Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 285: Buy the bottom of the plunge and put all your positions in!

"There is often a thin line between fear and greed!"

Li Meng thought about Su Yu's words and was stunned for several seconds before reacting and hurriedly asked: "Now that we want to buy, what is our first phase fund target for building a position?"

"There is no funding target." Su Yu's eyes flashed, "Among the constituent stocks of the Small and Medium-sized Board and the GEM, the popular stocks related to the two core main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have been blocked by the limit. I will eat all the closed orders on the lower limit. If the lower limit is not sealed, place an order at the current price or top the order to buy. The market is in this area, and on these popular stocks, we will eat as many panic selling orders as there are. , all accepted according to the order.”

"Don't be afraid of overeating..."

Su Yu smiled and continued: "At this time, all those who are panicking and falling are basically the blood chips of retail investors. No matter how much you buy, you are not afraid that you will not be able to make a profit in the end. After all, just from the chips of these popular stocks Structurally speaking, after continuous changes of hands, at this time, in this position, basically no one in the field has profited."

"The cost of the blood chips we have taken here is lower than that of most investors holding positions in the market."

"So, even in extreme circumstances, the market continues to lack liquidity and the index cannot stabilize here and falls below the upper edge platform of the previous shock. We have a cost advantage over most investors holding positions in the market. It doesn't matter. So scary.”

"Press the entire warehouse in?" Li Meng was stunned and took a breath of cold air.

Su Yu smiled and said: "It can also be understood this way. According to what I just said, as long as there is panic selling, we will accept all the orders until the warehouse is full!"

Countless high-quality chips are stuck on the lower limit.

He would never miss such an excellent opportunity to purchase goods.

Moreover, he knew that in the subsequent trend, the market would not be able to fall below the low point caused by the 'money shortage crisis' in June. Here... the market low point directly hit by this wave of 'IPO restart' bad news is From the lowest point in this round of adjustment, until... until the bull market truly started to fully launch, the ChiNext Index never fell back to the previous shock platform, nor did it fall below 1,100 points.

As for the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index...

With the 'national team' controlling the market, the comparison with the market conditions has been completely distorted. It has no reference significance at this moment and cannot reflect the overall situation of the market conditions.

"Okay!" Li Meng responded.

She knew that Su Yu had always been vigorous and resolute in market transactions. His judgment of market opportunities was extremely accurate and his actions were extremely decisive.

Therefore, even though she felt sorry for Su Yu at this time...

He brazenly pushed all positions in, and when the market liquidity was completely lacking, he did not agree with the behavior of "flying knives" in the market, but he still decided to carry out his attack order.

So, after she responded briefly, she quickly turned to the two trading teams of the company.

A buy order with no limit on transaction amount, no limit on transaction lot size, and no limit on transaction cost was issued, and the entire position was transferred to the two core main line operations of "mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain".

Then, following her instructions.

The next moment, 1:25...

Accompanied by the crackling sound of keyboards, tens of millions, tens of millions, 100 million, and hundreds of millions of funds, like a raging tide, suddenly poured into the small and medium-sized board and GEM companies with a very high proportion of equity. Popular stocks related to the two core main lines of "mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain" are on the market.

I saw that in just 3 seconds, Fenda Technology's 50,000-lot lower limit order was eaten up by 5 consecutive large orders of 10,000 lots. Its stock price only flickered once, then climbed straight up from the lower limit, and the decline instantly narrowed.

Immediately afterwards...

'Huake Financial, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics, Tonghuashun, Jinzheng Shares, Great Wisdom, Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenxin WeChat, Wangsu Technology, LeTV' and other 'mobile Internet' and 'smart' The core popular stocks related to the mobile phone industry chain all showed the same changes.

And due to the large-scale changes in these stocks.

At 1:26, the ChiNext Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index rebounded from the lowest point of decline of 8.45%, just like pulling onions on a dry land. The decline rebounded to about 6% in a dozen seconds, recovering from the decline caused by market flow. A serious lack of security and a complete collapse of market investment confidence caused a flash crash.

As for the ChiNext Index and the Small and Medium Enterprises Index, due to the sudden influx of huge funds, the decline was recovered in a flash.

