Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 284 Greed and fear in the market!

I saw the stagnant disk flashing quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the entire market was surrounded by green. Among the nearly 2,000 stocks, only a few had less than 100 red stocks, and the rest all showed a low opening state. Moreover, all industries and concept sectors in the two cities did not have a red stock, and all remained red. Opening lower than 1%.

In particular, related concept sectors with a high proportion of constituent stocks on the Small and Medium-sized Board and GEM.

Such as 'restructuring backdoor', 'smartphone industry chain', 'mobile Internet', 'ST sector', 'mobile games', 'Apple concept', 'Internet finance', 'film and television media' and other major concept lines The initial opening range of the concept sector was above 5%.

Related Core Concepts Stock…

Tickets such as 'Huaqingbao, LeTV, Changqu Technology, Huake Financial, Shanghai Steel Union, Huayi Brothers, Anjie Technology, Flush, Oriental Fortune' have all been pressed to death on the lower limit at this moment, and the market On the market, the huge amount of orders is the main seal, and the funds to actively buy the bottom and take over the orders are very few.

"Damn it, this opening scene is really a direct trend of collapse!"

Seeing such a call auction situation between the two cities, Zhou Kan was extremely shocked in the trading room of Zexi Investment in Shanghai Magic City. He was stunned for a few seconds before he realized: "There are nearly 300 constituent stocks on the GEM. They opened lower than 5% accounted for nearly 100 stocks. This battle... is really a complete collapse. It feels like all retail investors in the market are selling at this moment."

"Confidence collapsed, and everyone naturally began to vote with their feet." Next to Zhou Kan, Xu Xiang looked at this market situation with a lot of emotion in his heart, thinking of the previous wave of consecutive index losses caused by the market's money shortage at the end of June. The plummeting market situation, he sighed softly and said, "However, under this kind of collapse mood, the index plummets without resistance, and it is easy to clear up the market's pursuit of high prices. I believe it will not take two days for this wave of market adjustment. There is a high probability that it will fall completely.”

He believes that although the board at this time looks scary.

But in fact, whether it is the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, or the ChiNext Index, they have been adjusted continuously for almost a week. They have already responded to the major bad news about the restart of IPOs in the market. Coupled with the current stage, The positions of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index are not high, and the depth of adjustment should be very limited.

According to his prediction, he believes that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will fall back to the range of 2100 to 2200 points at most, and the ChiNext Index will fall back to about 1100 points at most, which is about it.

In short, he believes that the current positions of several major indexes are in the bottom range.

Moreover, in this round of market conditions, the market volume is limited. The accumulated profits and new hold-up orders have been significantly digested for a week, but they are not heavy. In the case of continuous plummets, large-scale bottom-hunting funds have It is the bargaining chip that can withstand this part of panic selling.

"Mr. Xu said... the market will not fall too deep here, and there is a chance for the market to recover?" Zhou Kanwei said in surprise, "But it looks... a bit scary!"

Xu Xiang smiled slightly and said: "The financial trading market is an emotional amplifier. Fear and greed are always going back and forth between the peaks and troughs of the market. The IPO restart is indeed substantial for the current market. Major negative effects will indeed cause serious blood-sucking effects on the current market, resulting in insufficient incremental funds."

"But the overall market valuation, as well as the index point, are at a relatively low level."

"In addition, the bad news has been digested for several days, and many major funds have withdrawn in advance. At this moment, what everyone is thinking about...should not be fear, but when to enter the market to buy the bottom."

“After all, once a bad news comes to fruition, it is no longer a bad news.”

"Moreover, although this news has some impact on the market's incremental funds, it will not change the original market industry expectations and the future performance of stocks during the boom industry cycle. At most, it will suppress their short-term estimates. It’s just worth it.”

"In other words, the core logic of the market has not changed."

"It's just that in the past few months, GEM-related concept stocks have risen a lot. Now that the bad news is coming, everyone is taking advantage of the situation to adjust."

“If these early popular stocks on the GEM and small and medium-sized boards that have strong future expectations, the ability to continue to explode in performance, and the fundamentals can continue to significantly improve, can fall to a suitable price in this wave of bad news, then these stocks... will still be It has good investment and speculation value.”

