and Tiger List.

I still can't figure out when this fund was lurked in?

Among them, inside the Yinghui Fund and the trading room.

Liu Guanhai, the product manager of the Yinghui No. 1 fund, who was still full of excitement and smiles in the morning, thinking that the road to wealth was just standing in the wind and being lucky enough to bet on the market a few times, was nothing special at all. At this moment, he was looking at this extremely The appalling data on the Dragon and Tiger rankings made him completely dumbfounded.

"Can more than 1 billion funds be sold? How is it possible? How is it possible!" Even if the facts were in front of him, he couldn't believe it in his heart, "It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense! When did Fortune Road intervene? In his hands How can the chips... be more than double that of our Yinghui Fund!"

"With more than 1 billion in funds, how many chips does this guy have deployed on this line?"

"Didn't you say that this guy's main position is in the direction of the GEM?"

"There are no traces of his large-scale exit of positions in the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' in the GEM direction. When did he adjust his position?"

"What the hell, it's so mysterious, it's totally unreasonable!"

"Did he open this fucking market? He can make whatever he wants, and he can harvest whatever he wants?"

"Manager... I just said that Fortune Road's previous trading actions on the Dragon and Tiger List were most likely intentional." Liu Guanhai was in a state of confusion, completely unable to understand how Fortune Road's capital could be used without anyone noticing. When the switch of billions of funds between the two main lines was completed, the trading team leader Shao Xiaoyun was very excited and said, "After such a large-scale appearance of Fortune Road on the Dragon and Tiger List and the Sell List, the market sentiment tomorrow will be I’m afraid it won’t look good, what should we do next?”

"What do you think?" Liu Guanhai took a deep breath, glared at the other person, and asked.

If this Shao Xiaoyun hadn't been brought in by the company's shareholders, he would have fired this person long ago based on his character of always talking back to him.

"I think we should hurry up and get out!" Shao Xiaoyun said, "Although the market has fully retreated after the Fortune Road hit, and our position profits are not much, it is better than carrying it on and eventually losing money. But after today With this trend, the liquidity of the "securities and venture capital" line will be greatly affected in the future. If we want to go out in a very short time, we may have to give up more profits that are not much. "

In general……

Now, he believes that Liu Guanhai's investment in "securities and venture capital" is a waste of effort. Under such circumstances, let alone making money, it would be a blessing to be able to escape unscathed without losing money in the end.

"I think the market will have a significant rebound after it opens lower and sells lower tomorrow, releasing the sentiment of losing wealth." Liu Guanhai disagreed with Shao Xiaoyun's opinion, "When the time comes, if you exit the position during the rebound, it will Even better, after all, the market has overcome some of the panic today, and the decline from high to low is deep enough, and there will be a rebound and recovery."

He admitted that he had misjudged Wealth Road's position layout in the line of 'securities and venture capital', and also admitted that he was a little confused by the opponent today.

But he doesn't think that the market has been trending for such a long time and it will be completely over with just this peak.

He believes that after the sharp decline, there will definitely be a rebound, and there will definitely be a rebound.

And when the two of them were discussing the Dragon and Tiger List and had big differences about the follow-up operation plan...

At this time, within Yanjing and Anlan Fund, Xie Wanting was extremely shocked after seeing the sales volume of Wealth Road at the level of the Dragon and Tiger List: "It is better than the last one-time sales of the 'Shanghai Free Trade Zone'" The warehouse capital is heavier, and he really...has a thunderous demeanor when he makes a move, regardless of any consequences."

"Today's trading, to put it bluntly, if he doesn't hit it, the market will fall." Beside Xie Wanting, Zhou Guohua smiled slightly. He was not too surprised by such a large-scale exit from Fortune Road, "That's it. His ability to grasp the market’s selling points in a moment of silence is indeed worthy of admiration.”

"Teacher, don't you think it's too high-profile for him to do this?" Xie Wanting said.

Zhou Guohua replied: "Everything can't be perfect. In today's situation, if he has to appear, he can't avoid being on the dragon and tiger list. And... there is nothing wrong with him using his seat to remind everyone."