On the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index...

The ‘national team’ also continued to forcefully pull out banks and two barrels of oil.

As a result, the Shanghai Stock Index rebounded quickly after the flash crash, but within a short time, it was close to red plate status.

"Damn it, what a strong bargain hunting fund. Fenda Technology has closed down orders with 50,000 lots, nearly 250 million in funds, and was pried open in 3 seconds. It's simply invincible!"

Noticing the unusual movement on the market, many people among the wailing retail investors showed shocked expressions.

"Not only Fenda Technology, but tens of thousands of orders from Hua Qingbao and Changqu Technology were also directly pried open."

"There are also a number of early popular stocks such as Wangsu Technology, LeTV, Huake Financial, Tianyu Information, Tonghuashun, Xinwei Communication... etc., all have very obvious correlation changes, and each stock has funds to buy the bottom. The amount of energy is no less than ten million levels, so’s so strong!”

"Has the index bottomed out? Has the opportunity for a reversal arrived?"

"Is it the 'national team' funds that are protecting the market? Or are the large small and medium-sized board and GEM index funds passively buying at this time?"

“Have you ever seen ‘national team’ funds protect the market over small and medium-sized enterprises and GEM?”

"It is impossible for Huajin and Huijin to waste funds on concept stocks. Banks and two barrels of oil are where Huajin and Huijin control the market. They are also where the 'national team' macro-control index exists. In other fields, think of 'Huajin' Jin, Huijin' take over, don't dream about it."

"Then this large amount of funds is almost indiscriminately buying at the bottom and buying to protect the market. What does it mean?"

"No matter what it means, at this time... even the gods can't save the market. Just one word, 'sell' is enough, and there is no need to worry about the rest."

"Novices die from chasing highs, and veterans die from buying lows. At this time, market liquidity is completely exhausted. At this time, buying lows and catching flying knives is simply courting death."

"Agree, if it collapses, whoever picks up will be stupid."

"Let it be bought, hundreds of stocks have dropped to the limit, and panic selling has been emerging in the entire market. Confidence has collapsed, and no one has taken the order. I see how much capital it has to stabilize the market."

"Cheating, all counterattacks are all cheating."

"Look, the GEM index will have to fall back to a drop of more than 8 points later. No one can save the situation."

"Disgusting, the Shanghai index has turned red again."

"The harder the banks and the two barrels of oil pull, the stronger the Shanghai stock index is supported, and the worse the liquidity in the two cities feels."

"Nonsense, the Shanghai stock index is strongly supported, funds are hedging, and under the inducement of the two main forces of 'Huajin and Huijin', they are all pouring into banks and two barrels of oil. Can the market liquidity not get worse and worse? It can be said... …At this time, the red plate of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index does not have a positive effect at all, but a negative effect.”

In the heated discussion among everyone...

In the entire market, the confidence of retail investors has not improved at all, and market liquidity is still seriously lacking.

In this way, even if Su Yu and Li Mengling traders poured in two to three billion in funds, they could not really save the situation.

At 1:32, after the small and medium-sized board and GEM indexes rebounded briefly, due to the strong support of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the influence of panic among active funds on the market, they were forced to rush to "banks and two barrels of oil" to escape on a large scale. risk, resulting in a further lack of market liquidity, and the two major market indexes fell rapidly again under the surging panic selling.

However, no matter how low the index goes, no matter how panic selling in the entire market intensifies.

Starting from 1:25, the bottom-buying funds gathered on the stock market of the two core popular concepts of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' have never disappeared, and are still buying chips continuously. Undertake all the panic selling that hits the market downward.

Finally, 1:42.

Inside the Yanjing and Anlan Fund, in the trading room, Xie Wanting stared at the market and began to issue instructions, allowing traders to fully follow up on the operation of this fund. Buy positions on many popular concept stocks in the core main lines.

"Looking at what you're doing, you've discovered something, right?"

Looking at Xie Wanting's operation, Zhou Guohua asked with a smile.