"I dare to assert..."

"After the GEM has fallen completely, under the background that 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphones' are destined to explode in the future, these core popular stocks on the GEM will still be pursued by major funds from all walks of life, and will also be pursued in the future. Ahead... new all-time highs.”

"So the plunge itself is not worth paying attention to."

"The opportunities after the market crash are what we should pay attention to and focus on."

"The restart of the market IPO will hit the market's short-term investment sentiment, but not the market's macro fundamental trend... When we look at problems in transactions, we still have to look at the essence. If we blindly focus on the index and sentiment, then... after all, we ourselves It will also be led by market sentiment.”

"I understand!" Zhou Kan nodded slightly, "What I saw was panic, but what Mr. Xu saw... was opportunity."

In essence, he also believes that the market will not fall very deep. After all, the restart of IPO market is a bit unexpected for the market, but it is not completely beyond expectations. From the perspective of the expected future impact on the market and the impact of macro fundamentals, Far inferior to the crisis at the end of June when the market was short of money.

The market came out of the last crisis easily, so there’s no reason why it can’t this time.

However, although he believes that the market will not fall very deeply, he is not as optimistic as Xu Xiang about his understanding of the subsequent market trends.

While the two were talking, time had passed by 9:20...

After the call auction shock from 9:15 to 9:20, as well as large-scale false orders and cancellations, the market performance at this moment is no longer as pessimistic as it was at the beginning of the call auction.

I saw that nearly 300 GEM constituent stocks have fallen by more than 5%, and have shrunk to 78 stocks. The stocks that have dropped their limit have also shrunk from 29 at the beginning of the market at 9:15 to 21. Their proportion of GEM constituent stocks For core popular concepts with higher weights, such as 'mobile games', 'Internet finance', and 'film and television media', the decline at this moment has also been reduced compared to 9:15. Many stocks have already seen significant declines on the market. Funds are pouring in.

In the direction of the small and medium-sized board, the performance is similar to that of the GEM.

It's just that the conceptual sectors related to 'restructuring and backdooring', as well as many shell stocks and ST stocks, are still extremely weak. The number of stocks in the ST sector alone has reached the limit of 16. As for the shell stocks that were previously speculated, There are as many as 8 stocks that have dropped their limit.

In the direction of the main board, compared with the GEM and small and medium-sized boards, the performance is much better.

Although its related component stocks, heavy industry and concept sectors, are also opening significantly lower, the panic effect is not serious. Especially the banking sector and the petrochemical sector, which are only opening lower by 0.23% at this moment, and their core stocks, Stocks with trillions of market core weights such as Hua Commercial Bank, Huanong Bank, Huajian Bank, Huaguo Petroleum, and Huaguo Petrochemical are actually in the red.

As for being hyped by the market in advance...

The ‘securities and venture capital’ fields are sectors that will benefit from the IPO restart in the market.

At this moment, although the low opening range is not large compared to the weighted concept sectors of GEM and small and medium-sized boards, within the sector, panic selling of related core concept stocks is still emerging one after another, and it does not show the benefits of the IPO restart. The sector should be as strong as it should be.

"With the good news, the two major sectors that will benefit from the resumption of IPOs, securities and venture capital, have no performance at all. It's really surprising." In the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, inside the Xiniu Fund Company, in the trading room, general manager Liu Xin stared at the trading room. Looking at the market trends on the screen, he sighed, "This market trend... is seriously lower than expected!"

"It's not surprising." Next to Liu Xin, fund manager Fang Xinsheng said, "'Securities and venture capital', the two major benefit sectors from the restart of IPOs, were hyped in advance by the market and exceeded expectations. The chips on the market have been completely loose and scattered. Now the market The bright cards have emerged, but for these two major sectors, there are no potential expectations, and the main funds will naturally no longer enter the market to speculate, helping to release the huge amount of retail chips that were trapped in the early stage."

"On the GEM and SME boards, there are many concept sectors with future expectations..."