"As for finding someone to hold a grudge against..."

"With his level of profit and sharp operating style, it's impossible not to be hated by others."

"But in the financial trading market, everything is based on ability first. If the ability is insufficient, then holding a grudge is nothing more than incompetence and rage, which will not cause harm to him."

"And, people like him..."

"The interest groups that can be gathered together are quite powerful, and ordinary people can't move them, so you don't have to worry about them."

When Xie Wanting saw her teacher revealing her inner thoughts, she couldn't help but retorted: "Who said I was worried?"

"Well, I'm overthinking it!" Zhou Guohua chuckled and continued, "In this wave of market conditions, many major institutions that have been harvested by Fortune Road should feel aggrieved. They probably didn't expect... ...The market price that I worked so hard to pull out is actually a wedding dress for the other party, right?"

"You deserve it!" Xie Wanting snorted, "Originally, they didn't have any good intentions in pursuing the 'securities and venture capital' line. Now that they have been blocked by others, they can only blame themselves for being eager for quick success, but ,I'm thinking……"

Xie Wanting paused, and then said: "You said he has been selling out his positions on a large scale for two days in a row. Has he finished selling out all his chips?"

"What do you think?" Zhou Guohua asked.

Xie Wanting thought for a while and said: "I reviewed the trading and cleared up the traces of stocks that he may have exited yesterday, as well as some tickets that were not on the Dragon and Tiger list today, but were obviously linked to the stocks on the list, and were linked to the market crash. After a rough calculation, I estimate that if he exits the position in two days, it should be around 3 billion."

"Of course, the real number... may be higher than my estimate."

"It stands to reason that this position should be basically the same as the positions he announced in September in the two main directions of the GEM."

“However, didn’t he establish a ‘Yuhang No. 2’ fund?”

"I think it is impossible for this new fund to not have any positions involved."

"So... do you think he is in the field of 'securities and venture capital'?

Are there still many positions in the domain? "Zhou Guohua was slightly surprised, "Then this wave... Many major institutions that think they are smart and pull deals and gather in the field of 'securities and venture capital' are afraid that this nightmare has just begun! "

And just as the two guessed...

After today's all-round reduction of positions, Su Yu cleared all position data.

He found that according to the 20% position line of the two funds he had previously set, there were still about 2.3 billion in chips that needed to be released, and this meant that today the two funds reduced their holdings in all directions, and even took the initiative to sell the market at the end of the day. In the scramble for liquidity, only 3.3 billion chips were reduced.

This progress, although compared to when they opened the position, is already very fast.

But compared with the changes in market conditions, it still seems too slow.

Fortunately, the remaining positions are scattered and the cost of holding positions has been reduced to a very low level. No matter what extreme situation the market will encounter next, they will be able to make a profit and exit before the news of the IPO restart of the market is released. The position is reduced to the specified position.

Of course, there is specific position data on the two funds of ‘Yuhang Investment’.

In addition to someone like Xie Wanting who is extremely concerned about Su Yu's developments and knows him well enough, she can also make great efforts to comprehensively track all the stocks he has bought and sold, and can review the market bit by bit to find out the main sellers at the same time. There are very few investors whose orders are linked together, as well as the trading centers of the brokerage institutions that open accounts for the two funds, as well as the transaction supervision department within the regulatory agency. The entire market... is basically unknown.

It is precisely because very few people can guess and understand the real position data of Fortune Road.

Therefore, when Fortune Road was on the Dragon and Tiger list, with its extremely shocking amount of sales, everyone subconsciously thought that Fortune Road had completed its clearance on the market line of 'securities and venture capital', or... There are not many chips left.

And as time goes by...

The news about Wealth Road smashing 1.1 billion chips, liquidating 'securities and venture capital', and bearish on the market is spreading more and more, constantly affecting the mood of the majority of retail investors in the market, and at the same time... it is also invisibly changing today. The subsequent trading decisions of countless major institutions were massacred.

PS: Still a 10,000-word chapter!


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