Xie Wanting nodded slightly and said: "I feel that the focus at the moment is on 'Huake Financial, Oriental Fortune, Hengsheng Electronics, Flush, Jinzheng Shares, Great Wisdom, Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Fenda Technology, Xinwei Communications, The funds on the two core popular stocks of "Mobile Internet" and "Smartphone Industry Chain", such as Wangsu Technology and LeTV, are the funds of "Wealth Road"."

"Oh? What's the basis?" Zhou Guohua asked somewhat unexpectedly.

Xie Wanting shook her head and said, "No, it's just a feeling."

"Based on your feelings, how dare you be in this position and buy the bottom on a large scale at this time?" Zhou Guohua said, "It is easy to get buried when the market drops sharply! And in this case, once you are buried , the losses and retracements caused are not even a small amount."

"Novices die from chasing highs, veterans die from chasing lows."

"Under the influence of negative pressure, under the influence of emotions, under extreme circumstances, it is possible for the market to go no matter which way it goes."

"What's more, once a liquidity crisis occurs, the market will then be a pure 'Prisoner's Dilemma'. Selling funds will no longer rely on logic and fundamentals, just for pure risk hedging. Under such circumstances... the loss will be suppressed Losing orders and overlapping hold-up orders are all squeezing downwards, competing for the limited market liquidity, making it even easier to enter and harder to exit."

"Of course, it's more than just feelings." Xie Wanting smiled and continued, "I don't think the market will fall below the support platform during the early breakthrough. After all, the negative effects of the IPO restart have been realized, and the follow-up expectations are no better than today. It’s even worse, and this bad news has already been digested after the previous market decline and the withdrawal of well-informed main funds.”

"The market can go like this today..."

"It is entirely caused by the collective panic of retail investors and the support of the main institutions with no interests in the small and medium-sized board and the GEM."

“But precisely because of this, I think this is the real ‘blood money’ area of ​​the market.”

"As for the lack of liquidity, this is just the funds from all walks of life that have been evacuated in the early stage of the market. They want to wait for the market to finish pouring out panic and wait for a better entry and harvesting opportunity."

"As long as we can stabilize the market and make money, the problem of insufficient liquidity will not exist at all."

“Because this wave of early hedging and exit funds are basically well-informed asset management funds, or large hot money in the market. They are originally regular active funds in this market and will not have short positions. Or they keep their positions low for too long, after all, most of them have performance demands."

"There is some truth in saying that." Zhou Guohua nodded slightly, "If there is no liquidity problem, the extreme emotion is indeed almost the node where the market's long-short pattern changes."

"Yeah!" Xie Wanting nodded and smiled, "Actually, I still see the funds that are bargain hunting on the market of Fenda Technology, LeTV, Changqu Technology, Hua Qingbao... these stocks. Only then did I come up with the idea I just had, thinking that this is most likely the bottom of this round of market adjustment.”

“The funds hunting for the bottom of this stock are quite decisive.”

"Moreover, the amount of funds to be released is also very large, and the main focus is the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' that Wealth Road has fully controlled and guided before."

"That's why I guessed that this fund is Fortune Road's reversal of its main positions and regaining the bargaining chips from previous high sales."

"Of course, before seeing the Dragon and Tiger List..."

"I can only rely on these clues to guess. I don't know what the outcome will be."

"Okay!" After Zhou Guohua understood the logic of Xie Wanting's operation, he said nothing more, "Since you think it is right, then do what you think."

"Yeah!" Xie Wanting continued to respond.

Then, he turned his attention back to the trading board, and saw that at this time...

On the stock market, there are obviously more funds for bargain hunting related to the two core main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' than when she first made the move.

"Eh...has someone made the same choice as me?"

Noticing the abnormality on the board, Xie Wanting's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

And just as she guessed, at this time in the Magic City, inside Zexi Investment, in the trading room, Xu Xiang stared at the market and was telling Zhou Kan about the two core main lines of bargain hunting, 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'. Instructions for popular stocks to restore previously reduced fund positions.

"Mr. Xu, is there really no problem if we catch the flying knife like this?"

After executing Xu Xiang's buy order, Zhou Kan looked at the appalling market performance and inevitably still had some worries in his heart.