"At this moment, the negative position has landed, the reaction is overreacting, and there are signs of a complete fall."

"I guess... if the main funds are going to start trading next, this breakthrough direction will definitely not be the 'securities and venture capital' concept sector that benefits from the restart of IPO. On the contrary, it has been continuously rising since mid-October. The sharp decline has continued, and now it has suffered a serious negative blow. The small and medium-sized boards and the early popular concept sectors of the GEM, which have been completely abandoned by the market and are bearish, such as the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', should still have opportunities. .”

"The bad news has just come to fruition. Is it a bit too early to fall completely?" Liu Xin said, "I feel that funds will still go to the financial direction for risk aversion. Looking at the opening situation the 'securities and venture capital' field, although due to expectations, Factors such as overdrafts and early speculation have shown a relatively weak performance, but the banking sector is still very strong. At this moment, it is actually leading the rise in the industry sectors of the two cities, and... the stocks of the four major banks are all in the red. "

Fang Xinsheng smiled and said, "Mr. Liu, you might as well take a look at the two barrels of oil. They are much stronger!"

After hearing Fang Xinsheng's words, Liu Xin turned his attention to the stock market of Huaguo Petroleum and Huaguo Petrochemical. Sure enough, he saw that these two checks were pushed up by a large amount of bargain hunting funds. Not only was the market red, but the increase had already increased from 0.1 at 9:20. %, rising to around 0.3%.

"This is... the core force of the market, protecting the index?"

There was no need for Fang Xinsheng to continue explaining, he already understood.

Fang Xinsheng smiled and nodded: "Although this method of hiding one's ears and stealing the bell is stupid, it must be used when it should be used. If the four major banks add two barrels of oil, maybe the call auction is over and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index can still be in the red, but...even if It’s a red market, and today’s market sentiment is hopeless.”

"Specific market trends and market sentiment indicators..."

"You still have to look at the performance of the small and medium-sized boards and the GEM."

"Only when these two indices, which symbolize the broad mid- and small-cap stocks in the market, stabilize, can the market truly stabilize."

"Only when the market of mid- and small-cap stocks stabilizes and has a sustained money-making effect, will the market have a real chance to pick up."

"That's why I said..."

"The key turning point in the market, and the direction that the main funds are willing to attack, must be the SME board and GEM that have fallen completely, not the main board finance, and other big players."

"This technique... is still as familiar as ever!" After Fang Xinsheng's analysis and understanding of the capital component of the bank's weighting, Liu Xin sighed helplessly, "It's just that face is more important than face, such a pull. …I am afraid that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index may not fall further.”

"Indeed!" Fang Xinsheng said, "Once the price falls, the adjustment time will be lengthened."


Fang Xinsheng paused and then said: "The weighted industry sectors related to the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index are almost all traditional industries. In the current macro economy, real estate is suppressed, and the traditional industries have no good expectations. Even the main players of the 'national team' are not By doing this kind of deception, the Shanghai stock index's shock adjustment will not end in the short term. From last year to this year, the core main line of the entire market has always been the small and medium-sized board and the GEM."

"I believe in the direction of this market breakthrough triggered by macroeconomics..."

"The blood-sucking effect of a market's IPO restart cannot be sustained. In the follow-up... the small and medium-sized boards and the GEM will inevitably pick up after the adjustment."

"But after the collapse of market confidence, it is not easy to rebuild." Liu Xin generally agreed with Fang Xinsheng's more optimistic analysis, but he felt that even if the market fell completely in the short term, in order to reverse, the adjustment time must be I’m afraid it won’t be short, “Market adjustment, space and time are both indispensable!”

Fang Xinsheng nodded slightly and said: "Mr. Liu is right, market adjustment is indeed indispensable, both space and time, but local market conditions do not require a comprehensive recovery of confidence to produce, in fact... emotions The recovery and re-establishment of confidence are also based on the sustained money-making effect."

"For the majority of investors in the market..."

“As long as there is a sustained money-making effect, they will participate without hesitation.”

"The development of market conditions usually gradually spreads from local conditions to comprehensive conditions."

"For the size of our fund, as long as there are local profitable trends in the market that we can participate in, that is enough. When market sentiment recovers and confidence fully recovers, it will actually be the market area on the right."

"Okay!" Liu Xin smiled and said, "Just as you said... when it's time to take action, we will take action. We missed the main line of speculation on 'securities and venture capital', but we will have subsequent opportunities." But it is entirely possible to seize the opportunity."

"Of course it is!" Fang Xinsheng said confidently.

He admired the road to wealth, but he did not believe that the other party could pinpoint the main market points every time, take the lead in the market every time, and get the most generous profits when the main market broke out.

As the two discussed, this moment...

Time has passed 9:25, and the collective bidding in the two cities has ended.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index finally settled at 2296.36 points, down 0.32%, the ChiNext Index settled at 1201.74 points, down 2.48%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index fell 1.52%, and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index fell 2.33%.

In addition to the index...

In terms of sectors and individual stocks, the core concept sectors with relevant weights on the Small and Medium-sized Board and GEM led the decline across the board. The banking and petrochemical sectors were slightly red, leading the gains in the two cities. Among them... related core stocks, Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, and Huake Jincai, Shanghai Steel Union, Xinwei Communication, etc. still closed the lower limit. LeTV, Wangsu Technology, Huayi Brothers, Fenda Technology, etc. opened the lower limit in the call auction, opening lower by 5% to 8%. wait.

In the direction of the main board, as well as the core stocks in the concept direction of 'securities and venture capital', the stocks of the four major banks, China Commercial Bank, Hua Nong Bank, China Bank, and Huajian Bank, opened slightly higher. Huaguo Petroleum and Huaguo Chemical opened higher at 0.45 respectively. %, 0.56%. Securities-weighted stocks such as Huaxin Securities, Huatong Securities, and Huashang Securities opened lower within 1%. The remaining stocks of popular securities companies in the early period all opened lower than 1%. The entire securities sector index fell 1.23%. opening.

In the direction of 'venture capital' concept stocks, Zhezhou Dongfang opened lower by 7.26%, Dongfang Venture Capital opened lower by 4.73%, and a number of stocks such as Shibei High-tech, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech, and Zijiang Enterprise all opened lower by more than 2%.

"What kind of trouble is this? Why are the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, the Small and Medium Enterprises Index and the ChiNext Index so divided?"

Seeing such an opening situation, Li Meng was a little surprised in the trading room of Yuhang and Yuhang Investment Company: "Even if the IPO market restarts, the valuation suppression and bleeding effect on the market will mainly affect small and medium-sized boards and entrepreneurial companies. Most concept stocks on the board, but the gap between the opening declines of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index is too big."

"Look at the growth of the banking and petrochemical sector indexes, as well as the stock price performance of the so-called 'core assets' such as China Commercial Bank, China Banking Corporation, China Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank, China Petroleum Corporation, China Petrochemical Corporation, and China Construction Corporation. You will feel that it is normal." Su Yu, who was sitting in front of the computer next to Li Meng, smiled and said, "Don't talk about the 2% drop difference, even if it is a 5% drop difference, in terms of 'face' It’s not impossible.”

"But the 'national team funds' are pulling the market, apart from making the index look better, it can't have any effect!" Li Meng said, "According to the opening trend of the GEM and small and medium-sized boards, the mood in the market has collapsed, and There are no obvious hot spots that can drive market sentiment, and the only way to go in the market today is panic selling."

Su Yu smiled and said: "Just make the index look better. The prosperity on the surface is also prosperity, isn't it?"


Su Yu paused and then said: "In addition to the index performance, it is a bit surprising that the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' opened so much lower today, especially Hua Qingbao, Changqu Technology, Shanghai Steel Union...this batch of stocks actually all fell to the limit."

"Including this limit, the retracement of these tickets from historical highs has generally exceeded 35%!"

"Among them, there are still several that have reached the distance of almost being cut in half."

"This decline has been seriously oversold in the short term."