Xu Xiang replied calmly: "The funds just poured in at least 1.5 billion in one go. No one is afraid, so what are we afraid of?"

"Besides, the bad news fell and the market plummeted."

"Both the emotional catharsis and the index adjustment have been put in place. There are no major negative expectations in the later period. Now that the emotional catharsis has been completed, where can the market fall?"

“Also, as we did before, we reduced our main funds to avoid risks.”

"After the emotional catharsis is completed and the index falls to a low level, do you still want to enter the market and regain your chips?"

"Afraid? If you are dominated by fear, you are destined to miss a lot of market opportunities. It is obvious... the funds were rushing away just now. If we don't follow, the cost of getting back the chips will be high again."

"Okay!" Zhou Kan responded.

Regardless of the still tragic trend of the market at this moment, he began to instruct traders to follow up with large sums of money, vying for core concept stocks related to "mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain" where the main funds were obviously active.

And at the same time...

Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Xiniu Fund Company, internal trading room.

Fund manager Fang Xinsheng stared at the market of the two markets and noticed that there was a continuous stream of major funds plying their trade in core concept stocks related to 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain' at low levels. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and frown. Frowning, he said in surprise: "The market adjustment cycle has not completely ended, has it? Emotional catharsis and negative reactions are not fully in place. Are you starting to rush away at this time? How unreasonable!"

However, despite what he said, his actions did not stop for a moment.

While he was complaining, he immediately issued an order to the trading team leader Mou Zhengxing beside him: "Buy, buy, the two main lines of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain', the subsequent market is very likely to pick up again. After the bad news materializes, the expected direction of the market is still the strongest in these two main directions, and the main funds from all walks of life have rushed away in advance, which proves that everyone has a certain degree of convergence in logic. At this time, if you fall behind... you will have to worry about the follow-up. Chasing high.”

“Is it too early to buy the dip at this time?”

After hearing the trading order issued by Fang Xinsheng, General Manager Liu Xin couldn't help but ask.

Fang Xinsheng replied: "I originally thought we could wait a little longer, but the current market reaction does not allow us to wait any longer. The changes in funds on the market cannot fool anyone. It is already too late for us to take action at this time. Well, usually the bottoming of individual stocks and the bottoming of the index are not synchronized!"

"Strong stocks always adjust before the index and bottom out before the index."

"Currently, the main funds from all walks of life have begun to take action, and their goals are on the two core early stages of 'mobile Internet' and 'smartphone industry chain'."

"I dare to assert..."

"After this wave of adjustments, these two main-line related core popular stocks can still have a big market trend."

“Because there is no stronger expectation in this direction than in the entire market, and these popular stocks that have been repeatedly speculated before have been cleaned up enough after this wave of tragic adjustments, both in terms of chip structure and profit margins. The subsequent fund raising is effortless.”

After speaking, he did not wait for Liu Xin to respond.

Turning back to the trading team leader Mou Zhengxing, he repeated: "Buy, buy, at this time... there is nothing to hesitate at all."

Mou Zhengxing nodded and began to carry out Fang Xinsheng's instructions without any hesitation.

Subsequently, as the instructions are executed.

Tens of millions of orders have also followed the trend and gathered in many core concept stocks of "mobile Internet" and "smartphone industry chain" that are undergoing intense trading.

And with more and more bargain-hunting funds pouring into this field.

At 1:52, the surging panic orders began to be suppressed by bargain-hunting buying for the first time, and the stock prices of related stocks gradually moved upward.

At the same moment, Yuhang, Yuhang Investment Company, internal trading room.

Li Meng also discovered this phenomenon and reported to Su Yu: "Mr. Su, after we took over the market in this field, a large amount of follow-up funds have poured in. Now the selling has been completely suppressed. At our current position, according to the I couldn’t attract too many chips with the previous method…”

"After someone takes the lead, these guys... follow up very quickly!"

Su Yu sighed with emotion and continued, "In that case, there is no need to worry about it anymore. Let's pull the market upward to create more liquidity in the market. At the same time... we can also save this tragic market sentiment. The market has adjusted to this point. It’s time to end it!”

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