Li Meng nodded and responded: "Indeed, compared with the stock price when we entered the market, it generally fell by about 35%. Market sentiment... is really wonderful. While the fundamentals of individual stocks are still getting better, pure emotions at both ends Changes, the stock price gap can be so big."

"Hype, from another perspective, is essentially the induction of emotions." Su Yu said, "The two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have plummeted in panic. After this wave of emotions is vented, It’s really the stage of planning and hyping again.”

Originally he thought...

After the market's continuous decline in the previous week, today's performance should not be so dramatic. After all, the negative news has already been reflected before.

However, looking at it at this moment... he still underestimated the market's ability to sell off under extreme emotions, as well as the ability of many retail investors to sell in panic.

Of course, it's good for him to get it right in one step.

The market's reaction in this way is equivalent to accelerating the time for him to return to the two core concepts of "mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain". It will also intensify the market's subsequent trend amplitude.

"Didn't you say before that you would wait until the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index fell back to their previous shock levels before making plans?" Li Meng said, "It seems that the distance is still a little short of that."

Su Yu said: "With the participation of the main capital of the 'National Team', the Shanghai Stock Index has become distorted. So the main core indicators have to keep an eye on the small and medium-sized boards and the GEM. Currently... the GEM index is far away from the 1100-point platform. There is indeed still a long way to go, but due to the differentiation of individual stocks, many stocks have actually fallen below the 1100 point position of the ChiNext Index at this moment. However... if we want to reverse our positions, we still have to wait for the market to get rid of the current panic. , let’s talk about it after we’ve almost vented it.”

“Let’s look at the market’s trend today and the overall emotional reaction!”

"The plan is dead, but the market and people are alive. It is normal to make slight adjustments to the plan amidst actual changes in the market."

"Okay!" Li Meng nodded and continued to turn his eyes back to the board without asking any more questions.

At this time, the time had passed 9:30, and the two cities ushered in the official bidding transaction.

At 9:31, the weight of the so-called "core assets" in the banking and petrochemical sectors, with the support of the "national team" funds, also clearly understands the market situation and understands that this area will be the safe haven area in today's market. Chased by funds from all walks of life, the gains further expanded.

At 9:35, China Commercial Bank, Huaguo Bank, Huanong Bank, Huajian Bank, Huaguo Petroleum, Huaguo Chemical and other heavyweight stocks in the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index with a market value of trillions each rose by more than 1%. At this moment, the Shanghai Stock Index also rose by as much as At the same time, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, the Small and Medium Enterprises Index, and the ChiNext Index continued to expand, and panic selling and panic selling continued to increase.

At 9:42, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index remained fluctuating between 0.5% and 0.6%, while the ChiNext Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index expanded to 3%. More than 50 stocks in the two cities fell to the limit, and nearly 2,000 stocks in the two cities, more than 90% of the stocks, They are all falling, and the 19-9 effect is extremely obvious.

At 9:52, the decline of the ChiNext Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index expanded to 3.5%, and the number of stocks in the two cities expanded to 67. However... at this time, the increase in the banking sector index expanded.

At 10:02, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index fell to 0.23%, maintaining a slightly red market. The GEM Index's decline expanded to 4%. Among the nearly 300 constituent stocks belonging to the GEM, half of the stocks fell by more than 5%, of which more than 30 stocks fell by the limit, and Panic continues to expand, and the market's ability to take over continues to weaken.

At 10:22, the Shanghai Stock Index fell back to its opening level, falling slightly. The GEM Index's decline expanded to nearly 4.5%, approaching 1180 points. Among them, the GEM Index refers to the core weight stocks, Wangsu Technology, LeTV, and Oriental Fortune. They all fell by more than 7%, heading towards the limit.

At 10:36, the number of stocks in the two cities exceeded the 100 limit, but... the Shanghai Stock Index turned red again.

At this time, countless investors inside and outside the market who were watching the market were desperate and angry about this strange trend in the market.

"Holy shit, what the hell is going on? The ChiNext Index has dropped almost 5%, but the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is still in the red."

"What the hell... I'm so shameless!"

"What's the point? What's the point? 92% of the stocks in the entire market are falling. Even if the banks and two barrels of oil are raised to the daily limit, can the collapsed market be saved?"

"There's nothing better than hiding your ears and stealing your bell!"

"I said before that the main institutions that hyped 'securities and venture capital' in advance were in a bad light. Now I take back what I said before. Damn... control banks, Huajin and Huijin with two barrels of oil, as well as many core main funds with state-owned assets background, are the only ones It’s really disgusting, it’s been this way for so many years.”

"The situation is great, we can't lose face, understand, understand!"

"Don't look at it. It is estimated that the GEM index has dropped to its limit, while the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is still in the red."

"This market is really hopeless. Sell it, sell it, just clear it out... It's really tiring!"

"Damn, all the stocks I hold are down to the limit, and I can't sell them even if I want to. Now look at the banking sector and the two barrels of oil. I'm really angry."

"Everyone, vote with your feet. Anyway, I'm clearing the stock."

"I'm so angry. This market is so painful to watch. Previously, banks and two barrels of oil performed like dogs throughout the year and could never beat the market. At this moment... they are completely blind. Hey... they are really the eyes of the whole market. , are all blind!"

“The more banks and two barrels of oil are pulled, the faster the market will collapse!”

"Yes, the red market of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is just a cover for the main force in the market to fight for the last market liquidity. It has bad intentions!"

"How good would it be if everything fell, all at once, completely?"

"On this special day today, the market has really dropped to the limit. How can people keep their face? After all, the red stock index of the Shanghai Stock Exchange can mean that the majority of investors in the market welcome the resumption of IPOs."

"No wonder the main hot money players in the market never touch these core weights. They are blatantly manipulating stock prices."

"What are you talking about? How can this be called manipulation of stock prices? It is obviously to regulate the market from a macro perspective. Of course... we leeks have always been the targets of regulation."

"It's good. The A-share market has always been a miracle maker. It's no surprise."

"If you can sell it, sell it quickly. Looking at the situation... the index will definitely go straight to the lower limit in the afternoon. Of course... I am talking about the GEM Index, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index... maybe the daily limit will rise."

"It's still possible for banks to rise to their limit and GEM to fall to their limit."

"The market capitalization of the entire GEM is not half as large as that of the banking sector. Banks have raised their daily limit. Even if the GEM index has dropped to its daily limit, the Shanghai Composite Index can still be in the red."

"When I saw that all the stocks I held had dropped by the limit, and then I looked at the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index... I really wanted to cry but I couldn't even cry!"

"It's really too much to pull in a bank and say it has something to do with the resumption of IPOs. Pulling in two barrels of oil and the petrochemical sector is really too much!"

"It would be great if I could raise the potential Hengxin!"

"It's useless! With such a direct blow from bad news, coupled with such a weird polarization trend, everyone's confidence in holding positions has completely collapsed. At this moment, unless tens of billions of funds are used to kill the popular concept stocks of small and medium-sized boards and GEM that are stuck at the limit, All prices should be pushed to the daily limit, otherwise the market sentiment will not be stimulated."

"Yes, for five or six consecutive trading days, all the funds bought at the bottom have been buried, and they are buried deeper and deeper. At this time... who dares to catch the flying knife?"

"Hey, the bear market is still suitable for A-shares. As for the bull market... it is probably within my lifetime!"

Amid extreme complaints and a complete collapse of investment confidence, the market situation continues to develop into an extreme tearing pattern.

At 11:06, the ChiNext Index once again hit a 5% intraday decline after June 25. At this time... the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index still maintained a red plate.

At 11:12, after touching a 5% drop, the ChiNext Index briefly found support and fell into shock, while the Shanghai Stock Index... seemed to be stationary at an increase of 0.2% to 0.3%, as if it had stopped trading. Of course, in the Shanghai Stock Index While maintaining a stable and volatile situation, the banking sector index has reached new highs, reaching an increase of 2%. In particular, the stocks of the four major banks have increased by more than 2.5%.

At 11:25, near the noon closing time, the market fell into a significant shrinkage stage. A total of 125 stocks in the two cities fell to their limit, and the number of stocks in the red market was almost the same.

At 11:30, the two cities closed at noon.

In the end, the Shanghai Index was fixed at a 0.11% increase, still clinging to the 2,300-point line, while the GEM Index was fixed at a 5.02% decline. After the index broke through the 1,200 mark, it fell all the way to the 1,170-point line.

After the midday close...

Faced with extreme tearing and plummeting market conditions.

All investors have expressed an extremely pessimistic view, believing that the stock market crash has already occurred, and that this wave... the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index will test 2,000 points again, and the GEM Index will test the support of the 1,000-point mark again.

and suffered from extremely pessimistic market sentiment.

Many major funds that originally planned to buy the bottom, as well as large investors and retail investors with short or light positions, have also become hesitant at this moment, and have given up their plans to intervene in the market at this time and catch the flying knives.

At this point, the potential incremental financial power of the market has been further weakened.

The power of shorts has also become more and more powerful as panic continues to ferment, causing the market to become completely filled with panic, with the power to take over stalled and shorts fully suppressed.

Of course, during this period, a group of market core main funds such as "Huajin" and "Huijin", due to their mission, resolutely protected the market and desperately pulled up the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, which also indirectly caused a reverse effect on the market, resulting in people who were originally trapped in the market. Inside, many retail investors who were hesitant also joined the army of selling.

In the end, with such emotions and such a situation...

At the opening of trading at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the Shanghai Stock Index, which had resisted a decline of around 5%, was once again wiped out by panic selling in the market, and the decline further expanded.

At the same time, the small and medium-sized board index and even the entire market stocks except banks and two barrels of oil.

All have completely lost their liquidity.

At 1:12, the GEM index's decline expanded to 6%, with nearly 300 component stocks, and more than one-seventh hit the limit. At the same time...the market liquidity began to completely dry up, and the undertaking power had completely collapsed. Under such circumstances, the Shanghai Stock Index is still hovering in a flat position, clinging to 2,300 points.

At 1:22, the two cities experienced a rapid flash crash due to lack of liquidity.

In almost a few seconds, the ChiNext Index fell from around 6% to around 8%. More than 4/4 of the nearly 300 constituent stocks hit the limit. At the same time, the Shanghai Stock Index also stopped falling. It was able to stabilize and fell by nearly 2 points in a flash.

"God...this is so scary!"

At the moment when the liquidity of the entire market dried up, panic orders came out, and the index plummeted, inside Yuhang and Yuhang Investment Company, in the trading room, Li Meng's eyes widened, his heart was in his throat, and he was extremely shocked. .

Even though she had witnessed the straight-line collapse of the market due to the 'money crisis' on June 24 and 25, she was still frightened when faced with the 8% drop in the ChiNext Index.

She never imagined that today's market would be so tragic.

In the entire market, buying orders have dried up, and all investors are selling, and this is the kind of selling that ignores logic, is unreasonable, and is purely panic selling.

"Buy it! All the panic orders and floating chips in the market are all out at this moment." In Li Meng's shock, Su Yu stared at the decline of more than 100 points in one day, and had already killed When the GEM index reached around 1130 points, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly issued an order, "The core concept stocks in the two major directions of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', 'Funda Technology, Internet Speed" which fell to the limit Technology, LeTV, Flush, Oriental Fortune, Huake Financial, Hengsheng Electronics, etc., all had orders to buy, sweeping their lower limits."

"Buy?" Li Meng was stunned, thinking that he heard wrongly.

Su Yu nodded slightly, stared at the market intently, and repeated: "Yes, buy. The extreme emotions appeared, and all the panic orders on the market were vented. Almost all the mainline core concept stocks were blocked by huge selling orders. What a great buying opportunity and great opportunity to reverse positions when the price limit is lowered!”


Su Yu said firmly again: "The GEM index has fallen sharply and has reached its target position. There is often a thin line between greed and fear. The national team rescued the market in the wrong direction and in the wrong way. Next... It’s time for us to come on the scene, seize the opportunity of the next main line market, reverse the market, and rekindle everyone’s hope for a bull market!”

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